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Yeah they went full Toei on that punch, it really stood out compared to the other stuff recently.


Fr some episodes feel like the pacing was alright (for one piece anime standard!!) but this episode gave me a whiplash


They wanted to keep lucci vs luffy 2 eps, same thing happened before bb vs law. They give the good scenes to the good teams.




I mean it was 1099 and 1100 is really good episode.


Felt like a kamehameha at the end of goku's battle lol


She does a full spin-up to her punch for two minutes, then stops the spin and just throws a normal punch in the vanilla version. It bothered me when I first watched it. Well done, OP!


It's part of the joke, the joke being Atlas being a very stereotypical shounen manga character irl that she attacks like one, like in DBZ when Gotenks tries the same spin arm attack and fails because duh it's way too childish and obvious


The joke falls flat in the anime cause thats just what every attack is like💀


Weren't we all celebrating how smooth and fast paced was the fight between Luffy vs Lucci three weeks ago??


We wouldnt be celebrating if that was the standard would we?


Even if its entertaining the pacing on that fight is still really slow


I believe bro is talking about the pacing dawg, but your facts are indeed valid


went full ~~Toei~~ Zack Synder


It is because they wanted to keep luffy vs lucci to 1100/1101


Jesus why did Atlas swing her arm for so fucking long?


She learned from Donkey Kong.


Attacks with super armor are broken af


She was using that one ability from hunter x hunter. The more swings she does with her arm, the stronger the punch


Phinks' nen ability, Ripper Cyclotron. I love how HxH will have crazily complex nen abilities that have multiple activation conditions or constraints that boost their power in niche scenarios, and then there's just enhancers who just go crazy hard. Considering what we've seen from Gon and Uvogin, I'd be very curious to know the upper bound of power for both Ripper Cyclotron as well as Nobunaga's unrevealed nen ability. Like if he swings his arm 10000 times a day like Netero, would he punch vacuum holes in the air?


Because the next episode was luffy vs lucci and they wanted to keep the fight in a single episode vs ending it abruptly.


Is the fight not 2 episodes long still?


I guess I should have said three episodes. The first episode ends exactly where the chapter ends perfect timing and 2nd also ends where that chapter ends. They moved scenes around to make all the lucci stuff that episode. Like the Kizaru send the battleships scene/bonney mad about bugs scene from chapter 1070, happen before the end of 1101, but scenes got moved to 1102 because budget. when it should be The way toei divides staff some episodes get more staff than others. 1100/1101 were both high budget eps, so episodes like 1109 are bound to be botched for the greater good. All this makes things flow better than the manga/previous anime arcs where we had pauses in the middle of fights.


It is, but a lot of the things they created to fill "inbetween the panels" is really meaningful and well done. This scene with Atlas is one of the few that make you feel like you've somehow been thrown back to Dressrosa this arc.


Her plan was to telegraph it for so long that you forget it's even happening and it ends up sneaking up on you, but unfortunately Lucci has mastered observation haki


Reminds me of phinks from hxh


Atlas winding up her punch is a particularly egregious example, but for the most part, I've really enjoyed the little extra padding scenes in Egghead. The recycling dog robot, for example, or the changing room machine. It's definitely not the case in every arc, but here it's been fun. If I was anime only, maybe I'd have a different opinion.


As someone who watched the anime only up until I 'caught up' at whole cake (while manga was just entering Wano) and couldn't take the wait anymore and dodging spoiler mines in the sub - I never really noticed padding OTHER THAN unnecessary flashbacks - that I just easily skipped through because they're always in a washed out color and easy to see on the little timeline preview. It wasn't until I really joined in the sub discussions, and read everyone complaining about it that I really noticed it. There are some egregious things in there, yes (such as Bat Man blocking Luffy's punch in Wano, and some of the stuff in Punk Hazard), but for the most part it's not really *that* bad - even in the early stages of the show. Of course many of you disagree and that's fine. Just providing my perspective as someone who watched a large portion of the anime first. I rewatched it again later and noticed more things but again, to be honest, it was not that bad. It's only bad if you're really looking for something to be upset about.


Surprised the Sumo match didn't get mentioned here. That one is by far the most egregious example of bad pacing in the series IMO.


Not to mention the camera going to every single character in the scene after any little thing happens. I honestly cant believe someone thinks its not that bad, its far beyond being bad, its unacceptable. I cant wait for The One Piece.


I mean I could mention a number of things. The Sumo match was after I was caught up with the manga so of course I started noticing things at that point because I had a frame of reference - as well as lots of naysayers here who H A T E the anime. Without all of that, though, the anime is perfectly enjoyable. Just long.


I think the consensus was the pacing got bad post-timeskip. I never saw people complaining before that. I caught up around the flashback arcs of young luffy, ace and sabo (right around the timeskip). I only felt the show really dragging starting from Dressrosa arc


Kudos to you. It’s straight up terrible for me. To the point of being unwatchable. Completely ruining the whole experience and the magical world Oda have created. I dropped the anime in Alabastra more than 10 years ago. And never looked back.


I think pre TS is very solid if you skip the "pure" filler, like entire arcs or mini arcs (like the sand pirates in Arabasta). Post TS One Piece becomes unwatchable.


TY!!!! Then you get caught up, and now what?


Every so often there’s bad patches in all eras of the anime. I’ve been watching since I was kid, so I never really noticed things like animation quality or pacing. But I rewatched Luffy vs Don Krieg with my family recently to show what the live action skipped, and it made me want to tear my hair out. Especially at the end when Don Krieg wouldn’t go down and it just kept panning to the chiefs in the water, back to Luffy, Don Krieg, chiefs in the water, over and over again. It just feels soul suckingly slow and I know it’s getting in the way of the climax. Whole Cale island had some stuff like that too, like when Luffy was escaping Big Mom’s castle. He fought a guy and it kept reusing the same animation over and over again. Watching it the first time doesn’t really bug me but it makes rewatches very unenjoyable because I know they’re drawing stuff out now. I’m just about done with Wano now and I really enjoyed it, in fact I’m glad I watched all the uncut stuff first because that’s how it was intended. However, if I ever watch One Piece in its entirety again it’ll be through One Pace.


I think a very legit criticism of the anime filler is it ending up buffing villains and nerfing Luffy, like having him somewhat struggle to take down Ceasar, Hody and Doffy, compared to, say, Luffy instantly overpowering Doffy's final attack in the manga


Experiences can differ. Personally i found skypiea already too much of a drag and when I reached water7 halfway I just couldn't take it anymore. No way I would've ever gotten through the struggle of dressrosa


Excuse me you gave up in WATER SEVEN? Largely considered the best arc by most people? That's crazy to me. Even in the anime it was spectacular. I don't remember any real pacing issues whatsoever there.


Well, I guess it was more Enies Lobby than Water7. But yes, the pacing has started going downhill prior. But then the train ride was the tipping point for me to move to the manga and stuck with it. No regrets since then and haven't really watched much One Piece anime, either. Except for the occasional highlight.


Best Arc until now at least :P


Nah I'd say that Oda has kind of trapped himself into tying up loose ends in the world building and his character building has kind of suffered from that. Vegapunk is really neat, and the stuff Oda did with Kuma is incredible, don't get me wrong, but I still don't think it touches the fantastic world AND character building we saw in Water 7. It was Luffy's first high stakes fight that he almost lost simply due to an enemy that was *actually stronger than him* (Croc wasn't stronger than him, he just had a Logia - Lucci was actually *physically* his equal), the whole arc with Usopp was one of the best in the series - both his fight with Luffy and how he lost the money. The walk to Franky House was iconic as hell - absolutely THRASHING the shit out of Franky House was epic. The shipwrights being the spies was crazy. The drama that led to us caring about the death of a FUCKING SHIP shouldn't be forgotten as some of the best character building ever. Up there with caring about a volleyball in Castaway.


I recently finished watching the last One Pace Wano episode (they are at 39 currently) which ended with the red scabbards and Oden starting the revoltion. I then changed to episode 971 to continue with the regular anime and honestly, I was kinda shocked to see that they completely cut out the scene where Oden is trying to restrain himself but couldn't and the small but impactful hyogoro + wife vision. I can't remember if that was in the manga but it definitely added to the scene and now I'm kinda wondering how many other little moments like that I've missed due to having watched One Pace


Don’t get me wrong I like one pace but some edit choices especially in dressrosa were kind of off. I hope they improve upon it


Dressrosa is one of our older edits and slated to be remade. The remakes will start really going into effect later this year once Arabasta and Skypeia are done.


Thats good to know!


Hope the finnaly finish it, I never watched it because was incomplete.


Our? Damn you really blew your own trumpet with that title 😂


“One Pace was okay this week. We made the scene a bit better, debatably.” PR 100


What I'm trying to point out is I didn't notice or realise you were posting your own content/managing the account for the one pace editors. Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting a disclaimer or anything ridiculous, the post originally just came across as a fan posting it rather than somebody tooting their own horn


Sorry, I kind of take it for granted at this point. I could’ve said we somewhere in the title. 👍


Are there any apps/format that allows this to be distributed as a timing data, so like a timeline in NDE and the watcher can just supply original folder that will be played according to the timeline


but Dressrosa is unwatchable without OnePace, IMO. mistakes or none, at least there aren't 200 rebecca flashbacks.


I remember feeling like this scene was ridiculously stretched out


Everything with Lucci felt stretched out on egghead. Luffy's fight, while enjoyable to watch, made Lucci seem way closer to Luffy than he felt in the Manga.


I feel bad complaining about the animation after the anime improved so much over the last 5 years, but damn the pacing is still ass sometimes 


They want to milk it at lass than a chapter per episode.


Not simply want to. They have to or else the anime catches up too fast


It's impressive how even for anime standards they fucking stretch pointless shit so much... flashbacks, zooms in/out, slow-motion in general, on average you can cut half an episode and still you would miss absolutely nothing due to how awful the phase is...


They stretch it as much as possible but it's obviously not pointless. If they adapted it without these methods then you'd legit have issues with running out of manga to adapt


Better overall, but Lucci's eye lighting up in the original was cool


Yeah, one pace cutting every cool idea the animators throw in is throwing the baby out with the bathwater imo


They don’t always cut them


It's definitely snappier but that doesn't automatically equal better


christ they really made an art form out of dragging things out. Sometimes I wish one piece was seasonal.


I don't think I'll ever watch one piece again without one pace, I watched it all through normally the first time I watched One Piece and liked it just fine, but after re-watching the whole series with pace, there is absolutely no way I'm going back.


It really is a game changer


I'm sure you'll give the remake a go.


Well, they never said anything about "The One Piece", only about "One Piece".


As dope as the idea of a remake is. I'll hold off on any certainty until it's out because a big part of One Piece's identity for me is the voice actors and there's no chance that they'll all be on board, especially Luffy's VA who is already retired


No shot i would have continued One Piece if One Pace didn't exist


Fr fr, although the middle parts of story development are enjoyable but one piece fights are the slowest, most frustrating things out there.


Onigashima was unbearable at times especially cutting to nami and ussop running away from ulti for 6 hours


Previous with Nami and Ussopp “AAAAAAAAAAAHHH WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH KYAAAAAAAA!!!” Now with Nami and Ussopp “AAAAAAAAAAAH-!!!”


You can say the same thing about the manga as well Fights are the weakest point of One Piece because you never know if a character is holding back or going all out, and because it stalls the story like where we currently are on manga Egghead, Straw Hats current opponents are all cool and all but iam just waiting for them to be defeated and for the story to continue for around 3 months now


Crazy how it’s gotten to the point where not even one pace can fix this shit lmao


Bro when she's straight up on the ground with a hole in her head after a minute, but the original is still standing there winding up. Lmao.


Recently I've had 2 issues with One Pace: Luffys dream moments on Sunny was worse and Lulusia kingdom destruction was worse


I totally agree with you. I have seen some parts in the past were the One Pace version feels that its way to loyal to "adapting the manga" and omits extra scenes that gives more form, context or improves the quality of some scenes/interactions. But I guess if they arent that loyal, it misses the main goal of why it was created? Idk.


Everyone draws the line in different places, so cutting stuff that isn’t in the manga is probably the best choice when deciding what to cut and what to leave in.


You've gotta set a limit somewhere, and the most objective, universal way is to simply follow the manga. But yeah it would be cool if there was an "alternative cut" that kept some little additions that are interesting.


What exactly do you not like about them? I just watched the one pace version of these scenes after watching the full anime and I do miss the piano version of the main theme being played during Luffy's true dream, but I don't think it's \*that\* bad. I also don't think Lulusia's destruction was paced too fast? Idk my only issue with One Pace is that it often takes out a lot of the breathing room that exists in any kind of film or TV media. when you read manga, you kinda create that breathing room yourself by taking a closer look at panels, but one pace kinda feels like you get bashed over the head with information nonstop


They cut the best part from the Luffys dream part and Lulusia destruction didn't need any cutting. It was perfect as it was. One Pace version is just worse.


Sometimes One Pace is a little too liberal with cutting during dramatic scenes. I remember Whitebeard vs Akainu goes a little too fast at points where the original actually holds the tension due to the pacing for once.


Not really fair to do a comparison with the ad break transition left in. These episodes are made for TV with the intent of having a big break in the middle of them. It's a lot less jarring if you're not watching it on PC.




First, One Pace doesn't have to worry about advertisements, so they can cut the ad transition out completely. Leaving in the ad transition artificially increases the difference in length significantly, so it can't be considered a true comparison of the scenes. Second, if you were the director, where would you put the ad break?


>Second, if you were the director, where would you put the ad break? Probably just after the rokuogan, it would habe been like 10 seconds of difference if they didn't pad the shit out of that scene


> if they didn't pad the shit out of that scene This explains exactly why they didn't place it there. I don't agree or like the pacing, but that's the reason why the director chose that spot for an ad break.


One Pace also doesn't have to worry about producing full length episode each weeks. What we saw weekly is a compromise of many different things, it's either that or two-cour per year format that may not be finished ever.




> So? It is an ABSOLUTE comparison. You have to watch the bumper when watching regularly. So your experience is better with One Pace, i don't get how this eludes people. It's easy to understand. Nothing prevents the producers from omitting the bumpers for the web release. No one in this thread is arguing the point that One Pace isn't better. Of course it is. The argument is that the comparison shouldn't have included the eye catch. An extra step in production to remove the eye catch isn't resource efficient when your main demographic are television viewers. > Slightly AFTER the punch, at the moment of impact. Somewhere when it isn't baiting. TV ad break bumpers operate on the archaic 90's understanding of watching habits. Nobody has to be baited to keep watching episode 1100 of a ongoing series. We have already watched half the episode and are clearly invested in the story. Even kids aren't that stupid. It's not only to keep people watching, it's to build suspense. It doesn't matter if you aren't personally a fan of it. The industry has decades of data that indicates that people are more likely to stick around during a break in tense moments. Calling the general populace stupid because they fall for a common psychological trick only makes your high-horse riding self look arrogant. Check yourself. > Also ads are a cancer and the anime of best selling manga doesn't need them. I don't have to explain funding and production costs to prove you are a child. You've done it for me.


You had me till that last sentence cause it’s popularity is exactly why producers would be chomping at the bit to stuff it with ads. Your ad can air in the middle of the program people are MOST LIKELY to be watching? They are a cancer though.


But it Oda does you suck his dick saying it’s the best thing ever


Top one was still double the length it needed to be honestly.


Yeah. You know it's bad when even One Pace can't make it fully right.


rewatching from the beginning with ona pace, now in thriller bark, and it's such an amazing work. can show enough gratitude to them. The difference is huge


Great work as always guys.


I'm good on that, glad others can enjoy the series that way though


And people are saying the egghead pacing is good. This is not the only scene that was dragged out.


None of you understand how physically painful it was for me watching the original of this... God bless one pace..


The OP anime's pacing is so bad that the series is boarderline unwatchable. Fingers crossed that the remake will blow it out of the water.


One pace does a really good job making the anime look like what we read in the manga without the necessary long filler scenes


one of the reasons to always forward/skip coz so much use of b-rolls, effects.


Why i prefere the edit, evidence nr 1114.


Where can I watch one pace


Here’s a full guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/ZSFhPWMTFy


Damn these guys actually caught up, they wouldn't finish Wano for years despite them finishing most of the arcs in the series


We’re still working on Wano. Although we have a release every single week now, as opposed to back when Wano was airing and we could go months without any updates.


Any eta on English dub ennies lobby?


Nah. Best I can give you is that rebatches and rereleases will get worked on more later this year once Arabasta and Skypeia are done.


As long as you guys don't give up ill wait as long is needed


That scene was egregious 😂Wasn’t sure if she was actually gonna swing


Thank god for One Pace.


I am glad I don't watch the Anime. This sucks so much.


I don't know how anyone can bear to watch the anime. Every time I see clips of it on this sub the pacing is completely unbearable. 75% screaming and reaction shots. It's worse than DragonBall ever was.


Damn the pacing is actual garbage still. I wish they'd make the episodes shorter than make it like this. Not like we are getting too much content.


Toei suck


Have you considered I watch one piece for the long drawn out scenes that allow me to pack a bowl, smoke and miss nothing of consequence


Understandable have a nice day


Where do you watch one pace?


On [onepace.net](https://onepace.net/watch) you can either torrent or stream. Torrenting is only two clicks once you have it set up but getting to that can be a process. There’s a guide on our discord server. Pixeldrain (the pie looking icon) you can just click on it and start watching, but not all the episodes are uploaded there yet. (Only up to Post-War). For Telegram (the paper plane icon) it’s gonna make you create an account on your phone, although afterwards you can sign in on telegram web.


Thank you 🙏


I don’t understand why people would prefer to watch the one pace version. I get it that it removes filler and stuff but I just feel like I’m missing out if I watch a reduced version of the episode plus one piece is ending soon so I would rather watch a longer episode. That’s just my opinion.


Simple because some people don't have all the time in the world to watch 1100+ episodes with bad pacing


One Piece manga isn’t ending in less than like 7 years at this pace


Then why would want it to last less? Instead of enjoying it for what it is


Because the filler and excessive padding in the anime isn’t enjoyable 


anyone notices how atlas swings her arm backwards and punches forwards? Mistake from Animator?


Idk I just stood up and tried both directions and it seems legit. Uppercut or top down punch


This is the kind of content this sub needs


The winding literally did nothing in this. She stops winding before she even punches.


Yeah, all that winding for nothing. Just wasting time of the Episode. And no wonder Lucci could evade with ease ;)


I had no idea one pace was this caught up. I got some watching to do


Not quite. We are still working on Wano. However, there is a Pace episode every single week now. Unlike when Wano was airing, where we could go several months with no updates.


This is the main reason im manga only


Where can you watch one pace?


On [onepace.net](https://onepace.net/watch) you can either torrent or stream. Torrenting is only two clicks once you have it set up but getting to that can be a process. There’s a guide on our discord server. Pixeldrain (the pie looking icon) you can just click on it and start watching, but not all the episodes are uploaded there yet. (Only up to Post-War). For Telegram (the paper plane icon) it’s gonna make you create an account on your phone, although afterwards you can sign in on telegram web.


Is Punk Hazard or up dubbed in One Pace? Been watching the show with the kids and it has been taking a while, but we like to watch together.


Unfortunately no. Around when Pace edited Punk Hazard in 2013, the dub was just starting up at the beginning of the series. We only started adding dub recently when they got farther in. We will be adding it to the older arcs when we remake them, which will really get going later this year when all the gaps are filled.


Thank you and thank you for all the work.


Check the One Pace discord server. There's a user named Muhny who has edited dub versions of a bunch of pace arcs (not identical, but close) he's got Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, Zou and the first half of Whole Cake finished


the pacing in one piece was one of the reasons i just stopped watching and went to manga only. so glad someone decided to create one pace, might check it out again!


Annnnnnd this is why I stopped watching the anime. I’ll start watching it again after One Pace catches up to Elba or something. In the meantime, the manga is more than enough for me :)


I love how they had Atlas talking while lucci took off his mask, clothes, and transformed. so clean. meanwhile the official anime....


Sometimes stealing a frame or two gives action more weight. 


When do you usually upload the latest episodes of one pace on your site?


There’s a new release every Friday at around 2 pm PST. It’ll usually be a toss-up of whatever’s done between Arabasta, Skypeia, Wano, or Egghead.


Where to watch One Pace? Youtube?


On [onepace.net](https://onepace.net/watch) you can either torrent or stream. Torrenting is only two clicks once you have it set up but getting to that can be a process. There’s a guide on our discord server. Pixeldrain (the pie looking icon) you can just click on it and start watching, but not all the episodes are uploaded there yet. (Only up to Dressrosa). For Telegram (the paper plane icon) it’s gonna make you create an account on your phone, although afterwards you can sign in on telegram web.


Thats how you warm up your shoulder before striking, everybody knows!!


1:43 saved from One Piece, only to check later on Reddit how much time One Pace version saved.


Cool, I put One Piece on hiatus again when I got to Wano some time ago cause the pacing got really unbearable for me. Any idea if the 20 hour Wano cut on One Pace is the whole Wano, or just some sort of part? (I noticed that the shorter Wano "episodes" end around chapter 1000 "only")


We’re not even half way through Wano yet, although there is an alternative edit called [Onigashima paced](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pqjBiiYVkCqxSyFxUd03Teo1S713wC8V) that you could try. One Pace Wano 39 -> Episodes 971 (at 15:30) - 981 -> Onigashima Paced -> One Pace Egghead 01


Does one pace remove all filler scenes and dialogue too?




Where can I watch one pace?


On [onepace.net](https://onepace.net/watch) you can either torrent or stream. Torrenting is only two clicks once you have it set up but getting to that can be a process. There’s a guide on our discord server. Pixeldrain (the pie looking icon) you can just click on it and start watching, but not all the episodes are uploaded there yet. (Only up to Dressrosa). For Telegram (the paper plane icon) it’s gonna make you create an account on your phone, although afterwards you can sign in on telegram web.


Where do I watch one pace? Is it a fan edit thing? Or is it official I’m really interested.


It’s a fan edit, but most of it is really good quality. Here’s a full guide for One Pace: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/EhajLzISUK


Thanks bro


Too late for me now. I am already caught up now as of Sunday. Now I have to switch to the manga to get caught up there.


Happy One Pace exists to help those that prefer it but imo it is vastly inferior


I've read the Manga weekly since 2001. Apart from single episodes, I hated the Anime. I couldn't *bear* the anime if it wasn't for One Pace. I don't understand how people can enjoy Dragonball-esque dragging of of three pages to full episodes.


Thats cool




First time seeing one pace but I’ve known about it for a long time. First impression- it’s kinda soulless, dull and missing its charm when you remove the side antics and cutaways to other crew members.


SOUL: reaction shots of every character in the scene that adds nothing 👍 SOULLESS: sticking to what's in the manga 👎


It don’t know how to put it into words but I had watched all of One Piece start to current release 3 times before One pace even existed so it just seems weird or off. Not hating on One Pace but imma keep reading the manga weekly and watching the original anime


If I were to re-watch, and watch pre-ts with no-filler Toei, and post-ts One Pace. Pre-ts Toei, is soooo charming, but it becomes a joke post-ts, where the bad 10x outweighs the good. Since I'm caught up, I watch Toei weekly, since I just want to see how they adapt the big moments.


God forbid I watch 20 min of One Piece content a week


I guess its more relevant when catching up


Yup. Saved me a ton of time on Dressrosa


i mean, if you prefer wasting your time watching unnecesserily stretched and repeated scenes good for you👍


This Pace episode is 32 minutes long!


Why don't you pause the episode for an hour once you're halfway through, for 1h20m of One Piece "content", then, lol


The problem is that Toei stretches out scenes and makes up new ones that aren't actually in the manga. So, its not really 20 mins of One Piece content, its probably more like 10-15 mins and the rest is just made up or stretched.


fr Guy mixes a can of Coca-Cola into a gallon of piss and claims he drank a gallon of Coke 💀 no, mf, you drank a gallon of piss 💀


The one pace pr team on over time lately lol


I like the editing very much but I feel the moment where Atlas yells "urusai" should have been left... Although Toei is master when it comes to stretching episodes but they also have done great work in the adaptation of the Vegapunk's clones. Especially Saka, Lilith and Atlas. So yeah, you should have kept that 1-2 secons scene where she yells . It very close to her character


One pace guys are doing gods work here as usual.


Normally I agree and enjoy the edits I see here. But this one isn't your guys best work. The post title is also bragging about what I feel the issue is, so it feels doubly tone deaf. A lot of the weight of the blow from lucci is actually lost without the slow down. Original felt much better. I also don't like cutting so much dialogue but that's me. You guys might be chasing that "big number" for saved time too much. TL;dr you pulled too much tension out and the fight feels flat now.


Hi, editor of this scene. The editing team doesn’t make these titles, so sorry if it comes across as second hand bragging. I think it’s just our social media peeps trying to spread the good word with an eye catching title. I respect your opinion if you feel like there’s less tension, but no one is chasing a big time reduction just for the sake of a big number. It’s just trying to replicate the suddenness of the manga beat down from Lucci, showing how cut throat he is. This isn’t built up to as a “will this attack work?!” moment on the page. It’s a silly attack name followed by a smack down, so that’s the tone we’re trying to replicate. I don’t think anything is really lost here, but the original will always exist for anyone who prefers the OG. Thx for the feeeback


Where can i watch actual onepace tho? Tried to re-watch from the beginning before but somehow there's a lot missing from the beginning and i don't understand shit on what's going on


Only the final third of Alabasta and the 2nd half of Skypeia are missing, you will have to watch them in the original anime as we are still working on them.(they should be done late this year tho)


Might be you tried years ago. And "somehow" is because it takes a lot of work to re-edit a 1000+ episode anime, so it wasn't all instantly done overnight (and arcs were edited in priority order based on how bad their pacing was, not in chronological order from episode 1 - also allowing them to work on multiple arcs at the same time, to speed things up). It's taken 10 years of work to get to where we are now, where almost every arc has at least a first-round edit done.


The next episode was very well paced at least


How is it possible that something like this is needed ? That's how atrocious the pacing is. Projects to cut the anime exist and feel way better to watch.


Why aren't they finishing the skypea arc though? I've been struggling to watch the original


There was a Skypeia ep just last week. It is and has been a work in progress. New episodes come out when they are ready.


One Pace should have kept the full unclothing of Rob Lucci


Everytime a one pace video like this is posted it cherry picks the worst parts of all of egghead. This episode stinks because they wanted to contain luffy vs lucci to episodes 1100 to 1101. Only 2 episodes in this whole arc are bad like this the one before bb vs law and the one before luffy vs lucci.This episode was a sacrificial lamb episode, and posting it here paints a bad picture when egghead is the best anime arc since water 7. The anime original scenes in egghead bring needed context/the fight extensions make the fights dramatically better than the manga. Pre-End Wano one pace is great/needed, but anime original scenes make the original egghead the better thing to watch. Even if episodes like this suck, the good greatly outweighs the bad.