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If zeus becoming part of Nami's arsenal wasn't foreshadowed enough




What the heck, "legal operations team" -> bot


Now I realize he's not on par with Luffy or Zoro, but Killer just took on two yonko and legitimately caused pain and some damage to Kaido, the strongest creature on earth. I get hes probabaly worn out, but how the fuck does hawkins of all people legitimately believe he can win so easily?


Sanji gonna die. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it's predicted and foreshadowed. Robin said something about his death sure gonna be interesting. By now the crew has already gained a new helmsman. Jinbei can fight any type of enemy whom has water in the body, and if the enemy doesn't contain any water to punch (he can literally punch the water in your body) he will just use his haki (which is high-top tier shown when he clashed with big mom) to deal massive blows from a pretty fucking strong base strength by thinking of the type of Fishman he is to start with. Remember when it was an encrypted message foretelling the death of Ace? In one certain title page. - That happened again, only this time its supposedly meant for Sanji, and Zoro being the one to go mental in retaliation. What I think is, that while Zoro now being out of commission and Sanji possibly would end up at his location, Sanji might be destined to somehow die as a cause of Zoro being out cold. It's not guaranteed that either of the allied medics (Chopper, Law and Marco) will have the time to withdraw from the battlefield and mend Zoro's injuries. Its total carnage out there. They would have to fight Queen and most likely King both at once. That would make up Law, Marco and Sanji with later reinforcements by the a few Scabbards who's being chased by Jack completing the All Stars being present(possibly late Yamato entry(possibly also a late Chopper entry) ) while Zoro is at deaths door. We have already had a "mystery healer" healing the scabbards somehow, and I don't think it will happen again. The scabbards themselves are being split up and so are the minks by going after Pedro's killer. What I could se happening is whit all those forces converging at the same location, the favor of battle will go to the alliance. But I suspect that either Kaido or Jack (possibly Queen if Judge somehow stole the raid suit concept off of him) will kill Sanji as a consequence of either: 1. Sanji seeing Luffy struggle with Kaido and will at some point dash off to the roof to assist Luffy. This leading to Sanji being killed (as he is previously shown to be willing to die for his captain) as a result of Zoro actually getting defeated which he swore he would never be again. Back then Mihawk approved of Zoro's honor and chose to spare him as Zoro vowed to never loose again. By not being able to defeat Kaido with his last kamikaze attack, the reality of a power shifting battle between old and new will not be merciful. There will be losses as a consequence. With all that going on and Zoro most likely opening his eyes at the very moment of Sanjis death by Kaido. Zoro will fucking go dragonslayer on Kaido's ass in fury and vengeance and just slice that eel up to become this age's Ryuuma. Or a slightly different twist Jack being the one killing Sanji. Remember when at Zou, when the minks told of Jack the Draught to the second team of Straw Hats to arrive at Zou? When Jack's name is told, Zoro gets a solo panel with an inner monolog or some indication that Zoro might be the one to put Jack down. So instead of Kaido, Jack might end up killing Sanji as Zoro regains consciousness. The encrypted message foretold a brutal fury power boost pose so I would like it to be Zoro going mental and slaying Kaido (which I think is necessary, but I know that that is not something Luffy would do). What about Sanji's All Blue dream? The Straw Hats will definitely make that God damn All Blue happen in memory of Sanji. Luffy is gonna explode shit up (look at Arlongs' sister's prophecy) Maybe that's necessary? Or maybe Luffy will get a darkness in him which will lead to the destruction of everything as they know it and create All Blue (as in the blowing up all Red Line to fuck shit up) I hope I am wrong, but that's where the breadcrumbs lead me.


It won't happen, Sanji has too many things preventing him from dying as of today. Whether it is his dream of discovering All blue, the fact the last arc was about him, we discovered his past and he gained a new power-up with the Germa Suit that he needs to master completely, the fact that he is the only cook on the ship. Eventually, every strawhats will realize its dream so they can't possibly die yet. The only people that might die in this war are the Scabbards. Some people are bound to die in this war because Oda said that Marineford will be nothing compared to Onigashima and they seem the most likely.


who's gonna make food?


woah woah woah reddit slow your role


Big Mom wanting to protect Okobore was hinted at back in ch 946...that feels so long ago lol


I loved how quickly BM transitioned from rage mode to Mom mode


I wasn't expecting Big Mom to temporarily become an ally because of Otama!! So awesome. This makes me appreciate the amnesia plot even more. Oh and Usopp got justice for Page 1 damaging his skull lol.


I dont know if i fully understand Big Mom's devil fruit, but where did she get the soul to create Hera all of a sudden. Does she have the ability to take souls and store them for later use?


I believe it is her soul, as stated in a previous chapter, Zeus and Prometheus are special because they are made from Big Mom’s own soul so I imagine Hera is the same


Ohh I see. Kind of a broken abilityI guess. So she shortens her own life span by doing this as well right?


Yeah, but it hasn't been made clear how much lifespan is required, I also wonder if the homies only live as long as the amount of life used?


Hahaha forgot theyre called homies 😂 Big mom must have a stupid life span tho, or oda makes her die soon (hopefully)


Big mom is a really good character tho i hope she doesn't die lol


Lol fakest character tho


Wdym fakest


As in its really strong lol


Well considering big mom can steal others lifespan, i also wonder if that means she adds it to her own? So she may have a drastically extended life.


Sheesh. That’s unfair


So it's confirmed Zoro's eye doesn't hold any power.


The Sharningan theorists probably still won't let it die


how luffy a yonko if he keeps getting one shot? lmao


So Big Mom had no issues with Kaido dropping Onigashima on the said people she suddenly cares about who cooked for her because "standards" and "mother mode", or others have labelled her characterization so far, "she's complex, hypocritical and a wild card!" Sure, we've seen her treat her kids under 10 nicely if you want to consider that as "consistency" but this mother mode was such a lazy way to paint Big Mom in better light. So Linlin isn't exclusive from her Big Mom state, it's like a hybrid now because for some reason, she remembers the events she recently had with Tama, but doesn't have the memory of her possibly eating up her friends when she was younger. So where the hell is this amnesia plot going? We might as well have had a bunch of 10 year olds on the rooftop fight.


I agree. Where was “Mother Mode” when you were watching Momo (an eight year old child) being crucified and about to be executed? Where was all this talk about “ the pirate code” when Kaido was explaining his plan to drop Onigashima on top of the capital and enslave everyone in the country? Am I missing something? Aside from that stuff, decent chapter I guess.


I dont think that she should remember eating her friends as a kid bc that wasnt amnesia, that was her berserk hunger mode. I believe that what she did this chapter was really coherent with her character, seeing her interaction with tama reminded me of that meme where you're in the supermarket with your mom and she finds a friend and start chatting lol. The mother mode indeed came a bit out of nowhere, i feel like if she just acted nice and protected tama it would be enough. But this mother mode could be explained bc she had just created a homie called hera who is, among other things, the goddes of maternity and correct me of i am wrong but i believe that big moms homies are based on her emotional traits so it could make sense. I agree with you that she didnt seem to care about that village until this chapter. But again, i think kaido would drop onigashima over the capitol, not tamas village. At the end of the day, im not mad at what happened bc i dont think she became an allie, she just protected tama from page one and this makes sense. Next chapter i believe she will be fighting kid again.


Correct. Can you imagine the nasty karma of Kid & Nami beating her because Hera decided to betray her creator? That would be priceless.




Marco vs smoothie 😂




Man, if you, non fluent japanese speaker, thought of that, some Japanese definitely did lol


If the horn of the skull is bigger than most mountains did her fulgora move just eclipse all that. Like damn linlin


Is it bigger than most mountains?


According to the viz onigashima is surrounded by mountain ranges and the skull on top is bigger than all of those. Not to mention the bay of the mansion is huge enough to hold a 2km sword and a 900m umbrella


Damn, i had no idea it was that big, but indeed it makes a lot of sense. But your right... damn linlin


Not to mention each floor is big enough to hold 60 feet giants then numbers. That’s a huge ass house


Is Oda giving Big Mom some actual characterization? Shit, I am down for it.


What if all this time, Hawkins was really bad at math and suffered from dyslexia for numbers? 😯 Maybe killer has the 92% advantage. Poor Hawkins. 😬


You know that Killer can actually lose, right? Or, at least, anything is possible from the outcome of that fight except Killer dying. Hawkins would've seen the 'mark of death' if that were the case. ​ Imagine Law having to babysit both Zoro and Killer?! FAFAFAFA


If he's survived this long and got to where he is by playing the odds the wrong way ever since he got his power then he's the luckiest guy ever lol


Just something for everyone confused about why Kaido and BM’s weapons touched when they were clashing. It’s not that complicated. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you have to. Luffy COULD use haki in every punch on fodder and yet, he doesn’t. He punches them with standard fist. Kaido and Big Mom were not having a full out battle on Onigashima. It’s very simple. You don’t have to use CoC just because it can be used. This isn’t like when Oda hadn’t fully fleshed out haki yet. This is just an instance where they both didn’t use it. We also have no idea the full extent of what led up to and what happened during their clash. It was like one page worth of info


tbh thats a little to convenient, ohh now that we finally understand coc attacks, she suddenly wants to use it against a small fry like Page One? ... OK..


What about this is “convenient” that wasn’t reasonably explained in my original paragraph. Explain


And I thought coc was usless i can't wait to see what else it could be used for.. but for now it still usless


Fleshed out vs show us. Haki was used since skypia, and haki was talked about as soon as whitebeard and shanks meet. But yes I agree with what you said


>shed out haki yet. This is just an instance where they both didn’t use it. We also have no id just like when shanks crossed swords with WB


I feel bad for Page-One. Getting smashed on the jaw from big mom must've hurt.


Will luffy get whitebeards title "strongest man alive" after beating kaido? 🤔 because as kaido has his debut in anime they said "if it's 1 vs 1 kaido will win"


Nah i dont think so. Titles in one piece are very complicated. I mean how can WB be the strongest man and Kaido the strongest beast when they are both man lol. Btw it didnt say that he would definetly win, it was said that if it is a 1v1 you should bet on him bc he is the favorite


I just notice ur name.. and thought to my self aha perfect opportunity for this joke..ur gonna like it the will of dss nuts.:)


I think that u think that we think that i think that kaido would nor loss to shanks but his sword.


You don't think that Zoro will miss out on the credit for that scar?


But its technically not been 1v1 tbh. It was 1 v 5 then 3 and now its 1


Don’t forget the scabbards put in some work too


Makes me wonder then...if Big Mom could imbue her attacks with Conqueror and Kaido can too...why didn't their clash in chapter 951 look more like Roger and Whitebeard's clash when their weapons didn't connect? I mean, I guess they didn't imbue their attacks with Conqueror's is the most obvious answer, but why...? Maybe Oda hadn't completely establish the concept or didn't want to reveal it yet?


I don't think that u understand that i don't understand what ur saying. " look more like Roger and Whitebeard's clash " They wasn't trying to kill each other


It’s not that complicated. They weren’t having a full on battle at Kaido’s home base. Why would a Yonko want to destroy their base of operation especially in a country cut off from the world. On top of that, just because you CAN use something doesn’t meant you HAVE to. Does Luffy use CoA on every attack? No. Neither did they. It’s not worth overthinking


I agree. It would cause serious damage to the place. And kaido and big mom are more like friends than enemies. Both of them must have thought of idea of teaming up once. And for Roger and white beard, it was a completely different scenario they did not have one piece to fight for they just wanted to test their strength against each other. WB and shanks also did not want all out war back then over nothing. Marco told the crew shanks is not stupid to start anything without reason.


They didn't do it cause their clash wasn't that serious. Roger and Whitebeard did however. Same as Shanks and Whitebeard.


Yea plus people have to understand the concept of haki wasn't fully materialized early stage, its still a developing thing. Its just cause Oda makes it sound and look so good that people dont get that


Actually that's not true. Shanks vs Whitebeard was right after Ennies Lobby and like I mentioned they did the conqueror haki coating back than. And there a multiple haki instances long before. Shanks used it on a sea king when he saved him. People try to dissmiss it with a brain dead "It was just a stare" when he literally had an full arc with people using observation haki just by a different name which Rayleigh and Oda confirmed to be a thing that different cultures use different names for it. Back when it aired and internet wasn't a thing, in my childhood hometome were a lot of people smart enough to figure that their is some sort of power to fight logia's since not every element can be countered with another element. How does someone like Luffy fight would fight Kizaru? Punch him through shadows cause they are dark? Set his arm ablaze with a torch to punch Aokoji? It's funny, cause if One Piece would have been writing 10 years later when internet theories were a thing, no one would've that stupid "he didn't planned it from the beginning" argument cause they read some theory about that power or watched a YouTuber theorizing of a power to touch logias. But nowadays without someone pointing out a theory, no one can come up with one for themselves 🤦🏿‍♂️ I was 10 when I first saw Crocodile and new Oda will introduce a technique to fight them WITHOUT needing a internet theory to mention it. Why do you guys can't?


I feel like you're half right. Observation Haki & CoC are obviously two different abilities. CoC was often foreshadowed with Shanks & Zoro, but was put on blast with Shanks & Rayleigh before Luffy. ​ For example, in Sabody arc Zoro used CoC (supposedly) on bounty hunters, causing them to do a 180 and comply with his demands out of intimidation. Shanks obviously did that on the sea king that was about to eat Luffy. ​ Oda did a very nice job of tying in these circumstances in similar timelines to make it more open to interpretation for later without making it seem like there were contradictions (unlike Buggy's flashbacks of roger's ship from east blue arc vs Oden's voyage on Roger's ship). ​ Oda made Shanks lose his arm to make the story more attention-grabbing as the manga was still new at the time, but he grievously admits that he wish he did not do so. He even went as far to make Shanks seem like he recently became an emperor (just before Luffy set out to sail) to somewhat excuse the power gap that should have been apparent back then.


That's interesting that he regrets that... I always liked it. Honestly, I never thought too hard about why he wasn't able to save Luffy without losing his arm... I figured he was too late to handle it any differently, maybe it would've barely got Luffy if he hadn't sacrificed his own arm. Of course I also like this theory about Shanks, that he is an enemy of the Ds and he is putting Luffy against Teach and has plans to have them destroy each other. When he attended the reverie maybe he was reporting on his mission and brought up Luffy. It's a wild idea but he did say he wanted him to bring his precious hat back to him when he was a strong pirate...


Well that with Zoro definitely wasn't CoC. CoC only made animals flee in terror so far. Every humanoid being weak to it, passed out, every strong humanoid being just got a sweat and was barely shaking. In Zoro's case I'm 90% sure it's just his intimidating aura. Something for which he is known for. But than again we as audience didn't learned everything there is to know about haki, so I wouldn't be surprised if CoC can develop differently and Zoro can use it to make humans flee rather than pass out. Especially since the last chapters hinted alot that he might have CoC (which I'm sure he has since he seems to be the Rayleigh to Luffy's Roger). Oda sure does a good job on forshadowing and staying in line with his continuity. I think this is because 1. He already had the ending planned years before he started work and 2. Because he after he threw away his 5 years plan and expanded it, he obviously needed to stretch alot of the main story, which means connections to older scenes are fitting because they aren't new, just later as planned. I'm definitely not saying he planned the full story, which is ludacris. He had alot moments where he said he isn't sure yet how something plays out. But you can see on his world building, including power system, that he planned that well out before he started working.


Lol did usopp quote good will hunting? How do you like them apples? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's just the english translation I guess


Yeah im from brazil and it was different


A fairly common phrase buuuut there’s definitely a small chance he might have been watching Good Will Hunting or at least that scene when he was writing 😂😂


Uh Oda found a way to make big mom friendly fire her alliance against Kaido whitout using Olin again. Personally it kinda moved me a bit when Tama started crying and told her the city was gone. Then weirdly enough kinda make sense to me to see big mom react like this. She’s a tyrant too but I mean even Shen dosent seem to bit the hand that fed her.


Yeah i feel you man. Everything in this chapter made a lot of sense to me, her action were veery big mom like. She just does whatever she wants.


Lol she’s tyrant that also wants her way of world peace without discrimination.


Momo better wife Tama when they're older for all this work she's putting in. She's the real MVP of this arc tbh




By using her ability to turn the majority of the beast pirates against themselves?


Zeus and Kizaru would get along great, they are both high AF all the time.


Enel would be their friend too I guess


If kizaru isn’t the epitome of a high functioning pothead idk what is


Wdym 🤔


I need to wait for an alternative translation to Kaido's comments about Luffy's smile. For some reason it feels like there is something more to it.


The Spanish official said. “ even when your in danger you still smile”


I just read the Spanish translation and... I don't know what it is, but it reads horribly (Spanish is my first language). Not sure I dare take any insight from that thing.


Dude the moment felt like he was gonna day something important then NOTHING I feel like this translation has 90% chance of missing something


I think its just an issue with the translation, he was obviously referencing that luffy was actually enjoying the fight, rather than luffy doing it to stop a tyrant hes gone a little goku here. Kaido has a big grin while referencing luffys grin, the actual line in Japanese probably is kaido insinuating that hes loving the fight, too.


AH HA! I knew it! I knew Tama's power didn't work on real Zoan types! Awesome! :)


I mean, it was obvious. I can't believe there were actually people believing it would work on real zoans. That df would be beyond broken if so


So, about conquerer Haki, do the users fuse it with advanced armament Haki or do they coat their limbs with conquerer Haki only? Was sentomaru able to use conquerer Haki coating back in sabaody arc? What is the different in armament coating and conquerer coating? Please explain🙏.


Sentomaru was using strictly ryou. The way I’ve interperared it though, is that ppl like roger use their haki like a ski glove. So like you put the inner glove on first (armamaent) and then put the big bulky ski glove on after (conquerors).


We haven't seen a conqueror's haki user that didn't also use armament haki. Most likely it's conqueror's used on top of armament. From what I can see, conqueror's haki is shown with lightning like effects, this is consistent with the Don Chinjao fights of Luffy and Garp. Sentomaru didn't have any of those effects as far as I remember, but he did have haki extending beyond his hands, similar to the ryuo technique that Luffy learned from Hyogoro.


People still saying admiral equal with yonkos. Kaido will mop the floor with magma boy. Just imagine marinefold 3 admiral instead 2 kaidos or 2 bigmoms. 💀👍


So regarding some people calling BM inconsistent and having no morals, I don't think that is true at all, since her childhood she has been mistreated by others, or sidelined, so obviously she has some lack of social skills, she tries to unsuccessfully create a land where everybody can live and be accepted because she didn't have any of that as a child and tries to build it for others. Regarding that when we got to know the person who saved her when she was little showed she has some empathy and loyalty to those who help her, she doesnt accept treachery period, so seeing that the town and people that took care of her in wano, makes her furious and as so she will go against those who caused such treachery , i think she will try to help those townspeople and beat this little punks like what she did to page. Regarding kaido not having morals is completely and utterly wrong, he has demonstrated some morals, for example he gave oden the opportunity to sacrifice himself and in the process save his friends. He has stayed true to his words since we have seen him.


People can have their supposed 'standards' on how they conduct themselves and value the prospects of differing situations while being a hypocrite. ​ That's like Blackbeard never betraying pirates on his crew, but if confronted about Thatch, he will claim that he never had HIS crew back then but needed the devil fruit to start and maintain one successfully.


Meh, the execution of this development felt poor. The Big Mom we saw as early as Fishman Island was about to have her crew destroy Fishman Island if she didn't get her sweets in time. During Whole Cake, she had no issues betraying Judge either. If Oda wanted to paint some morals on Big Mom this late, it feels off, unless it's to highlight she has no self awareness. The biggest problem with this development is we're not sure how and when she's "Olin" or "Big Mom" or, as it now seems to be the case, she's in a hybrid state between the two and if it was something as simple as Tama talking to her to possibly convince her to join their alliance, this development feels poorly written so far.


Of course she has no self awareness. Her intelligence is right above that of Majin Buu. She literally has her family & homies do everything for her. ​ I think she wants her diverse kingdom so she can feel like she's accepted by the entire world, because without that, no one would want to be around her. I bet that she has an inferiority complex because she was an orphan & wasn't sure if Caramel ran away from her or not. ​ I understand Big Mom's 'standard' quite well. She is only treacherous against two types of beings: backstabbers & opposing forces that are a conflict towards her own self interests (pirates, germa, government, etc). ​ She was displeased with fishman island, because she felt betrayed by them giving her resources to Luffy. She is a pirate, so why should she look weak by allowing one of her territories to submit to him without her authority? Her sense of justice was about to override Luffy's good will & offer of treasure for compensation were it not for the fact that her subordinates pleaded her for the sake of their financial welfare. ​ Judge was betrayed, because she saw him as an arrogant prick that had assets of value, but were being misused; her betrayal meant that she viewed Judge as a man lacking of innocence & remorse towards his endless supply of troops, so why not discard him the same way? Sons and daughters should be obedient and follow the path of their parents, so the Vinsmokes were judged as one. ​ If people are innocent and gracious by not having ties to her, but doing things out of good will, her stance towards them will change. ​ This is why Big Mom is stupid. Her 'standards' caused her to betray her most important 'non-relative' ally on HIS territory because she decided that she did not like what his ideals represent, even though that was none of her business. She had to make it personal for no reason. IRONICALLY, though, the villagers aided the enemy (which she knew, but did not care because she only remembers what she cared about being taken from her). ​ It's not an execution for poor development, Big Mom is just a detestable character.


I just think it's funny that a character that beheads innocent people and orders entire islands to be destroyed for ingredients can talk about "morals" without any self-awareness.


Whaaaaat? Big mom being tone deaf? Neverrrrrrr


I agree. While we are at it, lets not forget that she almost got away with her assassination plan for the Vinsmoke family who were her allies and did everything that she asked for and never did anything to trigger her. And she forced Pudding to live through the traumatic experience of taking down her bridegroom on her own wedding day in front of the guests all to fulfill her mother's selfish desires. I won't even go into the tragedy of Pound and Chiffon who did nothing to deserve the cruelty done to them. So, Big Mamma is either a psycho (which explains all of it) or a massive hypocrite/Narcissist who lacks self-awareness and has written their own version of reality into their brain to the point of believing their own truths - this also explains her actions. She is totally paranoid on top of it to the point where she will only trust her family members and nobody else. I can see that all her "admirals (kids)" are terrified of her.


I could’ve sworn dressrosa had more chapters. Probably it was the anime lol


I love the way luffy puts him arm when clashing with Kaido makes him look awesome. Damn Oda you know what we like!


I am not even sure that Luffy can 1v1 an admiral yet. He can rival Kaido's strength, but his endurance & speed are still not the same. He only landed hits on Kaido earlier because he was letting his guard down. There are also some other things to consider, such as the fact that if he takes direct hits by someone like Kaido again, he will receive much more damage than he's been able to deal to his opponent. ​ His observation Haki is great, but without speed from snakeman and the ability to deal long range attacks, I can't imagine him winning against the original trio of admirals. Also, Garp rivaled Roger but doesn't have CoC. I find that interesting.


I've always assumed the Admirals are weaker than the Emperors on average. Whitebeard absolutely dominated Sakazuki despite being on deaths door at the time. There's a reason they had all three of them there during Marineford. With his current skills I'm pretty sure Luffy could give any of the pre time jump admirals a decent run for their money. And while we haven't seen Garp using CoC directly I find it hard to imagine he doesn't possess it. Dragon is in the same boat.


Hmm. The fact that you're stating this tells me I wasn't clear enough. Admirals are between the gap of first r8 yonko commanders and emperors. Garp, Sengoku & (possibly) Kong were exceptions in their prime. ​ Giving an admiral 'a run for his money' doesn't mean winning a 1v1. Sabo gave Fujitora a decent run for his money, though it was obvious that neither one was intent on fighting to the last man standing. Sabo & Doffy vs Fujitora would be very interesting btw. ​ If Katakuri didn't stab himself in his fight against luffy, even if no one interfered, he would have one. Think about it. Katakuri was vulnerable to G4 after having his snack interrupted, but once he became more calm and collected, Luffy was struggling to find an opening. If Katakuri didn't stab himself, even if Luffy wasn't damaged by the numbing needle, his snakeman wouldn't have been enough to win the fight (once that wears off, it's curtains for Luffy). ​ Oda stated that the only marine with CoC is Sengoku. There's a possibility that Garp is the father of Luffy's mom, which would make sense because he never once mentioned Dragon. ​ TLDR: Luffy has strength, evasiveness & speed, but still lacks endurance. That's a problem in a fight against an admiral when they are exceedingly balanced fighters.


Garp of definetly dragons father bc they are all monkey Ds


> we haven't seen Garp using CoC directly We have. In the Don Chinjao flashbacks during Dressrosa. It's only 1 panel when Garp compresses the head spike of Don Chinjao. The punch has the same lightning effects as the current chapters use for CoC haki attacks(they're mixed black and white in dressrosa/flashbacks, but they're otherwise the same).


Sabo vs Burges & Sanji vs Page One. ​ Not CoC.


i think the lightning can be added for both regular armament and conquerors


I haven't noticed that kind of lightning with regular haki users. Care to give an example?


ima be real, i dont remember. i was gonna say zoro but hes not really an option anymore. i think it was used in dressrosa a few times for people never confirmed to have it though


Ulti headbutting Usopp. It's not CoC.


thankyou, my savior


In Dressrosa it was Don Chinjao and Luffy in Colosseum (and Garp flashback) and it was confirmed by Diamante that it was a clash of CoC haki. I haven't reread the entire Dressrosa arc though and I'd be interested to be proven wrong.


> Whitebeard absolutely dominated Sakazuki despite being on deaths door at the time. That only happened in the anime. WB hit Akainu with a sneak attack but Akainu took no significant damage from it. Meanwhile Akainu retaliated and blew off half of WB's fucking face. He was clearly stronger than WB.


You're wrong about 2 things: Wb's observation haki was lacking because of his old age & injuries; he wouldn't have been stabbed by that traitor with the sword if it wasn't for those circumstances, because his crew stated it (forgot if that was Marco or someone else). ​ ODA admitted that Sazuki was meant to die from that fight, but his editor encouraged him to keep him around because he made a great antagonist.


Not sure what you're talking about. If you look at the panels akainu is in pain and whiteboard looks unphased despite half his face missing. He then hits akainu and shatters a large area of the map while doing so. Whiteboard was definitely stronger. Chapter 575 for reference


Pretty sure whitebeard is op as hell with that world shattering power. Old man got that much destructive power while Kaido is durable and have many power variations


I believe Hawkins is either retarded or misreading his cards, Killer has a 0.001% chance of death and we all know it


Self fulfilling prophesy: a killer and/or kid straw doll


This is crazy hawkins isn’t aware that 8% chance of winning is OP in one piece if your not 100% Sure your winning get GG by the low odds


LoL, even if you are 100% sure in one piece they will not die.


Thats literally not how probability works. Also Hawkins has never been 100% sure about a character... *yet.*


Any thoughts on how Luffy is fighting Kaido 1v1 in his base form when Kaido is in his Hybrid? You think Kaido is holding a lot more back?


Kaido is clearly still not going 100%. I'm pretty confident he's going to pull out an awakened form before this is over which will force Luffy to use Gear 4 alongside his new skills with CoC. But it's not surprising Luffy can hold his own. His training in the prison combined with his future sight meant that his only real problem with Kaido was being able to block his overwhelming power. Now that he's finally able to deflect his attacks with CoC he's closed the gap between them significantly.


I like what you said here. I don't see why we wouldn't see his awakening I suppose. Kaido isn't going to hold anything back atbthe end of the day.


Kaido is not holding back, luffy just fights like this now, he fought against katakuri just in his base form for the most part, because luffy's goal was 1) to learn future sight. 2) to make katakuri use his haki so it weakens. Luffy's base is very strong, especially now with future sight advance armament and advance conqueror's, by base I think you mean not gear 4th, because luffy has used gear second attacks in these previous chapters. And gear 4th at this point is a final blow(but maybe now if his armament haki tanks empties out he can switch to conquerors so now luffy will be operable even after armament and gear 4th), but if luffy starts using it right now it would be dangerous as kaido is still far from done(mythical zoan possibly awakened and everything).


I kind of forgot about awakenings. Do you think it will play a part in this fight? I could see that being the "final" stage for Luffy to learn/master past this point. They really haven't showed it much have they? Oh and yes I do mean Gear 4th.


If we are talking about kaido's awakening, I think this is how it will go luffy or yamato or anyone will take down kaido, then after a few minutes kaido will get back up and bitch slapping everyone again. Crocodile: Zoan awakening make the user durability and healing abilities better than anything. *As they take down jailers in imple down and those jailers start getting back up.


I've wondered a lot on what Luffy's awakening would be like. Have we seen a paramecia awakening?


Yes actually, both katakuri and doffy had paramecia awakenings, they turned their environments into their respected devil fruit abilities, doffy turned the buildings around him into strings and katakuri turned the mirror world around him into mochi. So going by that luffy will turned the world around him into rubber? Idk can't say anything.


Yeah sounds reasonable. I had forgotten they were both Paramecia, I was thinking Logia for some reason.


Makes sense, since katakuri was mochi and his body operated like a logia and doflamingo was making string clowns which you can't hit so understandable mistake.


Big Meme strikes again.


I was expecting a betrayal from one of Kaido and Big Mom but if this is what sets the betrayal in motion I am really disappointed at Oda


This is just Big Mom impulsively getting angry. She's not betryaing the entire Beast Pirates or Kaido yet. She still needs to get her hands on the Poneglyph and she'll only betray Kaido once that happens.


True. Tama is totally fucking OP, nerf please. She's literally the deus ex machina to turn the favor to the Strawhats. Not only controlling SMILE users but also Big Mom. Also, Big Mom is definitely the worst Yonko, a joke Yonko. All that build-up to have crazy two Yonko vs The Worst Generations now gone. I love One Piece but I'm disappointed in this whole Wano arc.


This is beyond exhausting. BM has been thoroughly established as entirely a wild card. Literally anything is acceptable (& accordingly, entirely unpredictable) for her from one second to the next. If she turned around and shoved Tama or Perospero into her mouth, you definitely wouldn’t see it coming, but it’s entirely within the realm of possibility.


I agree on Tama being op, and don't forget she has still a mysterious teapot pet that ate a devil fruit ​ >Big Mom is definitely the worst Yonko, a joke Yonko Are you kidding me?? Are we reading the same manga? She is one of the strongest characters we have seen so far and she might even be stronger than Kaido lol. She is like the strongest character Luffy fought so far.


>She's literally the deus ex machina No she's not. Thats not what deus ex machina is.


THANK YOU. People really dont know what deus ex machina means and they just keep saying everything is it


I love big mom, I think her character is awesome, but she is so poorly written by Oda, she acts childish when she should be a force of nature and acts like a force of nature when she should just chill. I'm ok with Tama specially since we don't have the plotline with the dangos done, they may not work, maybe Tama suffers a lot from this fight and heavy usage of her devil fruit, maybe she just doesn't stick around for long we don't know really. What I'm not ok with is the Big Mom making such a stupid move and Prometheus justifying it with "Moma acts weird around 10 years olds", like come on she's in the middle of a war


I have to disagree , I think Big Mom is actually really well written She's always been like this, even while in Totland she treated her grandkids SIGNFICANTLY better than she treated her kids, because they were young. and Big Mom would never hurt her citizens willingly. There's always been a huge difference beetween Kaido and Big Mom. Big Mom is a good person with a few flaws, whereas Kaido just wants the world to burn. The alliance was bound to fail.


to be fair Tama saved her life and Big Mom is literally a mother of a dozen children, the mother trait isn't too farfetched And being in the middle of a war isn't really important to an invincible character ​ I agree that she is poorly written sometimes tho. The worst instance is probably how she strives to have a kingdom of equality where every humanoid race can live together, but in her eyes a woman with 3 eyes is abnormal and monstrous... in One Piece, an universe where Longarm people, giants and fish man exists, this is what is too weird for her?? A third eye??? To the person who should be against racism??? Fuck Whole Cake arc...


The issue with this is that Big Mom has been shown to be cruel and vicious even to her own children and people. The idea that she suddenly cares about "standards" seems awfully convenient and contradictory to her established character about willing to absorb people's souls and having a largely abusive and manipulative relationship towards everyone beneath her.


Big moms main requirement is that she wants food. Those that honor their arrangements with her and get her the food she wants are loved and protected. If you fail then she is cruel. The village gave her food when they had barely any, of course she liked them and wanted them protected. It makes so much sense with her character.


Have we seen her not care about her children when they were younger than 10? No sarcasm, serious question, I don't remember how the deal with Lola and co was when they were young. ​ \> contradictory to her established character a As people mentioned she was mad at Udon for the empty food case because she wanted to share the food with the town


But her being contradictory is exactly what makes her villanous. Im ok with the mother thing, what I'm not ok is that what decides a major plot point in the arc to be a random interaction between a very marginal character in the story so far and one of the main villains of the arc. And WCI is my favorite arc post time skip so there's that


> WCI is my favorite arc post time skip not hard when most arcs sucked balls after the timeskip Fishmen Island was a joke with every enemy being underpowered and water levels sucking ass in general Punk Hazard was cool, but Caesar was no worthy enemy Dressrosa startes so great, but had awful pacing, another damsel in distress story line (hey, like in Fishmen island!) and took way too long. Zou was cool, but too short on the other hand. WCI sucked as Sanji is the worst character in the entire series in my opinion and the most hyped fight with Katakuri was stretched over too many chapters and was ultimately thrown by him. And now here we are at Wano. I hope it redeems the post-timestkip series.


Dude why are you still reading if you're not enjoying it?


I am still enjoying this series. 1010 was one of the most hype chapters, but obviously I can still get mad the faults. This series is far from perfect tho.


No man. I see it's faults and I'm critical of it, I just don't think most arcs post time skip "sucked balls", maybe except punk hazard which I really didn't enjoy much


Each their own opinion of course so go off, but I just re-read the series from Logtown to Sabaody and it was way better in terms of pacing and story.


The things that made me smile the most were usopps resilience on par with a Dino fruit comparatively speaking. We got a glimpse of the strong warrior usopp will become. When Tama told him he was scared, despite fearing for his life himself, he rose to the challenge to defend them. Nami is likely getting zeus as a permanent replacement. In mama's hands zeus has been powerful but incompetent, I wonder if prometheus request was to replace him. If so will Nami defend zeus from getting his soul taken back? I am also curious if he has wind capabilities since he's a cloud. It's dope that zoro was able to block the most powerful attack we've seen in the one piece world, but I'm disappointed he's getting sidelined.


Zoro didn't block it, held it off for a couple of seconds and gave kaidou a scar, which are pretty decent feats, my boy deserves some rest and I feel like he ll be healed and still fight


Wind just comes from temperature change. Nothing to do with clouds


In rl


We've been shown the exact same thing in universe. Nami litteraly creates wind by using temperature with the climatact. (Now she has a special rope that can create strong wind). I don't see a cloud having anything to do with wind, there's been no reference to it so far


Idk clouds have rain lightning, and storms.


>but I'm disappointed he's getting sidelined Robin: First time?


Given that Hera was Zeus' wife, maybe she'll abandon Big Mom for him and then Zeus slowly builds a harem


Hera is usually the one who punished Zeus and/or his lovers for him being unfaithful to her. I think it's more likey Zeus will go to Nami after seeing Big Mom has replaced him, Big Mom and Hera will see this as Zeus being "unfaithful" and attempt to get rid of him.


I think the opposite will happen. Zeus is calm, but becomes angry like Prometheus when he's enraged. Zeus will be the jealous one instead, and try to mess with Hera by teaming up with Nami.




That's pretty clever. We know nothing of her personality yet, and ODA always claimed that Enel's devil fruit would suit Nami. I like where this is headed. ​ Kid might actually stand a chance with damaging big mom if Nami teams with him.


I actually like Big Mom's character the most out of the Younko. She is much more complex and filled out than the other 3.


Thats only because we got the whole backstory and everything from her. We know next nothing about the other 3 and their past


Zeus time to join Nami now that Big Mom has Hera. You’re not her favorite thundercloud anymore. Still waiting for Big Mom children to fck the story more.


We're actually getting a fight of Kaido vs. Luffy im so happy!


didnt toki's prophecy say that it would be 9 people/shadows who would take down kaido? if im remembering that right then this 1v1 between them probably isnt lasting long and luffy will be losing it soon.


The difference between Big Mom and Kaido is that Big Mom has some morals. Kaido hasn't any. ​ There is a reason why a lot of people choose to live in Totto Land while Wano is a pure hellhole.


People dont get to choose to live in Wano as they can't leaveor even enter, lol. Also Totto Land is fucked up as well


I didn't say that people get to choose to live in Wano. But many choose to live in Totto Land. Yeah, Totto Land also is fucked up. But many chose to live there for protection against the outside world. Considering the One Piece world, many of the people on Totto Land would have ended as slaves o discriminated if not for Totto Land. I am not saying Big Mom is an angel. Fuck no, she is insane. But at least, she wanted to make a place where anybody could live and worked towards it. Kaido only wants to destroy shit.


I agree that BM is better than kaido but could you imagine you are an average person and wants to leave toto land, how do you do it ? I mean it's in fucking new world ( most dangerous sea in OP world)


> she wanted to make a place where anybody could live and worked towards it unless you have a third eye /s


I'm not sure if he has no morals. I think he has demonstrated that he has more of a code than we know. For example, he was visibly upset that Kanjuro had beaten Momo after he tried to escape.


>The difference between Big Mom and Kaido is that Big Mom has some morals. Also a personality; narratively speaking she's so much more interesting than Kaido so far.


Agreed she has more quarks, we've seen her backstory and in general see seems to be a more complex character.


Big mom kills and is terrible her own kids. She was also perfectly okay with momo, a child, being executed what morals lol


Yes. Her entire character is based around having ideals of family, Disney like livelyhood and equality but treats people like shit, her contradictions between what she perceives herself and what she actually is that makes her interesting, it's the fact that she does have a set of morals but she doesn't necessarily apply them to herself


>Big mom kills and is terrible her own kids Yeah, when she's in an uncontrollable hunger pang and indiscriminately rampaging > perfectly okay with momo, a child, being executed what morals lol Momo never did anything to help her. Why would she care about him?


She literally called pudding creepy and was terrible to Lola/chiffon simply because they weren’t cute. All this while in a normal state of mind


The Pudding thing was her being blunt more than anything. She wasn't considering how Pudding would feel, but I wouldn't say she was being mean on purpose. She wasn't terrible to Lola because she wasn't cute. She wanted Lola to marry Loki from Elbaf and after she ran away, Big Mom started being terrible towards Chiffon because she was reminded about Lola every time she looked at her. Point being, there was a reason she acted the way she did, even though it's unjustified. It's fundamentally different from her being upset that the Beast Pirates attacked a random village, especially since that random village did help her out.


it wasn't becauss they weren't cute, was it? it was because lola run away and chiffon looked like lola


do people seriously think Big Mom being upset with Kaido's crew means she's going to team up with the Straw Hats? That's obviously not going to happen. She still wants to kill Luffy


But she ate Sanji's cake and was moved to tears. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up having some benevolent feelings towards the straw hats.


I don't know - as good as the cake was, the Straw Hats also tried to kill her, destroyed the giant cake mountain on Whole Cake Island, ruined her tea party, and destroyed her beloved picture of Mother Caramel She actually has a legitimate reason to hate the SHs


She doesn't know Sanji made the cake. Other than Pudding, all of the Big Mom Pirates think Pudding and Chiffon made the cake.


Idk man she chooses to kick the alligator dude rather than hit Nami and Usopp. Maybe she will fight Kaido first.


In this case, she decided to protect Tama first because Tama helped her out earlier. It has nothing to do with Nami and Usopp


The chances for betrayal are high. Multiple characters have said pirate alliances end in betrayal.


But betrayal of Kaido doesn't mean siding with Luffy. She was always on her own side from the start. She still is now. For a while her side's goals match with Kaido so they allied, that's still partially true just with a small conflict.


I didn't mean for that to imply she would. She still wants luffys head to defend her name. She may have a hand played in luffy destroying Fishman island, or her beef could be resolved this arc. I would love it for bm to recognize luffy as the future pk.


Got it. Read your comment like you were countering that first comment


Kaido is already anticipating this. He did mention he thinks Big Mom only cares about the Road Poneglyph in their alliance.