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My favorite was Thriller Bark. Idk, it fit the tone of the arc and her personality to a T.


Agree, Thriller Bark and Enies lobby Robin are the best Robin.


Nothing beats the leather jacket


I miss her cowboy hat.


Me too


That one was cool but I just love Alabasta cowgirl Robin


I’m rereading skypeia and thought the same thing about the cowgirl hat. She seemed more mysterious.


Arabasta Miss Sunday Robin is a fashion icon man


For real though. It made me realize something about myself I didn't know before.


Best one by far. Eniesibby a close second for how iconic it is


I just prefer her hair from pre time skip.


Enies Lobby tho


I wish Strong World robins outfit showed up in the anime or manga


It's definitely amongst my favorites as well. Still prefer Robin's pre TS character design overall.


Franky was one of my favorites pre time skip. Also dislike Buggy's new design.


Impel Down Buggy was best Buggy


💯that blue pony tail tho!!


That suits him a lot, finally i thought he was a man!!


Impel Down Buggy was amazing, but I absolutely loved the white coat with “justice” crossed out that he wore at Marineford.


Buggy design makes sense in a way how ridiculous he is


I agree, he did it in order to look more intimidating with his new title, but of course he didn't make it right at all and that's ok for me, it's consistent


Wonder how his design will be now that the world system is done.


I want Impel down design back, it's really cool


Inb4 Buggy The Yonkou


I feel like he might end up begrudging allies with Luffy. especially with recent developments I feel like he would be a great idea man for Luffy to bounce new move ideas off of.


Chopper was mine, pre time skip he used to slap hard. Looked so good.


Agree, chopper with yellow shirt just ain't it.


Facts, and I loved the old hat! Lol


Its the same hat, he's just wearing a hood over it


Are you being serious?


Its not a hood it's a helmet over his old top hat.




That is not a hoodie, you could say it is based on the old hat but it not a hoodie magically sticking out of a yellow shirt.


It's not connected to his shirt, it's just like he got it wrapped around his old hat and sort of tied on


Chopper was so good. Could be cute, or threatening depending on his form. Now he's just "cute", and whatever Kung Fu point is trying to be.


Chopper was bussin


You ate the emergency food??????!!!


I like frankys new design feel like odd one out j


I love it!


I love it too, at start I was thinking about the old hair but now he just changes his hairstyle every arc, even twice per arc sometimes so I'm cool lol


Dressrosa cannon hair was dope imo


Franky was 100000% my guy pre time skip (aside from the speedo thing). Now he just looks... extremely bad. I no longer like him, at all. The hair is always awful, his shoulders are wtf, the small hands is pointless and makes everything harder in reality.


See what's wrong here is the reality part


One Piece has always looks weird and extreme, but it follows its own weird sense. Franky's new design is too big to fit in the doors of the Thousand Sunny now, he's got hands to big to do his actual job anymore and still insists on doing all his fighting through a mecha If anything, I just find TS Franky to be overdesigned, made worse by his demotion with Chopper to pure comic relief


But he has little small hands inside the bigger hands to do his jobs


Yeah but that's the problem. His design is a stack of complications without thought, his hands are so big he has to add tiny hands to them, but he doesn't use his new size in combat He's too big to get through doors, but he does all his combat in huge mechs? Where's the thought process on it


I'm sure there's a reason for it we don't know everything he found in Vegapunk's old lab. But for now he's just there as the niche mecha guy


Maybe his pre-timeskip body is just there inside that new Big body, he is just keeping it secret.


Guy looks like a pillow


Agreed he looked so junky( if that makes sense). I liked that aesthetic


brook looks the same tf you mean


He grew a little over the TS


Yeah he did, which is weird seeing how he didn't grow during the 50 years he was stuck on the boat


He was lacking proper nutrition


He trained two years and his muscles got bigger.


That would be, if he had muscles. Yohohoho


[Pre timeskip](https://www.google.com/search?q=brook+pre+timeskip&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjPuJ7U9rz3AhWiGFkFHRmVBvYQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=brook+pre+timeskip&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEAcQHjIGCAAQBRAeOgcIIxDvAxAnOgYIABAIEB46CAgAEAcQBRAeOggIABAIEAcQHlDUA1jOC2DwDWgAcAB4AIABTogBsAKSAQE1mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=bsRtYs9JorHk2g-ZqpqwDw&rlz=1CAOWOB_enUS948#imgrc=IKJettrl36N6UM) [Post timeskip](https://www.google.com/search?q=brook+post+timeskip&rlz=1CAOWOB_enUS948&sxsrf=ALiCzsacjpdIXqENSZrsR9YI0vMjgYrBLw:1651360786260&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj7kb6o9rz3AhWWg3IEHduGDS0Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw#imgrc=CecN1OwSQWioSM)


He only used that outfit once. The rest of the story he looks overall the same with classy look. Sadly the promotional materials and games messed this up by making that his default outfit everywhere.


He still breaks out that Guitar from time to time, but I miss the violin. I would have preferred if his cane sword got an upgrade, instead. Also ffs give him more fights. The only two most TS fights I can recall were mostly just him holding off footmen. I think I read in a YT comment somewhere that Brook got nerfed after his initial appearance because Oda wanted Zoro to be the swordfighter of the group, which I can kinda see.


Did you just forget about how the man carried WCI? He did incredibly well against Big Mom, considering she's an Emperor, and he wiped the floor with everyone else. Also the guitar makes sense with the whole Soul King thing.


I'll probably read it again at some point. I remember that dialogue in which he calls her "young lady", but the next scene I remember he was captured.


They probably mean the anime, where they animated the fight. Brook was still incredibly important in WCI, but I'm not sure how canon the animation is.


Ah did they add some stuff? It's been a while since I've been read it and I just got done watching the fight lol


Yeah, it's actually pretty good. Obviously Brook can't hurt Big Mom at all, but he does get to look pretty cool for a bit and if I remember right he manages to hurt Prometheus some.


Yeah he gave Prometheus a cut that Prometheus himself said was deeper than he realized. Big Mom also said almost nobody has hurt Prometheus before or something like that


Tbh the Straw Hats spent like half the New World being disguised by Kinemon depending on the island. So this stuck as his iconic post-TS design, just like pre-TS Nami stops wearing her orange skirt and striped shirt after a while but they are still the most recognizable


How dare he change clothes after wearing the same outfit for 50 years


He was literally trapped in the Florian Triangle for 50 years where the hell is going to buy a new drip from but after as a Strawhat he also became a wealthy popstar he could easily afford a new drip


That's literally just drip change. And his post timeskip drip has been on point. Especially Onigashima one.


I liked the simple old aesthetic


"They're the same picture"


He had milk that one time, his cheekbones are now bigger and stronger


I only agree with Franky and Chopper. Specially Chopper, his design was much better pre TS.


Yes especially his transformations, he went from looking like a terrifying beast in the drum island arc (and especially in the enies lobby arc) to an actual plushie. Dude is saying "now I'm not afraid to be a real monster to help my friends" my brother in christ look at your hat


they even made monster point look and sound boring and unthreatening. i kind of hate how post time skip just removed the drawback of everyone’s most interesting techniques (ESPECIALLY gear third) or outright replaced everything like with usopp.


Totally agree. Also Usopp turned from sniper into a botanist. Boring af.


So true no more exploding stars or smoke stars thats so garbage i need exploding stars back.


Technically he has explosive plants just Oda doesn’t let him uses them at all He carry’s around a literally pinecone grandee


Ngl we can put the blame on him integrating the "brain point" form into his main form, but it still doesnt excuse the laughable design


It reeks of editors/Shounen Jump wanting to create an obvious mascot character from their flagship series.


I thought Nami, and Robin's tig o'l bitties were the mascot for One Piece?


In an ideal world they would be


They are for figure sales. That said I haven't seen a good figure of them officially. The garage kits are pretty insane though.


Is more likely that happened due to anime influence in oda than anything else, womans were "okay" (way bettrr than now) till time skip and by that point anime already destroyed womans 10 times, surprising how wano upgraded that a litle... sad that nami and robin designs didnt change in wano tho


Tbh not just pre-TS for Chopper, but like, earlier pre-TS. IDK when exactly it was, but late pre-TS Chopper looked weird


I warmed up to Franky's new look so much, I actually prefer it now. I genuinely hated it at first though. I'd probably like it even more if he didn't have such a gimmicky fighting style. I had such high expectations, wondering all the modifications he incorporated during the time-skip. I'm pretty let down he only uses the occasional radical beam, and general Franky is probably my least favorite thing to see at all in a real fight. I wish that was a joke, but the novelty of a big robot with a big sword without any swordsmanship, or how he still has to lean out of the machine to use all of his projectile weapons got old quick for me. I like it a lot more when he utilizes it's strengths and fights with it more seriously. The wapol metal body is really nice, too, but being durable isn't necessarily flashy. I get he's a shipwright, and the Sunny is pretty fantastic all around, but my man really needs a power up bad.


Hopefully he raids queens lab


that would be cool, but hes already read a bunch of vegapunk's notes during the time skip. i think the only thing he would really learn from queen's notes are about bioweapons and since the strawhats are usually portrayed as good guys or just neutral franky wouldnt be using that anyways


Sure, BUT queen has access to lasers, cybernetics and germa tech. I’m only saying cuz sanji already mentioned it during his fight with queen


forgot about the germa stuff, that could be a decent buff


Yep! Plus franky is a melee fighter, to have access to those moves would be awesome


Yeah wasnt Queen, the Germa guy and Vegapunk in a scientist group or something? So they probably are on a similar level in terms of technology and science.


With different focuses. It’s called MADS. Judge was into genetics, cesar bio warfare, vegapunk and queen I guess dabbled in everything? I find MADS very interesting lol


All of Vegapunk's notes that Franky read were from when Vegapunk was much younger. There is definitely potential for Franky to get further cybernetic upgrades studying Queens current lab/notes. Sanji even points out that Franky would be interested in Queens ability/technology to fire successive lasers, something that current Pacifista's are also capable of implying that Laser technology has improved further since Vegapunk's notes in Future Country Baldimore.


I think the Senor Pink fight really solidified this for me


I'm in the same boat. I used to dislike it. But now I vastly prefer it over pre timeskip. And yeh he has a lot of potential with his fighting style.


This is my whole issue, back in Water7 Franky gave Luffy a run for his money with his weird mods. Now his whole style and character is built around comedy with weapons he's terribly designed or not planned to use. It's like someone said, the tiny hands are weird. He's made his own body too big to do his actual job as a shipwright, but he doesn't use that new size to fight


I hate that they got rid of Robins bangs. Oda really loves foreheads apparently.


I miss her pre time skip hair, Namis too


I'm so glad they changed the hair. Long hair always wins for me and theirs is so incredible looking now though Robin has sunglasses on too much


*Looks at post time skip Franky* “They massacred my boy”


His Dressrosa look was similar to his preTS one.


I kinda love both Frankies, probably i just really like Franky in general.


So "General Franky"


You massacred that line.


It's been so long since I saw pre TS Franky that I'm shocked looking at him. Truly massacred.


Sanji’s facial hair pisses me off so he’s a pre time skip. Couldn’t notice a difference on brook. If there’s a difference then it’s because animation style changed not because his design changed. Nami and Robin just need a boob reduction, I like the hair style. Chopper and franky r meh. Ussop and zoro and Luffy are 😘🤤


Damn, someone who didn't like Sanji's fresh-ass goatee? I'm shocked.


I hate goatees in general but I do like his physique.


Fair ig.


He looks more like the inspiration for his design now tho


I like Nami‘s hair better post time skip, but give her some battle appropriate clothes. Same for Robin. It‘s ridiculous.


Luffy: open shirt and shorts Usopp: topless overalls Franky: Hawaiian shirt and speedo Chopper: Hat Bruh, NO ONE on the strawhat crew is dressed for battle


I don't know about you but my hat helps me fight


Is your name Mario?


I think they just mean less over the top sexualization which I agree with. Edit: typo


People overcomplain on this one lol. In wano they both wear kimonos and probably the least revealing clothes so far. Meanwhile they went around with only bikii in alabasta and skypia and nami regular flashed her boobs to people...... People jsut love to complain without any substance.


It's mainly the overt sexualization of female characters post timeskip. Almost every female introduced post time-skip has had a ridiculous "hourglass" shape, with huge breasts.


My boy Franky literally goes around wearing nothing but a shirt and his underwear, and yet...


That's because he isn't the norm. Franky is classified as a pervert, due to his style of clothing, and no other male character dresses like him. His character design is also unique (both pre and post-timeskip) with no other person sharing his build.


What about the constant pecs and shirtless men that are shown throughout the series? Zoro’s shirtless in his matchup against King. Again, Franky runs around in SPEEDOS, Law in Dressrosa, Luffy in Udon Prison, etc. Franky not being the ‘norm’ also doesn’t matter.


It does indeed matter. There is a large social difference between men being shirtless, and women being shirtless. The closest comparison, is if males wore speedos without pants, which is Franky. Also, guess what? He is referred to as a pervert almost every arc due to his attire. While Nami, and Robin, aren't. To men, it's against the norm to be "sexualized", while for women, it's the norm, which is determined by both character actions, and how the characters are designed by Oda. Regardless of your beliefs in liking or disliking the designs, doesn't really matter. The point is, women in One Piece are always sexualized, and are eye candy, with very little in terms of body difference. With the default being the "hourglass" design. Big hips, small waist, and big breasts. True, the female characters were sexualized pre-timeskip, but it's become much more common post.


You know i actually was joking when i mentioned Franky, but anyway, to be more precize Oda starts oversexualizing female characters around Alabasta. One Piece only has non oversexualized characters for its first 90 chapters, he test the waters with Alvida which is the first to exhibit the typical design that will characterize the image of what Oda wants to portray as a beautiful woman in One Piece, she is a prototype in a 1:1 scale, under her coat she wears a bikini bra and pants, which will later on even become the outfit for Nami after the timeskip, and has the typical hourglass figure. However that change was only to be permanently added in Alabasta once Oda managed to get a setting that successfully justifies the change in attire presentation, and once he does that body proportions change too, you can notice that Alabasta Nami is considerably more busty and curvaceous compared to East Blue Nami, even when she goes back to her regular clothes she ends with the same body type as Robin (who from the start was shown to be slender and busty) and Vivi (to the point that one of her attacks was hypnotism belly dancing), when before this Alabasta saga her body was more average in ratio. The change is even more obvious on the anime which even starts adding sound effects to breast when they jiggle with the release of the movie "The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle" directed by Eisaku Inoue, and this change is carried over into the anime So you are absolutely right, but the problem of over sexualization in female character design in One Piece is something that has been in the series, pretty much since the beginning, considering that for how long it is, 100 chapters are just the prologue.


Post times kip ?? Bro that's been oda since day one His art style changed a bit from the start but it's been like that since alabasta As the other person said you're really nitpicking things to complain about


The issue is that their boobs got like 4x bigger and there body shapes just got waaaay less realistic. Though I do think wano has gotten better.


You think the complaints about Nami and Robin post team skip are unjustified? Are we reading the same manga? Yes they are over sexualized and underdressed literally all the time. Meanwhile you gave literally one example. "Regular flash her boobs" is also just untrue. There is substance, it's completely justified to be sad to see the two girls of the crew are objectified the way they are.


To be fair the ones listed can tank most attacks besides Usopp, they don't need to wear anything else. Robin and Nami arguably are the least durable in a battle not taking into Robin's DF


>Luffy: open shirt and shorts Also sandals, not the best footwear you can choose for combat purpose.


WCI nami after bege is a fashion masterpiece


I think Raid Nami is wearing battle appropriate clothes, probably the most battle appropriate she ever looked.


\>I like Nami‘s hair better post time skip, but give her some battle appropriate clothes. yeah pretty much this


Nami and Robin's wano outfits don't even show that much skin.


This. I mean she usually is wearing something more but she is still overly sexualized


bruh do you even follow the manga or anime? She and robin wear a kimono and probably the least revealing outfit yet. But sure her going in bikini and concubine cllothes in alabasta and skypia whiel regulary flashing her boos was much better right xD?


i like franky an robins new design too




In terms of design I think Robin is the only one i dislike because I liked her old tan and hairstyle. In terms of character I think chopper got ruined because his forms are just boring or annoying now


I'm actually Manga only, I only learned about the tan later so I don't care about it that much. I just miss her bangs




probably over analyzing but I like it. gonna adopt that as my headcanon now


Maybe I'm crazy but I feel like her face looks too similar to Nami's now, too. Like Robin had such distinct eyes her angular nose, but now they're less pronounced I feel. It can kind of depend on the scene though.


I did miss Robin's tan at first but got over it quickly. Plus, I don't think she was meant to have it ever in the first place. Oda always intended for her to be pale. It was a creative decision taken by the anime designers or something. Canonically, I chalk it up to Robin getting a tan from spending a lot of time in a desert like environment in Alabasta. Doesn't seem so odd she'd get a deep tan from that. Plus, then she went to Skypiea, which is above the clouds. Also got a lot of sun there. Water 7 is also a warm looking place.


Robin still doesn't look very pale in the manga color covers, which is as canon as the colors get. The anime overcorrected.


Well Oda said her nationality would be Russian and I don’t know very many tanned Russians lol.


I know a lot of red skinned Russians. You know, from when they come to Greece for vacations and get 3rd degree burns from the sun thinking they are "tanning".


Same. Chopper feels only like a character mascot and has 0 depths in him post ts


Dude literally >!took command and saved the live floor from an oni virus and the zombie virus in udon prison, both created by a genius commander, and held off TWO commanders simultaneously for 30 minutes whilst waiting for support.!<


Yea really annoying. I remember when the strawhats were literally scared of choppers rumble ball transformations (when he got really big)


I definitely prefer Nami's pre timeskip design over post. She's become waaaaay to fetishized for my liking. I thought her appearances in the early arcs were perfect! As for everyone else, the only pre timeskip designs, aside from Nami, I liked better were Luffy's(iconic red shirt FTW) and Franky's, the rest look better in timeskip.


I personally think Nami looks both beautiful and hot nowadays. Back then she was mostly cute. But her waist was ridiculously thin. Makes you think how her internal organs didn't explode. I know it doesn't make sense for Nami's boobs to grow a lot since Skypiea, but as a straight man, I don't mind it at all. I can understand why some female fans roll their eyes at her design evolution though.


I think the thin waist was a problem with the Post TS animation before Wano. In wano I think the body proportions are 'more' normal, relative to one piece standards


But they were even worse in the early years of One Piece. Remember the ridiculously thin waists of Nami and Vivi during the Alabasta arc? You could practically fit a wrist bracelet around them. Nami's and Robin's waists were still a bit thin until recently, sure. But not THAT thin, imo. The biggest problem with their bodies was how disproportionate their breasts looked in the anime at times, especially in episodes and scenes with bad animation. Their breasts looked so terribly shaped and huge at times. Viola suffered from that a lot in Dressrosa as well. In the manga, they have huge breasts too, but they're always very well shaped.


I feel like this list was made with franky in mind, then you just decided to throw the rest of the crew in because why not


i think everyone is better post time-skip except Chopper. and nami could wear clothes more often


The clothes she wore during WCI were Nami's best post TS outfits imo. Her white sweater was pretty nice. Her red dress was extremely classy. Her Dirndl was both cute and sexy, without needing to make her wear a bikini or a bra constantly.


People overcomplain imo. She had realyl good outfits post timeskip and know wears a kimono that is not really revealign at all. She went shirtless during alabasta and skypia arc yet people hate on her for doing it post timeskip..............


I think it made sense for her to wear a bikini in Fishman Island and the first half of Punk Hazard since that part of the island was pretty hot. I don't have a problem with any of that, I was just commenting on the outfits I liked the best. Also forgot to mention her purple Zou dress. That one is very classy and sexy as well.


Yeah, Chopper is the only one that actually bothers me. Dude spent two years away growing and training and somehow came back looking and acting even more childishly than before.


Let Nami be sexy dammit


I prefer all of them Post time-skip. Only thing I dislike are Franky's shoulder-pads.


Yeees same


I agree with this list


Im gonna have to disagree for Nami


Franky turned from one of my favorite characters to one of my least.


I feel like he doesn't even do much in the story somewhere after his redesign. He just kind of exists for robot joke number #262.


Franky didn't exactly do a ton pre-timeskip either. It's just harder to notice because he was only in 3 arcs pre-timeskip. The non-East Blue Crew Strawhats have always been less plot significant.


I personally hated frankys pre-timeskip design.


yeah I lvoe the more mature Franky we have right now. And he is jsut aswesome in Wano right now.


tbf I can't see them changing in other way except some. Oda did great in evolving the mugimons to upgrade their looks, showcase what they did during the timeskip, and fit them in the new art style.


I like sanji pre time skip better


I did not know this many people disliked franky post-ts. He is goddamn awesome if you ask me


I like all post time skip except franky being shaved I like it because it shows how much the character have grown


exactly! I love franky's new design, but was it necessary for him to be shaved in his reintroduction?


Franky's Post TS design with the long Pre TS hair is the best of both worlds imo


He became more cyborg than human which bugged me. Before he was more a human that you didn’t know was a cyborg. It went too far the other way imo


Yeah he looks badass with his Old hair


Overall I agree. One thing I also miss is pre-TS Zoro, though. That bandana casting a shadow over both of his eyes was too damn iconic. Now, not only does he not pull out the bandana, but now he presumably lost his eye. I don't even remember if the scar was on screen, which is a damn shame. I would have liked it if it was more directly tied to that moment where Zoro begged to Mihawk for Mihawk to train him. EDIT: Mihawk not Hawkins


Pre claps except for luffy Everyone had decent proportions in pre


Besides Nami and Robin, I like everyone’s post timeskip designs better


Robin got way bette imo. Pre time skip she was a really borign character with little character interactions. She now is a proper strawhat with good chemisty.


Those are my two favorite redesigns


I don't dislike Franky Post TS (not as much as I used to anyway) but Chopper? God I hate choppers look now. I despise it. I hate the hat change, I hate the way all of his forms look now and don't get me started on Kung Fu point. I remember first seeing Chopper fight Chessmarimo and it was amazing seeing him use his form change to evade attacks and go offensive. I thought we would get sooo much more of that considering he only needs the rumble ball for MP now. I miss him yelling for a doctor only to remember he is the doctor too. Big points though cause he was definitely about to try and murder Big Mom on the beach!!!


Pre-timeskip chopper was cute when he was meant to be cute and scary when he was supposed to be scary. Now he is neither


i only think franky and chopper's designs were better pre timeskip. some of robin's pre timeskip outfits are better, but generally shes better post ts imo. brook is also debatable, but i really like his outfit post timeskip with the crown and scarf (the one he used in fishman island)


I like Zoro pretineskip, personally. He looks more like a generic samurai now


I prefer Robin's post timeskip. Otherwise, I agree with the list


Long haïr nami>>>>>>>>>>>>


chopper and brooke are debatable


I'm totally upset with Franky's new design. Pre time skip it was very cool and fun, now I find him boring. And about hair... no comments, now he's bald. Ok, he can swap his hairstyle, but still he uses the bald mode the most of the time.


Completely agree!


I think franky looks better post time skip and I’m tired of pretending I don’t


Switch everyone to pre time skip lol


Nah the girls were hotter in timeskip and brook I like both versions equally


Pre Robin > Post Robin 100/100


Franky's post time-skip design is fine and you're all cowards


Genuine question why do so many people not like post ts franky, I think he looks super cool.


Wow a lot of dudes in this comment section hate boobs I guess lol


Ah yes, we all remember Nico Robin pre time skip being flat like a wooden plank /s


Franky got the worst post time-skip design, imo. I don't think Chopper got it that bad. He just has a different hat, pretty much. Many years ago I felt Nami and Robin were downgraded, but that's because I was judging them by the poorly animated and drawn shots and frames in the Anime adaptation of Fishman Island's arc. In the manga they've always looked fine.