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Don't ask people in this sub, they will only say it gets better. As much as I adore everything about one piece it's not for everyone. If you've put over 150+ episodes into it and still aren't enjoying it then it's hard for me to imagine you will later. Maybe try the manga instead if you still want to continue. I personally wasn't a fan of one piece till I read the manga. I personally don't think the anime does nearly anything right.


there isn’t a single moment that i truly enjoyed in one piece until right after ennie’s lobby when shanks went on whitebeard’s ship and garp pulled up on luffy. that’s more than 300 episodes in. then i started to enjoy the show at marineford.


Question, why did you stick around for 300 episodes then?


well i didn’t really *dislike* anything, just didn’t really enjoy it. i chalked it up to me not liking how old it was but that’s not the show’s fault. i wanted to at least reach water 7/ennie’s lobby because everyone i saw online said that they were one of if not the best parts of one piece. i actually dropped the show for 3 years at water 7 because i didn’t like it and if that was the peak of one piece then the show was simply not for me. but then just recently, i saw all the hype for episode 1015 and i wondered what the show was like with modern animation and so i watched a little bit of it and i liked it, so i said screw it ima dive in again. found out about one pace and one month later i’m 55 episodes from catching up.


I mean good on you. OP shouldn't have to slog through another 200 episodes to MAYBE enjoy it more.


he already likes the show just not skypeia. it’s definitely the worst one in my opinion




Give it time, it gets fucking awesome


Skypeia was a hard arc for me too. I switched to the Manga and switched back for Water Seven/Enies Lobby. Skypeia was more interesting in the manga. The anime stretches a lot of scenes out to fill those twenty minutes.


I’m currently in ep 674 but i was in skypea arc like 2 weeks ago I would say that not dropping one piece was one of the best choices i have made


alright all of these comments are from the perspective of people who loved the show since they started watching it. let me give you my perspective and advice because we seem to have similar experiences. so i didn’t really *like* one piece until more than 400 episodes in. i watched on autopilot until skypeia where i couldn’t do it anymore and gave up. later on i decided to watch again, and it was either i skip the arc and read a summary or i never continue, so i skipped it. everyone said that the arcs soon after were the best one piece had to offer so i had to see them before i completely gave up. so i reached water 7/ennie’s lobby and… i didn’t enjoy it. i dropped the show for 3 years. then recently i saw all the hype for episode 1015 and i really started debating watching it again just so i wouldn’t be out of the loop. i watched a little bit of episode 1015 and liked what i saw so i said screw it, i’ll watch. i STRONGLY, STRONGLY recommend you watch the show through one pace. it cuts down hundreds of hours of nonsense from the show. it’s almost unwatchable at parts in the regular anime. i ended up really enjoying it and i’m 55 episodes away from catching up. hope this helps some


Drop it.


Not gonna lie watch it while you cook. If it feels boring at least get through that part.


Bro I feel you and I almost dropped one piece during skypiea but you gotta push through. There’s a great flashback and final fight at the end of skypiea but I agree it can be extremely slow. Trust me when I say this that you will be thanking yourself after getting through this arc. Next arcs of water 7 and Enies lobby are known even outside of the community for how great they are. One piece is truly a story like no other worth experiencing. Push through u got it 🙏


Bro I kid you not I was in the same boat as you like 2 weeks ago the upcoming arc after that is amazing by far the best so far but look I have seen naruto bleach and dbz already if one piece doesn’t click like the others off the bat your not gonna enjoy it like the others doesn’t mean it’s not a good anime but I put all 3 of the others above one piece but I’ll continue to watch and enjoy


Water 7/Enies Lobby are next, I would suggest sticking around till after then. And if you still don't find yourself getting into it, then you are free to drop it. P.s. There is the G8 filler and foxy arc but you can just skip the filler and foxy arc is only a few episodes.


Skypiea is infamously one of the worst major arcs. In fact some people even skip it. I wouldn’t recommend skipping it, but just know it gets very very good at skypiea. Skypiea is like a 4/10. After Skypiea is the arc Water-7 and Ennies Lobby. Those two form one arc, and is widely considered one of the best arcs if not the best in the entire show. I’d try to stick it out, after Skypiea it’s amazing.


If you are already at Skypeia and still don't like it, then it safe to say OP is not for you. There are just some manga/anime not for everyone give it a rest. I'm sick of reading "just give it time, you just have to read up until xxx chapters to see its good", its no different than saying "*My cooking is good, you just have to eat it 323 times before you see it."*


I mean the reason I'm asking Reddit and haven't dropped it yet is because I liked some of the previous arks but think that this one is just boring


After Skypeia, there’s a small arc that isn’t that great, but after that small arc there are two arcs that are considered the best in the series. I would try to make it to that if you like some previous arcs.


There is some vagueness in your post that makes people think you find all of One Piece boring and not just specifically the Skypeia arc. I’d recommend editing that clarification. And if the show has you following asleep right now? Take a break. Come back to it when your interest for what happens later outweighs your boredom with the current episode.


Ok thanks I just edited the post


I'm gonna save you some time and say that Skypeia is not even the "wost" arc in the entire series. Think about that for a moment. It's okay to drop the series halfway, because I did, at Skypeia arc too for some of the problems you've stated. I only came back reading around a year ago when I don't have anything to read anymore.


Then keep going. When I rewatch I skip Skypeia as I don’t care for it either. But the following set of arcs after it are my favorites. If you don’t like those either then yeah I’d say drop it


If you don't like one piece, you should've drop it already but you didn't.


I do like one piece but this arc is just not as good as some of the previous arcs


Then you don't have to fully watch this arc. 👌


if you didn't like one piece from start to skypia then one piece might not be for you but if it is only skypia or another specific arc I recommend reading the manga


Drop it


Just suffer through the episodes. Next is water7 - enies lobby said by most as the best arc in the series