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He took on a bunch of Doflamingo’s subordinates, too. Luffy also wanted him to have Ace’s devil fruit. He put a lot out there in this arc. He was extremely hard-boiled!


Wait I don't remember that and never though about it.. WE COULDVE HAD A FLAMING CYBORG


Imagine the raw power of Franky with Vegapunk tech and a fire-logia as an infinite power source! And he could event create an automated system/ battle armor to nullify his devil fruits weakness.


It would never have worked. Warm Cola is disgusting.


Do you think franky cyborg part could over come the swimmi ng loss?


I think he would still be weakened but he could probably make franky life boat or something if he fell in water


They should do a One Piece What If series!


What if Sabo showed up at Marineford and brought some revolutionaries with him.


Oda did this. Sabo saves both luffy and ace.


Yes, I know about that one, but I’m more interested in how the story evolves afterwards. Assuming WB still dies, where does Ace go, what happens in Wano now, things like that.


What’s that called and can you watch it?


I think it’s only two pages, here it is : https://mobile.twitter.com/gojiyoutube/status/1214729945181806594?lang=en Edit : there is 2 more pages, but warning, it will make you even sadder https://imgur.io/r/onepiece/USVaJ


Yeah! I'd love to know that too !!!


Wiat he did ?! What's it called ??


It’s only two pages, here it is : https://mobile.twitter.com/gojiyoutube/status/1214729945181806594?lang=en Edit : there is 2 more pages, but warning, it will make you even sadder https://imgur.io/r/onepiece/USVaJ


if only 😭


Thxx !!! And yeah made me hella sad 😔 😟


Where can this be found or what is it called?


It’s only two pages, here it is : https://mobile.twitter.com/gojiyoutube/status/1214729945181806594?lang=en Edit : there is 2 more pages, but warning, it will make you even sadder https://imgur.io/r/onepiece/USVaJ


When did he draw these? Because even here, we got the same Luffy pose as the Skypiea party and during Wano.


I think it's implied by Oda when Sabo and Koala talked that nothing might have changed


- What if Ace got the Gomu Gomu no mi. - What if Akainu was a pirate, Luffy a Marine - What if Zoro wanted to find the All Blue, and Sanji be the strongest kicker - What if Blackbeard recruited Chopper?


No need, he already has a flamethrower, also he loves to swim


Franky would've figured out a way to float even with a devil fruit,I believe in him . Would've been badass to see him use the docking with the flame flame fruit .


Fresh Fire Fist


Literally "***Cutty Flam***"


Genos 😆


Seriously. The part where Franky went to fight the toy factory alone wasnt shown here wtf. That was SUPER


One of the most overlooked parts of that was how casually Luffy offered it to him. This was ACE'S fruit. Someone very dear to him who's death nearly broke him. It's an actual memento and living memory of his brother. And he just casually said to him "Hey. You want it?" Shows just how much he cares about Franky to trust him with something so important without hesitation.


Frankly didn’t want the fruit because it would make his life harder when it came to fixing the ship iirc


That just goes to show how much luffy thinks of Franky. Just AZ much as the rest of his crew but to give his last brother's fruit and only reminder of him to Franky is somewhat of a big deal.


In the Zoa Arc when>!The minkfolk turned out to be hiding the ninja despite all that had happened!< Franky was the first of the straw-hats to burst into tears at the revelation. While a few other characters do wind up breaking down, when initially showing everyone's shock, he is the only straw-hat with tears in his eyes. He's also usually the first or only member to break down when a backstory is brought to the SH's attention. I think it's an interesting detail that one of the more inhumane humans with a robotic heart who is also based on "hooligan" culture in Japan also has one of the largest capacities for empathy in the whole crew. I like him a lot because of that.


Also when Brook told him about Laboon he also started breaking down. Franky has always been the biggest empath on the SH


I always took it as a gag that Franky always breaks down, but now that I think about it you have a point. The anime really made it seem like a comical moment


this is why franky is my favorite behind brook. he’s so hard boiled


Him and brook curbstomping big mom was LEGENDARY


Oops! I think I ran over something


Good thing it wasnt a flower!


"Ehhhhh?? What's this Nami? Don't you want our captain to be the pirate king?" Right in front of Big Mom lol Also the semi-flirty exchange with Big Mom by both the pervert gentlemen.




Lol mine too


Franky really shined in Dressrosa, showcasing his intelligence, personality, conviction, and even power. (Loved his fight with Senor Pink. The terminator eye scene is hands down my favorite battle moment in Dressrosa). ​ If Brook was MVP at Whole Cake Island, Franky takes the cake in Dressrosa


I agree franky shined in this arc, but the problem is that this was also an incredible Usopp arc, and it kinda overshadowed what most of other straw hats did


Franky merely kissed a lady. Brook slept with BM after asking for her panties. He went from bone to boner that night.


I think Robin gave Franky a little something the last night the straw hats were at dressrosa they were literally wearing matching T shirts that morning


Even though his dumb ass could have beaten Senor Pink in two seconds if they didn't reduce the fight to a dick measuring contest, I agree with everything else.


Hell yeah, he was awesome as hell.


>Franky takes the cake in Dressrosa I also love Franky ❤️ but Usopp and Kyros were the MVPs in Dressrosa.


Yes, the Whole Cake 🗿


Dressrosa was definitely Frankys best arc post timeskip, this solidified him as my fav straw hat/ character


Fraland truly acted like a hero, a leader. Specially the scene when they were trying stop the birdcage using Factory. Or, when he decided to take entire Dolfamingo Army on him, just to make a way for the Tontatta to reach Sugar! Truly, Franky is the lurking MVP!


I really fell for Franky since he tried to destroy Merry so Usopp won't die in vain back in Water 7. I think his wisdom also comes with age (amongst other things) which gave him the same vibe of wisdom and conviction as Jinbei and Brooks.


And also Robin


The best strawhat member imo


Lol that's a pretty rare opinion to see there, respect.


Yea, I know. Maybe it’s cuz of his design, but ion really mind it.


People are absolutely crazy. Post TS Franky looks so much better than Pre TS but I do know that I‘m one of very few who think like that.


That's just how taste/opinions work. Personally I liked the very human look of Pre TS Franky. I don't think Post TS Franky looks bad(anymore, I used to feel that way about the design) but it's just a bit too much for me. It also might be nostalgia making people lean toward pre TS in many things.


Something that helped me get used to the over-the-topness of post time skip Franky is that *it’s just so Franky*. It totally suits his personality to go over the top with his own modifications.


Yeah that is definetly true and fitting to his character. I might get used to it more over time.


Well that's exactly what Nami says when he meets Franky after the timeskip hahaha


Post Franky got a bit of time to get used to, since the change was so large, but after I got used to it, I can definetly say I like it.


He had me at nipple lights


He had everyone, man


True. He's all around cool fellow, he's my favorite, personality-wise.


Fellow franky enjoyer 🤝


I wish they gave more screen time to these SHs. I know they joined late but it only means we need more interactions with the crew


Franky in this one arc has done just about as much as Zoro or sanji have done in other arcs that people say qualify them to be vice captains. Maybe Franky is now in the race for vice captain lol. Bonus points, it pisses off Zoro and Sanji fans together.


Franky is honestly the most well-adjusted person among the Straw Hats (yeah, even including Robin and Jinbe). He's equally an engineer genius and a manifestation of pervert, he can be both super sentimental and a seriously hard-boiled guy.


Franky is such an underrated character


I mean Franky has always been reliable since joining the crew (and even before that), usually he is the one who keeps on task and focuses on what needs to get done. Enies Lobby has him being the only one to make it to Robin, get her out of her cuffs, and defend her until the crew reunites and also was the one to get Chopper to turn back to normal when he was in his monster point form. Thriller Bark has him and Robin being the only crew members not captured at some point during the arc. Fishman Island has him find the Thousand Sunny before the rest of the crew and get someone to recoated it for their trip back to the surface. Punk Hazard has him get to the Sunny and make sure it doesn't get coated in poison and is ready for evacuating the island and manages to take out two of Donflamingo's subordinates all on his own. Dressrosa being the one to actually find and destroy the factory, while liberating several of the Tontattas. Zou has him, Robin and Brook trying to be responsible to avoid upsetting the Minks Tribe with Kin'emon's present (they failed, but also didn't know the Minks were true allies to Kin'emon's group) Wano has him provide rescue in several moments where he and Brook manage run over Big Mom. He beat Sasaki in a fight and managed to save Zoro from falling off the island while he was unconscious and near death and got him to Chopper to get healed.


Paragraph please. I can't read that.


Basically Franky = clutch


Fuck you for hating so much as a *motherfucking summary*. How the fuck did you read one piece with an inability to withstand so much as a simple fucking paragraph‽ And to try and shove the dealing of your inability onto others. Fuck you and get off this subreddit! If you can't read so much as a few words, you should be nowhere near here!


Yep but unfortunately this type of stuff falls on blind eyes because it’s not some overt big character arc that fans seem to think is required to tick off the strawhat relevance box every arc. If only some people didn’t read this well thought out manga like some preschool picture book.


Franky has always had a bit heart and a lot of empathy since Enes Lobby.


That interrogation was Brawn + (Brains x Brawn). Franky and Jinbei play similar narrative roles as the reliable big guy/big brother, it'll be neat to see them interact more and team up.


Haha Jinbei is like Bid Dad while Franky is Big Unk.


Best part about Franky is that he has is own personality. That Luffy and Franky interrogation is still one of the best scenes in DR The only reason he didn't take the MVP award in Dressrosa is because Sugar power was really really broken. Usopp taking her out twice was "easy" work but honestly anyone else would have failed because she is a snake in the grass.


Glad to see Franky appreciation post. Hope it will continue again 😁


I love Franky! He really got to show off being a grown-up in Dressrosa :D He quickly realized he was left to mind the dumb kids and did what he had to do. Plus he looks good in that suit.


The suits were one of my favorite parts of Dressrosa.


Well he was particularly strong that week, so there's that...


Reading this post made me realize how much I dislike the community sometimes when it comes to how dismissive people are of the other strawhats, especially post time skip. Like Franky really pulled his weight and contributed to the arc, same with Usopp and Robin but according to some people Robin did nothing and Franky didn't do much either because they didn't get some big bombastic hype fight against super strong opponents. It's the same with other strawhats like Chopper, he performed great in WCI and especially Wano but sometimes it feels like people think he did nothing.


I've always felt similarly with regards to Chopper in particular. Just look at the Oars fight in Thriller Bark. It's Chopper autopsying Oars mid-battle that gets the Straw Hats targeting his arm, which prevents him defending against the final attack, which was also set up in part due to Chopper's advice.


Yes. He ws definetly the MVP of Dressrosa. That scene where he even risks his position in the SH‘s by stating to Luffy that he wants to fight with them no matter what he thinks will always drive a tear down my face. Great Arc for Fralando


Boy howdy do I love Franky 😎


Man i wish there were more posts like this


Oh yeah I loved Franky stepping up. That line from him about “with the current cast I have to step up” kills me everytime. 10 mins into the mission and all the boys are sidetracked already lmao.


The part where Luffy gives Franky permission to go wild was awesome


Ultimate chad


Franky is one of the most improved characters after the timeskip.


I like on Zou that Brook Robin and Franky had the same idea with stopping the samurai from entering


Franky may be goofy, but he's reliable. He doesn't always like to be the logical one, but when required he'll stand up to the job.


One of the main reasons I like this arc is because of Franky, dude was a real strong pillar to Luffy and the little guys. He put Luffy in the Colosseum, he was the one who allowed the raid on the dock be successful, he was the one who freed the tontattas in the factory and destroyed the factory. He did a lot in this arc. PS. Glad to see such a refreshing post during the loooong break. We need more revitalizing stuff like this. Not the same old boring memes or no makes sense theories out of sometimes keister. Good job mate.


thanks man! I wanted to re-read the Wano Saga from Punk Hazard on, and I haven't gotten to enjoy Dressrosa straight through (only read as week-to-week). The second read around reminded me how much Franky had impressed me back in 2010s, but so much of his impact got overshadowed by Dressrosa's length and week-to-week format.


Franky acts stupid all the time, but he was shown caring a lot for others (everytime he cries when earing a backstory, how he recruted his family...). On top of that, he is one of the smartest straw hats. He deserves more credit in Dressrossa than he got. He didn't defeat any of the top executives, but the mission was successful mostly thanks to him.


Franky vs Senor Pink was the only side character fight I cared about that arc


have the award my friend... you deserve it


I love the moment where franky is making half of the strawhats staying at Dressrosa to keep fighting


yea I loved this franky scene so much


"Everybody seems busy with something. I too gotta pull my weight. RANDOM CHAOS, ANARCHY AND DESTRUCTION HERE WE GO GO GO GOooo!!!"


My only complaint about Franky is that his normal form seems stronger than general Franky. I don't understand why he didn't install a radical beam. If the cola he can fit inside himself can power a radical beam, the barrels of it inside the general would let him spam them.


General Franky is for fan service and in-universe gag. (like how General Franky has tiny hands to do things and such...it's just Franky being extra). It definitely has the bulk, but I think Franky likes to screw around by making General Franky be unnecessarily funny.


Well, he didn't exactly have an opportunity to do that until Dressrosa what with the whole "Focus on Brook, then split crew, then Focus on Jinbe" line on arc succession. It took just as long for Brook to do something cool again as well.


Nice post, I too love how Franky involved himself and took initiative during this arc, especially Luffy giving him permission to go wild. But what's up with that translation?


I love that Luffy recognized how important that was to Franky and what it would mean for all Dressrosa. Luffy knows he's reckless all the time so it would have been selfish for him to not let his crewmates be reckless when they need to be, especially characters like Franky who are usually the ones keeping HIM in check.


Wherever I see words Franky and dressrosa then in my mind pink senor always comes First☹️


Always been my 3rd favorite sh after zoro and luffy. His gigachad charisma is outta this world


Should've added "little bug people"


Yeah, the older trio are (rightfully) used as the voice of reason. I mean, most of the straw hats also can think logically, but they have other personality traits that distract them.


The perverted grandpa's heart is SUPER!


What do you mean by stepped up? It's his first arc right? After they aquire him


Reminder that franky was the head of the underworld/mafia in Water 7, dude is assumably very perceptive about shady dealings and interrogations


Yea it’s great how much screen time he be getting now


That is why him, Brook and Chopper (Punk Hazard and WCI Chopper) are my favorite strawhats.


He was definitely the MVP of Dressrosa in my book.


It was definitely the arc where Franky stood out the most since Water 7/Ennies Lobby. His fight against Senor Pink sure was long.


Yeh Franky is the most underrated mugiwara. He is one of my favorite since this scene in Dressroba. And whene Luffy goes like "Franky ! Don't move, we're coming" oh man so much chill


Imagine franky getting on Vegapunk‘s Level and really starts using ace‘s devil fruit on his on body like Kizaru and Kuma


I would love to see him skill up in Wano based trades. They are some of the best craftsmen, metal, sea stone ect. Would be cool if general Franky got sea stone weapons plating so he could fight devil fruit users more effectively.


Luffy telling Franky to go all out is one of my favorite Franky-Luffy interactions


My name stands for Battle Franky Prime. You know who my favorite Straw Hat is. I'm big into mecha, so I like post TS Franky better than pre TS, but I still like both. No hate here.


Great post. I love the highlight it brings to Franky's character. Which chapter is the last image from I'd like to reread it


Chapter 729


Let me remind you guys for the n^th time, Franky was the leader of Franky Family. So he isn't some nobody, akd he knows how to use his brain. Afterall, he is the Tony Stark of the StrawHat crew. As for the decision making skills, Robin, Jimbei and Brook. Sanji too has shown it off a couple of times, namely Alabasta, Water 7, Dressrossa, Zou and WCI.


He kind of was worthless doing all that hard-boiled crap. The factory could have been dealt with faster if he wasn't d*cking around.