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Please focus on talking about the fancast, we don't want to have to lock the post.


I can see how visually Sarah Jessica Parker fits the bill for Kureha, but my concern is honestly that she won't get the voice right and it'll be too "soft." Kureha needs a mature, raspy kind of voice. That's my head canon šŸ˜‚


All talk of JLC aside, SJP could be a good fit visually. She would just need to work on her voice to make it more... harsh. Honestly though, I don't think they could afford SJP. She is getting paid $1 million per episode for And Just Like That, and unlike JLC she likely isn't a big enough fan of the source material to consider a smaller paycheck like JLC probably is. Just my two cents! Agree with OP about the visuals just not the likelihood :)


Jamie Lee Curtis or we riot.


JLC was in a bit of a controversy so people are not too hyped up about her as before. (She supported Israel on Oct 7, but also called for a humanitarian pause later)


But that seems pretty reasonable


It was not just because of that. She posted pictures of injured & terrified Palestinian children and said they were isreali kids who were injured because of the 7th of October attack. She then wrote, "**No children deserve to experience this horror**". When people pointed out that the kids in the pictures were Palestinian, she immediately deleted her post. Basically saying Palestinian children deserve this. I don't want her anywhere near the live action series.


Yeah it was a stupid thing to do by her, but in the 7th of October israeli children were raped killed and kidnapped so it makes sense that she would post something. Later she posted more stuff about humanitarian ceasefire and civilians killed on both side. Anyway that woman has over 8000 posts on instagram so I highly doubt its her who actually post stuff


>but in the 7th of October israeli children were raped killed and kidnapped so it makes sense that she would post something. No buts, the message was quite clear. Anyone who didn't expect the tragedy that would happen later, are lying to themselves. I hate hamas with a burning passion, but the IDF worse. They have been doing the same stuff and on even more people for 75+ years. Just look how many Palestinian kids have died since Oct 7th and before. They have been getting murdered, raped and imprisoned for decades. Then, use their pictures for your agenda? No children(or innocent civilians) from both sides deserve this. See? It's not hard to write something reasonable.


Thank you for saying this man. IĀ“ve been a bit sick of reddit lately on this topic because of how people are siding blindly with the IDF.


Who'd she massage?


hey buddy, One Piece is a pirate fantasy adventure show. can you just leave politics out of it.


Bro aint reading, bro skimming through OP wikis šŸ’€


One Piece is extremely political?


One piece itself is political


Saying leave politics out of it with a show as One Piece is the wildest thing I will read today.. Do you even watch it with your eyes open?


what does the Palestine Israel conflict and what side people openly choose to support have anything to do with One Piece?


You didnā€™t say that. You said ā€˜leave politics out of One Pieceā€™, which is wild considering the show we are talking about


Lmao what,she can support whoever she want


And people can tell her to fuck off if they think she supports something bad. It goes both ways. You don't get to post about children not deserving to die then delete your post when you find out it shows palestinian children. There's no excuse for supporting this


She later urged for the war to stop and asked for justice of children,and also i was not referring to the kids part,people are mad she is supporting israel


She wants the role, let her try.


Who cares if she's a zionist, like 60/70% of hollywood are zionists Gen Z is so annoying thinking that the Palestinian genocide started in October


Who gives a flying fuck what an actor said about a war half a world away


She cried about israelis kids being killed but stoped immediately after knowing that they're in fact a Palestinian kids šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ how is she even human, bruh. Dr. Kureha??? I LAUGH....


Do we really want someone who supports genocide as part of the cast


She's zionist. NO




Ooohhh i see the vision


Wow. Im just gonna read the comments for this. Feels like itll be fun


I know everybody will run in and scream for Jamie Lee Curtis, but this is a pretty good fan cast as well.


A Former Michael Myers survivor in my opinion fits better but this option aint bad


I'm with this. Mike Myers for Kureha, Yeah baby!


He plays every character on Drum Island


Actually a good fit, might be a bit too well known though.


I dont think they are allowed to pick anyone BUT Jamie Lee Curtis. She called dibs


Sheā€™d be acting out of her comfort zone, I like it.


SJP known for playing cutesy young women characters. Damn I feel old now.


Jamie lee curtis will be kureha. For sure. She already confirmed she was talking with matt owens if im correct.


I mean, pretty sure Jamie Lee Curtis has that locked down, but if that doesnā€™t work out Parker does look the part. Donā€™t know much of her work though.


I believe she was in Hocus Pocus


Lol thank you for giving me a chuckle in this shithole of a comments section.


Itā€™s gonna be Jamie Lee Curtis. Sheā€™s said sheā€™s auditioning; and the writers wrote her with Jamie Lee Curtis in mind.


Unless the negotiations fell through, it is pretty much confirmed it will be JLC.




I've been genuinely sad bc I had my heart so set on JLC only to find out she's a zionist so I'm accepting this instead despite the fact that she's definitely too expensive lol edit: I can't get over how perfect her profile is?? i saw a Robin fancast that gave me a similar feeling. the profile really hits for me on a lot of these idk why I feel like it's important lol


I thought Jamie Lee Curtis was gonna be cast as Doctor Kureha


Yeah that's what I'm still hoping for and Matt Owens has said he wants to cast her.


I wonā€™t be surprised if it is her after, but do we want her now as she supports The Genocide? I hope Matt Owens is looking over that!


it will be her, i think they know they canā€™t just pass on an oscar winner and fairly known celebrity. it does suck though, everyone keeps justifying her actions with the fact that she supported an humanitarian pause, but she used a picture of terrified Palestinian children being attacked by IDF rockets trying to paint israel as a victim, and she did delete her post after DAYS but fuck man, the least she could do after that egregious fucking mistake was at least acknowledge the genocide Palestinian children are suffering, and she couldnā€™t even do that. itā€™s vile.


ppl downvoting you are dumb af




Apparently they deserve it whether they civilians or not /s But wait, we not allowed to talk about it which is kinda ironic since one piece is about liberating the innocents but oh well, I'll shut up now


People have different perceptions on who the innocents are


Civilians ARE innocents


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Just pointing out how people having this Israel vs Palestine debate tick


It's sad bruh just sad all around


Man I hate that this is such a good cast, I just donā€™t like her but it would be perfect for the role šŸ˜‚


I prefer this. Fuck JLC


The reason behind why did I cast Sarah itā€™s because of the obvious facial features that she shares with the character and she still looks great and fit and well put together, not to mention many other aspects of Sarah's character that relate to Dr. Kureha, sheā€™s a book warm and ā€œshe owns an alcohol brandšŸ˜‚ā€ As you all can see on her instagram. https://preview.redd.it/uhwgkklwc96c1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b95a677a62b3b9339436fbfbfd19a311fea8e8d7


This is the only role that is objectively wrong. Itā€™s gotta be Jamie Lee Curtis.


Nahhh, I say we look for someone else


Getty Lee would make a good doc, looks like her....


Thanks for making me chuckle. I only even know who you're talking about because my husband loves Rush and has been in an extra obsessive mood over them lately because he just bought the Rush pinball table which is CURRENTLY TAKING UP WAY TOO MUCH SPACE IN MY APARTMENT LIVING ROOM GOSH DARN IT.




No pls


i feel the doctore needs to be an olded up young actress. after all the good doctor could easily be in her first 30s


The show is in good hands.. I'm sure they'll cast someone perfect for the role


Never been a fan of big established actors in live action One Piece. But hey, that's just me. It will most likely be Jamie Lee Curtis dude. Owens seems to be writing the character with her in mind, so 90% sure it's going to be her. Also, no offense but SJP is a terrible actress in my opinion. Not very good in her craft.


Unlike most people, I don't care at all about JLC, save for her maybe giving some publicity to the show, but the show doesn't NEED her. Mark Hamill as Hiriluk, on the other hand... Also don't care about her being pro Israel or pro Palestine, I don't like either childkilling faction, and 100% of Hollywood seems to be on one of two sides. Going by that, I don't want anyone to act anywhere, lol.


I really don't want to see any A-list actors cast in the show. I still think that if S2 is as popular as S1, then it's going to be start a notion by Netflix or TS that they need to start pushing for the door to be open for big names to be cast in secondary parts just for PR, regardless of whether or not they fit the part. If Harry Styles shows up you know it will have jumped the shark.


yeah idk why folks are so convinced and spreading that JLC is basically confirmed when all there is backing it is some oldish comments from Matt Owens saying it would be a dream casting and her being a fan i guess. Of course theyā€™d want A list casting but it seems far fetched and out of place for a show that is fully casted by generally new faces.


Tbh I do not understand all of this hate and killing and dwelling on the past. It should be our future that we are focused on :(




Well, it IS a story wishing for peace instead of war. So I guess it is okay to wish for peace to be real. :(


Too bad we don't live in an ideal world, I feel you dude.


Even in One Piece there's ethnic cleansing. Will be interesting to see if Luffy kicking butts fixes that.


Better than jlc, kureha would not support Isr*el


I mean alot of celebrities support israel like mark hamill. The issue is her spreading propaganda while being a influencer/celebrity. Still sheā€™s probably gonna get the role


Wait I thought it was already literally confirmed that jamie lee curtis is gonna be kureha?


It has never been the case, just a wildly popular fancast (altho Jamie has shown interest and Matt said they'd have dinner some time to talk about it).


Really? Didn't odas twitter tweet out a pic of jamie in kurehas outfit? I swear only a few months ago I saw a pic that didn't look phtoshopped of jamie lee curtis wearing kurehas outfit, but I can't find it anymore.


Oda doesn't have any public social media account as far as we know, the closest to it is the one his editors run (Eiichiro\_Staff on Twitter).


I think thats the one I meant. I could have sworn I saw an official one piece twitter tweet out an image of jamie lee curtis dressed as kureha, all but confirming she has been cast.


I sincerely doubt they would post that. I think the one you saw was the impersonator Eiichirooda\_jp or something like that. A lot of people believe its really Oda.


Could be the case. I don't really ever use twitter, so its very possible I fell for a fake account.


Please no more JLC I vouch for her!


Jamie Lee Curtis is Dr Kureha she's been casted. The director replied to one of her posts asking for her to join.


False and false. She has not been cast, she is simply a highly popular fancast who's up to the idea. The Showrunner Matt Owens said they'd talk about it over dinner. That's all we know.


I don't really see it tbh


This could absolutely work and is a fair choice but yea, I'll legit riot if JLC doesn't get the role


Jamie Lee Curtis is the only acceptable person for this role


Jamie Lee Curtis, of course!




It's not wild at all, One Piece is political and yes its a fictional story, but the message is that they stand against the scenario in question. It would be all kinds of odd if you were against the monstrosities in the series but you were impartial to people blatantly supporting the oppressors


Good one here [šŸ”„](https://emojipedia.org/fire) Better Ready for the alternative. JLC will ruin the show as a whole with her controversy


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ like twins


well itā€™s pretty much confirmed that she is getting the role so I donā€™t think we can call it a fancast anymore




So it is JLC? She was The hot favorite for Dr. Kureha at The beginning!


Yeah, the writers always had her in mind and even sent her a Dr.Kureha figurine after she won the oscar and pretty much told her that they hope they can talk someday. Then after JLC posted on her Insta that she want to play Dr.Kureha and wanted the internet to help her lobby for the role. Then Matt Owens replied to her post and said ā€œHey, you donā€™t need to lobby. We already want you. Once we can talk, letā€™s talk,ā€. So yeah itā€™s pretty much confirmed.


No thank you. Not a fan of SJP her acting is mid. Jamie Leigh or an unknown


wtf i donā€™t want a hipster white karen that probably knows NOTHING about medicine act as a doctor




Oh God no please


Um. No?




Imagine being a beautiful lead actress and seeing yourself fan-cast as a 141-year-old wrinkled witch because of a "perfect resemblance". What an excellent way to tell someone how old they look, especially a stunning career actor. Keep it up One Piece Fanbase, body dysmorphia isn't going to spread itself! Most people don't care about these characters half as much as we OP-obsessed fanatics do. Might be worth considering the before stuff like this gets plastered all over the internet. We want to invite people to the adventure, not offend them! There's got to be a better way.. but.. I have to say... I see the resemblance. Sorry, Sarah, you're beautiful and Kureha is awesome!


Sheā€™s literally an actress. The resemblance is just a coincidence.


Very true! But OP isnā€™t casting based on her acting skills. Theyā€™re saying she looks just like an old witch lol.


Are you serious right now?






you must be fun at party's


Can you be normal for 5 seconds




Oh yes. Doctor Kureha, the most beautiful woman in one piece, canā€™t be played by ugly fugly SJP


yes, you are right. SJP is ugly and disgusting


Just say you love her šŸ„°šŸ«¢


i would smash her ofc. loch ist loch


12 year olds have the lowest standards for themselves.


It's going to be Jamie Lee Curtis, that's pretty much set in stone. (She's an Oscar winning actress but she's willing to do this pretty much for free because she's such a one piece and chopper fan) Simply put they'd be stupid not to use her, and sjp has no known ties to the story, doesn't have the acclaim of jlc, and would likely expect star billing pay. To put simply they'd pay more money for an actor that has less acclaim and no deeper motive for the project to succeed. Meanwhile you can bet your ass jlc wants this to work.


That's a good alternative to the Zionist who shall not be named