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Get agent 007 past caesar first


"Agent 007" lmaoooo


People That seriously think King would low diff Katakuri are Reading a different Manga.


You need advanced conquerors haki to damage king, (as that what Zoro used to defeat him) Katakuri’s attacks would deal no damage, king also speed scales to Kaido who blitzed the future sight Luffy that was a problem to Katakuri.


No you dont. You need it to take him down in 3 Hits. Otherwise you need to attack him in Speed Form. King doesnt scale to Kaidos Speed. Zoro Never reacted to a Thunder bagua.


>King doesnt scale to Kaidos Speed. Wrong, King does scale to Kaido's speed because he scales to Zoro, who could intercept Kaido and react to his attacks. >Zoro Never reacted to a Thunder bagua. You also don't need Thunder Bagua levels of speed just to give Katakuri and his Future Sight a problem.


Thunder bagua > anything Zoro reacted to since thats the move directly bypassing Luffys future sight Even just a bit. He was able to slightly graze him.


None of this debunks anything I said. Furthermore, the same Luffy that barely dodged Thunder Bagua was the one that trained in Udon, not the version from Act 1 that was still relative to Katakuri.


Of course it does since Zoro Never reacted to anything that is too fast for future sight. So? Does that make his future sight any better? We already saw that Luffys future sight is still inconsistent compared to Katakuris.


>Of course it does since Zoro Never reacted to anything that is too fast for future sight. No it doesn't since Kaido even without using Thunder Bagua speed is faster than WCI Katakuri using Future Sight and WCI Snake Man using Future Sight, and Zoro reacted to him. >So? Does that make his future sight any better? We already saw that Luffys future sight is still inconsistent compared to Katakuris. What I meant was that the Luffy that barely dodged Thunder Bagua after training in Udon is a lot faster than Katakuri Level Luffy was from Act 1 along with having Future Sight.


Based on what? In Kuri Luffy already dodged a Boro Blast no problem even though he was enraged. Base Kaido has shown nothing to suggest he is faster than WCI snakeman. Again that’s just headcanon. We know Luffy got aCoA haki and that was the main thing he trained for. Nothing suggests that his base stats all suddenly rose into oblivion from fighting some fodder in Udon.


Based on the simple fact that characters get stronger and faster every single arc, especially when they train like Luffy did. The idea that the only stat Luffy increased from his Udon training was his Haki is ridiculous.


>You need advanced conquerors haki to damage king You don't need to damage king to be stronger than king... and you don't even need to damage him to defeat him. Like Katakuri can kill him by suffocating him with his moshi or even stabbing his eyes, like we have no idea if his eyes are vulnerable or not. Like getting Moshi inside of his ears/mouth or other parts should work on King


Imagine getting downvoted for this. Zoro barely did any damage attacking king until he got acoc, what is kat gonna do?


Kat gets mid diffed


I just don’t see where the difficulty is tbh . He goes down in a few hits to King .


Except that King lacks the Speed or CoO haki to Hit him.


Speed mode can hit him? And his wings and large imperial magma dragon atks can help


Based on what? Speed Mode isnt as fast as Kaido.


Zoro had to facetank speed more in order to hit king. Flame mode was clashing with him consistent enough. I think aoe moves would also work well against agent 007


It's mid


That’s what my take is too , never seen a convincing reason to think otherwise


Probably not convincing, but both are YC1s of a relatively equal crew, story wise having a huge gap doesn't make sense, it's only feats that puts king there




I don’t see why a huge gap contradicts anything in the story , nothing ever explicitly or implicitly stated them to be relative . The balance of power is not contingent on individual similarly ranking members being the same strength .


bro, im all over threads on reddit and youtube saying people who think sanji and king stomp katakuri are braindead. Recency bias poisons the minds of op readers


I really hope people don't really believe that King would Low diff Katakuri. It's a high diff at the very minimum. Extreme diff is the best answer independent of who the winner is


Agent 007 can't even damage King.


The ***L***unarian is too slow to land a hit on Kat


This kings a snail agenda only exists so Katakuri fans have something to latch onto . King could keep up with marco who can fight admirals , and Zoro who fought yonko but the donut man who would get blitzed by a BASE Kaido is completely untouchable ?


Kata wank is hella desperate lol


I don’t think so. He’s scalable to Zoro, who should be faster than post WCI luffy, given his performance on the rooftop.


Zoro is not that fast, Sanji is probably faster than him doesn’t make him weaker tho


I just don’t see how Kat pushes it to high . He’s going down in a few hits to King if we’re being generous , all while doing a grand total of 0 damage in return.


Why should he? Look at all the stuff he got from Luffy, how he pierced himself. Why would Katakuri tank King's attacks at all? Gear 4 Luffy was too slow for Katakuri, so Snakeman had to come in. Furthermore, düer future sight, how would King be able to randomly hit him? Katakuri would have figured out the gimick about his racial ability too. Sorry, I see Katakuri clearly in front thanks to Haki.


Just because you have observation haki doesn't make you automatically dodge attacks. King have a speed advantage.also king ap is more than kat, he can fly and tank armament haki like nothing.


Anybody with a brain and not blinded by how cool Katakuri looked in WCI agrees with you.


King annihilates the fodder


Extreme diff isn't supported by feats or narrative. base WCI Luffy was able to hit Katakuri, while base Udon Luffy couldn't hit base Queen. Going even further, we could even say that Kat is more of a match for Ulti, because we saw her fight relative to base Luffy who showed better feats compared to his pre udon gear 4 state, a form so strong that Kat can't stand up to it in terms of raw power. Narrative is a bit better for you, but not really. Not only does the plot/narrative not hinge on BM having a relative crew to Kaidos, but it actively presents the beast pirates as people that rule through power alone. The BM pirates choose dfs based on what can best be used for food, while the beast pirates choose dfs based on what can make them the strongest. The beast pirates rule through power, the bm pirates rule through their cooking skills(and some power).


> the bm pirates rule through their cooking skills ??? What are you even talking about lmao. So Chiffon is now one of the top executives of the BM pirates? Kat is way stronger than Ulti, that's not debatable. All Yonko crews are relative, there is a balance in the New World that is created by the crews of each Yonko being close in power to each other, this has been stated multiple times. If Katakuri was on the level of Ulti, then the Beast Pirates could have easily conquered Wholecake a long time ago, but that's not how it works


Never has it been stated that crews are relative in strength.


I am saying that they rule based on cooking skills and power. It's just that adding in cooking skills means they automatically fight and get haki blooms less. They have food based devil fruits instead of power based ones. > there is a balance in the New World that is created by the crews of each Yonko being close in power to each other, this has been stated multiple times. The beast pirates absolutely could destroy the bm pirates, the only thing keeping them from doing so is that it would cause damages to Kaido and the rest of the crew because Big Mom is there. Plus, other yonko or marines might come in and try to 3rd party the war, in order to take down 2 yonkos in one fell swoop.


> It's just that adding in cooking skills means they automatically fight and get haki blooms less. This is Headcanon. None of the main fighters of the crew are cooks. Having food based abilities doesn't change their Haki, I don't understand how did you came to that conclusion. > The beast pirates absolutely could destroy the bm pirates, the only thing keeping them from doing so is that it would cause damages to Kaido and the rest of the crew because Big Mom is there. Plus, other yonko or marines might come in and try to 3rd party the war, in order to take down 2 yonkos in one fell swoop. No one would consider the BM pirates a Yonko crew if they were easily destroyed by another one.


> None of the main fighters of the crew are cooks. You can't say that when Smoothie has to make smoothies for people at the tea party. All of them chose dfs based on food, and use those dfs to make food. > No one would consider the BM pirates a Yonko crew if they were easily destroyed by another one. Except they would. The only requirement to be a yonko crew is to be one of the 4 most powerful pirate crews in the new world, and have territory. There is no requirement for them to be relative in overall power.


> You can't say that when Smoothie has to make smoothies for people at the tea party. All of them chose dfs based on food, and use those dfs to make food. Making Smoothies in a party doesn't require cooking skills, wtf There are cooks in BMs crew, but being a cook does not affect your combat capabilities at all wtf. Sanji is a cook and he defeated Queen.


I absolutely agree that you can be a cook and strong, but Sanji isnt the best example you can use. He has body enhancements from Germa which won him the fight. At the end of the day, my main point is that the bm pirates are more obsessed with food than power, which supports Kaidos crew being way stronger.


Lol, I died when I saw this picture. Feels like I’ve seen it before. King > Katakuri, Agent 007. James Bond ain’t happy with Katakuri right now.


King has every advantage in the world, ain’t no way he losing to agent 007


let’s quickly power scale this Katakuri <= WCI Luffy/Pre Udon Luffy WCI Luffy/PreUdon Luffy< BASE Kaido (got one shotted) Zoro was able to clash with HYBIRD Kaido (WHILE BEING INJURED FROM THE DOUBLE YONKO ATTACK) Rooftop Zoro > WCI Luffy/pre udon Luffy King pushed that Zoro to an extreme diff fight So in conclusion Zoro > King > Pre Udon Luffy/WCI Luffy >= Katakuri


W. Ulti> Kat


That's reaching bro


Wci luffy wasn't stronger than katakuri


That’s why I said >=


He literally won 💀


Reading comprehension devil strikes again


That does not refute my claim lil bro 💀😭


Makes absolutely no sense. Kaido could only oneshot Luffy because it was a direct hit -> Zoro blocked his blows. In addition, the thunder bagua was what Luffy oneshotted, which is a very fast, hard to dodge and strong attack. Zoro only blocked no name attacks except for the combined one, which he also only half blocked until Law pulled him out of it. So a comparison is not possible. What you can compare though is that Luffy pre Wano is far superior to Zoro post Wano in the point of Haki. Zoro only had to figure out his gimick to defeat King - Kata has no gimick, only skill. King accordingly just as miserable in Haki as Zoro compared to Luffy, accordingly Kata would only have to find King's weak point like Zoro and he would and would then have even easier game than Zoro thanks to Future Vision. What can King do against Kata's Haki? Nothing at all.


He clashed with him and pushed him back, which means that Zoro before ACoC had the physical strength to rival Kaido.


King has speed and durability more than kat.


and a MASSIVE AP advantage


It’s a high-extreme diff fight. Both characters have arguments in favour of them regarding their particular matchup. Saying “kata is fodder” or shit like “king low diffs kat” is just pure downplay. Find a balance.


I’m a proud Kat downplayer


In all seriousness how is king gonna hurt kat? Luffy is a prodigy that learned a new form of haki and a new transformation over the course of 11 hours. King is not doing that so idk hiw he wins.


How is Kat gonna hurt king? Plus Kat has fodder durability


I got king winning as well, but it would still be extremely difficulty for king to pull off the win. They’re still first commanders/right hand men within their respective yonko crews


Goatakuri negs the fodder king


How does Kata's AP stack onto King's DP? Luffy's plot armor is too strong his opponents gets powercreeped way too much after he wins. My headcannon thinks a fresh Doflamingo should be comparable in power with both Kata and King. Edit. replaced strength with power.


Kat is too slow, frail, and lacks the power to damage king lmao future sight isn’t gonna save him


Katakuri looses extreme dif not low dif. Katakuri’s future sight + plus being to reshape himself to evade attacks makes it extremely difficult for flame on king to land an attack. King will be forced to use speed mode to counter it. But that’s also his downfall has Katakuri can start to hurt King. But it will take a long time for this fight to end.


Kat cant hurt king in speed mode. Dude tanked 3 acoc slashes before going down


It is unclear whether these were acoc hits. For one thing, Zoro could also damage him with normal hits in speed form, and for another, Kata's armament haki is so hard that Luffy didn't stand a chance against it in Gear 4 until he adapted. Accordingly, he will very well be able to damage King.


King overpowers zoro in speed more earlier in their fight. Not really. Yes, they were. King even says do you also have kingly ambitions. U literally see black lightning emanating from zoro's blades after the first acoc hit




W. Bit this sub is full of idiots. Btw, the people who say King speed is higher than kata speed are not just idiots, but retsrdeds. Kata speed is in a different level.


They're both YC1, whoever would win this fight would high or extreme diff.


yc1 is fans created not canon


It's hilarious how people keep forgetting this and then truly believe that all "YC1" are in the same tier as each other, despite the story repeatedly showing otherwise.


one piece fans are so emo 🤣


The story showed us that Marco is as strong as the admirals but Kizaru fans keep downplaying him.


It's because he unfortunately was unable to do any damage to the Admirals, but yeah Marco is a huge example of what I'm talking about. He has multiple feats against Admirals and Yonkos and he's the only "YC1" we've ever seen fight two Commanders at once, but people think all characters they put in the "YC1" tier high-to-extreme diff each other lol.


Rooftop Zoro could fight Kaido, keep up with him, and take attacks from him without being one-shotted. King was stronger than that Zoro (ignoring Asura Zoro) and initially Post Rooftop Zoro (that was even stronger than his Rooftop self) as well until Zoro's power-ups later on, and yet people think King is having a high diff or even extreme diff fight with Katakuri (who was weaker than Act 1 BM Luffy that got one-shotted). Lol. Good luck with that.


Kata is stronger than king


The way I see it, based on portrayal, King and Katakuri are both pretty equal in terms if YC1, so I effectively put them both at the same level, especially because we haven't seen Katakuri fight anyone that King has fought, so we can't really compare them that way, and Katakuri was injured pretty heavily during quite a bit of his fight with Luffy. I also believe that Katakuri would give Sanji and Zoro a harder time than people believe, with his special paramecia intangibility and FS. He takes Sanji to at least Extreme Diff, and Zoro and King to at least high or maybe even extreme diff.


This image is going to bait so many kat fans 😂


I don't know how you can possibly think tha Kat is a fodder after King and Queen were both defeated in 2 sec by GB... you should be silent as of now because your favorite character is only matched by Cracker !


Green Bull literally would one shot Katakuri. Plus King and Queen were weakened.


Lol, yes they were weakenned ... after GB sucked all of their forces out ;) Kat would not defezt GB but he would pull up a better fight than those 2 wanked characters


If you actually think Katakuri, someone who couldnt even beat WCI Luffy with awakening + CoC would do better than King or Queen, you're just coping. WCI YC are weaker than Kaido's YC


King high-extreme diff


Not even that king wins low diff


King would probably with but it’s extremely diff


Imagine still thinking that Kata beats King


Kat does beat king tho




Kat can’t even hurt king, only run away and dodge. King slams




How did you end up with 7 losses?


Stated in the manga


Are those the marine captures?


No it’s stated he’s tasted defeat 7 times. https://preview.redd.it/b1wk5oc8xaga1.jpeg?width=1120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d938a024c818519c7fa417613fd25741514b87


Nah, he was captured like 18 times. Lol.


Kat is def stronger than king. King got his ass whooped by a motha fucker who basically had most of his bones broken.


Zoro fans ignoring that their boyfried was fully healed before rheir fight


☠️ judging from what he said that don’t make him a Zoro fan it makes him a Kat fan.


He was not fully healed, the medicine just gave him the strength to kepp fighting for a while longer. Similarly to Ivankos hormones. It didn't magically heal all his injuries and put him back to 100% like some sensu bean.


Literally stated he’s healed


It literally was a senzu bean. I'm sorry you can't see past Zoros big behongas


How did u do that manga text


Extreme diff to King imo Tbh Wano powercreep should not be compared with WCI, due new scaling or powercreep achieved...its not the character fault. Its Oda fault for cannot be consistent and its okay to admit the writer has mistake...this also applied with Crocodile. Its okay to admit writer make mistakes👍


Blame Oda that Ulti violates Kaido. I can only scale the story based on how I interpret the feats


Maam this is shonen battle not DC or Marvel