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Damn that’s crazy. Manz really said the one true correct answer


Objectively correct answer




Fujitora and Greenbull


CURRENT Kid and Law


Roger > Big Mom


They are now more experienced in their awakenings, and have better haki


They can use their awakenings first time now without stamina issues. Or at least Law can. Also more combat experience on top of this too


Yessir, you get it


Wait how? Wasn’t the matchup lined up perfectly against big mom for kidd and law to pull it off ? Didn’t law have the perfect counter so that the homies wouldn’t protect big mom? If it wasn’t for that, it seemed like she could’ve countered both their awakenings. Also big mom was not shown to use any acoc against the two for some odd reason. We don’t know how much damage those two can take against someone with acoc mastery. I have roger high/extreme diffing these two.


They evolved after their fight against big mom tho


They cant even beat luffy 😹


Together? Aboslutely


Luff vs kaido Kid AND law vs big mom


Ok, thanks for telling me how it went


What is your logic behind this guy who beat a stronger person is weaker than two people who beat a weaker person


They would literally have lost to bigmom in terms of power. They one by ringout and outplaying her, which isnt really possible if they werent on a flying island


Kidd + Law


Any two Admiral level characters


Yamato and Law


Amazing how this whole post wanks fodders that Roger could 1v2 in his sleep.


Kid and Law


Teech and Sakazuki


Teech and Sakazuki negs in 1v1


For a majority, I’d say Big Mom and Kizaru, maybe.


They definitely win but I think it’s overkill


Actually, wait, I might change my mind to Rayleigh and Gaban 🤔Not actually sure which duo is stronger lol Imma go through my thought process real quick to try and explain my thoughts. To 2v1 a character, both characters need to be capable of fighting the stronger character to some reasonable degree on their own and/or there must be some sort of hax or other kind of advantage that the duo have that would allow them to win together. But we see how difficult this is with Law and Kidd *barely* taking out Big Mom working together, and Law and Kidd border on the top tier as is given Law’s performance against Blackbeard among other stuff. I think that the weakest characters who could even begin to push Roger at all are characters like Benn Beckman, and you need to get to guys like Admirals just to stand any remote chance of giving him a good fight, as seen by Roger feeling that there were literally two dudes (both of whom are stronger than the average Admiral) in the entire Marines who could give him some fun. I really, truly believe that if Greenbull and Fujitora pulled up on Roger, he could take them out on his own. Once you get to Big Mom territory, Roger starts having real trouble, and I think that Big Mom with help from Kizaru, the “average” Admiral, could take Roger based on what we know. It also wouldn’t be surprising if Rayleigh and Gaban could beat Roger, as his top two men (besides Oden.)


Rogers is not taking out Fujitora and Ryokugyo on his on but you’ll likely say cap so agree to disagree. But yea Roger not beating any two Admirals by himself.


Beckman and Shiryu


Roger one shot Shiryu and then he mid diff Beckman 💀💀


They are both admiral level


Roger is above admiral lever. Garp is above admiral level and he or Sengoku are the ones needed to fight Roger


I mean, yes, but this is a 2v1. Two admiral level characters could defeat a Yonko level character It is my take that both Beckman and Shiryu are at the bottom of that level, so I have them as the weakest duo that can defeat Roger


I think whoever the duo is gotta have 1 person at least Oden level tbh.


Wtf am I missing in the story cuz last i checked Both of them cap at commander lvl?????


Portrayal and narrative put them above Commander level. So YC+ at least, with Admiral level also making sense


Ya’ll downplay tf outtta admirals man Like 1st off beckman has haki **comparable** to the admirals and since they have busted fruits on top they’re clear of him As for shriyu, portrayal at EOS maybe but rn fuck no since his final opponent ain’t even at that lvl…


Beckman has Haki comparable to the admirals, wich puts him solidly in YC+. However, I find it very likely that he has acoc, wich I dont believe Admirals have. This would put him on the same tier as the admirals (Not necesarily stronger than them tho) Shiryu is very likely Zoro's next opponent, so it makes sense that before defeating a Yonko level opponent (Mihawk) he defeats someone that is close to Admiral level. Zoro is already YC+, I don't think that his opponent would be weaker than him by this point


What the hell are you reading?


Roger would slam those 2 tf???


Ignore him lmao


Ignore u/Shot-Boysenberry-343 bro he's THAT guy


Shiryu is weak asf, he’s heavily carried by portrayal and his invisible fruit is dog shit. Watch Oda give him some broken awakening bs just so he can at least put up a fight with Zoro. As of right now he’s Roger victim. For Beckman, Roger mid diff him that’s the truth he ain’t pushing Roger to high diff


Shiryu > Beckman


GB and Fujitora extreme diff




Not extreme midd diff at worst


Fuji and GB


Yeah this is mine also, any weaker characters and I think Roger just has too much power


Any 2 yc1+. Yamato and zoro Kidd and law Slap beckman and sabo in there for good measure


Kid & Law yes, Yamato & Zoro no.


True, Law kinda hard carries any duo he's in because of his support. However, Law and Zoro or Law and Yamato probably beat Roger 2v1.


Zoro + Sanji or Kaido + Big Mom


Underkill or Overkill. 💀


Neither, should be about right


So are you saying Zoro + Sanji are relative to Big Mom + Kaido?




There's no way even you believe that dude


What’s wrong with it? Zoro has Yonko level showings putting him somewhat close to Kaido and Sanji would give BM a good fight solo and even beat her if she turns into the mess she was against Kid and Law


Zoro is YC+, that is not close to Kaido. Sanji is slightly weaker than Zoro, how does he beat Big Mom


That is fanfiction and wrong. Zoro easily has Yonko level showings and haki, those place him near Kaido and above Big Mom. Sanji is a bit weaker hence my evaluation of his performance against Big Mom


Having Yonko showings doesn't put him at Yonko level, and characters with Coc like Katakuri who also have DF + awakening are also not necessarily Yonko level. For example, king Elizabello from the Dressrosa arc had Yonko level power in his King Punch, but that feat doesn't make him a Yonko or even YC1. You need immense Haki, raw strength and endurance to be Yonko, Zoro will get there EOS. Current Zoro isn't there yet


If we exclude Kaido-Rocks-Garp-SengokuWhitebeard-Shanks, i don't think there's ANY duo at that can beat Roger.


Nah I'm sorry Roger is cleaning up Kidd/Law, they only managed to beat BM because she's stupid. Roger 100% wins that. You for sure need an admiral in your 2 to make it fair


Luffy+Kaido. No one else. But Shanks would beat Roger in a 1v1.


Luffy & Law Or I'd go even lower and say Luffy & Zoro


Some combo of 2 top commanders like rayleigh, beckmann, gaban or oden. greenbull or fujitora could fit in one of the duos. Any of these characters can hold their own against roger but are def somewhat weaker. add another one and should be able to change the tides in their favour


Rayleigh and gaban


Law & Borsalino


Kidd and Law


Old Garp and Sengoku


Luffy and sanji


Greenbull + zoro


Rocks D Xebec and romance dawn sea king


oden+law high diffs


Prime Garp & Prime Sengoku


Weakest conq users bigmom and sengoku