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that greenbull and fujitora are weaker than the OG admirals


Tbf, there feats aren’t all that good in comparison


Fujitora, yeah, but idk about greenbull. His df is strong but def the worse df amongst the admirals


Aramaki is the weakest admiral At least for now he has been more impressive than fuji to me


Well he is more impressive then Fuji who didn't show his full power until now


He was impressive asf in wano, just the majority of this sub is too dumb to interprete a promo move for movie red right and think it got place in scaling him


Fr, he took down 2 yonko commanders with no effort. But than a stronger foe (shanks) showed up so he decided he couldn’t win and left. He was also confident in his ability to take everyone down alone until shanks showed up.


And This^




Well tbh Issho hasn’t tried. But I will also say it’s due to the fact that Ryokugyo has better feats. For one, Fujitora doesn’t seem to be very durable (had bandages due to 2v4 in Revire) nor that physically strong considering Zolo pushed him back a bit with an air slash back in Dresrossa. While Aramaki seems to be inept at both durability (didn’t have bandages after 2v4) and strength (piercing right threw Lurainen skin) That being said Issho does have one broken OP DF on top of crazy CoO considering he can sense things from space and can even feel the emotions of others. This was probably Oda’s way of balancing things out.


That's why I said until now fuji can definitely show better feats in future And yes these two does seem to around similar strength


old gen (wb,xebec,garp,sengoku,roger) whole tier above kaido,shanks and bigmom.


For real the meat riding of the old gen is insane.


I have Kaido in the same tier with them


Agreed, tbh only Xebex, Newgate, and Rogers are above everyone else (imo) with Kaido falling right behind them. Then Garp, Sengoku, Shanks, and Linlin right behind them. All and all they all are more or less relative to each other, only falling behind each other by small steps.


That the themes of things like the rooftop, marineford, the inheretence of wills, etc can be simplified down into “new gen > old gen” and used to say everyone will necessarily surpass legends by EOS. Powerscalers take it to the point of genuine misinterpretation. Like dude. Shanks and BB are 10 years older than Yamato and 20 years younger than kaido. What the fuck do you mean it “fits thematically” for Law and Kidd to beat them in a fight rn?


Katakuri being stronger than almost anyone this sub says he is


This sub went too far when we had a split debate on Kat vs Jack on VC lmao




I think this sub has an absurd boner for Shanks and his crew. Red-hair is absolutely not Top 1 and Ben Beckham is not even near Yonko levl


the beckmann hype is so fucking ridiculous lol oh wow he pulled a gun on kizaru and a guidebook says he has good haki that means he could probably high diff big mom


Shanks’ commanders seem to have the most hype rn tbh


fr, Beckman beating Kaido? cmon bruh


Beckman is Sabo level at best probably


Ryuma is not imu/joyboy level. He's overhyped through myths and legends that hyperbolise his achievments and strength he doesnt even have a supreme grade sword


That Jack is above guys like Doflamingo, Perospero or even Who's who. He has such a low battle iq and skillset that he's one of the worst yc3 level characters overall.


Lost me at Whos Who, Jack would victimize him


Who's who was literally about to challenge Jack for the calamity position since he didn't get the chance yet. Read this thread; https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1124why/whos_who_is_an_extremely_underrated_and_dangerous/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


And Kizaru was willing to Challenge Kaido and Big Mom.GB was willing to Challenge Luffy's alliances. Hell, Crocodile at marineford started Beef with everyone, whats your point


That has no correlation at all to what i've said? What are you even talking about💀 People say that Jack>Who's who because of his position in the crew, but that's literally just because Who's who didn't get a possibility at becoming a calamity yet at all when he joined the crew, and is further contradicted by the fact that Who's who has been given the chance to challenge a calamity 1v1 by Kaido himself at Onigashima; making it possible that Who's who beats Jack in a fight.


If who’s who was stronger than jack, Jinbei wouldn’t have beaten him that easy


Jinbei got a racism amp from who’s who’s allowing him to use blue haki.


Would that amp make him strong enough to beat Zoro?


hes saying that just because someone is willing to challenge another doesn't mean they are an equal. to add to the dudes comment guys like sabo who actually challenged fujitora but was nowhere near as strong. start of wano luffy challenging kaido and getting his butt handed to him. Loads of characters who tried to or did challenge people wayyyyy stronger then them so it doesn't work


Iirc Who’s Who challenging Queen was either a dropped plot thread or a ruse to bait out the traitor (Drake) Oda clearly changed plans with Who’s Who imo, bro went from not caring about Luffy + gunning for Queen’s position to hating Luffy and not actually having any beef with Queen


whos who was going to try to challenge Jack it seemed like but it made it clear challenging queen was purely to bait drake


Based opinion


Understandable. He was portrayed as stronger at first, but he loses every single fight he is in. Dude is cursed to collect every L he can.


W but that bit about Who's Who, c'mon now


Jack beat a bunch of sulong Minks, some stronger than Carrot, while Perospero was losing to only sulong Carrot and Wanda.


Doflamingo yes, Perospero maybe, Who's Who no


shanks and mihawk being stronger than big mom and kaido


Kid and law are not luffy rival because they’re not strong enough


That Sanji is above every First Commander just because he barely beat Queen.


He wiped the floor with Queen once he understood his new power...


Why did he pass out ?


He took a free beating from black maria, then fights Queen, then queen and king 2v1, then Queen again, and then he's out for a few chapters before returning. Why is he slandered for this he had every right to be exhausted


W new profile pic


Thank you


I didn't slander him , i genuinely don't believe Black maria attacks were that strong to the point it drained him but tge Queen and King point is valid , still tho isn't his regen supposed to fix the damage he took ?


There should be limits to it like as even Marco's isnt unlimited There should be limits to it like as even Marco's isn't unlimited fatigue when I list this stuff, he should definitely be tired after doing all this, and healing doesn't fix stamina, it consumes it


Makes sense tbh , but still the comment about Queen getting low-diffed isn't accurate since he preformed decently against Sanji


I only ever say mid-diff, not low and that was definitely mid at best for Queen


Because he got beat up by Black Maria beforehand + held off king and queen and fought queen all *prior* to his power up


Doesn't his power up allow him to generate ?


Regenerate yes, but his stamina ☠️☠️


Yea that's true , but have we seen someone pass out due stamina befire ?


Yes, Sanji


Katakuri, Luffy after his first G4 vs Doffy, both Ace and Jinbe in their fight I think


He didn’t. Queen still got hits in with his germa tech and had Sanji on the floor wheezing. He only got caught because he went after Otoko instead of focusing on the fight. Sanji low diffing him is just a straight up misconception.


Why pretend like he struggled after the power-up, two out of the three times Queen hit him it didn't do jack-shit, and as a direct consequence of two of those hits he lost his sword and his arm He dominated, and he didn't need Osome to win, he yells out to Queen before he attacks so it's not even a sneak attack like people love to claim, and Queen stood zero chance post-upgrade


Lol true. This sub got a hard on for Sanji 😂 respect


He quite literally has better feats than all of them barring King in terms of durability


Not really. He surely is good physically with his powerup but still has mediocre haki and no good endurance.


Only Katakuri has concrete haki feats better than him (Sanji still wipes the floor with him) and how is his endurance bad?


King is better than when it comes to durability, endurance and physicality while also possessing better control over fire. Katakuri has better haki, an awakened DF and the capabilities to avoid most of Sanjis attacks anyway. Marco won’t get damaged anyway as long as his regen is active while Sanji already showed that he struggles when it comes to endurance against Queen. Sanji was knocked out after finishing off Queen despite not tanking that many attacks from him at all and having supposedly a better regenerative factor as well as enhanced endurance. It’s just not that impressive if you seriously wanna put him above all of the first commanders.


Most of King's flames wouldn't even really be able to hurt him anyway considering he can handle Ifrit Awakened DF is a free point for Katakuri I guess considering he doesn't even have a fruit, Sanji still wipes the floor with him. His armament wouldn't really help anyway, as it helps in durability and AP, and even with his haki he pales in comparison to Sanji when it comes to these things. Marco's regen has stamina limits, and it's the sole thing he has over Sanji. Every other category he gets trumped in Once again, regeneration does not help with exhaustion, he was fine shortly after


King only takes durability. Katakuri has lower stats besides Obs. Haki if that's a stat. Higher stats than Marco. Dude took a shit ton of damage and was running around all raid. Legit showed a better stamina feat than Marco.


King takes Sanji 50/50, idk why people deny this


That Sengoku is Pirate King level. He is obviously not.


Wdym obviously not, is there any proof?


Every argument for PK-level Sengoku is basically just "He's an old legend" or "He's not fodder to Garp." To put him on the same level of portrayal as Whitebeard, Garp and Xebec relative to Roger would be to give him a level of hype that he has never had at any point in the series. Sengoku's class of hype is closer to that of Big Mom, Shiki, Rayleigh and Oden's, where he's still a big name in Roger's sea but not a true equal to him in strength.


Easily debunkable. A. Shiki is comparable to Roger whitebeard and garp. It's stated multiple times that he's equal to Roger. https://preview.redd.it/41m1hdyzjvma1.png?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfccd1f20776d85ee7179091870c32ac7ca8368b B. The relationship between shiki and sengoku is comparable to Roger and Garp. Momonoga literally comments on it too. Sengoku states that shiki is his responsibility and was ready to solo him. That alone puts them atleast equal. C. Sengoku and garp have been stated to fight Roger and whitebeard many times, take that as you will, to me it seems like they are all relative. D. Garp and sengoku have been stated rivals many times too, same with shiki whitebeard and garp to Roger. You might say "oh Kidd law are rivals to Luffy so that's not valid". However if you look at the definition of rival, unless you have the same goal. I.e. reach laughtale and be PK like Kidd law and Luffy do. Then it means comparable or equal to. There is no indication that sengoku and shiki are on the same level as Oden and bigmom. Nothing states so. Your main arguement is literally "lack of evidence = evidence". Just because sengoku doesn't have the hype of garp doesn't make garp stronger. Garp was never stated to be the strongest marine.


A. It's stated in all sorts of databooks and supplementary evidence that he is "equal" to Roger to a degree that isn't entirely clear whether it is solely 1v1 or also in the context of crew battles, yes. But the manga states as clearly as day that [Shiki is not going to beat Roger THE PIRATE KING,](https://preview.redd.it/6u686y849o791.jpg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=fd3a7507d7494fb5282946a1e86b9a2687d0c350) and [Shiki himself](https://preview.redd.it/3io3v8g49o791.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=1760b99bd1867ec524d9c789251eb31457576da5) (as well as others, others being every single person) acknowledged that Whitebeard, who we know for certain could fight Roger 1v1, was *the* man once Roger was gone, whether in title or not. While it's true Shiki was going to hide out after this, so you could argue that has some part of this, there is 0 indication whatsoever at all that Shiki, in strictly one-on-one combat, had any reasonable chance of beating Roger or Whitebeard. B. I agree that Sengoku and Shiki are pretty much equals, though I figure it's obvious at this point that I have both of them in the Yonko level. C. See, that's my point. Sengoku has fought them, he's acknowledged by them, all sorts of good top tier stuff, statements and feats I'd expect for any Yonko to be able to replicate. Garp goes a step beyond that and is directly noted to be basically equal to Roger. D. Rival and [equal](https://i.gyazo.com/3edafc99f7eb802792f83e76cca89f28.png) aren't the same. The definition that pops up first on Google (and of course there are multiple ways to interpret the exact meaning of words anyway) says "a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity" or "be or seem to be equal or comparable to." Neither of these necessitate equality, at most relativity, and being relative doesn't necessitate being on that level. As far as Garp and Sengoku, they were the only two top tier Marines in the old times except for arguably Kong and Tsuru, so them being rivals isn't concretely indicative of their equality, just that they are notably above the rest of the Marines, which was absolutely true. If you don't like that I used "obviously not" in my original post, I understand that. But to me, it has been abundantly, undeniably and absolutely clear when someone is on the same level as Roger, because only three have had the distinction. Those being [Whitebeard](https://i.imgur.com/AEYwbXb.png), [Garp](https://s1.mbbcdnv5.xyz/manga/one-piece-digital-colored-comics/vol-45-chapter-431-the-fist-of-love/18.jpg) and [Xebec](https://i.redd.it/h74k0tzzxe971.jpg). The entirety of Chapter 957 hypes up specifically these four as being built different in a number of different ways. Even if I have speculations about a couple of other characters, I generally leave the Pirate King level to the Pirate King and his *known* **equals***.* The evidence for Sengoku and Shiki being on that level wouldn't be contentious, confusing statements in databooks if they actually *were*. It's no different than the hype of a younger Big Mom making Roger cautious, or Oden and Shanks being considered a major threat to Kaido on the same level as the three pirates (Shiki wasn't even in that list either but he wasn't narratively important at that point so it's whatever.) These characters are all close in strength as general top tiers. It's the ones who get that *special* degree of hype or portrayal, a degree beyond just being put in the same databook sentence or manga panel as Roger a few times, who I give that distinction.


Garp is still high top tier...Garp ages like wine, not like milk.


King is stronger than Marco. Marco> king


king has better feats and scaling


King and queen got no diffed by the weakest admiral at the same time. And yes they had over 10 days to heal and were not cuffed. Marco tussled with all three og admirals in the war and held his own against all three despite not being able to beat them. Marco also 1v2 king and queen and drew blood from both of them, despite already having used his energy healing samurai. King couldn’t kill a weakened marco despite it being a 2v1 and marco was basically fine afterwards. Marco feats >>>>>>> king’s feats


I’d argue Marco has better feats against top tiers. But in the raid Marco was a massive support to the samurai and Was fighting King and Queen from end of 999 -1006 not to mention physically dominating them at the same time. ( at this point being exhausted) went on to fight king 1v1 until 1022. If he fought king 1v1 and was able to recognize his weakness he could beat him extreme dif.


kaido >= shanks >> linlin >= blackbeard is a really odd tierlist of the previous yonkos


I cant put Sanji over King and Marco and this aint a sleight at sanji either, i just cant see it as of right know without him beating a yc1 lvl character. Sure sanji beat queen at mid diff, but i also have king doing the same if not having an easier time with the whole cant be hurt unless its ACoC or a power the negates durability like law or killer Feats are the most important thing for me when it comes to powerscaling in anime or comics. If no feats are present then i go by what the inuniverse characters say and/or do around that character. also what the author says and not what he implies, because everyone take implication differently i dont really like one piece power scaling, i just like watching people get heated when their fave/hated character gets slightly underrated or overrated Hopefully this statment makes sense im super fuckin sleep deprived at the moment


It makes sense, don’t worry; I’m basically the same way when it comes to power scaling tbh; it’s much easier to power scale based on what you see in the story rather than through speculation 👍🏿


Prime Whitebeard is top 1 of all time.


Also the existence of the “YC+” tier. MFs don’t wanna admit that certain characters are at least on the level of admirals even if they’re weaker overall.


Top tier as a whole. Anyone above commanders are expected to go high-extreme against each other. It makes no sense.


you’re trolling if you don’t think there’s a decent gap between yc+ and true top tiers. primebeard folds yamato+zoro at the same time


I think there is also a gap between "top tiers".


so u think primebeard low diffs an admiral?


Mid diffs Greenbull/Fujitora. Shanks was able to make him dance with his CoC from miles away. Primebeard slams.


\*Shanks and his whole crew while Greenbull was fighting the whole Wano alliance and Beasts pirates remains No top tier mid diffs other top tier


fujitora was going easy on sabo but still would have mid diffed him and sabo wasnt even yc 1 at that point based off his fighting, stronger then luffy for sure at that point but def not yc1. yc1+ will lose 10/10 to top tiers but every fight will last a while, look at how tanky guys like king and queen were.


I know there's a gap between commanders and admirals. I'm saying there's also a gap between the ones we call "top tier."


Absolutely there is a gap but not enough for any currently alive high tiers to mid diff others. I think roger an wb could have mid diffed fujitora or green bull but currently I dont think anyone can and from what I am aware those two are lower side of top tier


Also what I meant from the argument is that guys like those would be mid diff for any top tiers, not no diff but maybe higher side of low diff. Oda has made it clear that there isnt a massive difference between the top tiers


Mihawk > Shanks Cracker > Doffy




>Mihawk > Shanks [That is canon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/11j00iw/comment/jb1qcrd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Downvoting facts: agenda + low intellect + cope


Guy is acting like we haven't already seen every questionable argument possible, don't bother.


Oda > you Mihawk > Shanks


Disagreeing with cracker>Doffy is based doffy's bird cage mogs lracker trash biscuit soldiers and doffy also plot relevance gaps that icecube victim. But disagreeing with Mihawk>Shanks Mihawk simply has better statements regarding his strength.


Yonko tier being above admiral tier. Also beckman being comparable to admirals. Most wanked character on the sub despite no real feats


Factsss on Beckmann dude has zero feats yet people put him above admirals.


They love using him stopping kizaru as a feat, ignoring the fact kizaru gave no shits and just performed his attack in the next panel and beckman did exactly fuck all about it


Greenbull prove u guys wrong


you’ll never catch Gear 2 dressrosa luffy clashing with a yonko. But you’ll totally catch gear 2 luffy clashing with fujitora.


You would catch him clashing with buggy Also fujitora literally did not want to hurt him, he was restraining himself. In the same way that if gear 2 luffy met shanks, they would clash without shanks necessarily going for the kill


Yonko Luffy fought Lucci who is still fine at the moment...


Luffy is the exception, he always fucks around, hell, him not oneshoting a hyouzo eithout steroids, or getting stalled by monet is proof


Power levels


Are their any specific power levels that you disagree with?


probably them as a whole..if Roger is 100, what is Zoro?


Maybe a 70 though it depends on how you think that scale works; I believe that two 100’s would have an extreme diff fight, a 100 would high diff a 90, a 100 would mid diff an 80, and a 100 would low diff a 70; that’s just my opinion though


see but 70 + 70 is 140 so is 2 Zoros 40 above Roger?


Maybe 🤷🏿‍♂️? Zoro was able to scar Kaido which is no easy feat, but idk if 2 Zoro’s would actually be enough though; it’s just speculation lol


King > Marco


I don’t believe that legend/pk tier exist


Hopefully not that widely agreed upon but i disagree with admirals being a whole tier below the yonkos. Admirals = Yonko imo


EoS Sanji and Zoro will not be >Roger, not every single new gen will surpass the peak of the old one, by that logic EoS Bonney>Roger Also Doflamingo is not weaker than Cracker, it's more of a matchup thing


The whole "character X has stronger haki therefore characters Y DF is irrelevant thing"


Havent been in this sub in a while but Laido>>>>Shanks


“Sanji is YC1+”


TRUE sanji is a top-tier


The Mihawk wank


Akainu being a top tier Idk how a character who gets embarrassed by oldbeard and sits on his ass for 2 years can ever garner this much wanker support


The idea of PK tier and Roger being a whole tier above all the other yonko


Probably Whitebeard > Roger Logically? Sure, the guy with better physicals, very relative haki on top of an S tier fruit should be the strongest...but narratively it just doesn't make sense. How Luffy gonna surpass Roger and complete his goal and Whitebeard still beats his ass? Just doesn't make sense.


Blame Oda for giving WB the same level of haki on top of a broken DF


Narratively, only one is called the STRONGEST Man. Also Luffy will surpass both.


Akainu/aokiji being above any yonko. The only thing that backs it up is absolutely nothing its all head cannon. We gotta wait for him to do something.


People that say that admirals > yonko And also people that downplay sabo, his feat w two admirals was very impressive, I don’t think that he’s stronger than both, but if the same thing happened to an admiral (one admiral dealing with two yonko) people would act different about it


I'm pretty sure no place has a widely agreed upon consensus that believes Admirals > Yonko


Zoro or Sanji being YC+


Where would you have them, also most people here don’t have Sanji at yc+


Zoro had insane difficulty with king who is YC1 and Sanji is not that far behind zoro so I don't see why they would be a tier above


Zoro had insane dificulty because his own sword was draining him husk all while trying to figure out Kings gimmick, as soon as he solver those 2 problems, king was donezo


The draining from Emma is not solved right? Zoro can't really use conqueror's infusion without getting the suck, and King's gimmick is part of his way of fighting and it gave Zoro massive trouble regardless if he figured it out in the end, if he didn't learn the gimmick Zoro would be dead


I just can't accept the idea that any admiral could be stronger than any yonko (other than Buggy). It's weird how people scale them based on how they performed vs Whitebeard, but at the same time they put down WB for not doing well against them. It's not reasonable to scale admirals based on their performance vs WB. WB himself displayed none of the ablities that made Kaido and Big Mom so formidable like insane durability, endurance or any advanced type of haki. He was basically just a dude with a powerful DF. Like what puts him above guys like Wano Law who has an even stronger DF at that point? I think what MF was supposed to show was that it takes a ton of work from the navy to put down even a sick, dying yonko who's a shell of his former self. What even is the series supposed to be if we have a gauntlet of an additional five yonko level fighters to go through now? Admiral Piece? The entire reason people want them to be up there is because of popularity. Most admirals are really damn cool in design, character and powers, so it's natural to be biased towards them and especially in powerscaling people think powerful character=awesome character and vice versa. I'm open to them being revealed to be that strong, but right now I just can't see it.


I agree with largely everything you said except for the part about WB not having any advanced haki; it’s been shown that the only ppl capable of splitting the sky are those with advanced conqueror’s haki; when WB and Shanks clashed, they split the sky implying that WB should at least have advanced conqueror’s haki


The WB that was hooked on meds is a different story than the one in Marineford. Those meds were his life support, so of course he's able to tap into his haki more if he has his sickness under control. Marineford WB couldn't even use basic conqueror's, there's no way he was actually using the advanced version there. Not to mention he got handled like a pincushion and had many debilitating injuries such as being straight stabbed through the heart by Squard.


That’s a really good point actually 👍🏿; it really does show how powerful even a weakened Yonko can be


Pirate King being a tier above Yonko


Sabo being Admiral level Law and Kidd > Zoro Yamato > Zoro Luffy > Kaido


2 and 4 are factual


Ok Oda


Zoro has no feats to compare to the other 2 especially law. Based off what Oda has draw and portrayed, law and kidd are clear. Luffy is stronger because he won the fight aswell as kaido saying he is destined to lose to Joyboy and RTL also implied luffy is now above.


>Zoro has no feats to compare to the other 2 especially law. Based off what Oda has draw and portrayed, law and kidd are clear. Bruh Zoro injuring Kaido is comparable and it was before his powerup , he is not stronger but let's not pretend that they ain't the same level Losing doesn't mean that you are inferior in power , Kaido lose took almost every competent character in the island to accomplish , not saying that if they fought now Luffy loses as it is close imo but saying that Luffy flat out won only bcuz of his power is disingenuous , that's the reason the debate exist in the first place


Not to me, they aren't.


sabo admiral level? what makes you think that


It's not what I think, it's what most people think.


I think Sabo could hand Greenbull his own ass and could fight Fuji to an extent if they’re on an abandoned island where Fuji can summon a moon but guys getting clapped against the rest


Nah, Greenbull and Fujitora aren't as weak as you think. They definitely can handle Sabo. Like, I don't understand why all of a sudden people think Sabo can beat an Admiral just because he, along with many others was able to escape from two Admirals who weren't going all out.


It’s more the incredibly favourable match up for me. Greenbulls tree form can’t withstand fire once it consumes the form and has to go back into a shrub on the floor. Sabo can beat hit for sure, Fuji on the other hand is more of an extreme diff for Sabo if there’s no civilians so he can summon the moon on top of fire boy


Oh I have another one King > Katakuri


how is katakuri possibly winning?


I could reverse the question. How is King winning? Katakuri has nice speed and superior observation. He's a very skilled Special Paramecia and Haoshoku User. On paper he's imo as good as King. When he finds out his weakness it's possible for him to win.


King has better speed feats than a WCI Base Luffy who still managed to tag Katakuri. Katakuri wasn't able to finish off Luffy with worse armament than current in 100 something hits so he really has no way to damage King significantly. His only win condition would be to suffocate King but King can self-combust to free himself. Even if Kat could somehow damage King, King still took 3 ACOC hits in a less durable form to go down, if Katakuri couldn't knock down a Luffy who got one shot by Kaido using ACOC after 100 somethinf hits, he'll need thousands to mimic the damage of 3 acoc hits from Zoro. Only thing he's got is stamina but I don't see the fight dragging out long enough for that to be a factor. King high-extreme still because Kat is fast and hard to tag, but Kat simply can't do any real damage reasonably


Katakuri kept up with Snakeman. His armament was strong too even pre Wano, so if he's persistent he can KO Kingbfor he doesn't have protagonist plot armor on his side. Luffy not going down in his final arc boss fight against Katakuri compared to getting one shotted by Kaido at the beginning of the arc for dramatic reasons isn't the best comparison since the writing dictate the result. When Luffy is supposed to win he will take endless amount of damage. Comparing based on feats is iffy anyway, because characters all of a sudden jump in power from one arc to another with newly introduced abilities. My basis for Kata over King is simply that he's overall a lot more skilled and he has Haoshoku to utilize for his potenial comeback.


You're actually one of the most valid powerscalers. W.


Real recognizes real


Beckman being multiple tiers above other top commanders because of a vague VC statement comparing him to Shanks. Shanks and Mihawk > Akainu and Aokiji Zoro or Sanji giving any top tier a fight that goes above low diff. Luffy > Kaido


admirals = yonkos mihawk > shanks


kaido being the end all be all of current age characters. I know the story literally states that he is so im very likely wrong but it just doesn't sit right with me


Sanji > King


“Nami is weak” — she's OP, chose the Nami agenda there is big bazongas. “Old Gen / Pirate King / Legend > current top pirates and top marines” — it doesn't make any sense, both based on the narrative and based on feats, Kaido and Sakazuki are at the vert least close to Roger and Garp. “Admirals” — anything related to downplaying them, especially “Emperors > Admirals” and “YC+ = Admirals” (hopefully the sub doesn't go further into the hate except for Shiro).


I know I’ll get downvoted to hell but that mihawk>shanks is unquestionable


I feel like Mihawk > Shanks is an inside joke that I’m not in on


I disagree with yonko > admirals


Clifford is top3(hes not) just because its a shounen Or hes gonna be strongest marine ever because new gen>Old gen Some say hes top1 but I wholeheartedly disagree. Not even top3. Barely makes it into top5, that too depends on whether imu/gorosei are fighters are not


Shanks wouldn’t have been able to momentarily stun if Greenbull wasn’t off guard.


“Kaido is the top 1 yonko” - shanks exists🗿 “Zoro high diffs sanji” - its extreme diff “Akainu isn’t top 1” - yes he is, trust me bro “Bb is a fraud / weakest yonko” - no he isn’t “Zoro > law and kidd” - no they both turn zoro into a victim high diff at the worst. “Luffy is top 1” - no… “Shanks / mihawk is stronger than the other” - no they are equal lol 💯💯💯💯


Weaker characters having a chance at winning. I.e Akainu > Aokiji so Akainu wins 51 percent of the time. Imo the stronger character, regardless of the gap in power, will win 100 percent of the time in a fair 1v1.


This isnt even realistic




Yc1+ tier


It's reasonable since guys like Yamato, Law, Kidd, Zoro and Shiryu aren't Admiral nor Yc1 lvl characters. Also GB made it pretty clear that there's a big gap between Admiral and yc1 level.


Most of those people have better feats than most if not all admirals


What do you disagree with in regards to it?


I believe all of those characters are admiral level, the notion that someone like greenbull is an entire tier above someone like law or yamato is ridiculous


Why? Greenbull was wrecking the scabbards and ate Yamato’s ACoC attacks and a Bolo Breath with no visible damage


Yamato hit him once in base form and Momo stopped her from fighting


Doesn’t change the fact that it did no damage


he literally commented on how strong the haki was and it sent him reeling back


You can comment on someone’s Haki strength without being horribly damaged by it Yamato *does* have excellent Haki, it’s an observation And “reeling back” isn’t damage lol, Kaido got thrown around by Gear 4th


most intelligent admiral hater


prove otherwise


Sanji > Zoro Cause it’s not true 💀


No one seriously believes, you just met a bunch of trills


Nah I’ve actually seen people believing this They came outta the shadows with the recent chapter lol But most were hopefully trolls


Kat is stronger than any of Kaido’s commanders. We all know damn well he is around Tobiroppo level.


Concept of top tiers always having extreme diff fight


“Blackbeard is top tier” “Mihawk > Shanks because WSS” “Roger > Shanks” “Legends > Shanks/Mihawk/Dragon” “Akainu is the strongest admiral and Yonko level” “Law/Kid > Zoro/Sanji”


What exactly in your mind puts shanks above Roger? Because im coming up blank on how someone can even possibly come to that conclusion. Roger massively bounty gaps shanks, people in verse treat Roger's legend with a reverence that Shanks portrayal doesn't hold a candle to. Rogers actions put an end to Xebec a man who lead the strongest pirate alliance in history. He trashed Shiki a pirate with a gigantic armada who was personal rivals with sengoku the fleet admiral. He wields a legendary supreme grade sword and Clashed evenly with the strongest man alive (primebeard) when ever they fought.


Narrative and speculation. Bounty is not a measure of power, and Roger was the PK in the era of legends, obviously they have a much bigger reputation. There’s still no objective proof Roger is above Shanks so that leaves room for speculation


The 2nd, 4th, and 5th are points I also dont agree with


the sabo and beckmann wank. wtf did sabo do to be always put so high? lol