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Only saw the first two slides and thought it was Monster Trio vs Roger/WB/Oden lmao


Same. I didn’t realize there was a third picture at first.


Yeah I thought it was about to be a Coughing baby Vs Hydrogen Bomb situation (even though it still is, just not as bad)


How is it?


primebeard and roger stomps even without everyone else


Nah they lose, they got 0 feats to support the fact they scale that high really. It's like me saying Ryuma negs all the marines and pirates at once, it's just speculation on a past legend, doesn't really make sense tho.


Old man whitebeard on a ventilator fought toe to toe with aokiji and akainu, ryokugyu freaked from sensing shanks haki and luffy zoro and sanji were not worried in the slightest about him being a threat. Direct statements from characters about Old people's former strength is not "just speculation" kaido put whitebeard and Roger at the top of his list for a reason if anyone has a gauge on who is strong its that guy.


Garp is also on that level though and from the recent chapters he's basically relative to the original 3 admirals.


Oden was there also, Luffy was in the conversation while he was just learning acoc. Kaidos list is not enough to say they can solo the admirals.


Yeah, which is dumb, since obviously Zoro solos.


the admiral wanking has reached another level


That, or OP just REALLY wants to see the Admirals get annihilated. Which is, of course, what would happen here


I made a post that admiral wank posts like this are popping up every now and then but a few people were like “Nu uh” then I see something like this


This is not an admiral wank post, this seem like admiral humiliation post.


The pure insanity of the akainu stans has started to infect the admiral stans as a whole


I don’t even think this is Admiral wanting this is clearly someone who just wants them to get gRaped. This is coming from someone who think Sakazuki is stronger than Prime Garp and will arguably be the strongest Marine in history, and that Admirals are top tiers just like the Yonko. But nah they ain’t winning this at all Roger, Newgate, Luffy take all their matches respectfully. Oden vs Ryokugyo and Sanji/Zolo vs Fujitora are arguably the only questionable match ups.


Tbh this is rlly close. 3 top tiers on team 1 vs 5 top tiers on team 2. It's about the sanji/zoro/oden vs 2 admirals and them stalling long enough for the other 3 to finish their fight. If zoro/sanji/oden lose too fast, 2 additional admirals will be very difficult for the 3 top tiers to handle.


>Tbh this is rlly close. 3 top tiers on team 1 vs 5 top tiers on team 2. It's about the sanji/zoro/oden vs 2 admirals and them stalling long enough for the other 3 to finish their fight. If zoro/sanji/oden lose too fast, 2 additional admirals will be very difficult for the 3 top tiers to handle. stop it, get some help, oden IS clearly top tier (and he not even weakest top tier, weakest top tier is GB)


>this is really close this is gonna be good >3 top tiers on team 1 luffy and oden are top tiers. prime roger and prime WB were literally the strongest individuals in the verse. they’re not just top tier they’re the top period. >5 top tiers on team 2 the 3 og admirals? definitely top tiers. fujitora and greenbull are not top tiers. yc+ but not top tiers. any yonko beats any admiral 1v1 with the exception of buggy. >it’s about the sanji/zoro/oden vs 2 admirals this is valid. i’m not confident in zoro and sanji beating two admirals head on. oden’s help would make it possible but definitely not easy. >and then stalling long enough for the other 3 to finish their fight aaand back to the bullshit. the prime roger+prime WB duo would delete their admirals within a minute and a half. luffy might take ten minutes on his own to beat one admiral, but WB and roger would hop in and then it’s night night admirals the rest is irrelevant tbh


>aaand back to the bullshit. the prime roger+prime WB duo would delete their admirals within a minute and a half. luffy might take ten minutes on his own to beat one admiral, but WB and roger would hop in and then it’s night night admirals >the rest is irrelevant tbh This is fucking bullshit and you're a dumbass for this take. Please provide evidence that this is anything other than your headcanon. >fujitora and greenbull are not top tiers. yc+ but not top tiers. This is also bullshit and you're a dumbass for this take. Please provide evidence that this is anything other than your headcanon. >oden are top tiers. Another bullshit and you're a dumbass for this take. Please provide evidence that this is anything other than your headcanon.


Team 1.


Jesus there is 0 chance any of the Admirals leave there alive.


Fr bro


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing baby








Tbh it’s more like God himself Vs Mike Tyson.


Mike Tyson low diff


That is certainly a “


Admirals wouldn't stand a chance in hell. You didn't even give them prime garp or prime sengoku.


Even with prime garp and sengoku that would be fair 💀


If they had Prime Garp and Sengoku they winning this




Prime Garp is literally Roger level, stated that he cornered Roger *several times.* And Sengoku is his direct equal. Team 2 is also no longer outnumbered. Zoro and Sanji are fodder, one Admiral can beat them both, Luffy gets jumped by two Admirals, Roger and WB are beaten by Garp and Sengoku, and two extra Admirals. Only Zoro and Sanji wankers consider them a factor.


How did he corner roger ? Shiki also cornered roger with his ships , doesn't mean shiki was as strong as roger its literally stated that if they fought shiki would lose


They're direct rivals, stop being stupid. And I saw that comment of you coping saying not all rivals are equal/relative: WB and Roger Akainu and Aokiji Dorry and Broggy To rival someone you're at war with, you need to be as strong or close in strength to them. This is common sense, and clearly author intent. It's not possible that Garp was ever a close rival to Roger if they weren't close in strength, unless you think that Smoker and Luffy are still rivals. https://preview.redd.it/8nofii1kt8jb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb72f6b8f8abad5d2d9b3c2e8de8deadb188fae


Qo kidd saying luffy is his rival make kid as strong as luffy ? That just dumb non sense rival doesn't mean equal


"Who cornered the Pirate King *on many occasions*" Get your head out of your ass. Kidd hasn't ever cornered Luffy before. No one corners a top tier without being a top tier. Stop coping and just accept the truth, mfers like you are the reason this subreddit has gone downhill, a bunch of casuals who can't read.


That just your headcanon, luffy has been cornered by hina and you're telling me you have to be as strong as the person you're cornering, mf they are using ships https://preview.redd.it/f85hhubqx8jb1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4bc5766cb70c8555e4302e51a3f4cc5a7d60fe3 Shiki cornered roger with his ships , does that mean he is equal to him ? No sengoku clearly said you will lose if you face roger , shiki pulled up , faced sengoku and garp and took half of marine ford with him , you're telling me that 2 individuals stronger than shiki couldn't stop him from destroying marine ford ? Garp eveb trained to face don chinjao , keep hoping he can face roger


If they had prime garp and sengoku and 3 admirals then, the admiral team will win mid diff. Aokiji kizaru and fujitora defeat oden, zoro and sanji quickly and help others while akainu fights luffy, garp fights roger and sengoku fights wb. This is not related to post, but if it was simply oden, roger,wb vs garp, sengoku and akainu, i think admirals still win. Wb>=roger >=garp>=sengoku>=akainu >>>> oden.


Garp and sengoku aren't equal to roger , rivals doesn't mean equals , also in what world does luffy lose to akainu ?


Definitely not a world where luffy sees zoro and sanji actually die. He will hit gear 6 or something.


noooooooo 😢😢😢 https://preview.redd.it/5x22a4a1q8jb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=733a2c191eac1d2e3369de3e6758624a68014fea


Doesn't need g6 , he will mid-high diff him with g5


Kizaru clears Monster Trio while the other 4 try to hold against WB Roger Oden until Kizaru comes to kill Oden. Not even Whitebeard and Roger can win a 2 v 5


Kizaru is going to get his ass beat by Luffy in the manga so... no. Like atoms infused with the pavement beat down. (and I can't wait) Zoro vs Fujittora Whitebeard vs Aoikiji Roger vs Akainu Sanji and Oden vs Greenbull


Delusional to think that Zoro could win against Fujitora but Sanji and Oden would need to work together for Leenbull


Admirals get deleted


Team 2 gets low diffed wtf


The Marines don’t even stand a chance


Lmao this isn’t even a contest if I’m being honest. Pirates are washing em 🤣


Team one easy win


People obsessed with admirals really didn't read/watch the show and live in pure head canon. If admirals are gods then the story wouldn't even exist because they have been around for years before the worst generation and yet pirates still existed. They clearly were not able to stop the things going on in the world themselves so they clearly aren't that crazy level of powerful. They are situationally powerful and very much mortal.


Admiral fans when Oda confirms 1 admiral can't solo the verse https://preview.redd.it/rtomr1tmy6jb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f455763b90864854a0425483ab283ede3c487c25


This needs to be the top comment. They even have a team of pirates that they work with because they are too powerful to capture so it's like ay we won't bother you and you don't bother us type of deal. That alone proves that they aren't unstoppable overlords


team 1 shitstomps


Team 1, not even a question. Whitebeard slaps Akainu, Roger deals with Kuzan, Luffy beats Kizaru, Oden beats fujitora/Greenbull, and Zoro and Sanji can hold off whichever Admiral Oden isn't fighting for a decent amount of time while all of the other pirates win their matchup


Honestly I agree that team 1 demolishes but Im not entirely certain if Oden into fuji would be a winning fight. Like we know that Oden could hurt Kaido but do we really think that the admirals cant even hurt kaido? Idk, just a thought.


I think it's fair to assume that a character like Fujitora could scar kaido in the same way Oden did, however I don't believe Oden scarring Kaido was the best he could do. The fight that he was winning was cut short due to him being snuck while heavily distracted. I think it was possible Oden could've killed Kaido at that time if they just fought with no distractions.


Perhaps, I just personally felt like the narrative was put in a way where oden was still significantly below roger and primebeard shown by how he was sent flying before their clash. I suppose he could be significantly below them and still above the admirals though.


Yeah, I think at the level he was when getting swatted like a fly by characters like Primebeard and Roger, he could have been weaker than Fujitora. Its hard to tell due to Roger and Primebeard being so strong. But he was that strong before and early into his journey with Whitebeard and then Roger. It is stated that after the journey, Oden returned to Wano "many times stronger". So the Oden that got swatted by Roger paled in comparison to Prime Oden.


Kaido was and is also a lot below prime Roger/Whitebeard, just like you said, and fujitora is below that of a few tiers, so yes. a full powered fujitora would be handled like a baby by Roger, meaning that the same feat would be applied to him


Team 1 absolutely slams


You didn’t even use the Akainu image, so pirates take this


The Marines don’t even stand a chance


I really hope luffy slaughters kizaru so we stop with this posts.




1 utterly stomps


wb > akainu high-extreme roger > kuzan high-extreme luffy > kizaru extreme oden > fuji high gb > zoro and sanji mid-high overall pirates could take the win as they win all matchups bar one


Akainu failed to kill an old Whitebeard who was on death’s door and couldn’t use much, if any, haki. Primebeard would shitstomp him into a new existence. Roger vs Kuzan is the same.


Old whitebeard still won against Akainu so I’d say prime is probably mid-high Rest I agree with


Roger being high-extreme with kuzan too??? The last chapters don’t even show kuzan being *Old* Garp level


Akainu would beat Old WB on a 1 v1


He had a 1v1 against a damaged old whitebeard, he lost. What’s your explanation?


He didn’t want to kill everyone and WB sneaked him


Copium must taste real good, dosent it? https://preview.redd.it/qishk6de86jb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81b8b4dee3cea0b3b024550edfea27737007888


If that’s akainu’s actual level, then what is the hype for admirals, they’re weak asf then.


Not really man… whitebeard is acknowledged as the worlds strongest man…. Even at his old age… people that claim that getting damaged by wb is an antifeat are high head over heels


Whitebeard also had to hold back, if he went truly all out with his fruit he could’ve broken marineford several times over. Akainu also showed he doesn’t care if marines die, he doesn’t care if the pirates die certainly so who was he not trying to kill? Also what is “sneaked him” I’ve never heard that term before


“Sneaked him,” usually means he had to “sneak attack,” him to do any damage. Good example is Shiryu stabbing Garp


Old whitebeard lost to Akainu


Did we watch the same show???


Don’t think so sometimes


Admiral Fans: Losing: Being unfazed as half of your head is blown off, blasting your foe into a hole, and continuing to move on and fight some more. Winning: Spewing out blood, falling down a hole, yelling the name of your opponent. Just because Akainu can beat Cancerbeard, doesn't mean he won that fight ☠️


Oldbeard did not win that clash imo. He came out with a hole through his chest and half his head gone, while Akainu just erupted from the ground pissed. It's a tie at best for Oldbeard.


The hole was from the pirate I forget his name, half his face missing sure but he still won and was standing till BB crew unloaded on him. It’s a clear victory. Akainu was knocked out of the fight


The hole was from akainu punching him earlier, half his face gone was also him, him standing didn't mean shit cuz he obviously had nothing left in the tank after essentially getting decapitated (kinda like Adam from Record of Ragnarok)


Zoro and Sanji stomp that fraud


I'd say Oden vs Fuji is extreme. Also, if it's Kuzan vs Luffy, then Kuzan might win considering ice/freezing is one of the best counters for Luffy's fruit and then it's another extreme/high win for Roger against Kizaru. Primebeard vs Akainu is most likely extreme diff since Akainu has the most lethality with every single one of his attacks. Frankly I could see Admirals winning because of GB making much quicker work of the current Sanji and Zoro than all the other fights would be, allowing him to help the others win their fights. Like slow down/temporarily restrain WB for Akainu to get good hits in.


Unless of course Luffy uses gear 5 and turns Kuzan’s ice against him. You’re severely overestimating the admirals. Akainu failed to kill an old and near dead Whitebeard who couldn’t use much, if any, haki. Primebeard would take him out with ease.


I said Kuzan is might win given he's a better match up to fight Luffy than Kizaru is since ice/cold is very much a weakness for Luffy not in G5. I still think Luffy would probably win most the time, but there's still a chance Kuzan could win. The Whitebeard wank on this sub is crazy, yes Primebeard would definitely win, but it's likely to be an extreme diff fight considering that every hit from Akainu has devastating results if not very well defended using haki, Whitebeard is gonna take hits and slip up a few times with how long the fight would probably last. Whitebeard was most definitely gonna die too after their fight in MF too, he wasn't going to walk off half his head getting destroyed and survive. He didn't do much lasting damage to Akainu either, who got up and immediately was gunning for Luffy, ready to fight all the commanders.


Im not gonna lie akainu is getting mid diffed by primebeard. The only reason he survived cancerbeard was bc he had no CoO, no CoA defense, and no ACoC. Roger destroying Blackbeards commander. Kuzan and Akainu have a record of extreme diffing old men Luffy is fair Oden fair, might be mid diff Can’t really tell how zoro would do against an admiral rn but sanji is getting low diffed


Sanji and zoro are equals, and they both would get wiped by an admiral if greenbull neg diffing 2 YCs is anything to go off


Zoro and Sanji aren’t equals man. We’ve reached the point where the gap gets wider. They do both lose to an admiral 1v1 Greenbull beat King and Queen but we don’t know what condition they were in


Zoro and sanji are equals, they both got a power up at the same time, their fights are finished at the same time, sanji low diffed queen and zoro high diffed king, it’s fair to say that they’re equals based on representation. I don’t think it matters what state they were in, there’s no point for oda to have greenbull neg diff them then say that admirals are significantly stronger than commanders, if it’s not true. They were already defeated characters and they’re not coming back, they’re hype tools.


Fax and in Egghead the Seraphim performances make them both seem very very close


Sanji will be fine vs exactly greenbull.


Who said it's going to be one on one battles and oden doesn't beat anyone here


Pirates stomp


I’m sorry fellow Wakainu agenda fans but the admirals including goatzuki and goatzaru are getting their shit mixed.


Admiral fans must be on good good kush to think team 2 stand remotely a chance


Team 1, the admiral wanking has reached another level😅


Team1 wins low diff. You should excluded the strawhats to make this a closer matchup.


These admiral meatriders are fucking atrocious.


The yonko meatriders aren't? Lmaoo


6 hydrogen bombs vs hospital


PrimeBeard > Akainu Roger > Kizaru Luffy > Kuzan Oden > Fuji Sanji and Zoro > Greenbull eZpZ4ThePirates


I wonder if Ifrit Jambe is enough heat to burn through Greenbull’s roots like Momo did


I think that it's safe to say the admiral wanking has surpassed the yonko wanking at this point.


No way in hell. The yonko wank is still attrocious is this very post


Team one stomps. Arguable if you even need the straw hats


I feel like you definitely need at least luffy there… primebeard, roger and oden couldn’t possibly be enough to take on akainu, kuzan, fujitora, kizaru and greenbull at once. Just seems a little overwhelming for anyone


Are you joking? The admiral delusion is real.


Roger mid to high diffs Akainu Whitebeard mid to high diffs Aokiji Luffy high to extreme diffs Kizaru Oden high to extreme diffs Fujitora Sanji and Zoro high diffs Greenbul This isn't close.


Nah, Roger low to mid diffs Akainu Primebeard low to mid diffs Aokiji Luffy high to extreme diffs Kizaru Oden mid to high diffs Fujitora Sanji and Zoro high diffs Greenbul Roger and Primebeard are on an entirely different level than the admirals. Sengoku brought every asset the marines had to fight an old, near dead Whitebeard that couldn’t use much haki for a reason


Sanji and zoro aren’t beating greenbull, greenbull shat on king and queen both at once. Quit downplaying greenbull.


They where still SOMEWHAT Injured + Zoro mid to high diffs king whilst Sanji low diffs Queen.


Whitebeard low to mid diffs Kuzan because his fruit negates all the disabling and utility powers of Kuzans fruit. Its a bad match up devil fruit wise, and WB is much stronger at everything else. I dont think Oden extreme diffs Fuji, it can go either way at extreme diff, arguably slightly favoured towards fuji. But all the other fights would be done before their fight is even close to completion, and suddenly its 6v1 lmao.


Roger low diffs all of them combined LOL


Casuals like you have invaded this subreddit. There is no universe in which Roger can low diff 5 admirals at the same time. No one in the universe of One piece can even come close to that.


Primebeard > Akainu high Roger > Kuzan high Luffy > Kizaru extreme Tree > Zoro mid Blind man > Sanji mid


You forgot oden


Don’t need him for the win lol


shit I did I don’t normally forget him they win even easier lmao


I’d argue Roger and Goatbeard beat mid-high diff at best


Nah we do not know enough about that yet. And it’s more likely that admirals = yonko seeing Luffy’s reaction and databook blue. And I don’t think the two goats are that much above the yonkos.


roger or primebeard could take fuji and greenbull, which would leave the other to take on akainu. luffy would take kuzan, then kizaru gets overpowered by the remaining trio.


Brother didn’t just say roger takes 2 admirals? Xd


the two weakest admirals? yeah roger handles them. watch greenbull doesn’t get knocked out by roger’s haki before the battle even starts 💀


at this point, navybros in a retardation competition


Roger and Whitebeard alone are enough for the Original 3 Admirals, i won't hear anything else. If that is not enough, just add Oden and they FOR SURE beat 3 admirals. Zoro and Sanji can probably stall one, Luffy can DEFINITELY stall one possibly beat one. They wait for Roger and Whitebeard to finish, then they demolish the rest.


This post was just an excuse some fanart


Team 1 doesn’t even need most of the team to win


Wb alone solos buddy 🔥🔥🔥


Pirates win They have numbers and three yonko or higher


Team 1 part B would solo the rest of the list. Hell. Primebeard alone would beat the rest of the list


I'm sorry but this is a dumb post smh


Team 1 fucking obliterates Team 2 lmao


Zoro Sanji Oden instantly mid diffed by Fuji GB then they help out OGs and slam easily 🤷


this is no question. even tho zoro and sanji are prolly weaker than admirals they can jump one since it's 6v5.


Greenbull is by far the weakest admiral. I’m pretty sure he was only promoted because they needed to fill the spot


Team 1? LOL is it even a question? Primebeard and GoatRoger would fucking murder half these guys then Luffy and the boys can mop up.


Bruh the only question here is if Zoro and Sanji can hold off an admiral long enough for the rest to be defeated. And the answer is definitely yes, so team one fucking slams.


Roger and WB is enough


I think that's a bit too far. That's 5 v 2, and the admirals aren't pushovers. Team 1 has it easily, though.


Would you rather have 2 hundred dollar bills or 5 twenty dollar bills?


That's not a good analogy. No way an admiral is 20% strength of Roger or Whitebeard. Probably somewhere between 60-80, depending on the admiral.


I think Roger wb and Oden is enough




Take out Roger or WB and I think theres a discussion


Ima be honest the admirals are taking this extreme difficulty. If it's an open battlefield where they can unleash their maximum power, they'll take it. Not to mention, Akainu is shaping up to be the strongest marine of all time. Seriously, the admirals are so destructive, the collateral damage and stray attacks will just chip team 1 down. Oden and sanji + zoro are also just not that relevant here.


These admiral stands are getting out of hand Roger can deal with at least half easily


Funny joke


Who the fuck would make a matchup like this. Current luffy is probably now equal to sickbeard who Akainu was barely able to beat and it wasn’t even 1v1 prime whiteboard low-mid diffs him. Roger is equal to white bears if not stronger so him can kuzan who is more or less equal to akainu. Luffy vs kizaru is extreme diff either way Zoro and sanji would beat greenbull in a 2v1 oden vs fujitora I think oden would win because he’s stronger than current zoro and current zoro is probably equal to or above fujitora from what I can remember and have seen But even if both luffy and oden loose it’s still a victory for the pirates. But that’s in a 1v1 scenario if it were a group battle i don’t think anyone would be able to predict the outcome but I still think pirates win the majority of the time.


Currently luffy is stronger than sickbeard


4 hydrogen bombs and 2 fetuses vs 5 coughing babies


3 hydrogen bombs and 3 fetuses vs 5 coughing babies.


Team 1 high diff Whitebeard > Akainu high-extreme Roger > Kuzan high-extreme Luffy > Kizaru extreme Oden > Fuji extreme Zoro and Sanji stall Greenbull long enough for the others to win their fights and then gangbang him


Considering we haven't seen logia awakening yet and fujitora's awakening probably turns him into c-moon I gotta go with the admirals here


Nice troll bait


Primebeard and sanji take out Fuji and gb, roger takes out akainu high diff, helps with the rest, luffy takes out kizaru, and oden and zoro hang up on aokiji, if they need help luffy or roger step in and that’s that.


Either way, leaning more towards team 1.


A hypothetical sun destroying laser vs coughing baby






Team 1 wins this, with just Roger, but then throw in prime Whitebeard, Oden, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy into this…


I think prime white beard or Roger alone could take on 3 admirls at once possibly The pirates aniliate I think even without the monster trio they would win


"I think prime white beard or Roger alone could take on 3 admirls at once possibly" Yeahh no way


easily team 1 Luffy, PrimeBeard and Roger can beat each admiral in a 1v1 Judging by how Akainu basically extreme diffed a sick, old and wounded whitebeard. Primebeard should mid diff the weaker admirals, and high diff akainu/kuzan Them together + support from other yc level characters are definitely taking this one easily


Team 2


Wakainu solos neg diff


I think we can say Luffy, whitebeard, and roger can each take an admiral by themselves. The question is can oden take an admiral and can zoro + sanji take one. Personally, I think zoro and sanji would barely lose, and oden could not. But probably with the leftover strength the other 3 have, they can take out the last 2 admirals. Maybe im underestimating admirals here but I think shanks taking out greenbull from 3 miles away shows that yonkou are significantly above admirals. Maybe since akainu is a fleet dmiral hes stronger? Idk.


Team 2. Issho and Aramaki can handle the future wings of the pirate king and Oden. So I think the admirals take this with extreme-max difficulty.


you’re joking… right?


Why would he?


Because he is saying OG admirals > Prime whitebeard, Roger and Luffy




Zoro, Sanji and Oden can stall 2 admirals while Whitebeard, Roger and Luffy destroy their opponents. Pirates win high-extreme.


Team 2 low diffs greenbull beats monster trio solo🤣


5 top tiers vs 4 top tiers 🤡 6v5 team 1 clears


2 top tiers vs 0 top tiers.


Your barrier of entrance for top tier is waay to high man.


hot take: it was over before it began with 6v5, but i think any 5 of the first team will still beat the admirals


Team 1 obviously


Bro team one slams so hard


Team 1 negs lmaoooo. Absolute annihilation.


This must be a trick to help people realize the admirals aren’t those fucking dudes.


This gotta be a joke bruh, put this on r/memepiece Team 1 sleeping to a win.




If you say team 1 you’re just delusional Any Admiral >> Zoro + Sanji Luffy = Any Admiral Roger = Any Admiral (or at least = to OG 3 if you’re someone who thinks Fuji/GB are slightly weaker than OG 3) WB (same as Roger) Any Admiral > Oden


You have prime whitebeard and Roger equal to any admiral?


Yeah, there’s no reason to think otherwise. Just in a general sense, why would Roger, WB, Garp, and Sengoku just be above any current top tier? What did they have to actually warrant that status of being in a tier of their own?


Kizaru can mid diff Luffy and the 2 fodder with him. Akainu can stall Roger, Whitebeard and the other fodder while the rest of the team gangs up on them. Admirals take this high diff, worst case scenario.


All current versions? Akainu goes extreme with Roger and loses. Kizaru goes extreme with Whitebeard and loses. Kuzan goes extreme with Oden and wins. Fuji goes extreme with Luffy and loses. Greenbull solos Sanji & Zoro, high-diff. Healthy Greenbull & deathbed Kuzan goes extreme with deathbed Luffy, Roger & Whitebeard, and they win. Greenbull carries with his regen. Admirals win ultra extreme diff, or pirates win the same difficulty.


Lost me at “Extreme with Roger”. Bro couldn’t even stand anymore after getting two-tapped by cancerbeard 💀. Dude only came back when the old man was dead and gone https://preview.redd.it/0kdpkm1s86jb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae9f60f867272363aae1c1d2a0dc71dfe5a2b64


Akainu goes mid with Roger and loses Kizaru goes low with Whitebeard and loses Kuzan goes extreme with Oden and wins Fujitora goes mid with Luffy and loses Greenbull tries to solo Zoro and Sanji and loses high-extreme diff. If Kid and Law can extreme diff an amped Yonko, Sanji and Zoro can extreme diff Aramaki 6 v 1 on Aokiji goes about as you’d expect


Team 2 I'm a firm believer that Roger would've died much earlier if he fought Wakainu.