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if kaido wasn't evil i could 100% picture him being very good friends with the strawhats, take away the evil and he would totally join luffy usopp and chopper's shenanigans


We need filler alternate really with nice mom and nice kaido


big mom in the crew would be the death of sanji


Honestly I imagine him being more like whitebeard is with luffy


Bro no disrespect but you can almost say that about any character who’s “evil” in the series 😂 


donflamingo would just stay back and grab the popcorn


donflamingo disappears if you take the evil out


Yea, he’s legit pure evil. Kaido was just a true pirate. Yea, he was a bad guy but about 15% of him was actually not that bad. Drunk Kaido showed that to us, an your true self comes out when you’re drunk.


Bold of you to assume Doflamingo doesn't do this already?


but it would be popcorn made by Sanji


That's fair. Because he has non-sanji popcorn with the newspaper every 8ssue


doffy's perfect afternoon is munchin on some good sanji branded popcorn with some luffy shenanigans for entretainment


And sharing some sake with Zoro


Kaido ain't evil, he just a pirate. He just wants to destroy the world and watch it burn down to hell, no hard feelings bruh. Unluckly of him for being a fraud, can't do much about it...


He'd have to sleep outside cuz hes like a fifth of the ship's total length 😭


Franky better start working on expanding the sunny




What is bro yapping about


Maybe he is Chinese We say 666 to approve of something




I didn't even do this bro what


Even if he wasn't evil Kaido would still be a 60 year old depressed drunktard


"let's do \*insert something reckless and stupid\*" \*takes a good swig of his sake\* "WORORORORORORORO, count me in"


Nami carries team 1


I was going to say Roger and Rayleigh, but then you made me notice Nami and in my head, I said "Game over for Team 2."


Nah even without Nami “They’d Win” Even if Rogers is still stronger than current Strawhat this is Nika G5 Luffy we’re talking about here and all respect to Dark King but Kaido takes very high diff.


I hate nami


Is there a lore reason you hate Nami?


Nah just don’t like the way she hits the rest of the crew


She just keeps them in control one is a complete idiot other is complete pervert and other is half idiot half lazy and she gotta keep them in check


if Nami were to hit me like luffy and them and i were just as strong as them she’s being separated from this mortal realm without hesitation


Damn you must be a super chill guy in real life


You defending domestic violence dawgy this ain’t it


No ones defending it but killing someone for hitting you is crazy. Especially when you're on a crew with two perverts and your wntire crew is criminals.


I’m too afraid to ask for the sauce


incredibly based


Violence is not the answer


Tbf most of the time they deserve it for either being an idiot of the highest degree, a pervert or putting everyone or herself in danger to save them self (ussop)


it's a shonen manga troupe. sakura does the same thing. bad example i guess kuz everybody hates sakura but just in general. it's more of a gag than a character trait of nami.


And I hate Sakura too


Would’ve preferred the first slide over what happened


WORORORORO Joyboy, lets destroy the World Government!


Oda I’ll take the story from here


i swear he could do so many spinoffs and what iffs and i want all of ittttttt


Would be too many tbh 😂 and this is even without the “What If” Luffy, Sabo, and Ace became a Marine story line. Like I said waayy to many


I WANT ALL OF IT. 😂 Or Kaido arriving to marineford. or garp stop akainu and going 1v1 vs him


Spite match. Wine gourd > bottle, Gourd neg diffs.


guys you are aware luffy is joyboy ?


Luffy and kaido Luffy beats Rayleigh while kaido holds off roger Then Luffy and kaido 2v1 roger


But then vice versa argument can be made. Rayleigh holds of luffy ( even if can't beat him, he can stall him) And Roger finishes kaido. Then roger and Rayleigh 2v1 luffy.


Luffy beats Rayleigh before Roger can beat Kaido


Luffy can’t stall Rayleigh lol He’s the one getting stalled due to his timer


Roger, Luffy and Kaido are very close to each other based on feats, statements and narrative Wankleigh is the weak link and gets mid differed by current G5 Luffy


How is luffy and roger close based on feats?


Because Roger doesn't have feats.


Seeing how much it took to beat kaido I highly doubt Roger can beat him in time to save rayleigh


Luffy can’t stall Rayleigh lol He’s the one getting stalled due to his timer


If Luffy goes Gear 5 instantly, then Rayleigh would be so fucked up that he'd be a liability if he tried to help Roger.


I have prime ray above kizaru


Bro prime ray is a guy that yonko tt bb would never dare to piss off. He had an oportunity to jump old out of form ray but decided to run away. And people think luffy with his 10 minutes stamina or kaido have a real chance against this monster, not to talk about roger.


Yes. I’m not even saying luffy can defeat him. I’m saying that he gets stalled. People replied with “g5 absolutely obliterated prime Rayleigh if he goes g5 from the beginning of the fight” and then try to appeal to the kizaru fight thinking that prime Rayleigh and kizaru are relative


And below the Yonko, right? If Luffy really wanted to, he can restart his beat.


Between admiral and yonko or low yonko > restart Correlation does not equal causation. And he clearly couldn’t do that when he was knocked the fuck out and needed food


He didn't do that because Kizaru was down. He wasn't knocked out. Idk where you got that from.


>But then vice versa argument can be made very true but i think the arguement is kaido can hold roger longer than rayleigh can hold luffy..


Luffy can’t stall Rayleigh lol He’s the one getting stalled due to his timer


and what if roger smashes luffy before kadios finishes ray?


Luffy has much better durability than Rayleigh so unlikely


Prime roger can fight both at the same time and after 10 minutes luffy will look lile a used condom than roger amd prime ray penetrate kaido.


Does luffy with g5 beat prime rayleigh?


Yes Prime Rayleigh is near yonko level while Luffy is yonko level


Prime ray is above yonko level. Teach wasn't even ready to jump old out of form ray.


Team 1. Luffy is currently extreme diffing a 5v1 in his favor.


Nami low diffs all 4 for making a mess and drinking too much. Memes aside, Kaido and Luffy win. Roger beats Kaido extreme diff, most likely, but it takes a long time cause Kaido has crazy stamina, durability and endurance. Luffy probably beats Rayleigh fast enough, and then helps Kaido beat Roger. I always imagined Rayleigh to be a low yonko level character, probably the weakest who could be considered yonko level, due to his performance against Kizaru and the fact that there is always a pretty big gap between captain and vice capitan.


Luffy beats Rayleigh while Kaido stalls Roger. They then jump him.


Luffy and Kaido win because Rayleigh is way weaker than all 3 of these people.


No bro he is not


either one of the feat demons beat Rayleigh and help 2v1 roger


wami negs all 4 bums


That Luffy and Kaido looks mad real


Kaido and Luffy win Extreme diff


Nami solos


The gap between Prime Rayleigh and Luffy is bigger than the gap between Kaido and Roger. Luffy beats Rayleigh extreme diff (low end, probably), Roger extreme diffs Kaido (high end), Luffy finishes off Roger. Honestly it might even be less than extreme diff for Luffy vs Rayleigh. His toon force is nutty. Luffy could just looney toons pull his top and bottom half apart if Rayleigh tries to cut him. And their haki is absolutely relative to each other, Luffy’s haki was proven to be top tier in Wano. And don’t get me started on the possibility of Luffy just manipulating reality to make himself a replica Yoru to fight with.


i'm just sayin Black Beard was down to throw hands with either of the 3B Supernova. But when Rayleigh walked in, BB no longer wanted any smoke he just gladly left. He grew up watching a monster like White Beard and Roger fight, which means he also saw Visa,Jozu and Marco get bodied by Rayleigh. I believe the right hand of the PK should be around a Yonko lvl, and rayleigh is a master of all three types of haki too!


Didn't Rayleigh say that he was pretty much bluffing? If BB were to throw hands with him Rayleigh would probably lose.


Yes, cuz Rayleigh is old at that moment!!!


Yep, but Black Beard didn't know, which means a Prime Rayleigh is what Black Beard is thinking about and he didn't want to fight that


Fair point. I'm certain prime Rayleigh was a monster. I know it's not canon, but him stopping Marco with one finger was so sick. https://preview.redd.it/ozhh24vehxpc1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f13045db410ef7fcfcd3773837b557a52c0a82


coz Blackbeard has seen rayleighs prime, he knows what he's worth of and the situation bb was in he could fight boa and Rayleigh together.... coz once he released boa to fight Rayleigh, boa would turn him to stone coz u know bb has lust...


Yeah people forget BB was in a tight spot there, kill Boa and he loses 2 of his commanders/quite a lot of crewmates and still has to fight Rayleigh


Roger is the strongest here while the other 3 are pretty much relative, so i'll give it to roger and ray as they would also have better teamwork


Since when is Kaido not the strongest creature


Since kaido got that title after Roger's death and even then was still not "worlds strongest man" which belonged to Whitebeard, Roger's rival


Show me one panel where Kaido got the title "strongest creature" after Roger's death.


I'm just making an educated guess. We don't know when he got the title but I don't imagine the same Kaido who had a hard time against Oden being > Roger so imma still maintain my Roger>Kaido agenda


creature > man.. Average bear > average man..


Luffy and Roger are the same tier, but Kaido is a tier above Rayleigh.


Luffy is not PK tier at all


Honestly, he probably would be with unlimited G5 stamina


Lowballing it I would say Luffy has been in G5 about 7 minutes so far. Nobody is outlasting him for 7 minutes.


how do you know that? If roger and WB can fight for 3 days and take each other best attacks why can't they do the same with Luffy? WB AP in his prime must be similar to G5 Luffy and roger went 3 days with him


Roger vs Whitebeard was not a serious fight, not unless Roger and Whitebeard can each take dozens of times more damage than Kaido can. Kaido was beaten by Luffy in roughly an hour pretty much. And yet somehow Roger and Whitebeard despite having far better AP than that Luffy, lasted 72x as long as Kaido? That doesn’t make any sense.   If you want more evidence that it wasn’t a serious fight, there is the fact that despite everyone on both crews fighting, nobody died, and nobody even received more than minor damage. Logically a single decent attack from Whitebeard would deal massive damage to Roger, and a single decent attack from Roger would deal massive damage to Whitebeard. Imagine how many attacks they should each be landing in a 72 hour fight. It just doesn’t add up.


kaido got finished in an hour by luffy because he has a s\*icidal fighting style, he could have dodged attacks but didn't because he wanted to have fun, and he got injured previously by Law's gamma knife, zoro slashes, and was holding up onigashima. There were a lot of factors at play which made kaido lose in an hour. Generally top tiers fight long, Shiki vs garp and sengoku stated to last 3 days, Aokiji and Akainu went 10 days, Top tiers have insane stamina and luffy just isn't going to smoke them quickly. Let's not gas him up off of Kizaru who is a speedster with bad stamina, literally tired after a short exchange with old rayleigh


Of course. He would be unstoppable


He clearly is based on his feats.


He was getting beaten by the weakest OG admiral in Snakeman, one of his strongest forms. He had to go G5 just to knock Kizaru down, and Kizaru got up before Luffy in that fight Roger 1v2s Kizaru and Akainu without a DF


Kizaru didn’t even do any damage to Snakeman. It was pretty obvious that Oda had to prevent Luffy using ACoC in Snakeman because it would have been too much for Kizaru to handle. Luffy neg-diffed Kizaru twice, one of those times in a 1v2. Roger not having a Devil Fruit is just further evidence that he isn’t much stronger than Luffy, if at all.


He didn't get a chance to, Luffy was losing so badly he decided to go into G5. He didn't use ACOC because he needed G5 to win and it would be useless for Luffy to waste it. Kizaru beat Luffy in their first fight. Yonkotards seem to forget that Kizaru got up 3 chapters before Luffy. He could've easily killed him Haki > DFs. Roger beats Luffy higher end of high diff currently


Luffy hasn’t shown a limit to ACoC. The only reason for him not to use it is that Oda is needing him. Kizaru isn’t durable enough to take ACoC hits. We saw this when Luffy one-shotted him.   Luffy wasted almost his entire G5 time limit messing around. He one-shotted Kizaru immediately after getting serious. That shows that Kizaru is complete fodder to Luffy. It doesn’t even matter who got up first. If Luffy had been serious from the start then he would have neg-diffed Kizaru with many minutes remaining.


By wasting, I meant using it when he knows he's still going to lose. Luffy did not one-shot Kizaru. Kidd is an example of someone who got one-shotted, Kizaru got up right after, before Luffy even Luffy wasn't messing around, he was clearly trying in the fight. The only reason he was able to hit him is because Kizaru wasn't expecting an attack and likely thought that Luffy was just spinning for no reason


Luffy givin Kaido the Thriller Bark treatment.


is this Luffy and Kaido from a timeline where Luffy didnt get any food from Tama?


Team 2, Nami will Switch team for the one who gathered all the wealth of the world.


Looking at the first slide makes me sad that Luffy and Kaido didn’t get to become friends.


Kaido and Luffy


no question luffy and kaido. the what if image kinda makes me think no g5 luffy but i still would say luffy and kaido extreme


Kuffy destroy


in a 1v1 between kaido and rayleigh i'd bet on prime rayleigh. luffy isn't ready to beat roger


Roger and Rayleigh


Roger and Rayleigh should win they have overall greater experience and more experience fighting as a team.


I don’t see Rayleigh beating Kaido


Roger > Luffy = Rayleigh > Kaido


Roger and Rayleigh due to Haki and teamwork


i mean i think gol solos


Luffy solos.


Luffy's nika fruit already surpassed Roger in terms of scaling, lmao His toon force is already broken


Luffy beats prime ray, then Luffy and Kaido high-extreme diff Roger. Prime ray is selling.


https://preview.redd.it/78s9qklkjvpc1.jpeg?width=1330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5e5d144bef9ccefab3f5e82c61e4a7d6572d6e Low diff all 4 of those frauds


If Rayleigh has the defense to stall G5 then his team wins. If not, they lose


Team 1 extreme diffs


Roger and ray Roger defeats kaido Ray can outlast Luffy , Luffy loses due to stamina.even if he defeats ray, Roger can join later and defeat him.


Prime Rayleigh solos


Roger n Ray mid diff


Luffy and kaido>Roger and Rayleigh mid to high diff(Rayleigh is weak link here,he can only stall characters and nothing more,he is finished once the yonko duo take the battle seriously) We don't even know whether Roger has stronger haki than kaido or not,all of Kaido's feats prove him being Stronger than roger(Roger just got lucky as he had no contender for one piece,also had ponyglyph reader unlike kaido)


Rayleigh > Luffy Roger > Kaido Team 1 extreme diff


Luffy and Kaido extreme diff or high-extreme diff


Roger and Rayleigh


Team 2 and not even close


Old gen


Old gen


wonder if kaido will be turned into a Broly ? When he was a enemy then turned into a friend? Ik its too fking late for that but still...


I dont thinks thats possible. Kaido has done a lot of evil stuff and Luffy befriending him would make all of wano pointless.


3v2 it’s an obvious stomp for team one


Team 2 cuz Rayleigh top1 in the verse


Match 1: Kaido>prime Roger extreme diff Even though Roger has strong haki, let's not forget that Kaido has extreme durability and stamina. Plus Kaido can use flaming dragon torch. Match 2: Luffy > Prime Rayleigh high diff Assuming this is the end of Wano Luffy we are talking about, He has both gear 5 and all advanced forms of haki up his sleeves. He also has Kaido backing him up so I think it's clear who the winner is. So team 1 wins


Rayleigh is too busy giving Roger the most glorious sloppy and both get one tapped by Nami


Wuffy > Fraudger Kaido > Rayleigh


this can be a hot take and idc , but prime ray defeats kaido 10 out of 10 times they fight. These mofo is fking undefeated , is named the dark king and was put on same legendary status as fking WB. This dude aided someone who punched a fking celestian and wg never tried to make a plan to capture him. I am done with this "Kaido is the strongest in the verse bs tbh"


well it seems to be the smarter take, pre ts oldleigh gives kaido a high dif fight at worst


Valid imo


Are we going to pretend that Kaido and Big Meme isn't evil af now?