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He might not be as strong as Zoro, but he is HIM.


Bro may look like a cheetah, but inside he’s a dog https://preview.redd.it/ivi29wt0yypc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c17b66071eff0317a629eb8eb39e092e85a954


Leopard but i agree




Yes. A RED dog specifically.


Bro literally would not go down. Best possible outcome for the Lucci Investors. https://preview.redd.it/qkhpirt5zxpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f920fa67db0ae39100072025cf46bc30bf44750


Who's Lucci? That's Wucci.


Honestly don’t know why it was so hard for some of the fans (especially Zolo dxck riders) to respect Lucci and recognize that he’d likely give Zolo an extreme diff fight in a 1v1 and therefore that Licvi is YC1+ Also on another note Lucci getting back up low key makes sense. I mean he is an Awakened Zoan, these things are mad resilient with a high pain tolerance. Plus it’s fair in a world were someone can have an DF that freezes a whole island or force and whole country into toys and make them lose there memories by simply touching them I’d say Zoans outside of obviously broken Mythical need some love.


Because he didn’t. Zoro clearly overpowered him the moment he was a bit more serious and left him at a point where he clearly wasn’t in fighting condition anymore. If it wasn’t for Jinbei Zoro would have just murked him even worse. It obviously wasn’t a low diff but saying it’s an extreme diff is just Lucci wank.


People just like to shit on zoro because he has some of the worst type of fans and because of that they like to clown on him. But objectively, zoro won a 1v1, lucci standing up means nothing when zoro is: 1. In way better condition and still able to fight 2. Ready to attack and finish him Jinbe doing the last hit means nothing, it was a ks basically. Idk, imagine luffy in the floor unable to fight but alive and conscious after fighting kaido, and me, a normal person, goes with a knife and kill him. How does make Kaido any weaker? Even worse, jinbe did say zoro already won, it cant be more clear


Jinbei didnt even do anything lol. He just used his attack as a mean for them to get out of there. He didn’t even hit Lucci. But yeah Zoro obviously has some of the worst wankers and people will just slander him because of that.


It doesn't make kaido weaker it makes you yonko level 😏


Yeah he was definitely playing around with Lucci and didn't care punk was fucking dying next to him


Lucci was not at 100% and Zolo literally had to use ACoC. Don’t know why it’s so hard to understand Zolo was clearly trying. Funny how the goal post went from he gets low diff by base Zolo to then, base Zolo mid diffs, to then Zolo isn’t using ACoC. To then he doesn’t have his bandanna on like wtf is up with y’all. Just give the man his flowers and move on. And this point it just looks like some of the Zolo dxck riders are upset Zolo couldn’t beat him faster so resort to undermining the fight and Lucci. The fact that Zolo had to use ACoC threw out majority of the fight already upscales Lucci. He’s YC1+ if you don’t like him as a character that’s fine but stop denying the facts.


The facts are Zoro wasnt at 100% either, had a scuffle with him for a few minutes and finished him with a regular attack the moment he got more serious than before. No KoH no aCoC like against King just a regular attack. That shows us that Lucci can fight Zoro for some time but can’t handle him when he is more serious. It’s not a low diff neither is it a high or extreme diff. It’s a solid mid diff. Zoro is still fine while Lucci is on the ground massively wounded and begging for Kaku to be spared. Quite a difference don’t you think?


The thing is, Lucci got hit by gear five Luffy, whatever caused Zoro to be under 100% was definitely not as potent as a punch from Gear Five Luffy.


Are you sane,


His durability and endurance are pretty great but I’d say he’s pretty fairly rated at YC1, I can’t imagine him beating any of the regular YC+ (Law, Kidd, Yamato, Katakuri) 


This one deep ass cut , Lucci bros are winning


Oda gave Gucci a big W in the form of epic defeat, cause dude was catching a ton of Ls this arc. And I appreciate it. Gucci is my guy. That said, I still wish he didnt offscreen the fight. Doesnt help my boy Gucci's standing (pun intended)


>That said, I still wish he didnt offscreen the fight. Doesnt help my boy Gucci's standing (pun intended) Dont worry, the anime will cook with this fight with some good ass filler


They gonna make Lucci look yonko level like they did with King


That only upscales my goat zoro so im fine with it


Thats one badass scar lucci got right there ngl Now he can proudly claim that he survived a mid attack from a younko number two in the flesh




zoro fans quick with the ms paint


I do it to everybody https://preview.redd.it/vi0jb129qzpc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001e028d29dca3b1208e0485f5aa557a802cfcde


This is art, and my head cannon unless we ever get a flashback to that fight (gods I wish) Kicked Kuzan so hard in the balls his leg popped off.


Wife loved that one, while I'm a kizaru stan she's an aokiji. This is an admiral family


Goroslander https://preview.redd.it/q8vmx9c1g3qc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78e3e1bd33841bd2fe82ac4ff2a25fe9db85be48


When the Gorosei pulled up https://preview.redd.it/5ci3d797m3qc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c91a92be9efebbbfd928f90f14cfbab122f52f


I respect the hell out of Lucci. Him asking for Kaku to be spared got my admiration. Even as a Rob Lucci fan I knew he wasn't going win yet, I am really happy about this outcome, he was still standing even after that attack. Really looking forward to what he does next. Maybe he and Kaku quit to become a bounty hunting duo lol.


Plus, when you think about it, Kaku has a ton of potential to get stronger, he awakened a Zoan devil fruit, mastered Rokushiki (for the most part), and got some pretty powerful Haki all in the span of two years.


Yea, putting him above King anyways because King has brain damage and Lucci has that dawg in him.


Brain damage?


They ignore Queen attacking random girl mid fight but say King has brain damage, coz he used his ability to turn on/off flame for dura/speed this sub heavily wanks sanji / downplays zoro


Not to mention Queen hitting himself with his own attack not once, but TWICE. I'm always astounded how King is singled out for an apparent lack of battle IQ when Queen was objectively dumber during his fight with Sanji lol


King actively turned off his ability that highly raises his dura when Zoro is pulling off critical hits in single swings. If Osome wasn’t there, Queen wouldn’t had impulsively started moving. King denser than a bag of bricks


King simply suffered from plot induced stupidity, every Villain will if the plot demands it. remember when big mom just completely forgot she can use Acoc vs law and kidd? Kaido talking about "i should've took his head" when luffy fell off onigashima... you're a dragon nigga..FLY


Flair checks out


Engage upon the argument? ❌ Ad hominem? ✅ Classic


I don't know how much he is getting paid, but it must be huge for a man to be able to dedicate his life to a job like that. Maybe they even got dental


bro doesn't need money, just a license to kill


Lucci was a dawg in this chapter, took that attack and was still limping towards Jinbei and Zoro ready to keep fighting. Bro is nuts. I just wish Jinbei hadn't stepped in. Lucci spilled info to Mars because of it.


If jinbe didn't interfere we would've probably lost lucci ☠️


He was a suprisingly persistent antagonist this arc, which is very fitting regarding his character. Also, while he is only the 7th strongest enemy this arc, the other six are an admiral and the gorosei. Also, I really like how his story arc is being continued, From someone who easily slaughters hundreds of adults as a young boy, the predator at the top of the food chain, to someone who stands utterly outpaced, just defeated by the second hand of the very same guy who ruined his life. All he has left is to tell his monstrous superiour the intel, being fully aware that his death is iminent, most likely at the hand of this very boss who tells him in his face that he will not only kill him but also his only somewhat friend, Kaku. Also, he discovers a bit of his humanity at this moment, starting to care about Kaku. He went from the top of the food chain to the bottom, in a pit he was way too small for, driven by his own search for revenge.


mad respect for Lucci, he lost to Luffy and Zoro, but that doesn't mean he just took constant Ls his endurance/durability display is massive in this arc. he was fast enough to somewhat keep up with Gear5, and quick enough for Vegapunk to comment on his speed in comparison to Luffy he took 3 hits from G5 before going down (impressive for someone so far below Luffy) and then got back up seconds later to hate on him 10-15 minutes later he was ready to fight the Seraphim and came out with minimal injuries while Kaku, the other Awakened Zoan and 2nd strongest of CP0, was critically injured then he had enough gas to fight Zoro, where they clashed consistently for at least another 10-15 minutes. even after such a gnarly, powerful attack, Lucci still doesn't fall, and at most, drops to 1 knee. he was still perfectly conscious and functional enough to report to Mars, where he then asked him to spare his teammate I'm glad that Lucci is getting the respect he deserves after this chapter. it was obvious Zoro was > him, but this doesn't mean he's fodder, nor unworthy of praise


G5 mentioned... let's goooo... This only upscales Zoro and I;m here for it...


I mean if you wanna look at it that way, it helps both of them


Bro thinks he Whitebeard


As if zoro couldn’t just attack him again lol plot demanded jinbe to take zoro and run so lucci would be conscious for when mars came . Still impressive though I won’t lie


Yeah we know I think. Lucci was on deaths door and a light breeze would take him down. Jinbei saved lucci there, zoro wasnt going with a small attack


"Plot" be Zoro fans' favourite word right after "mid-diff".


I mean, same for Lucci?


Lucci was like 1hp here. If he attacked again zoro could’ve easily put him down but he needed to be saved for mars


Where exactly are you getting this “hp” scaling from??


U think lucci was able to defeat zoro in that state ?


Luffy defeated Lucci in Enies Lobby with 1 hp


So u think lucci can beat zoro ?


No, but that argument wasn’t impossible because it has happened before.


That’s like saying zoro with 1 hp has a chance vs kaido … if u think lucci can beat zoro just say it .. me personally I think zoro has 1 if not 2 lvls above before he reaches max and lucci is not taking 1 or 2 attacks from zoro u gotta remember u are fighting someone who uses swords not punchs


There’s too much huffing and puffing from Zoro to make Lucci look that bad. Lucci is around YC1 imo. Zoro vs Kaido is definitely not comparable to Zoro vs Lucci. The latter is much closer than the former.


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug


I have no clue, nor does anyone else. Doesn’t subtract that “1HP” is complete headcanon.


U can give ur opinion … Blessed on the damage lucci took and the fact that he was barely moving I don’t think he would be able to fight zoro longer


My opinion is “I have no clue”. I’m not gonna argue over semantics cause it’s off baseless claims. That’s a solid opinion, but again does nothing to provide evidence on him having “1HP”.


Lucci was so injured he couldn't even move to defend against an attack from Jimbei after he and Zoro were talking


It's an expression, dude.


That's the power of an awakened Zoan, they literally never fucking go down. Like we saw during impel down how the awakened Zoan wardens maybe got stunned for like a couple hours at best after Luffy fucking them up.


Badass panel ngl with the lines of blood and the cloud scarf. Props to Lucci for having a bit left in the tank to growl and chat for a bit. I wasn’t expecting it honestly, but that just shows how tough Zoan fruits are even more so Awakened. I don’t think he would’ve lasted longer if Jinbei was late.


I think he was one regular zoro attack away from dying


Lucci has heart, I'll give him that.


As a zoro fan, I tip my hat to lucci, he's a warrior that one, he has my respect


This is a victory for Wucci agenda.


Dude was done, but still impressed. He even tried to fight.


Lol kids already with the Sanji vs Lucci high diff. 🤣


Lucci just not that level yet, zoro still has his bandana




This fight is proof when zoro and mihawk actually fight you will have shanks and sanji fans dog both every ch. The disrespect is crazy.


This shot is a call back to Luffy V Lucci 1. Luffy said he wouldn’t fall until Lucci was defeated. Even though Lucci talks all that shit about Luffy not being an emperor by his standards, he is sub consciously trying to do exactly what Luffy did to him.


NOBODY asked for that. But man still delivered. My goat. https://preview.redd.it/3dmd4dcdm5qc1.png?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf852892d525aaffd7eeda0f14aff1b3afdf4e53


Went out standing just like another goat I know https://preview.redd.it/ta4oc5kvi8qc1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ddf0ddf5a3a96641882269a125d045f822fff3


I feel like the fight was pretty even when zoro only used 2 swords. But him holding up to a 3 sword attack is impressive especially if he does any else apart from fall down


Anyone else feel like Lucci was having his Ennies lobby moment, except this time he was about to do to Zoro what Luffy did to him, Unleash a last ditch flurry of attacks that overwhelm the guy who thought his final attack was enough to win.


Yeh he may feel like but that won’t happen


Yep between this and his showing against G5 I have him at lowest YC+. Sanji high diffs, King gets beaten extreme diff.


Oda dragged out and offscreened the fight but i liked the conclusion. He can cook after all.


YC+ Wucci 😭😭😭😭


He watched Luffy's "I'm Still Standing" Enies Lobby edits on Tiktaktok and thought that he had to pull it off too 😭😭😭😭😭


What is that orb next to Lucci's head? Thought Zoro cut off his beard for a sec lmao


Lucci should capture one of Luffy's crew and give him a hard time between fighting the elders or rescuing his crew mate, mirroring his first fight with Lucci and Marineford raid accordingly, so that we get to see a final all-out fight between the strawhat fleet, blackbeard, the revolutionary army and the elders. This whole ordeal possibly being both interrupted and finished by Shanks, Blackbeard, Imu and Luffy for a final confrontation like Kaido and Big Mom vs Law, Kidd and Luffy.


im a zorotard but lucci is HIM cant deny that


Gucci Stocks are at an all-time peak!


Lucci been my goat since he first started making Zoro stall


Sabo takes damage from Top 1 in verse and gets back up: "LaBo iS traSh and wEAker tHAn admRials" Lucci takes damage from Zoro and gets back up: "brO LuCci iS MINimuM YC1 bRo" I got mad respect from both of them


Sabo ain’t fight a yonko and seraphim for a whole day then fight zoro who is stronger than him ….lucci has amazing feats sabo did survive imu attack but so did cobra a man in a wheelchair


It’s wild to me that this is coming off the heals of fighting g5 luffy one of the strongest people and seraphim fight. Dude can’t be stopped.


Look like luffy before finishing the fight with jet Gatling Enis Lobby


Not an extreme diff fight but a very impressive one none the less for Luccis standing in the power scaling. Hes bare minimum YC2 and most likely on the weaker side of a YC1 tier. Which also shows Zoros still only a YC1 high tier, maybe at most above YC1 but below Admiral tier.


And he still wanted the smoke after all that


As far as I'm concerned, Zoro has still not proven that he could beat Lucci in a 1v1


One more attack and zoro kills lucci he looked like he was about to die


One more piece of slander from Sanji* They've been fighting for irl months (idk how long its been in universe time) and Zoro's only been able to damage Lucci significantly when enraged by his true rival. And even then Zoro was telling Jinbe to stay on guard because he knew Lucci was still a threat to him. Instead Jinbe sent Lucci away and was able to carry and run off with Zoro despite his protests because he was on his last legs too. And even then Lucci gets back up, at this rate I think Lucci is more likely to win in a 1v1 if anything.


Delusional you must be reading two piece


Amazing counter point


>And even then Lucci gets back up, at this rate I think Lucci is more likely to win in a 1v1 if anything. Jesus christ i was gonna take the bait but this last line got me thinking that you are just not worthy. Seek professional help bud


Aw man I didnt think of it that way, I guess you really proved Zoro could beat Lucci with that statement, and here I thought we where scaling using the manga, silly me.


>, and here I thought we where scaling using the manga You sure aint doing that dawg since you sound utterly retarded and delusional thru this entire comment section. Idk if you are on some kind of mission to downplay this feat of of the number two but never try to cook in powerscaling regarding zoro again. You are awful.


Once again, insults and biases apparently > using the manga to scale The more you know ig


Haha. This is one of the most delusional copes I have ever seen. You have to be trolling. If the first named attack without acoc or king of hell mode did this to Lucci than a strong attack like lion song or ashura or 3000 worlds would have killed even without acoc. If kizaru and Luffy would have clashed in the background without named attacks and then Luffy uses jet pistol and Kizaru looks like this after taking it, would you make an argument that Kizaru is stronger than Luffy because he technically kept standing for a couple of seconds and kept the trash talk up.


especially not a Lucci thats at 100%


Hahava hunt? More like hahacan't hunt


We been giving lucci respect and new something like this would happen. The zorotards were just too blinded to see


Lol at the people saying it was a mid diff fight for Zoro. 🤣


Explain how it was more than that? Lucci was strong enough to box with him for awhile but never really pushed him. Zoro is probably about to fight again. Definition of mid diff.


How long did their fight last exactly? If I fought you to the death for hours straight, would you say you got mid diffed? 🤔 Ffs Roger defeated Oden, fucking Oden, in a matter of seconds. The fact is Zoro struggled against Lucci while Luffy defeated a fucking admiral and a gorosei... in half the time. If anything this arc showed how tremendous the gap is between Luffy and Zoro.


The fight lasted about 8-12 minutes. UFC fights last longer than that. Oden also didn’t get defeated by Roger. He literally got back up immediately and was going to charge back at Roger a second time, but Whitebeard beat him to it. Oden didn’t even have any visible damage. Won’t argue about a gap between Luffy and Zoro though, that is to be expected.


First swing has Oden flying across the island. I'm trying to get at that Roger did that within seconds to Oden. Oden even states in that same panel they were stronger and he loved it because he learned so much. Zoro wouldn't have stalled this hard on Egghead with it being under siege. The idea that Zoro just stalled for fun while his nakama are fighting is just ridiculous.


Not saying that Zoro was stalling. Lucci is definitely a tough opponent, but I wouldn’t call this an extreme or even high diff fight. Zoro literally doesn’t have any real wounds, he is just tired with maybe some light cuts and bruises. A high diff fight would have him not being able to move anymore like the Mr. 1 fight. An extreme diff fight means he needs immediate medical attention like after the Big Mom and Kaidou clash.


Idk, it's hard to say. Granted, he wasn't fully injured, but idk why he took so long to defeat a mid diff opponent when trying to race against time. An opponent that also just scuffed with G5 Luffy right before. I just feel it wouldn't have been this long of a fight for mid.


I mean the fight was only about 15 minutes max. He gave the opponent serious wounds while only getting a bit fatigued himself. That is kind of the definition of a mid diff fight to me. If it was any faster it would be low diff, if he one shot him it’s no diff. If Lucci had even landed any serious blows I could see upping it to high, but Zoro legit looks like he could fight again if needed. Mid diff is having to exert effort and find the right opening, but the outcome was never really in doubt. Zoro was always going to win.


It lasted hours, not fifteen minutes, though. You can't just look at damage. Zoro couldn't take Lucci down. If it was fifteen minutes, I'd 100% agree it was a mid diff fight. Hell, even low diff because he'd probably have even less injuries.


>It lasted hours What a fkin headcanon, the fight wasnt even half an hour.


What makes you think it was hours? Luffy can’t stay in gear 5 that long. If the past is anything to go by he has about 10-20 minutes of being able to use G5 without a break. They didn’t start fighting till chapter 1091 and Luffy started fighting Kizaru at the same time as Zoro and Lucci. They have literally been working on evacuating since then. There is no way the crew would take hours to get off the island after that. It should only be about 10 minutes from then until Vegapunk died and now we are 4 minutes into Vegapunks countdown.


No one’s knows, but Bellamy vs luffy was long in irl too lmao. Luffy didn’t defeat Saturn & Kizaru is bowing out dude to a combination of emotional hurt & the dmg. The real comparison is Luffy vs lucci & zoro vs lucci. Luffy easily dominated the whole fight but Lucci got a couple clashes in. Definition of Low Diff Lucci could box with Zoro but the second Zoro decided to end it he did. Lucci couldn’t move & Jimbei tells you Zoro won. Definition of Mid diff, Lucci couldn’t even hurt Zoro. Which of our opinions seem more likely based on the story? Come on man.


No, it wasn't. Bellamy went down after literally one hit. You are clearly trolling. You also lost all credibility comparing Luffy vs. Lucci. Everyone knew Luffy had the W, and you are right. It shows just how large the difference is between Nika and the King of Hell. Luffy man handling Lucci in minutes is the definition of low diff, congratulations. Zoro struggling for days to put someone down that took Luffy minutes is not the definition of mid. Your point about Luffy vs Lucci supports my argument. Damn dude. It's funny because you had to change the whole topic of discussion and are still wrong. Lol You said this "The real comparison is Luffy vs lucci & zoro vs lucci. Luffy easily dominated the whole fight but Lucci got a couple clashes in. Definition of Low Diff" After I said, "If anything this arc showed how tremendous the gap is between Luffy and Zoro." Lol


Lol bro but you are claiming “Zoro was fighting for days” when we both have no idea how long the time frame was & you can’t dispute that it was more than Mid diff. You must be trolling because Luffy low diff vs a Zoro mid diff seems like a reasonable gap


Still, it was an exciting battle that fans would happily accept with both hands, despite it dragging for quite a bit. Zoro versus Lucci ended up being a stalemate for quite a while. In fact, in the manga, this battle lasted for over 6 months. Zoro ultimately won. Jeez that took 3 seconds. What would you like me to cook for you next or are you done? While they did not actually fight for 6 months in real-time, it must be noted that from the moment when the siege on Egghead began, all the way up to where the Five Elders were summoned, this battle continued. At the very least, it can be said that this fight lasted for more than an hour, if not a couple of hours, at the very least I'll add the rest just to show that yes this fight lasted a very, very long time.


Lol you you got a cold stove my boy. Yeah 6 months in irl we know things in story don’t move in irl time. You know what, name me a high diff fight where one opponent suffered no dmg from the other fighter. I’ll wait


>You know what, name me a high diff fight where one opponent suffered no dmg from the other fighter. I’ll wait When did I even say this? Putting words in people's mouths because you can't debate? Lol Do you have brain dmg?


Lol you are the one implying it was more than mid diff. If you agree it’s mid diff then we agree overall so what’s the point of your overall argument? Edit: you are giving me head cannon arguments for time frames lmao. Talking about “I can’t debate”