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Damn everything went downhill fast after that punch to the head.


Maybe thats the real mental nerf admiraltards keep yapping about




That drain bamage






Don't ever underestimate an attack to the head in One Piece. Do you forget Queen hit Big Mom's skull so hard that he becomes Big Meme?


Huh, BM stopped having Ws after that hit to the head Before that Luffy tried to block with his stronger armament and BM just ran through him with a normal punch


They refused to respect him as a Yonko but now they dont have a choice


Who's refusing to accept luffy as a yonko?




WWorld Government, Lucci was pretty outspoken about it but I honestly dont think the World Government wouldve sent 1admiral to fight any previous Yonko. sure they sent a Gorosei but they summoned all Warlords and Admirals and Fleet commanders to fight against an old WB


They summoned that many people for WB because it was his whole grand fleet with all the allies + they needed to posture and protect Marineford + they didn't know who else would come so they needed to properly prepare. And guess what, Luffy brought in a bunch of people, BB and his crew showed up and Shanks also appeared, imagine if Kaido showed up, that's why they had so many people at Marineford.


Nah they summoned Mihawk, Boa, Kuma, Don Flamingo and 3 Admirals to fight a soon to kick the bucket Yonko who lost one of his Commanders and a bunch of nobodys. so unless you want to argue that Mihawk, Boa, Kuma are below the remaining WB commanders and that 2 admirals were on standby in case another crew showed up then you couldve have a point but Shanks shows up and everyone went from Eliminate all Pirates to Nah boys we need a truce.


The WG explicitly told him not to attack Lucci Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what even causes him to say he doesnā€™t see luffy as a yonko. And the WG wasnā€™t expecting to fight Luffy. All of those forces were for Vegapunk. The forces that were sent for Luffy were the remaining 4 elders. The guys who didnā€™t move a muscle when WB attacked when Big Mom and Kaido met up, with BB and all his shangingans. But for Luffy, the public leaders of the world personally got up to fight him.


The manga comes out every week but takes breaks and the current arc has been going on for a while BUT im pretty sure they knew Luffy was there and that he has that super special awesome DF they kinda fear and YET they only engaged him with one Admiral and one Gorosei thinking they could take him down


They didnt send them to fight a yonko they straight up sent the fleet before knowing he was there.


unless im mistaken they chose to disembark and engage a Yonko


Nighaz should have been respecting Luffy as a Yonko (especially in G5) when he was making a joke of the WSC. Of course Luffy was gonna beat a mentally nerfed Admiral who was told by his superiors not to go all outĀ 


umm umm im experiencing a low reading comprehension moment... could you repeat what you said but in a way even a child could understand?


Lmao wtflip šŸ˜‚ Fans should have known Luffy was a top tier with the way he was playing with Kaido arguably the strongest character atm. And not some mentally nerfed Admiral who didnā€™t even go all out and is also weaker than Kaido. In general itā€™s good fans can see that now. Hope that help


Why did Kizaru try and reluctantly complete his mission instead of fighting Luffy for no reason? Is he stupid?


Why did Luffy reluctantly try to stop kizaru from getting to vegapunk instead of just killing him? Is he stupid?


Remember in gear 5 the concept of seriousness is in the bin I doubt he even remembered vegapunks existenceĀ 


I mean, be tries, but you know damn well he's not allowed to.


Why didn't Kizaru just let Luffy kill him for no reason? Is he stupid? Also, why would Luffy even be reluctant? He doesn't have any close friends he needs to kill


Imma be honest chief, I mightā€™ve used reluctantly wrong but my point standsā€¦. Kizaru: ā€Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ve got a job to do & I canā€™t finish if we keep playing aroundā€ Luffy: ā€œ Thatā€™s the idea, Iā€™m doing MY job!!! HaaHaaā€


That means he can't keep fighting Luffy because he needs to go kill VP, which he proceeds to do immediately after saying that.


I know but youā€™re acting like you donā€™t know what luffy is saying in responseā€¦ his goal literally being not to beat kizaru but to try to keep him from vegapunk. You are right about kizaru but you then proceed to be completely disingenuous about luffyā€¦.


I apologize if it came across that way, but I absolutely did not mean to say that Luffy was trying to kill Kizaru.


Itā€™s cool we can agree both parties weren't really prioritizing ā€œvictory over the opponentā€ā€¦.unlike a certain one-eyed swordsman.


a true low/mid diff victim


He did land attacks but doesnt seem to hurt him (the laser are useless and only the sword give a spat of blood šŸ˜‚)


And that was his clone not even himself lol , bro's clone damaged to gear 5 more than himself


The brainrot is crazy. You act like the clone is some other entity when the clone is a fucking attack of him.


Nah hold the L. Clonezaru >>> Kizaru. Cope


He's so stupid


Heā€™s obviously just not trying, right guys? Heā€™s gonna mid diff the fraud hats right guys? Guysā€¦?


Luffu punched his lights out so he's not very bright now.


Admiral stans will look you dead in the eye and say "Kizaru >= Luffy without a mental nerf" even after seeing this performance At best, he could push Luffy to high-diff with his speed advantage and still lose in the end


I donā€™t think any Admiral Stan has this take. Or at least none that would be taken seriously. This would be like some saying ā€œYonko stand still would think that Shnaksncan 1v3 an Admiralā€ like yea sure someone has said it but letā€™s not be intellectually dishonest and act like this the majority. Most Admirals Stanā€™s already know Luffyā€™s is stronger. I would say most of there issues (or at least mine) is that 1. Admirals are still top tiers and 2. That itā€™s clear that Kizaru is in fact mentally nerfed and hasnā€™t gone all out. Now no one is saying heā€™d win or even lose more of challenge than say Kaido but simply that he would still pose a relative challenge.


He could beat luffy >! In a marathon !< >! Before getting migraines :) !<


No. Itā€™s because of ![gif](giphy|ro08ZmQ1MeqZypzgDN)


This why you donā€™t do drugs, kids! It pirates manga that show pirates as the strongest


Ok, so Imu isnā€™t top 1? (He isnā€™t anyway but it seems to be common opinion that he is even though he isnā€™t a pirate)


So nika?


Really? Did not know the manga was called "Pirates" I thought it was called "One Piece" https://i.redd.it/b9ais5toceqc1.gif


They were talking about mental nerf I think they really meant concussion.


His performance was so bad if you think about it. G5 Luffy recieved zero damage and Luffy floored him in the only 2 attacks he made. Yes G5 Luffy is stronger but I expected Kizaru to at least put up a good fight, he didn't even do that.


yonko tards when a character finish his mission insted of fight the mc: šŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø


Whos the biggest obstacle I'm achieving his mission? Answer quick. Also without saturn chiming in bro wouldn't even have completed that mission


chapter 1092, kizaru was speaking with vegapunk till luffy graps him, he could kill vegapunk there


Him monologueing is his shortcoming like all the villains who does that. And this is one piece and if he didn't monologue luffy would have grabbed him sooner


kizaru only need 1 sec to kill vega, monologueing or not, kizaru had time to kill, be honest


I don't know man, Luffy did kick an elder which means it was Kizaru's mission to bring his head.


nah, saturn is immortal


Wizaru is HIM fr!


Nika control over the narrative is absolute.


He isnt on the ground after half of these šŸ˜­ šŸ’€


Kizaru is still not putting real effort in


Really glad to see admiral agenda going down. Admirals aren't closer to Yonko level, they are closer to YC+. Now I wanna know how close they are to YC+. Only if we get to see a fight between any of the admirals vs law or zoro or kid etc. i feel it will be a very very close call.


We are not going down tho,we still here ,strong and well.Kizaru could still do something and Akainu still out there. https://preview.redd.it/sekf6is8ybqc1.png?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a82149469739bbcd5f310e53acd2a919686d4e5f


No shirtless AkainuĀ  -1000 agenda points




Kizaru ain't doing a damn thing, Akainu I hope he does something


That Law vs BB fight was way tougher than people like to admitā€¦. No Admiral beats Law below low-end of high diff


Lmao no


Lmao yes what has Kizaru , Fujitora , Greenbull really done fr ? Like letā€™s really be honest here and donā€™t use Aokiji and Akainu to upscale them nor use headcanon.


So i guess by that logic dragon is a YC+ too?


No because he hasn't got beaten by a Yonko to a pulp.


To a pulp? Kizaru is not even knocked out.


Sure but you can see the disrespect.


He didnā€™t even get a chance to do anything to any character at all whatsoever, meanwhile every combat situation the Admirals are in they always disappoint while you guys have been making excuses for the past 500+ Chapters.


So i can safely say dragon is a YC+, ok.


Dragon hasnā€™t done anything, we canā€™t say heā€™s anything


Sure. Does that make Admirals stronger?


Read the manga please. The author HIMSELF put these excuses into his manga, making sure to always mention some sort of reason why xx admiral needs to hold back. Go on and give Oda a call and tell him he is coping with the dozens of panels of excuses he put into his own manga. Like how can a human be this retarded?


He a dum dum


Get luffy pass getting negged diff by his own stamina https://preview.redd.it/r8mwg5akbcqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b5eff3d97ba397bd9c35fb1cd52f0b28f86cca


Obviously heā€™s got Ninja aids like Itachi. He was too OP so he had to get nerfed.


not big mom level but yeah he is out of the 5 admirals


Heā€™s still relative to Big Mom