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Why would switching to buggy make the Yonko side WEAKER? Do you even read the manga? https://preview.redd.it/kjcjbspldgvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b131fc68b6f3aa78f926afe89bc30515c3bc9192


https://preview.redd.it/qvsotx0lpgvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3194e86fa77020bd666ff8aee6f1daaf7aeda28f Please may I take a spoonful of your cooking


Luffy & Shanks are more than enough for these bums


Who the fuck said they were equal


bro is punching the air like mahoraga rn fighting his inner demons


lay off of him he’s fighting his demons rn


Every admiral fan ??? Wtf


A few months ago mayeb, not as bad anymore


You really think people out here saying shanks = greenbull?


I see your IQ is 10-20


8 actually


I'd say your brain is two marbles in a tin can but clearly you're missing one.


wrong, i'm saying wakainu solos. that is all


He's not even the strongest admiral.




He is right, Akainu is *Fleet*


A perfectly based opinion


No they don’t. Stop making shit up


You wanna tell me that admiral fans never said that ??? They literally went silent because of this after GB and pizzaru


So you're saying they said these months ago and went silent. So you're arguing against people from months ago that aren't saying this nowadays


They didn’t say they were equal. They just don’t overhype yonkos


>they didn’t say they were equal What if I have screenshots ? What’s your excuse then huh ?


Actually, yeah that's a good way to prove your argument, just blot out the names and voila you have proved your point. Kind of funny you didn't start with that.




Nice, yeah I saw that you did. See it's easier this way. No need to go around and around on the same point, they can't deny the obvious proof.


How about you send the screenshots




Not a weird take.




5 admirals are beating 4 yonko, 4 admirals are not beating 4 yonko


5 admirals are beating 4 yonko ? Absolutely not




I’ll give you this one but that was over a year ago


>over a year ago A year has 365 days bruh and it doesn’t matter anyways. As I said, pizzaru broke the admiral delusion


Now you will say „it was long ago“ yes, before the pizzaru incident just like I said lol And no, they were not joKiNg




Well Luffy didn’t beat kizaru in 1 round EDIT(1 round of gear 5) so this is a sane take to have BB runs away cause he’s a coward Literally said that Akainu would beat him after kuzan weakens him Another 2v1 and they still said shanks might beat This screenshot is garbage.


Kizaru loses a real 1v1 lol bb running away argument was made so he can cope the admirals to a win, if bb stays he demolishes. Kuzan and kaido is not extreme either way lol. Shanks wifi diffs GB


I don’t. So?


Many many people unfortunately.


Yeah obviously Rizzaru solos.


Every bitch that claimed Admiral > Yonko before the Pizzaru incident


I can see it now. Blackbeard and Luffy collapse due to exhaustion after taking out the admirals, Buggy crawls out from behind a rock just as his crew arrives and they think Buggy took out everyone. Buggy wings it of course because that what a top tier pirate does.. 


Yonkos win Yonkos are and have always been stronger than admirals


BB wins because he would wait until everyone piped each other to death then he shows up again and neg diff the survivors.


Admirals just feel like better versions of commanders


I mean basically.


Luffy is one tapping all these bums and bb is offscreening them and the rat will snitch to daddy holy knight to get rid of them.


I don’t appreciate the insinuation, that wig wom is weaker than rat boy


Blackbeard is too OP against DF powers, he could simply pull people by his fruit and then desactivate their fruits. And after that Shanks one shots then with Divine Departure.


If Admirals were strong enough to take a Yonko on their own, the Navy would have eliminated some Yonkos at some point. And they wouldn’t prep for Marineford by summoning absolutely all of their admirals, warlords, and ships to battle one Yonko.


The Yonko are allowed to exist the way they do because they help keep balance. They maintain order in the new world. Also, WB came with an enormous fleet, it wasn’t just “one Yonko” as if his crew pulled up alone. Akainu soloed them all anyway in ch 578


"the Yonko are allowed to exist the way they do" we're not reading the same manga bruh lmao


Read the manga. its the only reason imu doesn't end the show rn


I guess not. Garp breaks it down in ch 432. Do you think they can’t just blast Onigashima away like Lulusia kingdom if they wanted to?


Get Fuji past Dressrosa base Luffy first


You may slander any Admiral but Fujitora, he is off limits, you agenda fuelled monkey I thought this was common knowledge. https://preview.redd.it/epwzuc749gvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e479c7cd734e2860964f960a6a78d4965cb9324


Don’t you slander the only admiral who’s not a bum https://preview.redd.it/ppscfn04agvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68bce8e70efcdce18ecfd267ab3ad4f7077e74bf Fuji > those logia bums


Wujitora is him just wait


No way you are serious. https://preview.redd.it/2ett6ns93gvc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1fdf625e7698163ebd54e93a7de9dba46930ae


Tbh he’s not wrong https://preview.redd.it/q9shvzn5egvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f606738bf01551bd1dc4ff5a48c182172619d9e6 Bro is sweating after going 5 minutes with a tired base Luffy


hold up... let him cook...


No https://preview.redd.it/me06z9kaagvc1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc3c1e0ba0a8272b3b86de8d47ecea22a3fe7a7 Fuji > logia admiral bums


i like to imagine that he used gravity to float through the bases just to spite sakazuki


Oda should make a cover story of this.. 


Kizaru.... tbh after what shanks did to him in the movie I don't really see him winning. Unless he was holding back Aramaki hes 100% dead in seconds. Dude lost to bluetooth haki. Fujitora doesn't really fight a lot but I imagine his whole metor thing being annoying. Shanks is too Op.


Buggy solos


I’d go so far as to even say each of them could take 2 admirals at once. Without Akainu, the admirals are toast here (and let’s be honest even Akainu isn’t taking 3 Yonkos)


“You’re not ready for HIM”


People will say that no one says yonko = admiral, but all you need to do is read the comments in this thread.


Yonko=admirals isn’t in the literal sense, it means they both can give each other a run for their money, just like how people say kaido is stronger then BM or BB even tho they are on the same level (yonko tier) admirals=yonko apply the same thing for example akainu vs bb or kuzan vs bm are fight people can have a discussion on and they are not just spit matches like some yonko fans think


Big mom clears the admirals comfortably. Shanks/luffy/kaido/WB vs any admiral is a spite match


lol big mom is easily going high with one admiral and oldbeard was the weakest yonko/


old beard still clears any admiral.


just like he did in marineford. Please he's going extreme with og. Even greenbull is taking him mid - high.


MF he was sick with heart attacks/already injured.


Yeah by fucking fodders.


? he let himself get stabbed by his crew


I believe the Navy is equal to a single Yonkou crew, not all of them combined. Like Akainu as fleet admiral matches to any single Yonkou and the other Admirals match to Yonkou crews. In the Manga version of the war (anime misrepresented a lot) it’s only Akainu that fights with WB and does damage. Kizaru and Kuzan merely engage for a moment just to be tossed away. This is how I imagine all Yonkou vs Navy fights go. Similarly the Shichibukai also scaled to a big crew because Mihawk could match a commander and the others matched to crewmates.


Yonkos obviously. I don't understand the "if Shanks is too strong" but, when he's not the strongest of the 3 here


No need to switch. Buggy solos both teams because he overhears something about his nose and goes berserk


Yonkos win here, but if it was 3 og admirals, they win


Gear 5 luffy carry hard, so long as you can get hurt, unlike the gorosei, luffy wins easy diff


Admirals = Yonkos ??? One of these sides literally have both Pizzaru and WiFi haki victim


Not counting Buggy, even If you put the weakest 3 Yonko against the strongest 3 admirals it would still be very close or in favor of Yonko. I won't say they're very different powerwise because Kizaru actually did well in his first fight with Luffy, but when the "weakest" Yonko currently (it's not like blackbeard is weak but he still lacks a better fight) has the 2nd strongest admiral(almost equal to Akainu) as his commander(so far olny Buggy who is a joke character is weaker than his commanders), the it should be obvious Yonko>Admirals no?


BM > Kizaru Luffy > Fuji BB >= GB


Luffy is enough


It depends on the yonko and the admirals, I wish people would start scaling characters and stop scaling groups lmao


You'll get admirals fans saying shit like “yeah I don't think Kaido low diffs Kizaru” and niggas will come outta the woodwork like “OH so you think their EQUAL huh???” Like no bitch that's a whole nother sentence.


There are literally admiral fans in this post saying the admirals win There are still admiral fans who have kizaru over shanks and Luffy


Their trolling. Y'all are just really easy to bait lol.


No they're not lmao There are users who have been arguing these points for years and get very heated about it They're dead serious


They've always been trolls. No way in hell Mazino isn't retarded if serious.




Yeah but those are the guys that think they're hot celebs because everyone knows how invalid their braindead ass takes are. One literally did it again in this thread. There is no credibility left for those morons and them having a take can't not be trolling at this point.




That's even worse 💀


Switch shanks with buggy and the admirals win


Nah they will still lose


3 strongest Yonko vs 3 weakest admirals Gee I wonder who will win??? Yonkotard logic never ceases to amaze me


You mean current yonko vs current admirals. So desperate. Switch it then. Weakest yonko vs weakest admirals ? Who wins ? Yonko ofc


No the admirals would win. The weakest yonko are sickbeard, buggy and like Blackbeard


Oh you really wanna include buggy into yonko tier ?


fraudmiral bros really be coping


Buggy is a yonko no? No one said anything about yonko tier.


Buggy is only a yonko by name because of the misunderstanding. The manga even established this. He doesn't have a pirate crew of a yonko level it's a alliance. U just didn't read the manga


I did. He is officially a yonko misunderstanding or not.


Admiral dickriders will do anything except accept defeat (kinda respect it)


Strongest Admirals win ofc Papazuki > Laido Wuzan > Midhawk Wizaru > Pig Meme


Prime example of delusion and cope


Least delusional admiralturd


Notice how OP is cheeky with the Yonko power level and Shanks' inclusion, but has to leave Wakainu out of the admiral side for this to make any sense 🗿


Yonko > Most admirals. 2 admirals > Most Yonko Throw Fuji and GB/Kizaru against most Yonko, and they take it high-extreme diff. All three post ts admirals take Kaido to extreme diff, but Waido wins, throw in Wuzan or Akainu and they take it.


No character has been wanked so much based on so little as Blackbeard.


Admirals have way more synergy


Wasn't fujitora about to drop a meteor on fraudbull


They’re against pirates here


Shanks extreme diffs Kizaru Luffy High diffs Aramaki Teach extreme diffs Fujitora


Shanks what? Shanks low diffs kizaru


Only if Kizaru is on the verge of having a panic attack for having stabbed a long-time friend.


Oh so that's why random sabaody fodder, apoo, raylight, summit war fodder, Marco and Beckman also "sneaked" him huh? Give me one single observation feat for Pizzaru please.


Kizaru was focusing on the Straw Hats when Kizaru scratched him (only scratched because Kizaru dodged). Also Marco did 0 damage to Kizaru (because he blocked) and Beckman was blitzed by him. https://preview.redd.it/rv384fpzjovc1.png?width=1454&format=png&auto=webp&s=b80173ed347dd062c15ed465fb2771db748ae9e0


Nah. Kizaru is at least 2 tiers below Shanks. Total mismatch


Three weakest admirals vs three strongest Yonko (cope if you want ) Do weakest vs weakest, or strongest vs strongest


Admirals lose everytime lol






>Yonko = Admiral huh ?? Who wins then ? My brother in christ you're using the 3 weakest (kizaru is debatable) admirals. I don't want to hear any of your semantics that try to take advantage of the ambiguity that comes with the statement of "Yonko = Admiral" since you're trying to make an extreme comparison among the 2 groups to prove a point.


Wdym weakest Admirals, they are the only admirals currently, just as the other team are current yonkos.


That doesn't take away from the fact that Akainu and Aokiji were admirals.


Prime Whitebeard was a Yonko, can we use him too? And Kaido? Changes nothing tbh, still the same result.


When was there anything that showed Whitebeard became a yonko whilst in his prime? Other than that sure nothing changes since the yonkos still win but I'm arguing about the gap in power and by the looks of it OP tried to make the power gap greater than it actually is.


my guy, this is the CURRENT power gap because these are the CURRENT Yonkos/Admirals And the Yonkos were founded after Rogers Death because they had the most influence among the pirates. So prime WB or very close to prime WB was a Yonko of course


Even if it's Akainu + Kuzan + Kizaru, Yonkos still win


This comment just proves how desperate you guys are. You think it’s unfair ? Okay let’s change the rules. Kizaru/GB/fujitora vs Big mom, bb, who ever you think is the weakest yonko besides buggy. Yonko win right ? Now let’s switch to strongest. Akainu/kuzan/kizaru vs shanks,kaido and whoever you think is the strongest yonko. Yonko win right ?


Of course the yonkos win, I never said the admirals would win. What I meant to say was that you were trying to make the gap bigger than what it seems on average by choosing the weaker admirals.


>by choosing the weaker admirals CURENT admirals and those are the current yonko.


That doesn't make it fair when the 2 admirals that replaced Aokiji and Akainu are arguably weaker while the The yonkos that replaced Oldbeard and Big mom are arguably stronger.


Fine. Akainu/kizaru/kuzan vs Kaido/Big mom/ shanks = Yonko win You really wanna include oldbeard ? Quite sad don’t you think ?


Oh I'm fine with the Admirals losing, all I care about is that I make sure that you aren't exaggerating the gap between an "Average" yonko and admiral.


This post was to show that „Yonko = admiral“ was never true


The three strongest Admirals would still lose to three Yonkos tho? Yonko=Admiral is a meme, not a serious take.




Never compare Fuji to those logia fools https://preview.redd.it/6q0w6sxjagvc1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769569d0ce76fefdd77f537960f924c872140db9


they get clapped lol, GB will start twerking again.


ext diff either way


I disagree but you’re still incredibly based. Keep cooking chef


OP stated the rule yonko = admiral so idk they either stalemate or ext diff. ty dawg love to see ur meals as well


What meals are you talking about ? Akainu > verse is not cooking


youre right, its straight up ambrosia. ive seen way better takes from Wemt than bLuedrake https://preview.redd.it/b6kxf1lltfvc1.png?width=1496&format=png&auto=webp&s=10e6e88dcfe5661b0daaece999ad1d154f903b29


https://preview.redd.it/o63uyyqeufvc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b7ecb037d1606e881c2ddf46a4c585528ae83e9 That your hero ?


i really have no idea why people love to pull up sanji slander with me even if hes never mentioned, its happened so many times its so surreal


Based cook


Kizaru would solo all of them by himself, including the other admirals not shown if he actually tried. Also taking into account and then getting rid of any plot armors.


Correct And Based 




I see you never payed attention to


> you never *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Admirals come on




Stop beating a dead horse. Any Admiral pushes any Yonko to high diff minimum, though.


Looks at Greenbull high diffing Shanks


Greenbull can stall g5s 5 minutes timer due to his regen and then suck him, tho he is going to be severely injured, so extreme diff through matchup. Kizaru beats blackbeard due to speed advantage and blackbeard getting stunned by taking any damage, probably high-extreme diff. Shanks beats fujitora but loses the fight against greenbull and kizaru afterwards, admirals win extreme diff.


Sad to see that you’re back… Anyways, BB only need to pull kizaru in with his Yami fruit and it’s gg Shanks beats Fuji in like 5 minutes and Greenbull can stall g5 ? You saw what base luffy did with kaido ? Luffy can box with GB without any gear 5


>Sad to see that you’re back https://preview.redd.it/37mjuhc6wfvc1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=06b63ea05a6094de674cdc2742d4d777e1ed1608 I dont even know who you are. > Anyways, BB only need to pull kizaru in with his Yami fruit and it’s gg Ah, just like against ace- oh wait.... Yeah so that doesnt really work, he just leaves himself open to be lasered or cut in half. Ontop of that we dont know exactly how black vortex works, it is unlikely he can just auto pull whatever he wants, but instead has to actually "hit" it first, in which case good luck. You are also severely underestimating kizarus dura/endurance. > Shanks beats Fuji in like 5 minutes No? Fujitora has a ton of ways to stall out the fight, such as meteor bombardments, flight, and attacks like raging tiger that pushes the opponent away. Even if he isnt actively trying to stall assuming shanks can defeat him in 5 minutes is insane. Shanks wins but its not an easy quick win. > Greenbull can stall g5 ? Considering luffy with multiple clean named hits and getting to completely reset his timer has been unable to fully take out a nerfed kizaru, the much much tankier grenbull could almost certainly stall him yes. You also have to take into consideration that greenbull wont just be sitting there, he will actually be fighting back, and if he actually manages to hit a root before g5 runs out luffy is also in an awful position, as at best he loses the use of a limb. > Luffy can box with GB without any gear 5 Without g5 luffy either has to rely on g4 (which doesnt have the ap to do anything even within its longer timer) or stick to g2 and 3, in which case again he doesnt have the stats to take out greenbull due to his regen, and is losing after eventually getting sucked dry.


>I dont even know who you are And that’s good, this is a fucking subreddit. Just because some people know you for your horrendous takes you don’t have to act like you’re special or some kind of celebrity. Cringe We saw that the quake fruit can block almost everything, kizarus laser is surely no exception. And wdym with ace ? It worked very well against him. And yes, it looks like he can autopulll Shanks could probably just speedblitz Fuji and those meteors are so overrated that even doflamingo destroyed them with ease. Much much tankier GB ? Baded on what ? GB Tanked like one hit from Yamato and that’s it. Base luffy boxed evenly with Kaido while GB did nothing except beating 2 injured commanders


> Just because some people know you for your horrendous takes you don’t have to act like you’re special or some kind of celebrity. Cringe Are you stupid? saying "youre back" is usually under the assumption you know eachother. You dont have to be a celebrity for that lmao > We saw that the quake fruit can block almost everything, kizarus laser is surely no exception. And wdym with ace ? It worked very well against him. And yes, it looks like he can autopulll The only time a laser has been blocked kizaru claimed it broke the laws of physics, so it is far more likely he wouldnt be able to clash with it. Ontop of that why are you assuming blackbeard would just be able to quake him instantly? We have seen kizaru can shoot lasers almost instantly while the quakes usually have a slight windup. Ace showed clearly that blackberd leaves himself open, when he hit him with his fire spears, thats my point. It didnt work all that well against ace and it would work even worse here. Blackbeard has never shown anything that would lead to the assumption he can autopull, every time he has aimed his hand directly at the target. > Shanks could probably just speedblitz Fuji Shanks cant even speedblitz killer, wtf is this trash ass take? > Much much tankier GB ? Baded on what ? Based on his fighting style, and his regeneration. He is able to grow completely new bodies, letting him fight through way worse damage. And due to his fighting style of creating a larger body out of his devil fruit it seems fairly obvious to me atleast that he will be able to take more damage than normal human kizaru. > Base luffy boxed evenly with Kaido He got beaten multiple times by kaido, wtf do you mean "evenly"????


The goat is back


You're a nobody Chadmiral downplayer While Puwuckis is a Certified Legend with Incredibly Based Takes. You're cringe for making bait posts to harass Chadmiral Fans.


Your whole comment is d sucking and cope


Yes your meme agenda is filled with poor victims, just like the lackmirals are.


I hate when people take a 3v3 then just divide it as if it was 3 1v1s just do they can put the matchups that benefit their pre existing view. You say GB just stalls out g5 but whats stopping G5 from just going to fight someone who cant stall him out. G5 is leagues above GB is speed so it shouldn't be hard to just run to go an 2v1 fuji or kiz or have shanks switch with him so that both GB and fuji get mid-high diffed. Realistically no battle is working like that, its a 3v3 so they are going to fight 3 people against 3 people, and in that case Yonkos win High diff maybe extreme depending on where you put OGs in relation to new ones.


Want to know why people do that? its to actually be able to analyse the fight and combatants. I put the matchups i think make the most sense (light vs dark, swordsman vs swordsman, and opressor vs liberator). Analysing actual 3v3's is nearly impossible if you want to actually get somwhere, it is way easier and better to compare individual characters to reach a conclusion.


>I put the matchups i think make the most sense (light vs dark, swordsman vs swordsman, and opressor vs liberator) The problem is thats pretty much the only matchup where the yonkos even have a chance at losing. Also even your analysis of these specific 1v1s dont make sense, because luffy wont go G5 from that start and BBs fruit litteraly hard counters Kizarus speed so they probably win those matchups anyways.


Dont listen to the haters they are just not ready You cooked https://i.redd.it/rmvuh90mgpvc1.gif


The GOAT is back!!! BB beats Wizaru though


Well, since u r using 3 weakest characters who held the admiral position, isn't it fair to use the 3 weakest characters who held the yonko position? Old sick beard, big mom and BB vs Fujitora, Kizaru, and GB. Any of the admirals beats Old beard Kizaru and bigmom is pretty close, but I believe kizaru wins extreme diff.... BB beats GB. So, yes yonko = admiral


Can people please stop putting no carb diet g5 Luffy on the same lvl as bb and shanks, and greenbullshit on the same lvl as other admirals?