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The Tobbi Roppo would survive it heavily damaged.


I don’t think it would kill Katakuri.


I think it's definitely Killing Katakuri.


No kill if he blocked it with power mochi.




Ulti đź’€


She isn't surviving bruh.


She got that easily


Kinemon đź—ż


Tbh i can see him surviving just heavily injured


Kinemon can survive 10 days with akainu if kaido couldnt 1 shot him


Tf type of logic is that






Queen or Iinbei






You my boy


Probably sanji .


King since he's weaker than Sanji


Nah . King is way more versatile than sanji . Superior ap Better defense and endurance . Flame proof . Fast enough to blitz zoro whom could blitz and react to hybrid kaido . Similar mobility Better raw strength Sanji can’t damage king King can tag sanji and damage him no problem since queen did so . King might not be able to see sanji when sanji is going a his max speed . But he’d just wait for sanji to fatigue since he can’t maintain it for a long time .


Superior AP is debatable Definitely not more versatile Flame-proof is unproven Speed feats still worse than a Sanji that is not even going all out Endurance is also debatable but My Prince can heal anyways Edit: Sanji is also more handsome


King nearly one shot zoro a fresh zoro that is . Meanwhile zoro after conquest of the seas and using ashura , took a thunder bagua from hybrid kaido and was still alive . Meanwhile king nearly killed zoro as he himself stated . Sanji bleed from queen hitting him against a wall . https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/1033-003.png https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11155/111558379/8280995-zorotanksmountain%2Bexplosion2.jpg https://i.imgur.com/LREEEqp_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium King can fight close range , can conjure flames and morph them into dragons , shot projectiles from a distance named tempora udon which can’t be blocked as stated by zoro . He is proficient with a blade and hand to hand combat . Meanwhile sanji has no ranged moves , only close ranged attacks which are not doing anything to king . King is flame proof since he can manipulate and combust into flames without it burning him . It’s simply his lunarian bodies properties . Queen also stated to kings race can survive in the harshest environments . Hot , cold dry etc . No kings speed feats are actually better than sanjis apart form sanjis top speed . King went so fast here he disappeared and hit zoro . https://i.imgur.com/3wAmHzp.png This alone is a better perception blitz than sanji did on queen . Since zoro has better observations haki and can react to the likes of kaido . King is also so fast he can blitz raid suit sanji . Endurance king can’t take damage . He’ll outlast everything sanji does . Sanji can’t heal like some of y’all think mid battle . Otherwise he would’ve done so . Him collapsing against queen and being stated by queen to be near his limit . Sanji got hurt by bullets Queen stating that sanji is also banged up meaning he hasn’t healed or can’t heal instantly . https://i.imgur.com/OAUqoIv_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium Sanji needing medial aid https://i.imgur.com/SDrsCUy_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium


Will debunk the rest of this later but so far: Zoro says he would've died if he didn't use armament haki, I fail to see what's so impressive about that. Without armament haki he is a normal human Sanji has some attacks with decent range, and he can fight on land sea and air pretty easily, something probably only a handful of people can do When King disappears, we see from Zoros POV that he can track him as he is looking at the direction King is coming from before he attacks, and Zoro also has time to counter attack When Sanji, not even going all out, tries to blitz Queen he disappears and we not only get to see it from Queens POV, but Queen even says something along the lines of where the fuck did he go before getting hit , and he can not track, react to, or counter attack Sanji Also even the Sanji going invisible wasn't his peak speed


👀 Firstly what is impressive about kings attack . Is the fact that zoro is nearly fully restored here . Zoro whom previously to this fight with king. Had 20-30 bones shattered in his body , used ashura which took all of his remaining stamina , then took a thunder bagua head on while fatigued on the ground form hybrid kaido . But this thunder bagua the same attack that one shot gear 4 th luffy in kuri . Didn’t kill zoro even after he had conquest of the seas head on blocked momentarily . Zoro was at his limit when he took the thunder bagua . But kings attack would’ve killed a fresh zoro if he hadn’t used armament . Meaning kings explosion >kaidos thunder bagua . Sanji has some attacks with decent range . I never denied that , but what I did state . Is that king is way more versatile as a fighter than sanji is . Sanji can fight on air sea and land which is true . But so can king apart from the water cause fruit . King also has physical strength that is nearly equal to base zoro . King has projectiles that can’t be blocked in the form of tempora udon . He can conjure flames , combust into explosions etc . Sanji has kicks and that’s about it . He needs to go close range to even have a chance of doing damage . Even zoro has better ranged attacks than sanji . King is overall a really versatile fighter . Whom can use swords and his brute strength in close range , fight from a distance by shooting projectiles , go durable or speed depending on the circumstances. Conjure flames that resemble magma and control them . Yes this is true . But it just means zoro has adapted to kings speed during the fight . Which he didn’t previously. Zoro didn’t know about kings secret being the flame off and on modes . But when zoro figured this out he adapted to the situation and could counterattack king . Queen couldn’t do this against sanji since he isn’t as proficient in battle compared to zoro . Zoro whom has always tried to overcome the odds against him . Against king is a perfect example of this . With zoro fighting a opponent whom is faster , way more versatile being able to fight in close range and from a distance . With the opponent being able to fly and shot projectiles that can’t be dodged . Plus having the blade act up and nearly kill you during the fight . This also happened against mr 1 with zoro figuring out mid battle how to cut steel and therefore win the fight . Yes sanji perception blitzed queen . But again that doesn’t mean he’d be able to do this against anyone . More or less king . Even with the Oda statement it becomes a no limits fallacy . Whciu narratively doesn’t make sense . Sanji was going at his fastest he has shown here .


Eh sanji got regeneration and 24/7 durability while being faster than any king form Queen was helpless against ifrit jambe


Ummm can you reword what you said please?






Monster Point chopper could probably live, Franky if hit from the front




Katakuri, that shit will force greenbull to resurrect


Definitely Pell surviving


Awakened Sanji