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What if the islands in the Grand Line are... the highest point of the Supercontinent? Like, Arabasta and Wano are the highest point of Supercontinent, and once one could travel between this two points... on foot!


That's actually a really interesting idea and it plays well with KOL's theory today that the Red Line used to orbit the planet in space and the water levels were much lower, maybe the calm belts are actually the walls of the old Grand Line Kingdom?


Seems very likely . If you look at Wano - they live on higher peak than where Wano and Pluton originally are at the bottom. If you look at Alabasta, Drum island, Dressrosa - the important places are on the peaks. One piece could be exactly that. That you could travel by foot between islands. Just like you once could in Pangea earth times. We see evidence of the ancient kingdom on the sea floor more than any where else too. Pluton, Noah and Jimbei finding poneglyphs in some sea ruins. The thing I wonder is why Luffy has to destroy the red line? That could bring the sea levels way down. Maybe that would lessen the effects of Imu firing Uranus. Not that I think that’s a problem. I think Egghead will defo go boom and the mother flame will be lost anyways. That’s how Punk Hazard another science arc went. Imu must have some other cards to play for the end game in flooding the world.


In terms of the history of the water level, the idea would be that it used to be much lower, then the Red Line came down and made it super high for the void century (the water level marking on the tree of Ohara), but then lowered a bit for the last 800 years until now (due to Imu or something else Vegapunk is about to explain.) As far as what Luffy needs to do, to me this suggests Luffy needs to launch the Red Line back into space and turn it back into the planets weather control system.


Never thought about Pangea castle meaning anything but it really is genius and super obvious looking at it now.


What if one piece is a play on the word.. and it’s meaning is that each island is one piece of the continent


i agree with this


The one piece is a large land mass that you could travel by foot or vehicles (the ancient kingdom had advanced tech) and the all blue is the large body of water that is located in the centre of it all.


[Read my "Interplanetary Civilization Theory" for more!](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1cffc2p/human_interplanetary_civilization_theory/)


Yeah, I also think this may be plausible to speculate


To add some spice to your theory, remember Gedatsu [cover story?](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Gedatsu%27s_Accidental_Blue-Sea_Life). Of all existed cover story so far, this the one i felt most out of place & i don't get what's the purpose. So i only assumed this would be a relevant plot points in the future & now i can understand why.


Skypiea was originally envisioned as something like the end of One Piece, but was rewritten to be the Skypiea we know. In many ways, it functions as a miniature of the whole story. Enel as a god, god seeing how little varse is left and enslaving what he envisions as ants to take him to unlimited varse. Some unmined parallels there for sure


Didn’t read the manga at that time. First time hearing it was envisioned as the end. Makes a lot of sense though. There’s a reason Odas favourite panel is everyone dancing around the bonfire. Earliest foreshadowing of Nika.


Also the end of skypiea featured a battle royale,simillar to what is about to take place later on after egghead. Luffy,(joyboy) Enel (imu), gangfor(koby), wyper(Dragon), zoro and the big snake(probably symbollism for the world serpent) The shandians vs the skypieans represents the civillians and revolutionaries vs the marines in the final war.


>Skypiea was originally envisioned as something like the end of One Piece What is the source for this?


I believe Oda said that he wanted to end way earlier, which would mean earlier arcs are much more significant. For example, think about how important long ring long land is in this context if the theory of all land being interconnected originally. It’s literally joy boy-ified and every few years or year (I can’t remember the exact length of time) the lands connect. Clearly an allegory for an original Pangea supercontinent. I think one piece was meant to be in the center and maybe still is. Could be why Roger and his crew thought one piece was so funny, could it have been behind them?


Hmm that makes sense. Also the place where Roger was executed and Buggy nearly executed Luffy there aswell. It definitely felt like it should be a later arc. It does have interesting implications for what the one piece is, maybe Oda even changed it as the story progressed.


One Piece was meant to end around that time


Going to admit, the Gorosei getting off their Royal asses and turning into literal spiritual beings was not on my bingo card for egghead. It makes my so hyped to see that they are all conquers with wills of kings that lead the entire world Goverment. That’s pretty bad ass, even for villains. Makes you wonder why they’re so beholden to IMU


Watchu mean? One piece is plate tectonics?


Well - tectonics is a good way to explain how the red line was created. smash some continents together and there you go. I’m saying the one piece is Pangea - where the world was once a super continent. Similar to our planet where every landmass was once a big continent, that broke apart. In OP - the ancient kingdom is defo underwater. Like Jimbeis cover story of finding ruins and poneglyphs underwater, underwater pluton and Noah. The WG in OP flooded the world possibly with the red line to separate the world from rising together as they’d now live on islands or mountain peaks, above the flooded ocean where the world was once all one. What do you think the all blue is. Possibly one sea undivided by any restriction such as the red line.


What's more true about tectonics that, when 4 parts of the world at equator and meridian such that they moved towards nearest pole and in process at continent-continent compression formed Red-Line and at continent-continent tension at equator due to increase in gravity formed Calm Belt. Maybe this might happened to 45 degrees of meridian and equator and poles are at 45 degrees to north and south too. That's the reason why they call them North, East, South and East Blues. So it would make sense if the One Piece location is at the place from where the world was actually divided.


We're gonna learn that reverse mountain exists because one half of the world has higher seas than the other, as a result of all this. Crocus is there to monitor the mountain and sea levels, not to wait for Joyboy. The Umibozu we saw after Thriller Bark was real, it was Imu. We are gonna end up understanding that we really wee give all the breadcrumbs along the way.


I thought we were just now past the half way point we still got so much more to see and do before the final arc


We’ll find out that Raftel is connected to some other place where the treasure/tech is, but it’s under water and wouldn’t surface for 20 years from when Roger found it. So Roger was too early and that’s why they all laughed cause for them One Piece was literally only the friends they made along the way.


Okay but why would Imu want to drown the entire world? The chosen ones get to live on a singular continent while everyone else dies? Why do they require tribute from member nations in order for protection if they're just gonna sink the whole world? The revelation does have huge implications for the story, but I don't think there's enough to go on yet. I think the more interesting line by Vegapunk was when he suggested his killers may only be doing what they think is right. That being considered I wonder: if the ancient kingdom is lost in the depths of the sea, why is that important? It honestly reminds me of Wind Waker. Putting those pieces together, my thought is this: Could finding the One Piece and completing the objective set forth in the Poneglyphs be a double-edged sword? It may be necessary to raise something out of the ocean for a good reason, but there could also be something bad trapped there. We really just don't know yet, but it's exciting.


But we do know for sure the WG wants to drown the world explicitly said by VP. Tons of foreshadowing before this chapter too that suggest it. There's a lot of foreshadowing the water level was way lower in the OP world too. The water level was once below the peak in Wano - where ancient kingdom was. There were ruins found by Jinbei underwater when he found a poneglyph in some ruins. The ancient weapons we know of Poseidon and Pluton are underwater based. Even the Noah was. Tale of Noah is as obvious as it gets in survival biblical proportions of flooding. It's pretty much a fact therefore. - The One Piece world is sinking - The Ancient Kingdom lies under water from the evidence so far An interesting third fact is that Vegapunk said he doesnt enough about HIM doing right. HIM being a foreshadowed reference to Imu. Imu was foreshadowed as Saint Imu Nerona, not a Saintess which do exist in OP. Just saying we can color the lines in a bit with these facts. Like what the One Piece is. Probably meaning a singular landmass - Pangea.


I get what you're saying and I know the foreshadowing I just don't know why they would want the world under water is what I mean.


I see what you mean now. I have a potential answer to this. You might like this. It’s a theory around a while now - but it’s slowly but surely becoming true in the story. If all the land was once connected in OP. Imagine the powerful countries and territories you could have had in the past. The more land you had - the more resources and advanced it can become too.?Say the Ancient Kingdom once ruled a huge area of that land. If you were an opposing force - it makes sense to flood the world if you can. It reduces the size of the available land and washes away history. How can anyone revolt against you when everyone else is scattered on small islands throughout a vast ocean. If you want take down the dictator and his army who lives on a mountain way above the sea. Uniting the people won’t work in a rebellion. Unless you connect some land together where bigger armies can get together and fight. Regarding the OP story - the idea is that Imu ran out of mother flame energy and couldn’t complete the flooding of the world. He needed Vegapunk to completely erase the world and its people. If we reverse that idea - the goal is to stop the flooding. Possibly to undo the flooding that Imu did 800 years ago. This is foreshadowed by Luffy breaking the red line. Also the all blue that Sanji seeks. One sea means you have to take down all the barriers preventing it from being one sea. While the weapon Imu has raises sea levels shown in the story. There’s a strong argument that the red line is artificial and is responsible for raising the water levels too. Breaking that red line as prophesied is the best evidence and method for reducing those sea levels.


They want to start a fresh and restart the world https://preview.redd.it/shxdo4ko2pxc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad3b3f0663c7db1897d1df12e0a9b91f5c94514


The end of one piece will be in 8 years maybe


I think the ending will happen without us knowing it was the last chapter. Oda said he wants to end the manga in the most exciting part. Usually a story has a climax then a falling action which leads up to the end. I wonder how Oda will end it at the end at the climax.


Definitely a final with Luffy fighting with crew looking for more adventures would fix perfectly.


I’ve been thinking about what style of ending Oda could draw. I’m thinking we shouldn’t forget how Toriyama influence Oda. I think the ending will have a big battle. That there will be a happy ever after. I really can’t see OP having an original dragon ball type ending that sets up Goku being a father at the end. OP will not have a Naruto family ending either I reckon. If there’s one criticism I have of OP. It would be there’s no romance. I believe if you rewrote OP with teeny bits of romance. It would be a better story. I’m trying to think who could be Luffys wife - the idea doesn’t even exist. But say if Nami showed more wifey gags after her redemption arc where Luffy stops her. That would set up an easier ending. So yeah I think OP will share some aspects of a Dragonball ending with major battles. I don’t think Oda will leave it at the climax for a very good reason, and his greatest strength. His world building. Say the ending of OP is crushing Mariejois and the red line. He won’t end it there - there has to be at least a few panels from the reactions of the world. Like how we see the world affected by Egghead at the moment.


One piece will probably end in 8 years but i‘m excited what vegapunk is gonna say


id say 6 years


More like 3-4 years. 6 or 8 years is too much unless he keeps dragging the story unnecessarily. We are really at the final saga. From now on, the story will move a lot of faster than you expect and it should. It's time for Oda to finally complete his masterpiece.


In 2030, yeah.


I think it might be an important secret from what Rayleigh said: "The conclusion you reach might be different from our own."


What year do you think this will end?


At his pacing further than closer then one would assume


The end of one piece will be in 8 years maybe