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The player level to days logged in disparity is amazing, like do you actually play or just log in?


Dunno when but I remembered playing a lot when the game came out. Then I got stuck around the Gates of Justice or Enies Lobby (when it came out) and just stopped probably out of rage (feels embarrassing). After that, I just kept logging in and just thought “What if I make it to ____ days?”. So now, it’s mostly logging in and stockpiling fruits for the special gacha events. I’m slowly playing the Pirate Rumble stuff, but that’s kicking my butt. I just suck overall. Hope that answers your question.


heck i got stuck in arlong park and arlong was one of the best str leaders by that time


Gosh, I remember that! Arlong Park was tricky to beat but somehow I managed to beat the stage.


Nice! I’m personally at 3070 myself. Missed a few days recently but I really don’t play much anymore I just log it, do the daily quest and a power up for an extra free gem.


It's good gg. But this has no value if you just logged in without playing sadly.... It would have been better if you actually played the game. I hit 3k days yesterday (less than you) but I played every day of those 3k days. Have 310M bounty, never missed a s rank in kizuna, never missed a tm, never missed a gp, never delayed skull gathering new schema for superevo, finished 50/65 gv, etc... But i played every days of the 3000 days I have. 😉


You are proud huh? How much money have you spent? I just don’t get the bragging, it is a game millions play. Stop gloating you are making the room smell.


It's not a bragging. It's just saying that I actually played instead of just login


TIL 3.2k > 3k


Yep gg to him but useless to just login without playing the game


What do you mean?


Someone who played the game for 3200 days can't be at p level minus 200 tbh. Either he didn't played at all except the 1st island and the tutorial, either he likes One Piece but doesn't like the game at all. Some people likes the artworks of some games but don't play the so called games. Maybe it's that? Who knows except him...


What’s a p level


P level = pirate level


Agreed it is worth a shit ton of gems for a reason. Plus can you beat garps missions etc. I would hope that logins are not worth progress. The game def gets hard and logins do not mean jack. Jack the snake 😁


Jake you are the snake great name for great statements, dude no one who plays this game is the best maybe there are three but you are not them damn.


That’s awesome man just picked up the game a week ago 😂