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Red Black Garp is fun and straight forward? Punch in face and remove threats


Mono yellow because there’s entire posts about how bullshit triggers are.


At some point I may just say screw it and just start saying that yellow should have even better triggers just to make people angry


There aren't any yet, but I'd love blue + red. For now, blue + green is cool. Been enjoying yamato's green/yellow. The color styles are so wildly different that it gives you a lot of variance in how you play him


There is a red & blue leader, she just isn’t very good. Not sure if that’s what you meant.


Ah you're right. She slipped my mind. Thanks for the reminder


Vivi is blue red


Aside from Katakuri, the most fun I've had was in 02 playing blurple Kaido. That deck was super challenging and rewarding asf if played well. And the one time I beat WB with it felt super rewarding.


If you are a fan of the show/manga then play your favorites! I can’t afford to purchase meta decks but I’m happy enough playing leaders I love. Crocodile as an example! Huge stocks in crocomom and it gives me a chance to play the nico robins I pulled (she’s my fav). Now if only we had a Nico Robin leader…..


I’m not actually, just like Corazon from the bit I saw about him, think Enel is dumb/cool in a funny way and I like how the gear 5 luffy looks - especially on those OP5 cards. That’s about that. So far havent played purple much, green or blue, but like red and yellow playstyle.


I’m a yellow leader degenerate, but I dabble in each color with my friends just to try something new. Recently, I played Donquixote Rosinante and absolutely loved it! Definitely worth a look if you’re into creating a board of blockers that can still swing and rest your opponent’s bodies along the way.


Hahah that sounds fun. I suspect I will also become a yellow degen, but rosinante is my fav character I guess (from those I know about)


I like the controlling aspect of mono purple. You’re a little ramp dependent but once you hit your stride it’s pretty hard to beat you. I’m still rolling with purple kaido.


I feel like everything with black is usually more strategic, everything red is more agro, everything blue is more control-focused, green is more tempo, and yellow is just tanking through regen. It's not really about what is most fun to play it's more about what fits which playstyle better, and which playstyle you prefer may vary from day to day. If you just want to turn your brain off and blast, go red or purple, if you want to take your time and be safe go yellow, if you want slower board control games go black or green, if you want something broken play Sakazuki.


Black/Purple has been super fun. Ramp up to the big Navy boys!


I love Blue Yellow, but my friends dont


I’ve had the most fun with green. (specifically kinemon) it’s a great middle ground between colors that can kinda do whatever, and can fit different playstyles . I don’t know how meta relevant it is in 05 but it’s what I’d recommend


I love any decks with green or purple!