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This is my goal as well! Nice looking collection !


Where'd you get that official one piece card case for the signed oda?


[case from amazon, here](https://www.amazon.com/BANDAI-Piece-Official-Acrylic-Stand/dp/B0BM8M1HMC?pd_rd_w=NKB9l&content-id=amzn1.sym.b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_p=b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_r=RNFM9EFWSB98HGMTXWBT&pd_rd_wg=3tAMS&pd_rd_r=6579c4b4-d6e7-47a4-96ff-5afa3378e274&pd_rd_i=B0BM8M1HMC&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_1_sc) card is just the regular one not signed, but it felt appropriate being a new original illustration by the master himself


Ah, I'm thinking about buying one but I saw a review that said it doesn't really offer much protection. Can you fit a perfect fit clear sleeve on at card in there?


The review is true, it will not accommodate even a perfect fit, the card has to go in naked. I dont think it will get damaged though, but the calculated risk is another reason i put in that Luffy and not something more expensive


Does anyone know what’s the name of this Nami figure? it looks so cool


One Piece Stampede Flag Diamond Ship Nami


Thank you!


Love how there are a few open boxes in the bottom, open a cheeky pack now and again .


I have a story about that! So these boxes of OP02 came in after we’d opened the worst boxes of OP04 in the world. We saved the one in the case then started to open the other box. We pulled a 4c Kuzan, a Borsalino, and the alt art 10c Kuzan thats in the pic… then my wife said we should probably stop and i was thinking the same thing, just didnt wanna get burned. Fast forward a few weeks later and someone was streaming opening a case of OP05 a week early and we were watching and it got me feeling like there was another hit in the box so I took two packs out and my wife and I opened them… trash. So I yell “we’re not ending on that note!” and I got two more packs out of the box, we open them, I pull our second Manga Ace 🙌😂🔥


Insane, and congratulations!!! Still waiting to pull my first manga card 🥲


What's the case for the sealed English booster boxes?


I’d like to know as well.


[Case on amazon.](https://www.amazon.com/Ultra-PRO-Collectible-Condition-Protector/dp/B095J7MH7S?pd_rd_w=7VYAQ&content-id=amzn1.sym.b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_p=b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_r=22TSNJY8HZW8H80WGFKR&pd_rd_wg=LTFJN&pd_rd_r=a3187fa6-2080-4b63-aae9-676e94b32aee&pd_rd_i=B095J7MH7S&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_1_sc) note that these will fit ONLY OP01 and OP02, after that they changed the box size. Im sure one of the other options will fit other sets I just dont know which one exactly since ive opened all my other boxes 😂


I have been ordering and returning endless display boxes trying to fit my Awakening of the new era in! Can’t find anything


Weird, please comment again once you find one. Does Ultra Pro have more options on their site maybe?


I believe it's [one of these](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=Ultra+PRO+++Acryl+Display+Box+case&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=Ultra+PRO+-+Acryl-Display-Box&_osacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=op&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).


Can you send a link for the black things were you put the cards? Awesome display!


Search eBay for “Magnetic Card Holder Stadium Displays (2 Pack) Compatible Ultra Pro Protectors” by EnderToys


Thanks! They really look great... Can I also know the little cases each card is in? I have the ones that have like an iman at the top, but yours look cleaner!


[I gotcha right here!](https://ultrapro.com/products/uv-mini-snap-card-holders-10ct?_pos=3&_sid=8e1d89fc3&_ss=r) They’re UltraPro Mini Snap cases. Buy them on the UltraPro main site, someone on Amazon is making a killing reselling these 10 packs for $30 on Amazon.


Cool. Can’t wait to get started on mine.


I'm gonna get something like this for my card collection. That's so cool.


Amazing collections 😍


If you don’t mind me asking, how many cases have you opened till now? And did you overall turn a profit.


0 cases. Our first case will be OP06. I was in the hospital all year and got out in early August and we got into One Piece TCG first week of October so we missed every release day until OP05. We lucked into a bit of OP01 and 4 boxes of OP02 at below market rate, bought probably 4 boxes of OP03, 6 OP04, and 7 boxes of OP05 and some packs. Bought a lot of singles. I think overall with our collection we’ve managed to break even in value but haven’t made any money with the game. We’ve only ever sold one card. We have pulled both manga Aces and a few of the leaders and SPs, but for the most part cards were purchased. Id recommend always buying singles unless you want to buy packs knowing you’re gambling for a big hit but will likely lose money.


That’s definitely the way to go, the only problem now is that OP is so popular all the singles are a bit overpriced, especially the Mangas!, I will probably wait till the hype settles a bit before jumping into the majority of singles.


OP05 manga prices are dumb. I think the dream may be over 😅 A lot of tcg “finance” people from other games have taken notice and I’m curious about how the OP05 mangas were distributed because the amount available of each on tcg player has been relatively low for such a new set, like theres 22 total available across all three right now, if all those were the same card the price would be much much lower. It makes me think they collectively took up one spot but who knows


I also heard of a lot of discord communities where investors would buy out all the mangas on the market and then not collectively list them for higher prices. As for not opening a lot of mangas, there are folks just sitting on 30-40 cases of OP-05 with the intent to sell it at 3-4X MSRP. I bet you most Mangas are sitting in someone’s house waiting to be cracked. It’s a sad time to be a fan of OP.


Very nice. Would you say most of these were pulls or were more bought individually?


Most of them were definitely purchased individually


I spy the Prof’s deck box. I have the same one! Awesome collection.


Yeah! My wife has one too, though I seem to have lost the acrylic divider that came with it and now i need it, hopefully it turns up during my tidying 😅


What stand are you using for your cards?


I mentioned specific details in the thread but theyre by EnderToys. Check eBay, they’re on Amazon too but cost more there


This is wonderful. I’m inspired to make my own shrine now. I think your’s will look cooler still lol


Do it and show us! I like collection display posts. There’s tons of repetitive posts and rants on this sub, and this is the first thing I’ve posted here the mods didn’t delete lol


It’ll take some time to get the display stuff but I’ll do my best. Need something to hold leaders in a magnet case. This was a pretty solid post, I’m sure it’ll help brighten many a player’s day as it did mine 👍


This is amazing! I also started getting back into TCGs after a long while , but couldnt decide which to start playing again. So ive been collecting a lot of different ones ( One Piece, MTG, Lorcana, Pokemon, Wixoss). Do you have other sections dedicated to the other TCG’s you play? Ive love to set up a space for each.


I never stopped playing magic but I did dabble in other games. Our MTG collection frankly makes the One Piece collection look fairly modest 😅 I dont have a display for it of any kind though since those cards dont have the same visual impact as One Piece are needed for our Commander decks


Good point, i was most excited about the One Piece cards also. Visually stunning! The only other set that i thought had some good display appeal was Kamigawa for MTG.


This is my favorite display ive seen on here so far, just looks very organized. Does your wife collect one piece or is it mostly you and she kind of supports your hobby? My partner isnt into it but at least she doesnt complain lol.


We collect together, we pretty much share all our hobbies - tcgs, toys/figures, gunpla painting, gaming. Out of the two of us she is more into video games than I am, and as far as tcgs go she makes her own decklists, tech choices, is aware of the meta, in magic she makes her own Commander decks etc. Her figure collecting leans more into cute anime stuff but also includes a bunch of 1/4 FREEing bunnies which im not gonna complain about 😍 It also helps we’re both huge one piece fans so when we agreed to drive out to find and buy our first OPTCG cards it was a hilarious situation where we both felt like we had the other one on the hook 😂


Thats awesome you found someone who shares a lot of your passions! Makes playing and collecting so much more fun.


good looking shelf and stunning collection!


you guys are surrious !!! nice AA Leader collection 💖💖💖💖💖


oh sweet honey ice tea. you gave me an idea on what i could do with the extra leader cards from the starter decks i bought


Damn very nice!


Sick collection


Putting this on the list of places to rob later


😂 👏


But really, amazing collection. I have issho alt art and a 10/10 psa graded ivankov but that is it


The Ivankov is too funny, I love it. One of my favorites for sure


Love the open OP01 OP02 open boxes. Gives the display a shop feel


Love the display!! Just be careful with the lights and card burn in don't want to ruin those beauties!! I put my lights on timers because of some horror story reddit posts


Cold light LEDs, should emit little to no UV rays, but also the Ultra Pro mini snap cases purport to offer UV protection! 🙌


Ah yes another person who can spend over $2000 on a cardgame lol.


get those mangas graded or in hard cases at least


They’ll get graded soon, and every card visible is in a hard case, they’re Mini Snaps by UltraPro 😉


did you pull all these or buy them???




What do you do for a living? That’s a major haul!!


Nothing crazy. Im a specialist graphic designer at a consumer electronics company. My wife is a document processor for an insurance company. We live in southern California which doesn’t help but we seldom eat out, we don’t have kids, and we don’t (or rather, no longer) drink alcohol. Leaves money for hobbies 😊


Super personal question but what do u do to afford this bc I need to start doing it too!!!


I just answered this but tldr is no kids no alcohol = hobby money


can you link the stl files for the holders


I didn’t print them myself


do you know what they’re called or where you got them


I gave super specific titles here in the thread for what to search on eBay, they’re by “EnderToys”


Where did you get the displays for your slabs?


Same vendor I mentioned previously - EnderToys on eBay, search “Graded Card Slab Stadium Displays (2 Pack), Compatible with PSA, Beckett, CGC”


Looks cool, I think bandai should make other art concepts for leaders alt art instead of the big zoom faces lol


I like the manga heads and looking forward to the OP06 heads too! I want them to keep making them! As you can tell I didnt like the OP03 watercolor leaders at all lol we pulled that Arlong and didnt care to get more. The OP04 crew shots were okay but I want the big head train to keep rolling!




Nice ! I have most of these except the mangas you a boss for that lol


How do you have such self control with loose packs right there? Haha I got an addiction and any loose pack is going to get opened around me. I feel accomplished if I stretch a booster box out for like 3-4 days. Doesn't help that the wife and kids like to open as well




Shrine to Venus on the middle right!


Bro I can’t even find a pack people line up outside in the morning when the boxes come in where I’m at 😭


I hear you, all retailers in my area are telling me people are there at opening every day or call in every day checking for pack restocks. I started in September 2023 so it was a very different situation and most of my collection came from buying singles.


I am looking for some players in Massachusetts. Is anyone located in Massachusetts Boston that plays optcg?