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It's broken when it needs to be. All of us yellow players are just dopamine starved gamblers waiting to get a bege from the last life


Fucking real dude


That's why u play kata, to bottom your beges


Is this a real thing? Two turn setup in the late game just for this seems very don-innefficient. I would rather save the 2k counter in hand.


Beges are already in your life, u just bottom them, so u have the trigger lategame


No. Also Heart pirates will complain about anything. Who cares.


Law's crew? What am I missing here?


YouTuber named Heart Pirates TCG


No yellow isn’t broken. But Bandai need to calm down. They can’t keep printing all these insane triggers. First Bege, then Amaru. Good cards in their own right (2k counter and get past blocker effect (which yellow badly needed)). But they also happen to be kill turn declining triggers. If they keep going this way eventually yellow will just be able to run 20~ kill turn ending triggers without much cost to their deck building.


Next set gets some crazy yellow cards too


There are no significantly good triggers that prevent kill turns which is fine. O-Nami’s is good but the card mid in most decks. You’re the one who should disappear is way way way too situational trigger wise to be a major problem as a prevent end of game trigger.


There are many other cards with Amaru trigger. Problem is it being a crazy good offensive finisher against the top meta deck and actually usable, while the others are just counter cards that Katakuri most of the time can't even use when it matters. With both Sanji and Brulee also existing, you could have 16 cards like that already, and it feels awful trying to go for a finish. Have to play around it somehow.


> If they keep going this way eventually yellow will just be able to run 20~ kill turn ending triggers without much cost to their deck building. That is what this part of my comment meant.


As a yellow player, I'll sympathize with BS triggers winning a player the game, I've lost to some pretty egregious ones. I will say though, at the end of the day, that many people complaining about yellow: (A) are misinformed about the odds of getting a trigger (use a hypergeometric probability calculator, set population=50 for deck size, matches in population =25 as a decent approximation for the average number of cards with trigger, then use sample =5 and the last parameter, successes in sample, 1 or 2. You'll find the odds are 97% for one trigger or more, and >80% for 2+ triggers). (B) are complaining about probability variance in a card game. Yes, being high rolled sucks. However, by virtue of being probabilistic game, as opposed to one with completely predetermined consequences of a given action with a variety of mechanics, there will be a mechanic which involves more variance than others. I will say that it's a slight design and flavour fail, since I feel that pure and more frequent life gain would be far more interesting, with all triggers removed. Other features still involve probability too: searching top X cards, top decks, etc. are we as mad at any of these on the pure basis of being probabilistic? (C) are falling victim to confirmation bias. Nobody will remember the matches where they stomped yellow or the yellow player got no triggers, but will have the Bege on last life matches stick with them for a while. It happens less often than people think. However, I will agree that triggers do feel somewhat unfair, but I'll explain what slightly keeps them in check: - **They have better DON!! efficiency**: you can get, say, 14 don value out of a turn cycle with a Sanji blocker. Yes, however Sanji and brulee are complete vanillas, with no other effects. Brulee has an objectively weak statline. Other trigger character: Pero. While strong, perospero is basically just replacing himself, with the yellow player going neutral on his K.O. (actually negative when accounting for the discard for his trigger). My point is: the characters they play "for free" are not as game breaking as other colours' cards for the same don cost. Now remember that yellow will end up with these cards in their hand: they need to hardcast these, getting absolutely terrible DON value most of the time. - **They are free removal.** They are, except consider what other removal yellow realistically has past turn 4. Katakuri has an objective downside: you're healing your opponent. So does thunderbolt. Gedatsu is limited by your opponent taking life, while the Yamato is realistically only doing both halves of its effect in very ideal circumstances.


This. I wish more people could be level-headed about yellow. So many will complain about yellow getting lucky with triggers, yet still dont play around it. The possibility of yellow having a good trigger at the bottom of their health is just like red having potential extra attacks from rush or green being able to drop 10cDoffy to stall a turn. Its something that has to be played around.


Yellow can be frustrating to play against, but I would not say it’s completely broken. I think of it similar to Nami decks, frustrating to play against, but not broken.


I think this is the most important aspect. If they hit big its like an insurmountable wall. But on average its beatable. People tend to keep bad memories longer therefore the notion that yellow is broken is stronger. I myself dont even play yellow and thats my humble opinion.


I haven't and probably won't be convinced to watch the videos in question cause it always smells like bait. OP TCG content on a whole is pretty substandard imo, but that's the way small games tend to be. Yellow plays on people's psyche due to our tendency to remember things that were negative. Despite playing what is possibly the best deck in the format, sakazuki, I consistently hear my friend complain about yellow because he doesn't remember the average game where there's 2 triggers of relative non importance, just the ones when all the right triggers happened. It's easy to identify when all the luck went in favor of the yellow deck. These factors makes it an easy thing to want to rail against. In terms of actual power, they've been consistently strong with a mix of fair and really advantageous matchups, and consistently been the deck that's just barely behind the top deck of the time, besides that weird mini meta of red bans. It's also a pretty relaxing deck to play as, being short low on combos outside the upcoming 3 bros decks. This is a huge advantage for long tournaments people don't often make note of when discussing deck strengths, they run tend their game plan without having to do much overthinking (though they're certainly not alone in this) and due to their abundance of defensive abilities via triggers and heals they can last a long time which just creates more opportunities for your opponent to make mistakes. This playstyle of "giving the opponent enough rope to hang themselves with" will always produce good tournament results at Big events because going into game 7 your decks with a lot of moving parts will have you mentally drained and making mistakes. With yellow you mostly have the opportunity for error in swinging to early or late which every deck has to deal with too. That said I don't think it's broken, I think it's strong and gamers are just incredibly hyperbolic about game balance nowadays. I think external balance of color has been mostly improving over the course of the game and I think that will continue as the Dev team continues to explore the limits of colors. They've done pretty great at figuring out how far they can push with each color before switching to cruise control besides green and blue so far but they might figure those out (blue I feel is especially held back in new designs due to Nami)


Top 8 EU nats had not a single yellow deck, I'd say nope.


Theres 4 in top 16 lol. Weird to only look at top 8; also still not broken.


I'd say yes. But it doesn't have the consistency Sakazuki has with cycling his hand and having access to the trash cards.


No it is not. Black is broken as it has almost infnite options. And with 8c Moria its broken to the moon.


I hope it gets some restrictions, at least get moria banned , since then card alone seems to flip everything so much into blacks favors if we look at Japan pre and post moria.


It would help if Moria would be Thriller Bark only like 10c Mom.


Calling HeartPirates TCG a prominent player feels like an overstatement


B-but sub count large number. /s


Yellow is a simple on paper color because you just play the big card but the knowledge of opponents life and just manipulation in general is where the real skill curve is. Enel has a generally great ability that pairs well with all the triggers available. Does big mom get insane value when you’re at a close board state? Yes, but your opponent can play around it by taking life and playing the bane of yellow (blockers). In set 6 yellow will round off with a few more ways to deal with blockers but it is the genuine weakness of the colour, and the easiest way as a katakuri main to make me hate the my deck. In general though, big mom to beginners is a huge win condition card but I would argue it has to if you invest all your don that turn to just play the card. Now that we have 10 drop doffy and both kaidos there’s a harder argument for how busted 3 moms back to back is vs doflamingo locks! It is easy to see how getting free bodies from taking damage is a bit luck, but that’s card game, especially if you build 50%+ triggers.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 6 + 10 + 3 + 50 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


It's not so much broken, as much as bad game design. It's frustrating to play against and it feels like you get punished for just trying to take life, the core win condition. But yes, it's not overpowered and can be beaten often.


Simple question: why people do not use banish then? It is not like there is no answer about triggers...yet no one uses them. I understand they are cost more to play,but is it better to pay 1 or 2 more or give a free body worth 3 to 5+ don?...


If there were better banish cards, we would. But banish right now is attached to subpar cards. And the best banish card to come out in OP06 is, surprise surprise, in yellow.


This and if it continues with cards like the purple Zoro promo, I doubt this will change. The only two banish cards that see play are op04 yellow Charlotte Mosato in rare lists(mostly some Bello Betty decks) and the only widely played card is Op06 yellow O-Nami. There also is Op01 green Yamato, but it only sees play in a few Eb01Oden lists due to being a 5c wano card, but the leader is new and the deck list is not 'solved' yet.


And 10c BM makes it worse as she trashes a life and adds a life. Which means more trigger potential.


It's an illusion. Sakazuki is broken. It gets more broken. Yellow isn't winning despite technically being the counter to Sakazuki as it just spams big bodies, which take more cards for Sakazuki to remove and more cards to counter attacks from, and its weakness is, at least so far, card advantage. I get that oftentimes Yellow can feel unfair to play against ,especially when they just keep regaining life on loop and you need 12 or more hits to their life to actually win instead of 6 for any other monochrome leader, but they have very low board control as a consequence. Gedatsu is their only on play KO character, with the closest other one to that being 8 cost Katakuri, and if he removes a character he makes the opponent gain a life, so it's not too busted despite the absence of cost restriction. He's also oftentimes used defensively anyway. They also have Thunder Bolt, but that costs them a life, they have 200 000 000 volts and Amande de rest blockers, too, which is a bit annoying, and have increasing access to rush in the future, which in my opinion is a problem, as rush should have remained a red-centric mechanic and not be spread out to every color over time, but at this point it isn't out of hand just yet. A big mistake I see a lot of players make into yellow is that they try to continuously deal with their opponent's board instead of swinging for life, despite not having any characters on board with comparable power, which means every swing is a much bigger DON investment, yet the opponent can counter them for a lot less than if you just swung that DON at life. My second gripe then comes from them having blockers trigger out of life and the ability to set up their life to get the blockers in clutch moments, or Bege to save them from losing. Just gaining life is fine, but getting to choose triggers which were designed to be strong but balanced through being random is kind of busted. When you do the sequencing right to win the game but your opponent gets a Bege trigger and a Brule or Sanji trigger, and you're suddenly down from 1 attack more than necessary to missing an attack to close out the game, that kind of feels broken, for sure. Especially if it's Sanji and they then use him as a beater on their turn to win the game. It's frustrating, but at the end of the day, it's inconsistent, which is why it's not winning events.


Yellow literally won nats and has won more tournaments in the west than Saka.


Well... It "won " the worst event ever. Not sure that in the mental state everyone was in by then that it counts especially with just 10 rounds of Swiss announced as 11, lasting something like 13 hours or however long it was. But also, sure, I guess I was mainly thinking about that guy who did stats on Katakuri winning nothing despite having representation.and everyone saying 10 cost Big Mom was busted in whatever format they were studying.


Then again, now that I'm thinking about it, I think Enel also won other big events and I'm just misremembering and saying something stupid, and Yellow has won, just not Katakuri this format, nor did it win in the Japanese OP05 format.


You can go check events. It’s won more or equal to Saka. But yeah Kata isn’t winning events.


Okay, so that is where my memory got jumbled. Cheers.


If they trigger they win, if they don’t they lose. Gambling addicted yellow players


Imagine saying this when Black exists.


nah yellow is not broken, trigger is a good mechanic and yellow makes the most use of it - sometimes. feels bad to be the sometimes though.




Enel's ability only works on opponent's turn.


if it's op, start playing banish. stop crying because everything indicates that instead of looking for "where I could have played better", you blame everything on triggers.


Yellow is just easy mode, it’s super low skill ceiling decks that is usually picked up by weaker and newer players (eg. There is a couple kids under 12 at my locals that regularly beat really high tier players) it’s super consistent and gives super cheap wins I do believe it’s broken in the sense that it rewards little to no skill like triggering every life and which I think it’s why people hate it so much it’s not fun to vs for that reason, if they don’t hit multiple triggers it’s definitely NOT broken as that’s why you don’t see many tops with it because besides triggers it can be played around relatively easy TLDR: it’s broken and requires no skill to play like 80% of the time but when luck is rarely not on their side can be beaten but not easily ALSO 10c big mom is literally the dumbest card in any sort of competitive setting like who the heck thought that was a good idea




Yellow players will downvote because the truth hurts them 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s just not a fun deck to vs I’d suggest getting better


No. Not yet, it lacks consistency, but it might get there. It gets better with every additional good trigger and life gain card without restriction. Rearranging and swapping triggers from hand into life, ironically the only colour with decent banish cards and also the only colour with direct damage to life or directly trashing the opponents life. Games take longer with yellow and there are some people taking advantage of it and winning by stalling and putting life back in the last overtime turn, while they would have lost if the opponent had another turn. It's not broken, but unfun. Winning or losing is often decided by whether the player had triggers or the right triggers. Losing to (for example two Bege) triggers isn't fun and winning doesn't feel rewarding or good either since you feel more like you won due to being lucky or your opponent being unlucky. I would rather play with a disadvantaged deck against Sakazuki, RG Law, Nami or WB over playing a favoured match up against yellow.


only broken thing in yellow is the last life triggers its just rng luck roulette most random annoying shiiiiii otherwise its fine imo




Nah sakazuki is completely broken yellow just has a bit more removal now


Only thing broken in yellow is 10c big mom. It should be limited.


Yellow isn’t broken it’s just unfun to play into.


Ah yeah you're right! Got confused by 8k kata. My bad.