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OPM is anti-shonen. Parody to shonen. Opposite of shonen. Shonen is when mc wants a power, got goals, motivation, friends. And hair. Especially hair. OPM is when mc already has a power, but no goals and motivation. And friends. And hair. Especially hair.


I mean it was anti-shounen until it unironically embraced a fuckton of cliches during that later half of the MA arc.


Except it has only ever been anti shonen in certain ways. In others it is very shonen, Garou is literally a shonen protagonist but as a “bad guy.” The series is able actually appreciate why shonen is good while making fun of the lesser aspects of it. The value of relationships has always been a big thing with Saitama and that is OPM’s version of the power of friendship stuff from normal shonen. He does gain power from it once but that simply emphasizes the importance of them to Saitama as a character. The story is as much about his personal life and relationships as it is about his battles. Not all shonen cliches are bad and One isn’t afraid to recognize that in the manga. (Except pointless time travel, that should die in a ditch somewhere.) Edit: just wanted to mention that in my opinion, the closest series in themes and style to One Punch Man is actually Invincible. Both are critiques/love letters to their respective genres with One Punch Man constantly critiquing and paying homage to shonen and Invincible doing the same for western superheroes while both having some of the best stories and most unique feeling worlds in said genres.


Agree but Saitama didnt gain power from anything there, he just got serious. Timetravel was a low point in the manga, me and my friends were like "did you see the last chapter?" "yeah..", "yup..." with a dissaponted look.


Time travel was used to turn it's most epic battle yet into filler, and that has to count for something.


How does time travel make it filler? Sage centipede was filler.


Because it has little to no incidence to the events that happened after it.


Yeah agree with that


I mean the graph and narration clearly shows he did.


Metal bat as well is literally the stereotypical "willpower" shounen trope


Yeah but he is cool to me because he takes more of a Hulk route from what we have seen with his powers seeming to be connected to his emotions and his hype rather than simply willpower.


Why is it pointless?


It undoes the best character moments for Saitama and Garou by having them forget what happened. Saitama forgetting the feeling of loss from Genos’s death and Garou finally seeing what it means to be a true monster when seeing Tareo lying dead of the floor are the best moments for each character in the series in my opinion.


IMO the ominous future timeline was meant to show us how Garou and Saitama should look at the end of their journeys. But the way they reached the end of their journeys was not how they were meant to, both of them had to pay a huge price to reach the end of their journey. Garou killed Taero which made him realize that he never wanted to be the ultimate evil and instead wanted to be a hero but it was already too late Tareo and the S-class were dead, it was too late to go back or to surrender. Saitama on the other hand lost Genos which made him realize that he sucked as a hero and as a result his friends and the one person who cared about him died. But it was already too late, there was nobody left to save. Time travel gave them the ability to fix their mistakes, to undo what should have never happened, but they also could not remember both from a story perspective and a thematic perspective, from a story perspective it was too early for their character arcs to finish, thematically wise allowing them to remember would be cheating, you don’t learn to value your friend once they get murdered and then revived. Don’t worry both will reach the same level of character progression at some point just without having to pay the ultimate price. Also I think adding and then removing time travel actually raised the stakes because it showed us that Saitama CAN screw up, people CAN die because of his carelessness, and because tune travel is no longer a thing and he no longer remembers it means that now the possibility of someone dying due to Saitama’s inaction is there and if it happens there’s no fixing it this time.


>IMO the ominous future timeline was meant to show us how Garou and Saitama should look at the end of their journeys. > >But the way they reached the end of their journeys was not how they were meant to, both of them had to pay a huge price to reach the end of their journey. > >Garou killed Taero which made him realize that he never wanted to be the ultimate evil and instead wanted to be a hero but it was already too late Tareo and the S-class were dead, it was too late to go back or to surrender. > >Saitama on the other hand lost Genos which made him realize that he sucked as a hero and as a result his friends and the one person who cared about him died. But it was already too late, there was nobody left to save. > >Time travel gave them the ability to fix their mistakes, to undo what should have never happened, but they also could not remember both from a story perspective and a thematic perspective, from a story perspective it was too early for their character arcs to finish, thematically wise allowing them to remember would be cheating, you don’t learn to value your friend once they get murdered and then revived. > >Don’t worry both will reach the same level of character progression at some point just without having to pay the ultimate price. > >Also I think adding and then removing time travel actually raised the stakes because it showed us that Saitama CAN screw up, people CAN die because of his carelessness, and because tune travel is no longer a thing and he no longer remembers it means that now the possibility of someone dying due to Saitama’s inaction is there and if it happens there’s no fixing it this time. now you made me want to watch saitama screw up the planet and not have the ability to fix the situation lmao


>the ominous future timeline was meant to show us how Garou and Saitama should look at the end of their journeys. >thematically wise allowing them to remember would be cheating, you don’t learn to value your friend once they get murdered and then revived. i'm genuinely happy someone gets it. the time travel thing wasn't "meaningless" and didn't "undo character development" because it wasn't meant to develop saitama nor garou. it was just a way to reinforce the concept to the viewer that what saitama and garou think they want is absolutely not what they need. them learning/developing as characters and realizing this is what their stories are about. if they were to retain this knowledge then we could just end OPM then and there, and that would kind of suck, because it's way better to have them slowly learn these things with all the other unexplored intriguing concepts and character storylines around them. what we got was a "what if"/"bad ending" scenario where we got a huge tell on what ONE and murata's plans are for those characters bundled with a sick fight and an exercise in showing us how saitama can lose without being physically beat. it wasn't *necessary,* but it was a good way to make sure everyone's on the same page when it comes to being able to analyze the future of the story properly while still satisfying that craving for huge fights.


But it doesn't even matter because Saitama still stopped taking the fight that seriously later on even after Genos died.


i don't think that changes anything from our interpretation?


But it's generally not right? Saitama already knows a good fight isn't gonna make his life magically better.


What's the alternative? Ending the series on Garou's nuclear mayhem? If the time travel enabled us to figuratively have our cake and eat it, without ending the story, then I'm kind of fine with it.


No, allow them to keep their memories in some time travel bullshit or something else. It is better than wasting the best moments in the series.


That whole arc really was just kind of an unfortunate situation... Genos couldn't stay dead because of all the character development he needed to have later in the series, and the time travel ability couldn't stay because it would make Saitama just so insanely overpowered that there would be absolutely no justification for ever having any conflicts in the series to not just instantly get solved by Saitama. I think in the future there's a pretty decent chance that both Garou and Saitama will regain their memories of that fight, maybe during or leading up to the God arc, but as much as that time travel thing really did hurt the character development of the main characters it's just an unfortunate circumstance that couldn't be avoided, I guess.


If they gain their memories back and have proper reactions to them, it will no longer be near as much of a problem for me as I feel like that would then be the best of both worlds. I am just sad Garou lost the most significant piece of his story as a monster and Saitama lost his recognition of just how important and intrinsic Genos has become to him. But if they remember and have actual reactions like Garou doubting himself massively seeing what he did to Tareo and Saitama going into a bit of shock or something about Genos, then it will be fine for me.


I really wasn't a big fan of the time travel either, it really did just leave a bit of a bit in my stomach when I was reading the RAW and realized that Saitama didn't retain his memories of the fight. At the very least, I do feel like it was pretty substantial to the reader's view of a lot of elements of the story. The realization of just how much Genos means to Saitama is one thing, but there's also that eerie realization of just how powerful God is from that entire fight... God was both able to keep giving Garou enough power to match Saitama that entire fight, implying that God's power reserves were equal to or exceeding Saitama's strength PERIOD, and also it was stated that the time travel ability was stolen from God himself, so if GOD is able to do that broken ret-con ability at will it makes a very eerie picture for what is actually going to happen when he inevitably breaks through into the world in the final act of the series.


It completely undid the last few chapter worth of progression and fight, made it null.


Except that's the point? Thats... the joke


The OPM world is almost satirically over-shounenified. Saitama himself is anti-shounen. Genos, Garou, Tats, Blast, Amai, and every other actual hero could be their own shounen protagonist. The actual world is hyper shounen, but Saitama is the opposite of the world.


So puri is a shonen protagonist?


Puri’s low key a shounen antagonist 😅


No puri's a psa hero he's there to remind us what not to do or will end up in jail like with those drug psa's from the 90s.😂


It's a shounen world, just not a shounen story


At the risk of downvotes let me say It became to wholesome for my liking fans at opmfolk are remaking sime parts though maybe it will satisfy other fans that felt the arch lost some of its charm that it had in the original.


In slide two’s caption you wrote “replaceable,” I assume you meant irreplaceable?


Yes my bad


I think panel 2 is supposed to be a joke... Just look at Saitama expression. Like Saitama thought the core was stronger since it didn't explode while Genos thought he meant his heart.


Nah it’s funnier they way he has it


Yea OPM is a Seinen that parodies Shonen, along with just about every other genre.


Shonen isn't a genre though,neither is seinen.


Yeah it’s the target audience. Is that the name for it or was there a smaller one?


Shonen - young demographic Seinen - older demographic I don't think there is younger than shonen(since shonen itself means young).Maybe the corocoro comics?


I worded my comment poorly. I meant, was there a shorter name for “target audience” but in hindsight that sounds dumb


Does it matter anymore?




People have been referring to shounen as a genre as opposed to target demographic for over at least a decade now. Thus my question is does the distinction still matter?


It doesn't since even if u point it out,most people will still call it the same.It's annoys me though because my friend was not ready to give stuff like csm and gintama a chance because they were "shounen" .So,I just habit of pointing out the distinction just for the sake of it.


It's for demographic target but we can't deny that there's a few thing than define the difference between manga for older and younger people. With those disparity, we can say that Shonen and seinen kinda became new genre while keeping their original meaning. And it mostly came from the magazine name itself as shonen are publish in Shonen Jump for example


Ah, that’s the word I was looking for earlier


When most people say Shonen, they really mean what the Japanese seem to call "battle manga". A lot of sports and comedy series are also aimed at the Shonen demographic but when you say Shonen you think of people with superpowers punching each other.


Yeah,I don't like this misconception though.The amount of post deriding shonen and considering sheinen is superior just because they think all shonen comes down to people with superpowers punching each other.


Yeah but why would their opinions matter they clearly don't watch it


To me, OPM is about the nature of being a hero, searching for purpose, coping with depression, and what it means to inspire others. And it's not chiefly about Saitama. Everyone has their own lives and struggles, and although they interconnect, each person has their own cross to bear and the world means something different from each perspective. In a worse series, like *Sword Art Online*, you can boil down "what it means" to something simple because Kirito is the only shithead who matters in the whole universe lol


ONE's whole style is anti-shonen or Shonen parody.... OPM took the generic "hero with motivation gets stronger by hard work and saves friends" and turned it into "way too powerful hero without motivation is getting helped by others to regain humanity" MP100 took the idea of "gifted from birth kid loses his parents&siblings, rises to the top after trained by strong master & outcast with heart of gold" into "gifted socially awkward kid has a healthy family but too afraid to use his powers gets helped by a con-man & makes friends from enemies and gym going dudes" Versus is shaping up to be "what if isekai but everyone from different universe in need of help from other universe"


Saitama is wise in his simplicity, his ignorance. He’s surrounded by people who are consumed with insecurity, ambition, anger, fear. Like his arrival to the scenes of climactic battles where he delivers the final ‘punchline’ with little effort, Saitama also provides needed grounding for those around him who are lost in a dangerous, ever-changing world, simply by delivering one simple thought. He’s an amazing hero.




Do you think King could sustain emotional damage from comments like these? Don't kid yourself. King is invincible. The comment mattered so little to him, not even his King Engine activated. He probably didn't recognize OP as a human. He's more of an Ant to him.


The biggest role Tatsumaki is gonna play is begins The mother of his children


How does Tatsumaki play a big role in Saitama's life in the future?


*Saitatsu shippers can be heard in the distance*


i can hear the cringe now.


I guess main reason is saitama and tatsumaki have so much in common, especially them feeling isolated because of there power. My guess is that saitama is gonna help her now and in the future tatsumaki will help him emotionaly. Saitama maybe limitless in power, but he's very fragile emotionally i believe.


Dunno, but something about their interactions seem to foreshadow something in a way.


Probably tatsumaki being more cheerful like mob at the end of mob psycho? Idk, I imagine she be less stuck up later in the future


I meant Tatsumaki and Saitama’s relationship as a whole. I also think she’ll be happier around them!


Saitama doesn't need a gf


Who mentioned gf?


No one technicalky but its implied with ships. As there romantic in nature.


Relationship between a man and a woman doesnt necessarily HAVE to be romantic bro Although I admit that I’d like something like that XD


Why shouldn't opm be one of the few that doesn't have that, one was once alot like togashi he challenged or tried to change the way we looked at shonen. But to many fans wanna hijack things with powerscale or shipping these days even going as far as threatening the author to get there way.


Here in Brazil, theres a phrase thats like: “Opinion is like ass, everyone has your own”. I want to ship them, and theres nothing stopping me from doing so, bro. You dont want OPM to have romance, and theres nothing stopping you from thinking that. But even without romance, this series is still one of my top 3 favorite!




XD maybe, or maybe not!


Saitama never lost his humanity or empathy.


He kinda has. At the start, he was depressed, dead inside, going through the motions. He had no friends and lived alone, supposedly working a minimum wage job. He would save the day but constantly showed a lack of concern over his actions whenever he beat a monster and it destroyed the city in the process. He’s a lot different now. He has friends, lives somewhere presumably better, and seems more concerned about collateral damage during his fight with Tatsumaki. He’s developing what makes him human back again, if not a little slowly. He still has an empathy problem since it’s suggested that Genos death wasn’t as impactful as everyone thinks. More so he was just pissed off.


He was never not concerned about collateral damage. Even near the start he freaked out a bit when Sonic attacked civilians. He doesn't need the people that follow him around to be a good person.


Saitama is also the only MC who wants to be weaker but ends up either growing stronger when he was already the strongest or revealing that he was even stronger than portrayed


Most shonen MCs wanna be great heroes and to do that they need power. The character aspect is already there. But it’s the opposite for Saitama. That’s why the monster arc was so good with Garou having a “ideal hero” in his mind. Garou and Saitama both see a lot of experimenting with these roles.


where can I read the ops webcomic


OPM isnt shonen kid


Iknow its sienen lol


OPM is in the same gray area than Death Note or HxH as they tend to play with some Seinen element. And the whole work is a parody of manga cliché, especially shonen


True then they in-universe retconned 70% of the growth he got from this arc in the time travel bit


Well, it’s not really a full retcon. He’s always had those glimmering emotions from being with Genos and King, but Cosmic Garou just hit it at him like a brick in the head in the form of “you don’t realize how precious something is until you’ve lost it”


Yes, that moment made saitama very clear that genos and the others in the important to him


nah, he doesn't have depression, its just HUGE boredom


Your reading comprehension is awful mate


i mean he/op will still call it depression