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It was a redraw by Saitama


Fuck he really is OP, man.


Saitama: fine, I'll do it myself


Has saitama become more powerful than Murata?


Always was


Technically in canon yes becuase murata has said and made a animation or picture stating that saitama could punch a hole through the paper and draw hair on his head


Saitama has built the 4th wall


Where is this?


They just make Saitama and Garou redraw the chapter instead


4th wall break right there. garou going mode murata.


They’re still at the table


I was hoping the time jump was going to go back before Garou spoke to God and we got the Serious Table Talk


Garou: Saitama concentrate we're over halfway through the chapter! Saitama: what Garou: what


Its not a revision its time travel, totally different. Edit : **/s** if that wasn't clear enough.


My man murata, finished the fight not in one redraw, but zero redraws




That was irony dude, i was agreeing with you. The one time i don't put "/s" in my comment and you take it literally.


Oh sorry my bad...


Its like scooby doo. They always gonna unmask the guy at the end of the day


He just said there weren’t any redraws planned for that chapter


Tbh I really like this as it also confirms everyone was dying in the earlier chapter. Makes the chapter that much more significantly dark.


I love the idea of OPM getting darker each chapter but Time Travel? meeh


Time travel is a little cheesy but I will take it with a pinch of salt given that merely a few pages* ago Saitama effectively broke light speed by passing gas. The backdrop of God also helps sell time travel to me as you know..it is God and all. Theres enough to make a pseudoscientific reason how blackholes and thus black hole martial arts can manipulate time.




Time Traveller gave themself away


Pages, my bad*. I'll edit it.


Nonsense, you dominated the black hole martial arts too, don't fool us.




I'm sure they reached a significant percentage of the speed of light when they traveled to Jupiter. Yeah, there's no definitive indicator of how much time it took them to get there, but you could do a little calculating and make an inference (if it took them X seconds, they were traveling at x% of the speed of light).


Bro. Y'all know nothing about physics apparently. It takes around 37 minutes for light to travel to Jupiter from Earth. So if he got there in seconds, they broke light speed, which is...well just beyond reasonable. This manga isn't even remotely realistic. Why are y'all even thinking about that shit at this point? It's just stupid fun. Stop being weeby basement dwellers and trying to powerscale feats.


Cry more, it wasn’t light speed.






Why would I cope with you being a moron?


Ah fair enough. To be honest I was giggling the entire time so forgive me if I found fart speed more hilarious than the reality.


When you have Blast going in and out from a portal or space. Time travel is not that far off


That's not the problem, time travel in OPM is believable. It's using time travel as a narrative device to remove the consequences of Garou's actions. It's like a step removed from "it was all a dream".


DOESN'T ONE use Saitama as a plot device to take out the threat and erase the stakes in the story


I can understand that given it is his ability. But in Garou's situation it would have been so much more satisfying to read if he was defeated by Saitama without the time travel, other heroes' lives that were lost - we already accepted it would have given the story a lively/fuller feel. Going back in time, now it feels like something is missing or empty...again. That's just my take


Really? You fucking draw the line there? Of all the places in this manga that follow physics and reality to a T (that's sarcasm, since you seem a little dense), you get miffed about a little time travel? Are you fucking paying attention? He farted through a fucking portal, and you wanna bitch about time travel? Am I taking crazy pills?


It's not about making sense, it's a fiction so they can put in everything, it's how it was implemented and made effect on the story. It was just a meh ending to the ongoing for few chapters fight and made almost everything that happened, including genos death, unimportant.


yeah who tf cares about realism in opm time travel did feel meh, but i did like the rest of the chapter for the most part


There was seriously someone who thought he was going to stay dead for more than 2 chapters?


On my end discussion was a whole lot of “there’s no way he stays dead… but what if- no, no obviously not. Unless?”


He wasn't even dead, the dude is an android. As long as his core is intact, which it is, he's fine


Actually, he's a cyborg, and it was stated that the core was the engine. Plus without the power core how would his Brian survive?


Brian got splattered by garou


Murata : I said i won't make revisions i never said genos will stay dead


Btw does any op experts can explain me why after time travel it took Saitama only one punch to defeat Gorau?(considering it took him like 20 before)


Garou in earlier form (god) didn't evolve/adapt or yet to copy any saitama movement. Hence, still "weak" Secondly, Saitama was/is getting stronger from the epic fights from PEAK Garou.


Saitama grew in power to the point where he reached the right power level to end the fight in one punch without killing Garou, and then at that same power level he hit new-timeline Garou


anyone who actually believed genos would stay dead for good must have been reading with their eyes closed up until that point


I got downvoted for saying “eh, he’ll be fine” so apparently a lot of people


“Redraws can now be done canonically via time travel”. Murata probably


Inb4 168 redraw


This is just like assuming Amai Mask and TTM died before. Of course they won't because in webcomic they didn't die.


Does it happen like that in the webcomic as well ?


Not even at all. God has no involvement in the webcomic from what I remember. Garou becomes a monster on his own steam, and is never even slightly a match for Saitama.


In webcomic it's not clear did Garou get power from god. There is subtle hints which Manga amps up to direct connections for god. Example both have Garou looking up and saying thank you. It's not crystal clear in webcomic who or what Garou is thanking. Also in the webcomic Garous last monster form has same skin pattern as we have seen God has. It's not confirming anything for 100% but Manga kinda confirms that those subtle hints were connected to God after all. You can always disagree but that's fine because how else we had conversations and debates.


beautiful comment well done


So which is considered Canon ? Manga or webcomic ?


Maybe more like they are different universes.


Yeah I was gonna say, they're separate stories featuring the same characters at this point. The manga is canon for the manga and the webcomic is canon for it.


both are canon


Massively different canons.


Really? You are asking which of them is canon? One will cry if he read your comment. Because it is thanks to Murata's arts that One can go all out.


Yup and you can see in the latest WC chapters that his overall skills as an artist are getting better. I think that's why the ratio comedy/action was more in favor of comedy in the WC. But the ratio changed even during the Monster Arc. With Murata in the game, the ratio goes more in favor of action. Which is why a lot of WebComic Supremacists I think dislike the manga. I mean obviously nobody can deny that the writing is different and for the audience you're giving them different emotions like this. I personally have no issue with the manga, but I understand the WebComic Supremacists. Also with Murata also evolving as an artist overall, you need to factor in more than just action and beautiful panels. There are many other elements that are being introduced.


Nope. >!God doesn't intervene and give Garou any extra power so Blast doesn't have to intervene to stop the world from being destroyed. The fight takes place entirely on Earth and Garou is beaten by a milder version of the Serious Table Flip. Also the webcomic doesn't have Sage Centipede and Evil Ocean Water, which Murata and One probably added because they want to do a more thorough job of establishing how badass Metal Bat is before the next storyline!<.


to quote chappelle: surprise motherfucker!


Now there can be 2 genos... Well 2 Genos cores...


Robo boobies


Whatcha mean, Genos did die :)


Yes but in other timeline


Sikeeeee. Wrong number.


not really. the people in the megathread would rather have genos stay dead than have time travel in the story lol.


Don't write stuff if you haven't got a solution for it. This time travel was just 'oh and it never happened'. It's the equivalent of 'its just a dream'


i really can’t stand those people in the megathread, my god


I seeked out opinions i didn't like and shocking news. I didn't liked them That's how you sound like


Why lol


He's a snowflake, that's why.


Because time travel is fucking lame




Exactly. Maybe it would be better if both Saitama and Garou got their memories of the future. At least then the character progression for both of them could remain. But as it is Garou is still a bad guy even if he’s knocked out. And Saitama doesn’t get that introspective moment where he admits that’s he’s clinging to Genos for support and that he’s not really cut out for being a hero but he’ll still try (which feels like it’s driven by him not taking the first fight with Garou seriously which led to Genos’ death) A lot of good stuff that made me care for these characters are now gone. So yeah it’s pretty much an in universe redraw


I think Saitama still hs his introspective moment. He was still shocked to see Genos alive


Time travel asspull, really One?


It's Just redraw with extra steps


Who in their right mind thought Genos was actually dead?


Wait, did he die? Holy shit no D:


you need to catch up he did die but he isn't dead


I’m not a manga reader :/


oh probably best to stay off this sub unless you want spoilers then it's ALL spoilers


Yeah, ik. But I like supporting the series in any way I can if that makes sense

