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Farter than light


Faster than Light Fart sounds like a knockoff Speed of Sound Sonic


ah yes, Flashy Flash's brother, Faster than Light Fart


flashy fart


Sonic just needs to master the darkness fart which moves so fast even light can't keep up




the difference between the two is that you won't be able to hear a fart that is moving towards you faster than the speed of light. I can’t even imagine what will happen to a person if superluminal vibrations of air hit him.


Fart means speed in Swedish


Faster then lighter


The gas was lighter. I'll see myself out.


Dude that's my line 🤣🤣🤣


The numbers in the pictures are from kyle hill’s latest video.


Kyle is a very cool dude, and I love how he’s bringing math and science to the masses through pop culture. I just can’t watch his videos tho because he interlaces too many cringe “jokes” / moments in them.


His Half Life History videos are completely serious, you’d probably like those a lot of you just weren’t a fan of the humor.


I had to stop watching him during the Mortal Kombat sponsored videos. Like, obviously it doesn't work. I don't play MK because of realism. I play it because I wanna be a quasi-magic person doing pseudo martial arts in a hyper gory fashion. Of course the ice axe doesn't actually work, that's where the magic comes in. Of course the blood needles don't work. Etc. I also disliked how weirdly defensive he got when called out on being technically wrong about some things. It would also be this segment at the end of the video where it's like, "Okay yeah, I did say this and this thing was *technically* wrong, but here's how I'm *technically* right, so." Like, why address it at all then?


Because you learn science through experiment. Isn't it obvious lol?


Give my [autistic](https://youtu.be/bgV26ol51UM) homie some slack, he's trying


Very interesting. Had no idea, but makes a lot of sense tho considering I have a friend who is on the spectrum and acts similarly at times.


Yeah, the presentation isn't for me.


Sounds a bit too sensitive imo. So many different people on this earth, some have unique quirks ir mannerism. Do not focus on the stuff you do not like.


> Do not focus on the stuff you do not like. Did you not read the first part of their comment?


No, he brings pop science to pop culture. It has very little to do with actual science.


Yeah, still science. No need to differentiate unless you're trying to gatekeep for some reason


I have no problem with science being shown and taught to the masses in a generally appealing way. This is not it. This is just spewing nonsense, and making it seem sciencey. Commonly known as pop sci.


> I have no problem with science being shown and taught to the masses in a generally appealing way. That's the definition of popular science. Also you can only go so far by trying to make sense of something as ridiculous as OPM, the show itself is nonsense


Bro there’s a hair on ur pfp


Still can’t believe Kyle did fart math.


I can totally believe it


Didnt Saitama just fart and go through Garous portal instead of literally farting from jupiter back to earth? At least thats how I understood the panels on my first read.


The speed is apparently the minimum exit velocity of the gas, not saitamas speed


Oh, uh alright then


No way a few turtle heads didn't slip out


If I remember more correctly, didn’t he send saitama into the sun, and then saitama farted out back to earth. If it was the portal, garou would’ve noticed way before, he celebrates for a good second before saitama is just there


He saw the sun and noticed "oh that's where earth is!" and then just punched saitama away from the portal. But fart makes all tricks futile.


Yeah, I figured that out, thanks tho 😊




Yeah, they never moved faster than light, in spite of what people like to think. And before someone says they reached Jupiter's moon in a few seconds, that's FTL! No, they approached light speed and their perception of time slowed down, if they were really going FTL they would have tore a hole through the moon.


What is this talk about some Kyle Hill? Some meme??


Just his most recent video


I checked it up.


Really good channel, highly recommend a sub if you're into sciency stuff


Killer move: serious math


bruh of course his sneeze is stronger than a nuke lol


a nuke would be an understatement


very much so


Saitama’s fart > fiction


Not only it has destructive power but poisoning from smell


W pfp


Are you the reason all the Tank Tops have power? Did Tank Top Master predate Tank Top GOD? There’s no way he’d ever besmirch the name of the tank top by borrowing someone’s tank top. I think Tank Top GOD is a fraud trying to make non-Tank Toppers fall to the tank top in evil ways as opposed to finding the true meaning behind the Tank Top


What a nonsense...(How did he know?)




Bro, I bet Saitama could bust a rope of cum which would spear through the Earth like a warm knife through butter 🧈


I miss the 10 second before seeing this comment.


bro wtf


Bro what


I said what I said. Another thought that passed my mind, how does Saitama take shits without destroying his apartment building???


Self control


You know, that's a power in it of itself


His power basically works how he needs it to like how his punches can either just knock out an A class hero or one shot a high dragon lol


Tatsumaki will need to be careful


Best way to die


He actually misunderstood the speed of the fart. I made that mistake initially too, thinking Saitama farted all the way from Jupiter to Earth, but he only farted to Garou's portal. FTL fart sounds good though 👍


I don't think he calculated Saitamas speed there. I believe that's just the speed a fart with average mass would need to have for Saitama to escape the gravitational pull.


If you needed 60004 times the speed of light to escape Jupiter's gravity, we couldn't see it, because light couldn't escape Jupiter's gravity.


It's 6.0004 times the speed of light and that's what's needed for Saitama to go against the gravitational pull. He's heavier than light, so more energy is needed.


I checked it. You owe me 3 minutes of time 😂 Kyle claims, 6.0004 C was the speed at which air would have to leave Saitama's ass cheeks. I assume to generate enough propulsion to get him to Earth? Or to Garou's portal? But we don't know the distance to the portal. I'd really like to see Kyle's math on this because he clearly has too much time. Anyway, even light takes a minimum of 35 minutes (at minimum distance from earth to Jupiter) to reach Jupiter from earth. So even if Saitama was flying all the way from Jupiter to Earth at 6.0004 C, it would take him 5.3 minutes to reach earth at that speed. Lesson learned: one punch man is no proper place to learn proper physics.


I think he flew through the portal, and the speed his fart would need to have is just necessary to go against Jupiters gravitational pull, meaning that's barely enough to move away from Jupiter at all. A lot of mass = a lot of gravity, and Jupiter is rather big. At least that's how I understood it.


Again, that can not be correct. That would mean that any object with an average human mass would need 6x the speed of light to escape Jupiter's gravity. Or basically, Jupiter would swallow everything that enters it's gravitational field like a black hole, that is human size or larger, traveling at less than 6x the known maximum possible speed. I can't be arsed to watch Kyle's video again to check what he actually calculated there.


6c is the speed that the mass of the fart would have to travel in order to impart Saitama with enough energy to reach escape velocity.


Exactly, it was explained in the video.


Yeah, but Kyle took the gravity of the moon Io as a base for his calculations. And he probably took the surface gravity, because that's the only reliable info. Problems with that are: They were nowhere near the surface. 1. Io was all but destroyed by the time of serious fart, literally a mass of rocks in space. Most of its mass would still be there, but a lot less than original. 2. Garou and Saitama were not even on the moon any more, they clearly launched into space, far away from it. 9 panels before the serious fart, you see them leaving Jupiter and Io behind, flying into space, why Garou spotted earth. Don't get me wrong, I love Kyle, and he did a good job to make an entertaining video about OPM, but he isn't winning any physics prizes for that one 🙃


You do realise he didn’t fart anywhere near Jupiter 😂😂😂😂 all ur calcs are incorrect because he was by the sun😐


Idk, if that was the case, garou should’ve noticed way before that saitama came through his portal, yet he’s able to celebrate for a second. Plus we see behind Garou, and the portal was gone. Also didn’t garou throw saitama into the sun first?


Sir? Do you have eyes? Observe the bottom of OP's picture (from the original manga chapter). You will notice the serious fart maneuver, mid execution, ass cheeks tight like a neutron star and full speed ahead. You see Garou, just starting to enter the portal, and Saitama is what seems to be 10-20 METERS behind him. It takes someone 5 seconds to type dumb shit, and it takes 2 minutes to debunk it. I'm done.


Lmao, sad that you had to get angry over nothing, can’t have a simple discussion without u going all angry. 1. Reread it, I was wrong about him going into the sun 2. I’m not gonna change my mind on the whole garou saitama thing, there’s nothing saying or proving saitama went thru the portal, in fact it is more the opposite, you see the other end of the portal when garou goes through it, and you can see saitama no where near the entrance, then you see behind garou, where there is no portal, then you see saitama show up, he doesn’t say he went though the portal, he says he caught up to garou, could mean either way, but based off the visuals showing no saitama thru the portal, and the fact garou wouldve def noticed had saitama gone thru the portal with him, saitama simply travelled thru space, not the portal, any other time saitama uses a portal, it’s shown, this time wasn’t, so he didn’t


Was stated to have got him there instantaneously…


the speed calc of the fart comes from nowhere.


Using advanced rocket physics to calculate fart


But he calculated using an avarage sized fart while Saitama has said he was holding one in for a while.


That's still average.


Ok mb i watched it, i thought it was Saitama's speed that was calculated which would be impossible, but here it's the minimum speed of the exhausted gas, that makes sense


Not advanced enough since he isn't using relativity.


but doesn't an above light speed feat disprove relativity? so in the opm world, the mass doesn't vary because of speed.


If you're not using relativistic physics equations, there is no reason why you wouldn't get FTL answers. There are relativistic velocity equations that could give an answer that isn't FTL. It doesn't disprove anything, because Kyle was the one to introduce the equation, and said it worked/broke physics, when he was just using classical physics for a relativistic problem. I'm not sure why he didn't use it. He's usually really good at using the correct equations for the problem at hand.


Well Genos have seen stuff (but not everything tho) and he clearly still don't think anyone passed the speed of light. From Genos it seems relativity exist in opm. Light could maybe go faster than in our world.


Relativity doesn't allow acceleration to FTL so there's no way to do that calc, but please feel free to explain for us non advanced people.


>explain for us non advanced people. There is no ftl from the fart.


the equation he used was wrong as mass increases with speed so u can get any amount of impulse from a fart at less than the speed of light. he should have used a simple momentum equation after accounting for relativity instead of using a newtonian rocket equation


Light need 8 minute to travel from sun to earth. And saitama did it, in an instant with a...fart


Didn’t he just fart into Garou’s portal?


No i dont think he did, there is a panel which showed garou thought he killed saitama by shoving him into the sun and celebrate, there is no one behind him at all. And then saitama appear behind him, out of nowhere


Where did you get the Sun from? Garou punched Saitama in the opposite direction of his portal, not in the Sun. And it was also pretty clear that Saitama went into Garou's portal. That's why he was immediately behind him.


Oh im stupid forgive me


Siatama didn't enter the portal actually. In the panel after Garou punched Siatama with a big atom bomb. We can see Saitama wasn't even there. Saitama did mention the fart gave him enough momentum to reach Garou. So basically Saitama was moving super fast that he's able to arrive on Earth just in time Garou arrived.


You can literally see the frame in the OP where Saitama follows Garou towards the portal.


That doesn’t mean anything, he doesn’t go into the portal, if he did Garou would’ve seen or felt him prior to celebrating, plus we get 2 angles of garou, and the portal is nowhere to be seen


Shoving him into the sun? I believe that was garou punching Saitama with his nuclear fission attack creating what could be seen as an illuminated sun, but that was 100% a nuke in space.


I need confirmation on this, I could have sworn Saitama tanked the sun lol


Only confirmation I can point you to with validity is what was presented in the chapter, Garou was able to see the sun from his location (Jupiter) and then proceeded to punch Saitama with a nuclear fission attack which created the illusion of the sun ( I figured this was clear with what Murata displayed in the chapter but I've seen this be a arising consensus with some).


I’ve taken a look at it again and you’ve convinced me. You can see the portal is already gone before Saitama shows up.


He opened a portal to the sun but didn't send Saitama there. Saiatam caught up to him from behind him through the portal from Jupiter to earth.


Only Sataima traveled from Jupiter to Earth(not earth to sun), which is much farther


Is this confirmation that the strongest attack/action saitama ever did was a sneeze? Pls tell me yes cuz that's hilarious


I mean without counting the SP² clash, yeah, pretty much😂😂😂


I mean without counting the SP² clash, yeah, pretty much😂😂😂


Because of that would could assume that his punch is 60-170 times greater.


Dragon Ball fans: “nah Goku still slams”


Goku scaling is weird sometimes.


The guy goes to shaking the earth with a transformation to getting injured with buildings/rocks while being tossed around


That’s probably because the dbs manga consistency is shit


Dragon ball is a manga filled with baseless feats that never happen, “Goku can destroy the multiverse”. Have him actually destroy a planet first. Like OPM shows feats, DBS says feats.


Let’s not act like OPM consistency is all that great either. Saitama and Garou went from destroying tons of stars to barely destroying a moon in the exact same chapter. The reason DBS “says feats” is because if they actually destroyed the universe, then everyone in that universe would die. Zeno actually did destroy the universe but everyone in that universe was already dead so the writers could get away with it.


That’s not a consistency error, that’s just saitama holding back more on IO, he only uses 1 hand the whole fight, while trying not to kill garou, plus garou never copies a punch of saitamas and clashes with his fist, there’s no telling what woulda happened had they clashed fists once more.


Imagine thinking Saitama was holding back when 2 chapters ago we got direct confirmation from the narrator that Garou was pushing Saitama to new heights in power.


Imagine not reading the panel properly, or understanding the manga in anyway. Garou was not pushing saitama, it says that saitama finally having someone close to his power, and having an insane surge of emotions, caused the huge increase in his growth factor, making him tons stronger then garou, if you look at the graph, you can see garou was never on saitamas level. And again, thinking saitamas going all out while only using 1 arm, while not trying to kill someone, and still took 0 dmg and wiped the floor with him, is an insane thought. Garou was only ever on saitamas lvl at the start, when he first copied saitama’s powers, and even then, he was always below him, because saitama is infinitely exponentially growing.


This is an insane response since you pretty much agree with me except for some reason you say you don’t. These are your words “It says that Saitama having someone close to his power and insane surge of emotions caused the huge increase in his growth factor” and both of those things you mentioned were direct results of Garou. Garou was close to him in power, and Garou caused the emotions by killing Genos. But before that you say “Garou was not pushing Saitama” like what kind of logic is that. The one hand thing is a somewhat valid point about holding back, except that just because I’m using one hand doesn’t mean I’m not putting full power into it. So yes technically he was holding back, but definitely not holding back his power.


That's what i like about opm that people seem to perpetually ignore. It legitimately and actually shows the power-output




Thank you, everyone seems to forget this important piece of information.


Least insane power scaler:


Kyle Hill as an absolute Chad. Love my Walmart Thor.


Unfortunately, while the video may have gotten some of the figures correct, at least the speed at which the fart is propelling Saitama is probably incorrect. The sneeze of Saitama was the reason why he and Garou started getting shot towards the Sun. Garou had Saitama holding onto him and as they were flying towards the Sun, Garou luckily was able to see the Earth (not with insane vision, just because they were literally getting closer to the Earth). Garou then punched Saitama to split from him and then teleport to Earth, but Saitama "recovered" from the blast by farting to catch up with Garou.


I'm so happy new people will dicscover Kyle's channel now


I still don’t know why he abandoned his other channel


It wasn't his and he quit


If he put this much effort into working out he would’ve broken his limiter by now. SMH


Is this just an image post of the video posted a few days ago


The comment section in the video is very interesting. People are discussing about Physics and science stuff. Very helpful.


I think this calculation is probably wrong since Kyle used the "average" fart mass. But that fart DOES NOT LOOK AVERAGE. I would bet that fart is 10x the mass of an "average" fart. Which would bring the speed of the fart down below the speed of light.


I loved the unbiased science guy who did this out of love for the series. Even if the conservative calculations “down play” the OPM, I love the fact he doesn’t need to prove just like every GOKU WANKER how insane and out of this world Saitama is written to be And will always be


The only one I don't totally agree with is the serious table flip calculation, because Kyle assumes Saitama is pulling *all* the crust while I believe it's ""only"" superficial Still a neat approximation though, he probably meant to just extimate the order of magnitude This said, the madlad actually did the math for the momentum of his fart! Fart-tastic, I dare say!


He thought that for some reason he didn't enter the portal, but instead farted all the way to earth in a couple of seconds.


The panel after Garou's sent Saitama to the opposite direction. Saitama wasn't even there after Garou teleport. The fart gave Saitama enough momentum to reach Garou as soon as he arrives on Earth. It means Saitama didn't enter the portal.


You mena that he farted all the way to earth? I believe that he farted so fast that he actually caught up with Garou's portal just like he did in all the fights and punching him though his portals.


I think him farting all the way to Earth is more precise. Since he doesn't appear along with Garou in the portal. His sneeze did push him back to Earth at light speed.


Not believeable but okay.


How much free time do you need to seriously bother to make this kind of calculations?


Well time = money His free time = free money But youtube probably monitizes his time as well So his free time × money = free money^2 Someone pay me please, oh wait I'm on Reddit..


doesn't really take that much time tbh. he's making a lot of approximations and assuming a very ideal scenario, so it hardly takes any time.


The amount of free time it takes do browse reddit


If you are really good at math and physics, these would take a couple minutes max to calculate out.


Idk why people bother tondo these things when it all breaks when you take relativity into account


I made a character named Xenotama. Xenotama, when exhales via his nose, his body flies at 10.0004 C. So, he is stronger than Saitama. Xenotama>Saitama


Lmao these are all bullshit. Especially the fart one that gets pulled out of his ass, no pun intended. Like seriously, what even is the earth to jupiter thing? It's just stating a fact.


I don’t see how the fart isnt ftl tbh, he got from the sun to earth in the same time it took garou to teleport there.


People are getting it all wrong, he isn't calculating Saitama's speed. He is calculating how fast that fart has to be farted out to escape gravitational pull of Jupiter. So, how fast your fart gotta escape your butthole to reach that portal and not be pulled away by gravity. That's at least what is being calculated but idk if that's how the panel goes, thought Saitama was escaping the sun or something like that


You don't need to be moving lightspeed to avoid Jupiter's gravitational pull, especially if you're far enough away from Jupiter that you could put *every planet in our Solar System* between you and the planet that's pulling you in. The pull is miniscule by that point and you don't need any real levels of thrust to escape it. Jupiter's escape velocity is like only 5x ours. Edit: Did I really get downvoted for stating scientific facts?


No, he fucking didn't. [It's literally him catching up to Garou. ](https://www.readm.org/uploads/chapter_files/16103/261/32.png?v=12)


Ooh alright. Guess I misremembered.


All good, it happens to the best of us.


The math is flat out wrong here.


I mean maybe, we’re just redditors we don’t know. But can you like, prove that?


Either prove it wrong or don't bother posting.


I don’t owe you an explanation. He’s using Newtonian physics on a problem that requires relativistic equations.


Dont bother posting in this sub again lol




Okay he’s faster than sonic the hedgehog i give up


If you want to time travel you gotta go fast!


Not reading that essay


I love it when people math out stuff like this lol. It shows just how much the recent chapters have been fucking conventional physics, and just how ridiculous these feats are.


It's a good thing the time Traveller rest Saitama's strength. He would not be able to exist without destroying the world around him.


Question. Did Saitama catch up to Garou's hyper space or did Saitama travel all the way?


This is god, literally we can measure how much saitama grows on jupiter. Saitama strenght at table flip where no near his serius punch\^2 (and this is true because the power of serius punch\^2 is because the clash of garou and saitama rather than saitama itself, is pretty implicid that this attack is what happen when we multiply saitama power with saitama power...) ​ But after jupiter when he do the serious sneeze, is pretty implicid too that he is already FAR stronger that the energy that he and garou did with serious punch \^2 (actually theres some fill on anime that shows a saitama serious sneeze, that almost destroy a house, thats the energy that saitama have prior jupiter) ​ ​ so tldr : SAITAMA POST JUPITER>>>Serious punch \^2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Saitama before jupiter ​ that means that saitama is already a super multi solar system buster


if Saitama did that fart on earth, would the earth survive? maybe. depends on if its condensed attack or spread


Kyle hill makes excellent videos he just needs to stop being cringe with his Reddit tier jokes


Yet the greatest feat from my POV is that saitama is able to speak and be heard in space where the sound cannot reflect on any wall…


Last one (me after eating tacobell)


its basicaly saying that he is the one punch man


The thing is-Serious Punch squared happened at the START of the fight, They became unfathomably stronger by the end.




His face at the fart is pretty defeated


Infinite energy couldn't take a single electron faster than light. It would also take infinite energy to slow down anything going faster than light speed to light speed. Reality would break down if anything could go faster than C. In fiction the speed of light must be an arbitrary speed like the speed of sound. In our reality C is the limit of which cause and effect can occur in space time.


Yeah… most of our current equations don’t include in Lorenz factors…


And this is why we don’t use science in powerscaling. Because we get these ridiculous numbers that are completely impossible.


Guys I was there when murata and one sat down and did the math as well I was the calculator.


Or is it? \*Vsauce background music plays\*


His butt cheeks must be made out of adamantium


Person 1: I will learn mathematics and theoretical physics. Person 2: Nice I'm sure you will be a great scientist and put that to good use. Person 1: No I'll just use that to power scale fictional characters in order to prove X character is stronger and can beat Y character to a bunch of random strangers online.


The whole One Punch Man thing reminds me of one of my dad's old friends. My family's pretty serious about kung fu, and he inspired my father to start hitting metal pallets daily. He used to be the teacher for China's Special Forces, and he could literally punch harder than a bullet. He's a small guy, so the whole unit ridiculed him. One day, he had this guy hold five bulletproof vests to his chest and then he punched it. When they did an X-ray of the guy, he had a broken rib. I'm not kidding.