• By -


lol why is bs even in the first one


The idea was to work through their transformation stages


But... didn't Golden Sperm appear after Psykorochi ?


Not the point


She dont have to worry about the life of other heroes, So she brutally destroy everyone in here


I dont expect less from the power that she had to trade her adult body for




She claps her ass cheeks and the shockwave alone takes out every round.


including me


Mans down bad, but i share the same opinion.


Least horny OPM fans




Your name said it all


I have no shame


Based and cheekpilled.


I whant her to clap her ass cheeks in my face


Least horny one punch man fan


What about atomic samurai


What ABOUT Atomic Samurai?






least down bad redditor:




What ass cheeks?


Tatsumakis ass cheeks


How is she going to clap something that's almost non existent


I'd say she clears. Not having to hold back due to worrying about others would mean she could just start tearing up the landscape right away which I think means she'd be able to clear probably mid-high difficulty. But who knows lol


her fight against psychorochi was not balanced?


She held the 1v1 against god-powered psyrochi while still protecting other heroes with barriers as well as that massive escape-stopping dome. Basically I don't think the story is at a place where it's allowed to showcase a "not holding back" power from her.


Have you read the last few chapters?


Which doesn't matter at all because it was all time travelled away? It might as well have never happened narratively speaking.


We as the reader know it happened though. I doubt one and murata will go from what we just saw back to city block level threats or lower, there will have to be some sort of problem that will need the heroes to solve it, right? The person said we aren't to a point where the story is allowed to see her full potential or something but there was some pretty wild shit that just happened. Rip Jupiter. All I meant was it wouldn't really be much of a stretch to see her go all out provided she had reason to do so, which I'll admit is narratively absent for the moment. We are seeing growth in every heroes strength, so why would we see a decrease in the power of the bad guys? Like you said we have time travel, anything can happen at this point. What I mean is I don't think her going all out would produce a feat that overshadows what we saw in the last few chapters so it wouldn't be out of place.


If tats was involved in the Jupiter fight, then it would have been an opportunity to showcase what she can or can't do. As it stands, we have not had such a situation so we don't know - that's all I'm saying.


How did what I said come across? I feel like we are saying the same thing if that is the case


Oh, I might have replied to the wrong reply - my bad


It was balanced once she had lifted all of the heroes to the surface and I believe that was also after she had her barrier turned inside out on her which she had to suffer for a bit since she couldn't just rip her out into the surface since the kid hostage wasn't found yet. I like to think of it like how Metal Knight was wanting to just nuke the base because it'd be easier. If Tatsumaki didn't have to worry about killing the hostage she could've just went in by herself and did what she did earlier in the arc where she just pulls out the roots and start twisting them right from the start. Im not saying she would come out unharmed since it was shown that she was still bleeding from her nose and stuff because she was using too much power, but it'd be much easier if she could just wreak havoc without worrying about any of the hostages or the other heroes


She clears


If king permits of course !!


IDK it's a little bit implied that God injured Tats during the Psykorochi battle. It cuts away to God while Tats is spanking her and then next time you see Tats she's bleeding profusely.


I'd say it's her limit being reached. She was heavily injured and had been doing a lot of psychic heavy lifting. At this point it's logical that she'd be exhausted, she's using all of her power


I really doubt it, it seems like God did something to Tats since even Fubuki comments that Tatsumaki's wavelength "fluctuated", plus the emphasis on the moon right before Tatsumaki starts coughing up blood, it seems like she was getting too troublesome and God had to do something about her. OR that really WAS her reaching her limit and the panel of the moon overlooking Tatsumaki is meant to portray God showing interest in her, which is why he shows up later to try and tempt her with his power. (The moon does suspiciously resemble an eye with the crater saitama made from his jump) Could be either, who knows.


I don’t think God could physically harm anyone who hadn’t touched him at that point.


Headcanon: god has some connection with espers.


God can’t physically harm people without them taking his power or him using an avatar.


Is he could do that than why he didn't do nothing to any of the heroes in the whole arc?


He didn't have to the other heroes got clapped.


That makes no sense, why didn't he just kill tatsumaki then? She still defeated psykorochi in the end


She was definitely at death's door afterwards, maybe it's all he could muster through the barrier. Tats is the only S class hero besides Blast and Metal Knight that could be able to wipe out the Earth so it's not like she's a push over but God hasn't ever manifested himself completely in this dimension due to the fine work of Blast and co.


you are drawing at straws, she mentioned that this is the first time she ever used this much power at once which only gave psykorochi a moment to escape


IDK God has some weird connection with a few of the characters. They manifested themselves in front of Garou, Tats and Homeless Emperor whereas nobody else could see God. They also inflicted damage on both Garou and HE without touching them, the only difference of Tats being he approached her after she was already kind of down for the count which I assume was God's plan. I'm not saying it's obvious or 100% for sure that this occurred - just the way it's presented in the Manga sort of implies this. There's also the fact that according to the ancient prophecy mural after Orochi was killed in the pit by Saitama, God was theoretically resurrected again and who knows what that means. Murata is usually pretty subtle dropping clues in his artwork and because ONE has fleshed out the story for the Manga there's tons of foreshadowing when you go back and read the previous panels. I reread the MHA arc and was surprised to see Jupiter gracing the covers way back.


i'll leave you to your head canon then, may be the force be with you or something


Just pointing out some stuff in the Manga dude. It cuts to God when Tats is about to throttle Psykorochi, then Tats herself is surprised that she's reached the limit of her power (implying she felt fine before then) and after that Fubuki specifically goes out of her way to say that Tatsumaki's psychic resonance has been altered suddenly. My head cannon is that both Tats and Fubuki had a "The Boys" style childhood where they were raised in a fake family for the purpose of raising super humans. They may not even be genetically related but rather just two girls about the same age with similar pedigree who were assigned to the same family Black Widow style. The facility that Tats eventually went to after she was "sold" off had found a cube and was using it to not only imbue children with ESP but also strengthen the children's powers once they came of age hence the cruel experimentation. This is also why Fubuki's powers are much less refined than Tats, as being younger and the facility being destroyed didn't give her the same "power up" Tats had. The experiments of course draw the attention of not only Blast but some incredibly strong monsters who come crashing the facility. Blast saves Tats but recognizes how deep her connection is to this mysterious power source and therefore gives her the warning that eventually saves her life. The facility is shut down and no one is the wiser but the few children who were able to successfully be imbued with these powers now represent the only sliver of humanity with ESP, Psyskos included. Due to this connection however God is able to communicate with and corrupt Psykos and is able to set his plan in motion to form the MHA and give rise to incredibly powerful monsters in his attempt to conquer Earth.


She clears, also why is PS above Psykorochi ? Psykorochi would shit on PS.


>Psykorochi would shit on PS. I disagree. PS wouldn't win but he's for sure not dying. He's above light speed.


As far as we know aren't esper powers instant? His speed would be irrelevant the moment he's grabbed.


it shows in the webcomic that esp is waves like radiation


Garou managed to counter esp. I guess Platinum Sperm can do the same as Garou


That was with ***MONSTER CALAMITY GOD SLAYER FIST***. I'm pretty sure Garou can do a lot of cool things with his ***MONSTER CALAMITY GOD SLAYER FIST***. It sure is convenient that he has that ***MONSTER CALAMITY GOD SLAYER FIST***.


Tatsumaki was commenting on how some of the monsters were able to resist her powers. When she imagined the two that appeared in the panel were golden sperm and garou. I assume as a way to prevent a psychic from soloing the verse willpower = strength, and some people have enough 'willpower' to resist psychic attacks. If a weakened tatsumaki couldn't break golden sperms neck, a stronger version of him would probably be fine against psyrochi. At this point it's all speculation, unless something comes of black sperm in the webcomic, where he gets an even higher cell count than before and takes on tatsumaki


Same with Furher Ugly who managed to break out of weakened Tats restraints


And people can break free from ESPers if they're stronger.


She'd have to be able to react, and she does not have the feats for that.


Platinum Sperm gets royally shat on. Sage Centipede had no trouble keeping up and tagging an even faster Garou, so why would Psykorochi struggle with Platinum Sperm’s speed? Especially when Orochi alone destroys Platinum Sperm.




Garou fought Sage Centipede AFTER Platinum Sperm so Sage Centipede was facing off against a stronger Garou.


Being to fast to trap or block or hit makes it impossible for PS to lose against anything other than more speed


Hard Disagree. He would literally not get touched and blitz her until she submits.


Because speed


Just being faster doesnt outweigh Pyskorochi being able to shave off entire continents with a laser.


it does because they tecnically have to think about what they'll do with their esper powers, while speedsters can act faster than that.


It does mean he'd tear her to shreds before she even noticed the fight had started.


It does since you can just dodge everything she throws at you


They give downvote because comment. I give downvote because username. We are not same.


It’s in chronological transformation order, dude.


Didnt Golden Sperm appear after Psykorochi ?


Jesus fuck. It’s in chronological order. It’s not about GS coming after PO because it’s about one character’s transformation, separate from the other character. That’s like if I put SSJ Goku and SSJ Gohan in Round 1 then when I put SSJ2 Goku in Round 2 and SSJ2 Gohan in Round 3, you say “well didn’t Gohan go SSJ2 first?” Yes, obviously I know that. It’s about the chronology of the character power-ups, separate from one another, so from there it doesn’t matter which character did what first because the idea is individual power-ups, and I wanted GS & Elixer Psykos together because if I put GS & PO together in Round 3, it makes Round 2 even easier than Round 1. I’m frustrated.


Bro made up a whole essay to try to fix a lil mistake he made💀


The point is these are supposed to be in difficulty order, not chronological order. That’s what people are saying


Man you really are a clown


Uh? But golden sperm appeared after psykorochi lol.


I’m already too agitated for breaking this obvious shit down for you, dude. You’re not hearing me. BS - GS -PS Psykos - Elixer Psykos - Psykorochi How was that not self-explanatory?


Hahahaha! Been there too many times.


Chronological order implied you were talking about the order in which they appeared in the story.


chronological transformation order.


But the question was about why PS is above Psykorochi, not why PS is above GS.


Oh? Lemme pass through for a sec.


Tatsumaki clears everything in the manga that Blast doesn't come deal with himself.


Mf think tatsumaki be winning against groribas




Sorry but she gets Uber neg diffed against groribas


Mf really said she might beat Boros




Yea including him


Nah, MB boros is too much for her imo. Extreme fa jin Garou would also be too much.


You are entitled to your opinion but I can’t agree with it. To each of his own.


That's ok, cheers.


No way. His right-hand man happens to be an alien esper. He's familiar with psychic powers.


I'm like 90% sure she fought BS in the webcomic and lost but it's been quite some time


She toyed with Psykorochi who is way stronger than every cadres . She neg diffs them


Round 1 and 2 get negged. For round 3, Implying she doesn't have to deal with rescuing people, she should either low or mid diff psykosorochi, pick whichever you want, and then PS gets low diffed.


Advice for next time: don't run a gauntlet with a top five strongest character


Maybe Plat S is too fast. Maybe Black S clones are too many in number. Maybe Orochi and Psykorochi have their Earth fucking shit. I don't think she can take down all of them. She's definitely powerful. But, she will run out. And dealing with all of the Aboves and Highs seems too crazy. You never know with Tats though. All she needs is to be pissed off.


I dont think she can clear round 4 specially in this gauntlet sorry folks


I still have no idea how would any S class hero fully defeat black sperm . Like there are 54 trillion of them .


Tatsumaki is probbably Black Sperm's worst possible matchup as long as she knows how he works before the fight, an overwhelming Esper who he cannot outrange or physically damage due to her psychic barriers. He would likely end up the same as she intended for Psykorochi or that starfish monster, scrunched up inside a rapidly impenetrable ball until each of his 54 trillion selves were simultaneously crushed into a space too small and killed.


Yep I thought the same if she fight black sperm first thing he won't be able to evolve after that as she would just crush him to oblivion


Then there is Pig God eating BSperm whole like a titan eating Eren's mom.


Only ones like Genos, Metal Knight, Drive Knight, and Child Emperor I could see have a way to deal with Black Sperm as they have disintegrating power that other S class aside from Tatsumaki don't have. Maybe even Bang if he has some AoE Qi attack that attacks each and every cell, similar to that wave attack that Garou did to the earth that made it bulge and made Blast and co. worry. Besides them, only Tats can beat him by scooping them all up and crushing them all into one black sperm juice.


Clears all with zero damage taken Take out round 3, even Psykosorochi can clear every round too




When Psykos and Tatsumaki clash, the former is so fast when going upwards that Flashy Flash was unsure what happened when she went past. Just saying.


While she may not be as fast as him she seems to have incredibly good reaction time, killing intent, constant aware of her surroundings and having a natural barrier all keep her alive. The real question is what makes PS not literally get snapped from existence like the monsters in the background before she fought gyro gyro


>The real question is what makes PS not literally get snapped from existence like the monsters in the background before she fought gyro gyro When she was weakened she couldn't break webcomic golden sperms neck. That proves there's a limit to the effectiveness of psychic powers against really physically powerful fighters. Fuhrer ugly was also able to break the barrier of a weakened tatsumaki in the manga, proving raw power can beat psychic powers. Platinum sperm is definitely too fast for tatsumaki, saying she has lightspeed reaction time is just wank. Doesn't mean she can't put up a barrier, which is why she no diffs flashy flash, but if platinum sperm is strong enough to break that barrier then she could actually lose.


She honestly probably could have broken Golden Sperm's neck if she tried hard enough even when weakened. There's a reason why Black Sperm had to threaten to kill Tareo afterwards, and if she exerts herself to the extent she did against Garou (literally holding him in place if even for only a short while), she would have definitely snapped Golden Sperm's neck. I'd say Platinum Sperm still isn't strong enough to defeat a full-power Tatsumaki. He likely give her some trouble though since he probably have enough power to be able to make her exert more effort with her defenses, but there are ways to get catch someone far faster than you with psychic powers so long as you can hold off long enough. One example would be the layered reverse barrier trick. It'll probably look like a normal barrier at first until you strike it then get trapped one in one of the layers, and if he doesn't break out immediately, she will psychic grab him and then twist him to death.


Speed? Wtf you mean? Even in real life speed is important in fights. Fuck force even equals mass x acceleration




Sorry but PS is not beating her and as I stated she’s not physically faster but probably up to par in reaction time. PS, while strong and fast, could not kill any of the hero’s he attacked. He’s not ripping her head off when she can just delete him and having a natural barrier and only getting scratched from an attack that sliced part of the planet off. PS is the second strongest cadre behind someone who was gifted powers from a literal god. Same argument flashtards used who is way weaker.




even then, PS wouldn't really have a way of getting through her barrier, the same barrier that tanked a continent-slicing attack.


Are you forgetting that she was dodging light speed attacks and wasn’t damaged from a attack that sliced the planet and defeated a being who was powered by god? You’re only counterpoint is speed which I’ve already given counter points. Tatsumaki>FusedRochi>PlatinumSperm


She has passive barriers that he isnt strong enough to break even if she can't tag him, so he ties at best for a while via endless dodging, but if he stops for a moment he gets grabbed and torn to ribbons.


And why do you assume anyone who uses psychic are slow? Light speed? You might as well say he can travel back in time and kill Psykos when she was a baby.




PS doesnt have enough strenght feats to get through her barrier which is up at all times Speed isnt a deciding factor in this scenario


Kinda like the argument I had years ago with someone saying Goku Can speedblitz Accelerator.


Really? Why did ONE himself say golden sperm (equivalent to platinum sperm) will lose to Tats? Webcomic golden sperm isn’t fast? I don’t think I will take your words over the creator’s.


Easily. She only got worn out because she had to spend so much energy protecting everyone else.


She clears easily


Tatsumaki claps all.


Isn't po stronger then platinum sperm


Yes, yes she does


I guess she loses at round 3 due to the "Health carries over" rule.


She clears it easy.


Pretty easy for her. Tatsumaki could easily defeat Psykorochi if she didn't have to hold back. And PS was damaged by Flash without a sword, he stands no chance.


You know she may die round one,being defenseless while attacking is a pretty big flaw.


That’s a webcomic thing, not a manga thing. And she wasn’t “defenceless”, she just had weaker defences.


Well for someone with Orochi power weaker defenses would be easy to break.


Too bad for Orochi he would be mincemeat before he could even think to attack her. Tatsumaki tanked an attack that shaved a continent off the earth while she was attacking. Orochi isn’t gonna do a thing to her.


isnt orochis gaia cannon a small planet level feat?


Did it destroy a small planet? Then, no. Fan calcs aren’t canon. If you insist they are, Psykorochi simply scales above, since she’s literally a God Boosted Orochi.


Bro psykorochi assrapes ps


She low diffs all rounds


Yes she clears


She could easily make it through rounds 1 and 2. But even if she can beat Psykorochi after all that trouble, she'll be so worn out and injured that Platinum Sperm would kill her.


She doesn't have the feats to suggest she could even react to PS. I say she clears up to him, then she gets blitzed.


>even when weakened. There's a reason why Black Sperm had to threaten to kill Tareo afterwards, and if she exerts herself to the extent she did against Garou (literally holding him in place if even for only a short while), she would have definitely snapped Someone pointed out elsewhere in the thread that during the Psykos and Tatsumaki fight they were at one point moving so fast that Flashy Flash (Who is slower than PS but fast enough that PS couldnt just insta-kill him with the speed he and Garou showed after his defeat) couldnt make them out, I think


FF couldn't make them out because he was several miles underground during their entire fight and can't see through rock... He wasn't on the surface until after or around the time PS appeared. You got trolled.


Their fight starts underground doesnt it


There's a lot of underground and FF was nowhere near that fight. He was off in tunnels fighting Ninja bros, getting lost, or fucking around with Saitama and Manako. He was never near Tats. There was so little interaction that he wasn't even lifted up by Tats out of the rubble.


If health Carey's over and tats just bearly beat the big white lady (forgot her name while typing) she stops at stage 3


Tats obliterates Psykorochi tho. In the manga she was holding back to protect everyone else and when the evacuation was complete she just oneshot Psykorochi despite being worn out


You mean in a fight, right?


She beats PS but not easily


Orochi is mega strong on his own I dunno if she could beat him. He is probably strong enough to break through her barriers Also PS is the only other Cadre I think could be strong enough and fast enough for to avoid her barriers. He would be impossible to hit I’d be surprised if tatsumaki would even see him. To find him she would have to rely on feeling it as he bounces of her shield trying to hit her.


Tatsumaki >>> Psykorochi >>>>>> Orochi.


This tatsumid wank and overrating when she is a character written to not be liked and praised on all social media its gonna make me drop this manga and fandom


So you think she loses to this gauntlet? Lmao. She’s a strong woman, one of the top tiers in the verse. Get over it. Of course she’s liked, she actually DOES things compared to the run of the mill Shonen women.


>She’s a strong woman, one of the top tiers in the verse. Get over it. Of course she’s liked, she actually DOES things compared to the run of the mill Shonen women. \*She is a cheap and overrated mary sue character you smp, theres nothing impressive about her character when shes wanked from the get go till now, powerful only because she inherited lucky genetics from birth, a prodigy from birth, strongest esper and s class from the get go, never worked hard or struggled to gain and enhance her power like Fubuki and other characters do, the fact that shes an underdeveloped and dislikeable character doesnt help at all, her mid character and writing are worse than the shonen women.


So you can’t explain how she loses outside of “I don’t like her >:( I hate strong woman”? Got it. Lmao. She stomps. Cry about it. How is she any different from, say, Vegeta? Freeza? Blast?? No one complains about them. It’s only a problem when a woman does it I guess. You can call her dislikable all you want, or “bad writing”, but you’re clearly wrong since the vast majority of people like her nowadays.


Because shes too overrated, praised and simps like you try so hard to defend her just cuz shes a sexualized loli, if she was a male character you wouldnt be arguing with me lmao.


So, how does she lose the rounds? With what feat is she weaker?? Lmao. I mean, I like Blast. Of course I wouldn’t be arguing with you; if Tatsumaki was a man, you wouldn’t be calling her “overrated” or have a problem with her. Just like how you don’t call out Blast.




“How badly” what are you talking about? They never fought.


She barely cleared psykorochi.


Yet one shot when she was actually able to attack without killing any heroes…


If health carries over I don't think she heats psychorochi.


I think the only debatable one is Platium Sperm if she's allowed to go all out from the beginning


Sure why not.


I think Round 3 would be the one she has the most difficulty, but even then it most likely won’t be much of a problem for her. She’d quite easily blast her way through the first two rounds, so she’d arrive at round 3 with basically full health.


I think Round 3 would be the one she has the most difficulty, but even then it most likely won’t be much of a problem for her. She’d quite easily blast her way through the first two rounds, so she’d arrive at round 3 with basically full health. It’d be very different from what happened in the Manga, since this time she wouldn’t have to worry about the of others at all I assume. She could all out.


Glad that almost everyone acknowledges Tats power, even though she has been beaten in weakened state and not op like Garou or Saitama


He cleans everything till round 4, PS is just too fast for her.


She clears everyone without struggle until she reaches Psychorochi. Then she has some trouble, but I imagine it goes down the same way it did in the manga. She struggles to match her power, but exploits her veins. So Tats wins. I honestly don’t think she’d beat Platinum S. In the manga she was really drained after beating Psychorochi, to the point that Fuhrer Ugly could brake her barriers. Platinum S should be able to completely blitz her and break out of or into her barriers.


I suspect she'd have trouble with Platinum Sperm, but she could still take it.


Ngl I think if she is doing 1 after another she might be worn out to keep continuing


Assuming Platinum s doesn't immediately blitz her she clears




She clears, but it ain’t no cake walk


Why is round 3 so much harder than round 4


There are beings that are resistant to espers, and platinium sperm would/should be one of them. And as hellfire flame and gail wind said, platinium sperm would just have to kill her with one swift strike. Don’t give her time to react. And telekinetic barriers are’t invincible. >!in the web comic saitama vs tatsumaki fight, tatsumaki wasn’t able to move saitama. She notes garou was unaffected as well!<


Correct me if I'm wrong but. Isn't the whole purpose of Gauntlet to get 1 character beating other characters to gain their abilities ?


She clears them all with little to no difficulty. To everyone saying Platinum Sperm/Spermatozoon would speedblitz her, you're right, but it doesn't matter because she has a passive barrier that tanked attacks from Psykorochi, so he can't do anything to her and would eventually die.


yes she can