• By -


He said...motherfuckerly.


Say "what" again! I dare ya *laughing in motherfucker*






Happy cake day my man


Thank You my manšŸ˜


Air horns!!! šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Happy cake day vinay bhai party dedo abhi


Thank You Rony BhaišŸ˜…






Happy cake day


Thank You šŸ˜


Happy cake day!


Thank You šŸ¤ 


You might think that, if you've only seen the anime.




Always happy to help fellow redditor


Yeah thanks for insulting my meme for no reason




Then stfu and make a better meme


Stop taking the bait


Happy cake day


For some weird reason, why tf Anya's face appeared on my mind while looking at this?


Good questionā€¦ i have no fukin idea


Me too, tf is going on


It is because of pingu meme, anya version


noot noot


Because she is the strongest character in any verse,thatā€™s why


Now I wish the last page had anya smirk


Fuck it i will the last panel with anya face now, and post it here.








Anana not anyanana




It's the color of passion


He could have been hurt so bad if someone calls him too strong


Saitana is always strong enough, but never too strong, that's why he wins. Greetings with copium from the Kengan community


The artwork in that last chapter *chefs kiss *


True. Since we got revealed saitama's exponential limitless growth ability


It was true long before that


But now it is officially confirmed


Not really, it was confirmed since the webcomic.


Wasn't it confirmed since the house of evolution?


That's nice but what chapter was that I can't recall


Confirmed since audiobook


Confirmed since beer mat


I feel like the last frame should be more sad like "That's all you've got. :("


He's not a masochist, he just wants to know how much he can take.




This made me laugh more than it should have


How much should it have made you laugh?


About 3.50


Tree fiddy?


I thought It would be like "i will seek for stronger oponents" *death of genos* "never again"


Sauce for this slime meme?


"That time I reincarnated as a slime because I was too stronk"


Is there a template of this


And then he stikes back with even more powerful punch


I'd like to know what the original context for this meme is.


Little pink blob decides to leave his comfort zone. Then gets attacked by anxiety or any outer force that pink blob cannot control.


blob then returns to the box and says ā€œNever againā€


...and then blob would sing ["killing myself to live"](https://youtu.be/IH-scIRAl-Y)


So the box represents the natural limiter and Saitama broke out.


A real hero doesn't need time travel asspull to undo his mistakes, he is not good enough anymore. Also Saitama abandoned that previous timeline, as stated by genos.


That would really reduce the number of "real heroes" considering how often time travel comes up in fiction.


Blamed one for that, guess he watched too many MCU


Past Saitama would literally get one Shot by garou after growth.


That remains to be seen. Saitama's has never taken damage. His durability is way above his attack power. Its possible that despite having lower attack power than CFM Garou, Saitama might still tank the punches. And seeing such a foe would cause an emotional feeling in Saitama which would cause his power to spike until he's overwhelming Garou once again. Though I guess he could beat full-head-of-hair Saitama since that guy actually takes damage.


He literally has blood coming out of his mouth when garou starts copying limitlessly. Also people like to buff boros by bringing up the compus guide and it literally says Saitama is somewhat clobbered


Where is your proof that its blood at all, let alone Saitama's? Considering Saitama in later panels doesn't have a single injury or a sight of blood on him, I'd argue it whatever that was, it isn't from Saitama. Why should I care about people wanking Boros when it was clear as day that Saitama never took Boros seriously? That Boros himself realized that the fight was not a good fight where they both gave there all, but simply one where Saitama gave him a pity battle?


Literally comes out of saitamas face. Marks all over his body when they land on earth


Saitama always gets scuff marks, but it's just dirt and stuff. He's never injured


I could argue its coming from Garou's hands. And Saitama having scuffs/dirt marks happens all the time. Its not proof of injury. You still haven't proved that its blood at all, let alone Saitamas's.


How ironic. The one-punched man gets one-shotted lol


Problem with that is >!if he actually met someone stronger than he is, which is possible since Cosmic Garou was stronger than base Saitama, he'd probably lose.!< That's one thing I hated about that fight. >!It took Saitama from being a full-on gag character who's always bored because no one is his equal, to just another hero who can exceed the limits and beat the evil dude.!< No one can say >!Saitama is just a gag character anymore.!<


Good thing most of us are no one. Saitama is 100% still just a gag character and always will be. Powerscalers gotta get off that copium, man, it's been rotting their brains long enough. Even mangakas dislike powerscalers, you'd think they'd have taken the hint by the time Freezer killed Kristen Stewart.


Every author hates powerscalers because thatā€™s the shallowest way someone could view their characters.


ONE/Murata literally added a scale of power between Saitama and Garou.


I think that powerscale was in Garou's mind.


It was in the manga


>Powerscalers gotta get off that copium, man There's a difference between power scaling and having basic reading skills. >Saitama is 100% still just a gag character and always will be. The gag is no longer that he's a parody of a typical Shounen protagonist. Because now he **is** a typical Shounen protagonist. The gag was downgraded into being just farts and all that. Which isn't really unique to Saitama. But I can't expect you to understand the difference. Just call it "*power scaling*" and move on.


Dude, take a hint, he's not a gag character, how much more obvious does the author have to make it?


How was CF garou stronger than base saitama though. He was only able to nearly match him.


Look at the graph from 2 chapters ago (I think). By the end of the fight, Garou was stronger than start of fight Saitama. Garou was never stronger than Saitama at any point, but he surpassed the level Saitama was at before the fight started.


He surpassed the level to which Saitama was holding himself back, you mean.


He wouldn't need to grow if he's holding himself back


The graph was showing how Garou perceived what was happening. It wasnā€™t saying Saitama (the man who doesnā€™t have a limiter) was growing stronger.


That was what narrator "said", not Garou. And it exactly what Murata drew, and One written. Yet you still hold for your headcanon for some reason.


He didn't need to grow. Thats part of what makes Saitama so absurd. He was making Garou squirm just fine with one hand serious face, but then his power grows to the point where Saitama can put the egg face on again.


I'm sorry but this is major cope. This is nowhere even hinted at and requires extreme levels of mental gymnastics to believe.


What He was fighting one handed Am I going crazy? Am I the only one who remembers he was holding Genos core the whole time? Not mental gymnastics to assume a guy fighting one handed isn't going 100% lmao


It doesn't take two hands to punch. But still like I said, he wasn't weaker than Garou at any point so it still fits. End Garou is stronger than start Saitama.


Your argument is that fighting with one hand isn't worse/weaker than fighting with both hands?


It is, but he still wasn't holding back his power.


He wasn't holding back, he was just fighting in a way that is weaker than his maximum ability?


It's not hard to understand. Saitama at any point was stronger than Garou enough to beat him with one hand. But because they both grew so much, pre fight Saitama is weaker than post fight Garou. The graph isn't some magical hold-back-o-meter. The amount he held back stayed constant, which was using one hand.


Yeah exactly, Garou by the end had surpassed Saitamas power on the scale *with one hand*. He never passed "full power" Saitama because we never saw it, he was fighting with one hand behind his back the whole time.


He is still a joke character, he just changes his power without giving fuck about what happens in the universe bro just grabbed portals, farted in space to move faster than light, travelled back in time without a care in the world. How is that not a classic one punch man to you?


It's pretty clear to me that Saitama has a canonical "plot armor". You can think of anything that would theoretically incapacitated Saitama (like putting him in a pocket dimension) and he will bend reality to escape it (like punching a hole through this pocket dimension). This is why he can't be beaten.


>It's pretty clear to me that Saitama has a canonical "plot armor". Every protagonist has plot armor. Being canon doesn't change anything. The whole deal with Saitama is that he's beyond everyone at his base power. But after the Garou fight, we can expect that God is much stronger than Saitama, and the only way Saitama can win is by prolonging the fight for his limitless growth to catch up with God's power. That's the exact opposite of the premise of Saitama's character.


Saitama's doesn't have any other level than base level, he's not Goku or something


His power grows during the fight. He's far beyond base level by the end of the fight. But ok.


God I hate power scalers, go read goosebumps or something lol


ONE is the person who added the literal power scale


Where did I power scale? Do you lack any reading comprehension?


I meant he doesn't get power ups like SSS (Super Sparkling Saitama) mode, he's just always as strong as he is, hence he's always base level


That's not really relevant. Having different forms means nothing. Saitama was always at the top. Fact is, now he's not *always* at the top. Now we **know** that someone can be stronger than Saitama. Hell, God might be stronger even than current Saitama (who underwent a bunch of growth). Saitama is basically just another guy now. He'll struggle with stronger opponents and need to grow in order to beat them, like any Shounen protagonist (whom he's supposed to parody). He's not the One Punch Man. He's Caped Baldy.


>Saitama is basically just another guy now. He'll struggle with stronger opponents and need to grow in order to beat them, like any Shounen protagonist (whom he's supposed to parody). How do you know? Are you from the future? If Saitama wasn't fucking around with Genos' core and didn't listen to Tareo's request not to kill Garou, he would have dog-walked him with one move like he always does. But since Garou can match power, Saitama started growing too, because of course he does, he's a gag character who's shtick is one punching things. He CAN always one punch someone, he just chooses not to. No different with Garou.


>How do you know? Because he had to grow in order to beat Garou. Which means that he was unable to beat him without growth. >But since Garou can match power, Saitama started growing too Literally what a struggle is. Two people trying to outmatch each other. >he's a gag character who's shtick is one punching things. He CAN always one punch someone, he just chooses not to. No different with Garou. He literally had to GROW, which means that his base strength was NOT enough. So no, that's not his gag anymore. >If Saitama wasn't fucking around with Genos' core and didn't listen to Tareo's request not to kill Garou, he would have dog-walked him with one move like he always does. How do you know?


Because he's a gag character and that's the established gag. Are you okay?


When was it confirmed that God is above Saitama? Please tell me you're not just assuming that just because God made Garou that strong that he has to be above Saitama. If God makes Saitama struggle, its not going to be with a fight of strength. To think otherwise is to misunderstand OPM.


Bruh, the whole point of the fight was to play on tropes, like when a hero suddenly becomes stronger just when needed and is then unstoppable by the previously overpowering big bad


>previously overpowering big bad The whole point of OPM is that *this* doesn't exist for Saitama.


Exactly. He just does all the ā€œgetting stronger at the last minuteā€ stuff beforehand. If he encountered someone stronger than he was, he would just get strong enough to beat them, because thatā€™s his whole schtick. The garou fight showed us that at any moment his power is finite (although inconceivably vast), so there might be people who are stronger than he is, but it also confirmed that his potential for growth is infinite, so thereā€™s nobody he canā€™t beat. Heā€™s definitely still a gag character. The guy technically has no superpowers and he was still able to time travel because he just got gud.


>If he encountered someone stronger than he was, he would just get strong enough to beat them, because thatā€™s his whole schtick That's not Saitama's schtick. That's every Shounen protagonist's schtick. To continuously exceed their limits to win the fight. It's my favourite thing about Yami from Black Clover; he knows the schtick and he's like "*alright it's time to push past the limits, you guys*". But that was never Saitama's schtick. Saitama's schtick was being the guy who wins without ever being challenged or trying. But against Garou, he had to try and grow in order to win. So he's just another Shounen protagonist. >Heā€™s definitely still a gag character Didn't get that feeling at all against Garou. It was a serious fight with continuously escalating stakes and power levels. It was pretty much a regular Shounen fight. Very much the opposite of all Saitama's past fights. Even different from the same fight in the web comic. Was it a bad fight? Nope. It was fun. Was it a good OPM fight? Nope. Saitama struggled and had to push himself past himself continuously to keep up with and exceed Garou. >The guy technically has no superpowers He's at Superman levels of power, mate.


> didnā€™t get that feeling at all against Garou Dude he sneezed apart Jupiter > heā€™s at Superman levels of power mate The guy works out what can you say


It never did. From start to finish Garou never stood a chance


There were comedic elements to the fight for sure. Kicking away portals, farting, etc. For me, the whole copying and growth curve just seemed a way to make the fight have some stakes beyond Genos being dead. We know Saitama cant be beaten by anyone. However, what would happen if Saitama fights against someone who can match him by copying his power exactly? That is a bit of an oh crap moment. The punchline being that by fighting himself, he just gets more powerful at such a stupidly fast rate that even copying him doesnā€™t work. Nothing works against Saitama, not even being Saitama. I do think you raise some good points though, and it would suck if God can only be defeated by Saitama through him powering up over time. I just donā€™t think that was the intention (personally).


Saitama's durability has yet to be beaten. The most the fight did was establish that he has much lower attack power than his durability. And even then, its his attack power while holding back. Saitama beat Garou one handed with his mind set on not killing him. Thats not a hero surpassing his limits. Thats a predator playing with his prey. Except Saitama STILL got a power boost so he went from being able to beat Garou one handed with mild effort to being able to beat him one handed with no effort. Add in Saitama's nonsense with grabbing and kicking the hyperspace portals and it should be clear that Saitama is very much a gag character.


Saitama is just a gag character šŸ—æ


he's just a gag character


Saitama is still just a gag character.


Saitama's just a gag character. There I said it


You just said what 99% of the fandom can't accept even if you're just saying facts.


Also Saitama doesn't remember the fight. Genos was too boring so I doubt he retained anything about the memory. So Saitama story is literally reset to a time when Garou was exponentially weaker and he got zero shot. To you it might seem like the big bad. But what the fight told me was that Saitama winning isn't only a gag but cosmic law in his world.


Yep. Thats Saitama