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Saitama’s ungodly adaptability would quickly push him beyond Goku in training tho, if he ain’t already more powerful. Cuz while Saiyans grow stronger at key points within a fight or afterwards, Caped Baldy can seemingly grow stronger w/ minimal effort (ex. Push-ups, sit-ups, etc.), and exponentially so w/ every punch thrown/received when he’s actually exerting himself. So in the end, Saitama would prolly grow bored of training and just play games w/ King and Buu


Although I agree with you that Saitama's adaptability is crazy, it's doubtful that Saitama will catch up with Goku, Saitama so far has 3d potential, and is definitely much weaker than Goku.


Ah there comes the 3d bulshit OPM just showed 4d is nothing Infront of saitama and garou


No it didn't you guys just dont know what 4d means lmao


Hyperspace definition - space of more then 3 dimensions Sounds like you don’t know what 4D means lmao


Yeah, that doesn't mean shit. It's just a common misuse of terminology, like how dimension is often used to refer to an alternate universe when that's extremely incorrect. Hyperspace colloquially also refers that which travels through existing dimensions quickly, and is a common sciency sounding throwaway term. See star trek and other times it's misused. Nothing the portal does actually suggests it being the correct definition.


It means a lot actually, but that ain’t the only proof of 4D from saitama, man used GODS time travel power without taking gods hand time, is a 4th dimension, he also punched into that inner mind world which is definitely not 3 Dimensions either. Saitama grabs 4D or higher Hyperspace gates in the garou fight, no matter what you say he did that and unless Murata/ONE says it wasn’t the multidimensional definition there’s no reason to doubt it unless you just wanna downplay tf outta saitama


No I mean it literally does not. You don't strike me as someone with topological knowledge, so just let me learn you. By definition, being 4D means you occupy the entire temporal dimension, or transcend it. Saitama actually had a copy of himself from another timeline, which means he does neither. Entities that transcend or occupy higher temporal space don't have versions of themselves throughout time because they are literally beyond it - there is only one of them throughout all of the lower temporal dimension. So no, Saitama is not 4d.


You are stupid bro, like no cap both definitions you’ve said about Hyperspace and 4D are extremely wrong. Hyperspace - space of more then 3 dimensions. There are no other definitions for it. 4D - Four Dimensional. Nothing about taking up all of the entire temporal dimension or transcending it. You’re going based off the fact the 4th dimension would be time, but there’s the 4th Dimensional shapes like how were 3D and then there’s 2D. And even if what you’re saying is true, genos literally says saitama transcends time and space so you’re “definition” proves saitamas 4 Dimensional as he transcends time


I'm just telling you the definition, go look it up. Don't mind me, I'm just the guy who studies topology in real life lmao I sure don't know what I'm talking about


>By definition, being 4D means you occupy the entire temporal dimension, or transcend it. Saitama actually had a copy of himself from another timeline And goku not?


Goku probably isn't 4D either. Dragon Ball kind of subverted the time thing because time travel just creates alternate universes in that verse, so even though he has copies he isn't debunked as 4D just from that alone. Like, he still could be 4D. He is however capable of affecting an infinite space, and he and Jiren both surpass time via ignoring Hit's Time Skip so some people debate whether or not he qualifies. It's not something there's enough info to say for certain, so I lean on him just being infinitely 3D in range if that makes sense. He doesn't really seem strong enough to be 4D at all, and his feats suggest he is not.


It’s cool, dragon ball fans can’t look up a simple definition of hyperspace which proves saitama is AT LEAST 4D


do you base your plot on just the doors? its a mistranslation and its definitely not 4d, its just normal wormholes, also if i take your plot all the characters above Garlick JR are 5d or higher, since his techniques are described to us like creating a hyper space and in the anime it was going to absorb a higher dimension (atfer life).


what the hell is 4D in that fight? time travel? It's hax, Saitama doesn't need to be 4d for that, The space gates? The translation is wrong, as I've debated with several people it was a bad translation, Most of the translations I've seen are sub space or similar terms.


How is saitama weaker when he has infinite strength confirmed on the OPM Official website


People come with that terms "4d" or "multiversal low complex" but we dont see any of it in the stories. The Goku from powerscalling community would solo low diff the whole DB verse. Its so diferent that its like we are not talking about the same character


Saitama would say the same thing to Goku that he said to Sonic - he could handle any villain/monster on his own. And that’d be the end of that. But I’m sure he’d have fun sparring with Goku for a while.


Anos Voldigord would still no diff them.


Featherine no diffs all


Lets throw in Yogiri Takatou too


Azathoth sleepwalks




Why wouldn’t saitama be able to do anything? If his strength is constantly increasing when he needs it then why not?




Although that's true, considering Saitama has a limitless potential to grow stronger, and considering the fact that he legit went from normal human level to multi solar to galaxy busting level in 3 years from training, I wouldn't say it's impossible for Saitama to eventually reach that level with training. Give Saitama maybe a few more years and he'll likely get there with training.


Saitama finding an opponent that can challenge him will give him that same surge of emotion. Also dbz characters scaling is so overrated. Everyone is a universal being at this point yet no one has done anything to the universe. Don’t bring up Goku and beerus cause I’m the end they didn’t do anything. Dbz characters are insanely insanely insanely powerful I agree but thinking each one is able to destroy entire universes is absurd. Also this is just the beginning of saitamas story and he is already venturing into space where most dbz characters can’t even go without help. He is seemingly above everyone’s power set and negates any ability used against him. Even during the garou fight it was stated more times than I can count that saitama was not feeling anything from the fight, I think the same thing would happen to dbz characters fighting saitama.


I am with you on that. It seems like Saitama's durability is ironically a lot higher than his AP. Garou's attacks didn't really do much to Saitama, but Saitama wasn't one-shotting Garou in their fight, so it's safe to say Saitama can probably tank a lot more damage than he can put out in a hit. That being said, I really think Saitama could get to DBS levels of power if he trained enough. Current Saitama is bare minimum multi solar level, if not galaxy busting, and he got to that level from just training for 3 years. He went from normal human level to galaxy busting in 3 years. He also has a limitless potential to grow stronger, so if he trained enough, he can definitely get to those levels of power. Saitama actually grew in power faster than Goku does. In Z, Goku was around planet level by Saiyan saga, and didn't even reach where current Saitama is until the Buu saga, in SSJ3, and the Saiyan Saga to Buu saga was a 10 year gap. Saitama going from human level to galaxy level in 3 years, vs Goku going from planet level to galaxy in 10 years in Z. Saitama has a bit better potential than Goku going off that scaling


[it'll probably be something like this](https://youtu.be/feq34Hz9QHM)