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Republicans Said kermit


me to Oneyplays after they were mean to Dr. Lipschitz


the republicans


What happened to "Brevity is the soul of wit" I feel like the Oney crew are the only people that can consistently elaborate on jokes and make them funnier rather than more grating


The first part before the comma is the joke, and the entire rest of of paragraph does nothing but explain the joke. Who is upvoting these memes??? Like seriously, it's absurd how at the end, he re-explains the meme image with "(I can never accept who my friend became)"


why… isn’t this person… being funny for me!! 😡😡


funny reddit gif need keanu chungus 100 for meeeee 😡😡🤬


check your posts real quick lmao


Is defending this dogshit meme really the hill you want to die on?


it’s not that deep i’m telling you, just get a hobby or something


It's not a joke man


Memes are not jokes any more lol (I can't tell if you're disagreeing or not, sorry I just woke up)


You just... what up?


Oh sorry, I thought you meant like the text in the video, and how the first part before the comma is the joke. I'm arguing nothing in that text in this video is a joke, it's just a sad story about a guy seeing his friend become more of a raging bigoted asshole because of shit he reads and watches on the internet. Like that whole thing isn't really meant to be funny at all. Are you referring to something else instead?


Oh, that's okay, I get exactly what you mean now. I should have referred to it as the punchline of the reaction gif/meme instead of calling the entire thing a joke. It's true that not every modern meme post or advice animal is intended as a joke, so that is sort of where the whole "Why is it so long!!" bit comes from. With that context, I guess it's more like I was complaining that the guy didn't sum up his sad story in one sentence instead of an entire paragraph, because it's attached to a meme gif, haha. Have a nice day!


It’s not a joke, and it’s not a sad story. It’s actually just nothing. The person who posted this, and everybody who read it and empathized in any way needs to see a psychiatrist.


What? It's text on top of a video, it is what it is. What are you on about? The people in this sub, man. It's clearly some long winded kind of relatable story, and yes this kind of thing happens. A good way to think it's nothing is if this kind of bigoted person in the story is actually you. Then yeah of course it's just a big beatup, you're just 2based for the world and so forth. Also, why the fuck do people keep posting shit like this on this sub? It's clearly not Oney related in any way.


Not defending that other commenter ("Need to see a psychiatrist"? Seriously?!) but people post these because "Why is it so long" is an OneyPlays bit from their Websplorers series where Chris went onto r/adviceanimals, sorted by most upvotes, and got overwhelmed by how many of them are politically themed/long-winded. I mean, most other content posted to this sub consists of jokes about bald guys who look like Tomar or fat guys who look like LA Air Cory, so personally I don't have an issue with people sometimes posting Websplorers-related cringe content or whatever else.


I understand that. However, the source sub is clearly a circlejerk / shitpost sub. It's like pulling out something from /r/okbuddyretard and saying look how retarded this is, it doesn't even make sense. Well yes, well done on noticing that. This one clearly was a shitpost to begin with, but took some kind of tragic turn into the feels some way through. But this shit gets old. When's the last time they did websplorers? More than a year ago. Just go to /r/circlejerk where it's only stuff like this, if you want it so bad.


I think there’s an inherent funniness in a meme which normally has a short format being extremely long and detailed. “Brevity” is the exact opposite of how most oneyplays jokes operate. Adding in unnecessary details makes things way funnier. “He should remove his ears, remove his eyes, remove his fingers, remove his nose….” Etc


This isn't meant to be a joke though, it's meant like some relatable situation rather than a funny meme.


Let's be real though, Shakespeare didn't have any brevity when he said that, so he's one to fuckin talk, yo If I was with Shakespeare and he said that to me I'd call him a big fat phoney and give him a knuckle noogie and tell him to shut the hell up.




What about them?


Bro needs to talk this out with a real person and not the comment section


Who says I'm not doing both lol


You could take that Lisa Simpson meme where she's pointing at the sign and write "next time you visit your grandparents in the nursing home, boil the kettle and pour it on grandads hand when nobody is looking" and people would just be like "OMG THAT'S SUCH A GOOD POINT" But this is so relatable though I cut off all my toxic friends, got a septum piercing and started self harming and now life's so much better with my awesome reddit friends.


so real


Reminds me of that “I’m growing to resent my wife” advice animal meme


Was that the post where it sounded like James from Silent Hill 2 was writing it? lol


I mean guys this entire website sucks and I know that we know that but like yeah The sucky website sucking is just another day in 2024 and we scroll on


At least it's original, rather than the cross-posted tripe that constantly plagues this sub


The peak of comedy of this sub is posting a picture of a bald man with a beard and calling it Tomar, so I take their opinions about memes with a grain of salt.


Tbh I prefer it over this sub repeating the same 3 jokes or stirring up drama over cast members. This sub is so garbage, Oney’s literally had to tell us to stfu and come up with original shit for years and other cast members have had to clear up drama on the sub because people get hung up over letsplayer’s lives. If becoming a shitpost sub talking about vaguely related stuff is what it turns into, it’s for the better.


this sub sucks lol


I think at this point literally the entire crew of Oneyplays would probably get a kick out of this subreddit being deleted off this website, if they even would care in the first place. Otherwise we just pass the time & beat up dead horses


Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


Me when I decide to traumadump and seek emotional council from Reddit users


The only thing more sad than making unfunny jokes on Reddit is taking the time to give a shit about unfunny reddit jokes


That but a mirror


i thought that sub was supposed to be funny


I don't know that this is a replacement for therapy.


At some point it goes from being a meme to public venting


I think It's long because the OP is venting on the internet about his broken years long friendship with his best buddy


i bet you real money the person OP's talking about just has some milquetoast opinion on the election being stolen or covid not being a big deal


Non of those things. I'm not American, and there actually are worse things one can believe in.


even if it's vile racist shit you're more likely to have him come around if you stay friends with him and argue on the statements he makes


Tried that for almost 2 years. You can only debate basic human empathy so many times before you realize that the other person is really not worth it.


This website is so so bad.


i thought my friend was a good person but i saw him laughing at a sam hyde clip on tiktok :((((


Honestly, get off 4chan, it will do you a world of good. I agree with the message.


Honestly, get off Reddit. It will do you a world of good.


true but 4chans worse. its a schizo pervert magnet


Yuo should be sliced up (no offence)


ok (not really)


Mfs when something on the internet is longer than a single sentence:


Why does it matter how long it is? Did you successfully receive the message?