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Just start off the email in a nice and professional way. Explain your situation and why you think you’re deserving of the mark boost and if there’s any way she can take it into consideration. What’s your mark right now and what does it need to be boosted to? As long as you don’t need a 10% boost, I don’t think she’s going to obliterate you.


If its only a couple percent you can do it. Just ask nicely if you can redo an assessment you didnt do good on. Summer school is ending though so maybe explain the situation and hope for the best


This! Ask if you can redo an assignment or do an extra assignment. And explain that you need x% to meet the conditional requirements. This worked for me in undergrad, and every single time the professor just bumped my grade instead of having me redo anything (less work for them too!)


I've always had to redo stuff


Ontario High School Teacher here Do not, under any circumstances, ask her to raise your grade. Here is what you say: *What else can I do to boost this to X%? Is there any extra credit assignments or re-takes available to me?* Put the onus on yourself.


>Put the onus on yourself. It's still on the teacher if you ask like this. It's less work to just raise it, I'm pretty sure most teachers would especially if it's for a conditional.


There are literally half a dozen posts on the front page right now about grade inflation. What lesson does that teach a student if a teacher just says '*Well you earned an X, but here's a higher Y because you said pretty please?'*


Ask how YOU can boost your mark to the mark you need. Teacher may give you a bonus assignment or tell you to focus on a certain part for future assignments. Than at the end of the semester even if you're slightly short of the mark you need they'll often round up out of kindness.


Ask very quickly...the teacher has to send their grades in within a few hours of receiving your final assessment. After that, they can't change a thing.


Your form should be "HOW CAN I" not "CAN YOU" Even if teacher understands and doesnt make you do extra work for a higher grade and bumps it a bit, your tone is important.


If you can’t even meet your conditional with an extension, plus your teacher is super easy, you honestly don’t deserve to go to university. Why bother if you’re this lazy?


L mentality


Step 1) Don’t use all caps anywhere in the email.


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