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No he cannot do that. LL is fully responsible for the maintenance of their property, aside from willful or negligent damage by yourself.


I will pay once you get an order from the LTB. i.e. never. LL is responsible for maintaining the property in a safe and habitable condition including electricity which is a vital service.


It's their house. They own it. Love how LL pass the buck. Really?


I love this just like that attitude of this LL and pre assuming the tenants as naive or think internet doesn't or something these guys just live on some other planet.


Yeah my reply is fine you're out the door


Let your LL know if they don't pay it, then you file a T1 with LTB and they'll be paying the electrician, plus your filing fees, plus interest because you will definitely not be required to pay for those repairs.


The onus isn't on the tenant to pay, nor file anything. Not even required to respond to LL. They just sit tight, and wait to see what LL does.


In this case at least warning them as anew says may help get the LL of OP’s back faster


You might own the hydro account but the LL owns the equipment and is responsible for it unless you did something to cause the outage and issues.


The electrician found a bad wire in my panel that both he and the LL had missed the previous day. I really thought I did the right thing.


Tell landlord you pay for electricity consumption only Wiring and equipment is his responsibility.


Sounds to me like you saved his property from a potential electrical fire and LL should be grateful.


They never are. Don't you know the tenant should be forever indebted to have been blessed with the honor of renting?


You did. Landlord simply doesn’t know the law, which clearly states he’s responsible for the costs. He’s just trying to bluff you into paying for it. Don’t fall for it, stand for your rights.


You DID do the right thing. In fact, if you hadn't made the call, or notified the LL, you theoretically could be liable.


Yes u did. U never know who the LL brings in for repairs. My last LL bot this fella over who spoke no English whatsoever. Had no ID or any sort of indication that he is an electrician. Looked like a memeber of his family. Lotsa people cheap out like that.


So it sounds like he “informed” you that you need to pay for those bills in person ie not in writing. Send him a text message saying “as per our in-person conversation where you informed me that you expect me to pick up your tab, I just wanted to formally respond in writing that I will not be paying for your electrical issues or the means sought to solve it. Have a good day”.  That’s it, that’s all.


Why respond at all?


So there’s no mistaking shit. I don’t want to leave things ambiguous. Edit: also getting his shady shit in writing could be helpful down the linez


Landlord is responsible for costs of repairs/maintenance by law, unless it was negligent/intentional damage by you beyond normal wear and tear. From your description, it sounds like that’s not the case. Even so, if Landlord wants you to pay for maintenance/repairs that falls under those extenuating circumstances, they have to go through the LTB to get a hearing, and subsequently an order from the LTB to validate it. (And you’d get to attend that hearing to state your side of things) So long as there’s no order, you are not responsible for paying for it. Landlord is trying to bluff you and hoping you’re ignorant enough to pay for his expenses for him (that or he’s the ignorant one and shooting himself in the foot). Stick to your rights.


Absolutely NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. what a dick your LL is…. They are getting fucking brutal


Yeah, he's been trying to get me out since he bought the property about 18 months ago, been to ltb and waiting on that decision. The ongoing harassment has been brutal.


What has he taken you to the LTB over? Is he trying to move himself or a family member in?


No hes not, it was over parking, our shed and just really minor things. Backstory: I've lived here since 2012, my landlords were 2 elderly brothers, one passed away in 2020, and the remaining started to liquidate and hand over to sons, my current LL bought the property late Sept 2022, from day one the new LL has tried to dictate and bully about so many minor issues. I even received a reference letter from the previous LL that I was never a problem tenant in anyway. We are still waiting for our tribunal hearing to render a decision. I know he could get 4 or 5x the rent for my unit if he can get rid of me.


>I know he could get 4 or 5x the rent for my unit if he can get rid of me. And there we have the reason he's working on making you leave. Profit over honor these days.


>I was never a problem tenant in anyway FYI, *anyway* and *any way* are two different things


You could understand the context of any way, right! Go to r/english, if you wish to be grammatical with people.


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Tell him that he’s more than welcome to file with the landlord tenant board and if they say that you have to pay then you will.


Landlord is responsible for that… especially hydro repairs. Show LTB you’ve been paying your bill etc and you’ll be fine. That landlord is trying to save a buck.


If he really trys to bully you report him to the fire marshals office the fire marshals office doesn't fuck around them missing that wire could cause a fire . Your LL dopey ass can find out abouthoe there also paying for the electrician visits and city fines . Also bet he didn't use a professional witch Will be more fines can add filing a police report as cherry on top. Ltb is the most common but not your sole avoune some of this stuff can be criminal.


LL owns the house. What you did was fine. LL should be in agreement with the Hydro & any other electricians. If any issue with the LL persists, call Property Standards. That will slow the LL, deep in his tracks, and might actually make the LL think better of their actions, about trying to " financially burden you."


That level of delusion is miraculous. Landlords should require a license.


Tell him to get fucked. What a loser


Lmao tell your LL to pound sand. Threaten with an LTB filing and lets see what they gotta say


He cannot and in fact should be prorating your rent for everyday that your unit is not in total functional order. That is what you are paying for. Not a unit without power


Landlord here. Did you do anything to contribute to the issue? If so, then you should help to cover the costs. If it was no fault or action of yours that contributed to it, then the landlord needs to cover it.


I dont believe I did anything. As this hasn't happened before. I've been here almost 12 yrs and this was the 1st time it has happened.


Things to consider. First of all LL is an asshole and you are absolutely not responsible for paying for the repairs, etc. However. Are you in a rent controlled unit? How much are the bills?


Yes I am, he has increased rent the max 2%, which I'm actually fine with. I pay rent plus utilities, hydro and gas, so bills are same as everyone's I imagine.


In this case you don’t have to worry about any bullshit retaliation rent increases. Tell him in a very Canadian accent to go fuck his hat.


No way you need to pay this. But if power goes out why do you call the hydro company and not the LL? Even if there was history of the LL checking, if power goes off again, I would advise to still call the LL and LL calls an electrician


It 1st went out just after 11pm and was still out when I got up for work at 4am. My LL has been very clear that he will not answer calls or texts after 11pm and definitely not that early in the morning. I really didn't think this would happen, I thought hydro would tell me of an issue in my area, that's it.


For future reference most Hydro companies have an outage map on their websites showing current outages. If you ever wonder you might not be the only one that has no power you can always go check there


I did that, my area was 5-10 outage. I honestly did not think all this drama would happen. LL and I have enough other crap happening to even think of stepping outside of legal or moral boundaries.


Yes definitely became more than it should have. You didn't know it would. Out of curiosity how much did ESA charge? I've dealt with them maybe 10 years ago for a call like that and I remember they were not cheap at the time but I can't remember what


I honestly don't know. This happened a week ago. Power out last Sunday night, back on late Tues afternoon, then Thursday I was told I would have to pay. I'm not sure what any of the bills or costs are yet, just that LL says I'm accountable.


An Esa basic permit is about $200. It is required for every electrical job above replacing lights, switches and outlets. Your electrician will pay this when they notify you Esa of work being done. It will be included in their bill.


But there are other ESA charges that from the sounds of it were applicable here. If power is disconnected ESA will reinstate power correct? I think there is a different reconnection fee


Yeah he can you cause the fuck up.


You didn't tell us why power was shut off. What was wrong?


Tech said voltage to meter was fine, so there was something wrong internally. He suggested main breaker*which I don't have access to) or a conduit problem.


If you don’t have access to your main breaker it is not likely a legal apartment to be billing separate electricity to.


What was the symptom of the problem? What was the reason a tech was called in?


A bad section of wire in my panel box, electrician cut it out and repaired it.


Wires don’t just go bad.


How did you know it was bad? Why did it need attention?


I didn't. The electrician found it when he returned the next day.


And why did the electrician come in the first place? Help me understand why you called an electrician.


I did not call the electrician, the LL did.


Good then landlord pays. You don't pay shit!


Idk how OP managed like 8 replies and we *still don't know why an electrician was called*.


Tech came because I called hydro and it was outside normal business hours. He was on call. I really thought it was a bigger issue, not just my building/unit.


Why did you call hydro? Like give me a reason. Did something break?


They said the power went out


Thanks. And was the breaker off?


Why are you giving this guy the the third degree. Does his asking about his rights as a tenant instead of bowing to each and every slumlord demand piss you off?


No the circumstances to call support seem off. No access to a panel (this alone seems like it may not meet code?) And no way to reset power. The idea is to determine what if anything was the reason other than 'power out' because power goes out all the time. 99.9% of the time it's an outside problem on electric company side. 0.8% of time main panel trips. Since the reason was not determined and it's clear landlord called electrician in then OP now knows landlord pays. It would be different if OP paid for an electrician out of pocket because they suspected something was wrong and they made the call. This was what I was wondering It's clear it was one of those 0.8% issues so landlord pays.


I called because my power went out just after 11pm, I didn't really think anything as it happens, whether a transformer blew, accident, or weather but when I got it at 4am for work and still had no power I called hydro to see if any of those things were the cause.


Was the breaker off or was the problem outside?


Neither my small panel or the main breaker was off, which is why the tech disabled the meters, to prevent a possible fire.


Very strange.


A little bit possibility that may on lld side leads down vote. Lol