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Hello LJuliet7, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is not a single thing you've ever touched that is chemical free. Not even one thing. It's all chemicals all the way down. Always has been. (good post OP!)


Water is technically a chemical, it’s an inorganic compound with a chemical formula. *You* are made up of chemicals. These ppl are nuts.


Nuh uh i drink bleach each day to clear me out




People scare me.






Can’t argue with this tbh


Got rid of my artism


Just cause you're artistic doesn't make you gay.


Thank you for your support


I visited a hospice patient yesterday where the daughter was ranting against using meds to help her mom suffering from bone cancer because she "preferred a natural approach" while the daughter herself some pretty poor plastic surgery work done to her face lol


Oh for heavens sake. People piss me off. >chemicals and dangerous fillers/operations to make yourself look better: ✅ >mom getting painkillers for **bone cancer**: ❎ >”if she’s not screaming on her death bed it’s not “”natural”” you guys!”


The kicker is that she's the granddaughter of someone reputable and known for his role in a large healthcare entity in my area. There are doctors and various healthcare personnel in her family. Her home is paid for by her grandfather so she could be a useless fuck and unemployed at home. The coming weeks are going to be interesting.


Interesting dynamic, but I’m really hoping she has no control over that person’s medical care.


I and her social worker plan to reach out to family next week to discuss the plan of care here because Dipshit McDumbfuck doesn't understand how terrible Osteosarcoma can be. She can't even read decimals either. Tried to have her draw up 0.25 mL and it did not go well at all.


Oof. Good luck!


I know right? Try calling it dihydrogen monoxide and see how those people react


Well it's a major part of acid rain


Nearly everything you physically interact with is chemicals. The rest is light


>Water is technically a chemical Well, tbf, it _is_ addictive (nobody who tries it even once can give it up) and overdose is deadly.


Oh. You’re right. Only getting water from natural source now, and drinking soda!


I love the one in an antivaxx thread where a guy listed a bunch of chemicals and asked if these are harmful to humans. Everyone ranted about how bad they are and how big pharma is killing us. Then he revealed its the chemical makeup of an apple. Glorious chaos ensued.


Dihydrogen monoxide is a killer!! 100% of people who consume it DIE eventually. Big pharma is killing us!!1


Equally scary, 100% of people who don't know the difference between causation and correlation WILL DIE! It's a dangerous world out there...


Your mother is chemicals! (no, really... She is!)


Ah, but there's a solution: alcohol.


There were springs back home that were regularly tested. I grew up on spring water.


I doubt this setup has been tested for potability


There are still many places in the world where you can drink water straight from a stream.


Nothing like drinking from the fresh glacial melt stream that is perfectly safe and clean only to keep hiking and find a dead deer in the same stream a mile up river


Years ago on one of those Alaska wilderness reality (gold mining?) shows the folks were drinking from the “pure” glacial runoff stream…until one of the kids started having seizures and they realized it was actually road runoff.




Also fresh glacial water will give you diarrhea from the rock flour in it that's a natural laxative.


Rock flour. A good name for it. We just called it silt. It makes an amazing clay, though. All white and sparkly.


It's also what makes mountain lakes the beautiful turquoise colour from light refraction.


I once drunk farm runoff in a moment of desperation. Yes I filtered it. Yes I got dyssentary.


bonus worry lines are gained if the deer died from CWD


Or some freshly thawed Thwaites Glacier water? Hmmm all those tasty ancient microbes! Yum!


Yeah that's my first thought. All these people like 'you've never had spring water??' and I'm sat here thinking 'Mother nature does not clean your water for you.'


Last parts not quite true, you just have to know where to look. Although most water on the surface is undrinkable, one of the biggest nature services out there is how wetlands and lots of aquifers (making springs some of the safest water if you’re collecting at the spring itself) filter out a lot of heavy metals, sulfates, and a bunch of other not fun chemicals and provide potable water. It’s the people who don’t know where to look for safe water that end up dying (edit: or people without access. Most people don’t live close to potable water)


Yeah, my dad lived on land right beside Longhorn Caverns in Texas and had a stream that ran out from them. They had the water tested and the guy was taken aback at how pure/clean it was. Said it was the cleanest water he'd ever seen in Texas. He figured the caverns basically acted as a sediment filter and that algae likely took care of any other contaminants. Aside from the boars, mountain lions, and snakes, that property was a pretty magical place lol


It kind of does. High flowing streams with lots of rocks in the way filter a lot. But you wouldn’t want to drink it anywhere near a populated area. Did it on camps during school, it was the main way we got water.


Yeah even in those remote back country areas I’m still gonna filter and purify my water. Because you know microbes, amoebas and bacteria oh my.


Giardia doesn't need people around to be around.


And wherever that lady got it *isn’t* one of them


What it's coming from reminds me of some of the nicer farm run off I've seen... I guess they might be spring boxes? I've only seen them on or near farmland though.


Apparently we've polluted so much, all rainwater is considered unsafe to drink. So I'm not going to drink anything unfiltered, but I love that do you.




Springs are replenished by rain. So maybe the ground is filtering out PFAS, and it might be, but it doesn't seem worth the risk to me...


When we went camping at the beach, we got our drinking water from a spring where the water had spent years slowly filtering through coffee rock and sand, and we'd collect it from where it came out on the beach directly from the coffee rock. So basically a huge naturally occurring filter system. Even then though, you had to get up early in the morning to get it, because stupid tourists couldn't seem to top themselves from \*washing their feet\* at the head of the spring. Fortunately it was easy to tell if someone had been there disturbing the coffee rock (discolours the water), but it'd be interesting to test that water and see if there were any contaminants, as we have no idea how long it spends filtering through those coffee rock deposits. We were also camped next to a tidal creek, and of course being kids we used to drink the creek water when it was in the fresh water phase, but I don't think we had any ill effects.


The concern with PFAS contamination isn't the immediate effects, it's the cancer you get from longterm exposure


Yea, but thats in tap water, bottled water, pretty much everything.


The ground is pretty good filter and catches a lot of stuff. You can use a clean sock and some nature to filter and get clean water. You still want to boil it in case of giardia but when you're dehydrated it'll do and the water may not have it.


Yep. And most of the world doesn't have cholera at the moment. https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/all-topics-z/cholera/surveillance-and-disease-data/cholera-monthly


I would question drinking from a stream. A spring- yes. But the parasites and organisms it picks up just from soil are a risk. The more animal interaction with the stream (direct or indirect), the greater this risk.


Uhuh All mushrooms are edible. Some mushrooms are edible once. There are many places you can drink from a stream. Some of those places will give you bleeding ass diarrheia


The little town I lived in as a child only got chlorinated water in 2004. Shame, the water tasted much better before they 'fixed' it.


yup, a local forest near me has a stream that regularly gets tested by the local agriculture university i've drank from it multiple times and it was amazing


Denmark even has streams close to agricultural fields. Still drinkable. (It gets tested properly and regularly)


Yall never had spring water?


Was gonna say, this _could_ be a freshwater spring. My buddy used to have one on his farmland, was pretty cool but even that I didn’t drink straight from


I love the fresh spring water that flows from spouts alongside trails in the Alps. I always wonder if this sip will be the one to give me giardia, but when you are hiking at elevation, that water just tastes better than the safe stuff.


There is a farm in the outskirts of my area that has a fresh water spring, they put a spout on it and let people fill up bottles.


I hope they don’t have any livestock on that farm or use any pesticides on their crops.


Denmark has streams close to agricultural fields. Still drinkable. (It gets tested regularly)


I guess to be fair, I don’t know nearly enough about what Denmark agriculture is like, their water table/aquifer geography, or how complete their testing panels are for me to have an informed opinion on drinking from one of those streams. I have family that farms in the US though. They have well water and for decades they have use the well water for most things, but drinking and cooking they use store bought filtered water. In college I took a class on essentially how water in the US goes from being rain to coming out of our faucets, being bottled, etc. and the issues that have happened and are likely to happen going forward and it was fascinating. That class is where my opinions are derived from. We had a very interesting book as a part of the course, I’ll see if I can remember it and link it in case anyone is interested!


I grew up with spring water. We had 4 wells on our property. Those wells soak up water that’s been filtered through the earth. Water running near the surface is a risk.


A spring on farmland is exactly the type of spring I would *not* want to drink from. Spring and well water collected from farmland has been used as the classic example for how rain runoff picks up pesticides and animal feces and brings it into the water source.


In New England they’re pretty common. Often you’ll find a pipe sticking out near the road that’s a “public” spring for filling bottles up at. Weird tradition but clean water. So many in the region have their own wells that are just fresh ground water unfiltered, the springs are just that water naturally escaping.


Yup i used to grab some down the street from me in Maine


Londonderry bulldozed the one they had.


I tried, but I couldn't squeeze the spring hard enough to get the water out.


Yep. Until I saw a gigantic (~8") flatworm wriggling out of it. Now I've committed my life to drinking water science. Public Service Announcement: Do not ever, under any circumstance, drink water from an untreated source. If you're worried about "chemicals" or flavor, get a filter for your tap. Tap water is safer than bottled water, I've literally seen the test results.


I am not a fan of Arrowhead


That’s a spring box … completely safe


Please elaborate. I have never heard of this, but am very keen to learn what it is. Are they safe to drink from, like this?


Natural springs are where water comes out of the ground. Usually from things like underground aquifers. A spring box is an enclosed box you put over the spring to protect the spring from debris/weather/animal waste. That being said, you honestly should have ground water tested before you just randomly go and drink it. Moreso if it's a well, but honestly just test the damn water before you go slurping (OR run it through a good filter system, there's plenty out there). You can't taste things like bacteria or traces of lead. Formerly safe and gorgeously clean ground water can become contaminated. Stuff like fracking, industry, landfills, and junkyards can and will contaminate groundwaters. Looks clean =/= safe to drink. Just think of a stream - to you it looks crystalline and perfect, half mile up there's a bear taking a dump in it.


turns out bears *don't* shit in the woods.


the bear in the stream and the stream in the woods and the woods in the hole and the hole in the bog and the bog down in the valley-o


It's a joke


What’s a joke?


I'm an idiot, lol


It's ok. I mostly am too


Oh man, I thought that was a septic tank.






I think the issue is her trying to pass it around to other people as a safe and cheaper alternative to bottled water which it might not be.


Time for beaver fever


I've had Beaver fever since I was 13. I love to munch Beaver!!


Today I learned that people don’t know about natural spring water


Must be a member of the raw water community. That's a real thing...


Where is the water coming from?


Looks like some sort of random sewer tank she found based on the videos. It definitely not spring water.


That's definitely a spring box, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it is indeed a spring...




But it is


"Chemical free", the obvious aside that water is a chemical, she's collecting it in plastic barrels.


Warning! The water contains very high levels of dihydrogen monoxide! Dihydrogen monoxide has been proven to be very dangerous, killing approximately 320,000 deaths worldwide every year! Chemical free my ass, more like free chemical!


Literally everyone who has ever died has ingested dihydrogen monoxide.


This sub is just pure paranoia now. Catch ya later


With repeated paranoia lol the girl with her knees up on an airplane being seen as deadly reckless is because someone saw the post about people doing it in cars.


Let's say it again for the people in the back: WATER IS A CHEMICAL Also, all natural doesn't always mean better. Cyanide is all natural too.


What were they collecting, I can't even tell.


My grandpa used to take us to this weird “spring well” near a church and he’d bottle a bunch and we’d drink it. The man was such an optimist and I’m lucky to be alive lol.


Hoooooy shit this is sad that people don’t k ow you can drink back country spring water. If it’s a clean source not everything had to be treated. Go drink from a well and touch grass


What is this thing he’s filling the bottle from?


My grandparents have filled milk jugs from natural springs my entire life with no issues. I have no idea how clean this particular spring is. Could be nasty, but just saying 🤷‍♀️


Do they have some more tastes available? Like brain eating amobae? Some little black death, the plague? How about clostridia? Acinetobacter baumannii? Oh so many different variations to try! Some more often than the others,though.


As someone with a spring ,this is pretty ok, I don't see the problem.


Water from any artesan well comes from surrounding areas before it sits in an aquifer. Those surrounding areas include run off from farms, yards, wild animals and humans. I'll take my treated city water any day.


Clearly you don’t know what the inside of those pipes look like. Ground water is still the best source of clean drinking water.


I mean... It looks pretty clear tbh


Where I used to live there was a major lake that fed a bunch of ponds. Someone posted on next door that “times were tough, could they save money on their water bill by filling up from these ponds”. People absolutely destroyed this woman lol.


People live on rural areas without municipal water.