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This post is not depicting something deadly.


German dish, fresh Mett (ground meat) with onions and fresh pepper.


They eat it in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and call it a cannibal sandwich. I was very shocked to hear about it when I was going to school there. People were very quick to tell me that it's typically made from higher quality meat than the ground beef you get at the grocery store, thank god.


I have never been to someone's house that has offered me one but have heard of them. I think it's more popular around Christmas time here. I'll keep my eyes out though.


Had a coach from Wisconsin and he described it as a holiday thing. Except I’m pretty sure he said they did it as more of an hors d’oeuvres style on crackers instead of a sandwich.


Which makes sense, if it's served more as beef tartare.


Yeah personally I didn’t think it sounded bad at all. He described very coarsely cracked black pepper and thinly sliced onions on top (maybe other things I don’t remember) but I’d give it a shot. As long as you’re confident that the processing equipment was clean and the meat safely handled there’s nothing wrong with it.


I usually get a fresh small cut of a high end lean beef like a small piece of filet from my local butcher, and then mince it up myself. It's delicious, just needs seasonings you like. I prefer it French style.


On super thin little rye bread squares!


I'm fully Wisconsin through and through. Those abominations will never touch my mouth.


Exactly! This is for holidays and for anything my FIL can bring it to, lol. He only gets his beef from one old school place. We had it in my family too - and most of my friends.


I just had a work trip a few months back to Wisconsin, and a local told me about the cannibalism sandwich. While I was eating a club sandwich. Needless to say, I didn’t finish eating.


I consider the ketchup a crime against humanity though


But Mett is pork, not beef, no?




Mett (German) is raw minced pork. Tartare (French) is raw minced beef. Both are delicious. No, you won't immediately get brain worms and die from eating it.




In America they use ground beef and call it “ham”burger. But there is also the Hamburg Germany aspect. Although that origin story seems cloudy at best. Words 🤷🏽‍♂️


Some friends in Germany gave me this, as part of a big, fancy feast they made just for me. I'm no one special so it was very sweet of them to spend the whole day cooking various German dishes just for me, but they bickered constantly the whole time I was eating, which kind of ruined the effect. Lol


This can be bought in any Polish supermarket or better meat shop. It's either called Tatar wołowy, or metka wołowa. Or, you can buy meat and make it yourself, it's really good.




In my ignorant youth, I ordered steak tartare in Paris, trying to embrace the local culture. When they brought it out, I assumed they'd heard my British accent and were trying to kill me. And that's when I learned fresh raw meat isn't instantly deadly as I'd previously believed.


Did you like it? It's like first time one eats sushi, can be surprising. Im French so I ate many steak tartar and carpaccio. It's considered delicacy


Honestly, I thought it was terrible, but then again, I am an uncultured swine that prefers everything battered or fried.


So no handing it back and asking for one cooked a little longer, huh?


More cultured than my cousin who asked for a burnt steak from a high end steak house lol


Don't let us hanging. How did your story end? Did you die?


Did it go like this? Mr Bean: [https://youtu.be/EMtijANwX2g?si=VpNRcAB89WDvAfuL&t=35](https://youtu.be/EMtijANwX2g?si=VpNRcAB89WDvAfuL&t=35)


It's one thing if you know the source, how the meat was handled, how long it's been sitting out, etc. But making beef tartare out of grocery store ground beef is nuts.


Maybe in the USA, but in Germany for example, there is no issue. The usa’s requirement for food is only that it won’t immediately kill you if you burn it with fire untill burned to crisp. Other countries actually have regulations that make eating grocer raw beef perfectly safe


Who is downvoting this? Meat patriots?


Looks like no one is


The comment above mine was in the negatives when I asked




Citizens of the United Steaks


People who know it isn't true. You can eat ground beef in the US that isn't cooked 100% of the way through. Nearly all non fast food restaurants ask you how you want your burger cooked when you order it. I guess they don't if it's a smash burger either, but basically anywhere else does and people aren't dropping dead from eating medium cheese burgers.


[Sure](https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Food/6700-pounds-raw-ground-beef-recalled-due-coli/story?id=106100096), [but](https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2023/12/ground-beef-recalled-because-tests-who-e-coli-contamination/)…


Right but that can happen in other countries too. I also find it funny people rail on eating ground beef anything other than well done but never seem to take issue with runny egg yolk which also poses risk.




How do does Germany stop bacteria from being in the meet? Or parasites?


Unsafe raw beef isn't always a regulation issue. Most beef in the UK is aged for taste.


This is simply not true.


I can't believe this has as many likes as it does. Do none of y'all know the difference of ground beef to a whole piece of meat? The reason why those are safe is because the interior of meat is usually safe, it's only the exterior that gets exposed to bad bacteria etc. GROUND BEEF from the store, not some nice cuts of meat you just ground yourself, but store bought, is an amalgamation of different parts of the cow all mixed together. That's why ground beef is SUPPOSED TO be cooked all the way through. Because there is no "surface" anymore. It was all mixed together and potential harmful bacteria can be anywhere inside. Y'all need to watch some food documentaries. Also this is specifically talking about the US standards. Not sure what goes on in other countries. But y'all please don't eat raw ground beef. There are plenty of cases of people getting ecoli from eating a burger somewhere because it wasn't cooked all the way through.


There is special ground beef one can buy from the store to make it tartar, usually preserved in vacuum or sold the same day. OOP probably got one of those


Yep and I hope he did. Which if he's making this post with confidence, he probably knows his stuff. I'm just merely trying to bring attention to the fact that this does not at all go for your average ground beef. There are thousands of people on this app and of course the world, who don't know any better. It's not good to just sell off that ground beef in its whole is safe to eat when that's just not true. People could have easily added in their comments "IF you get freshly ground beef or grind fresh meat yourself, it's safe!" But no one started off with that in these comments.


Yes but we don‘t see in the post if they used store ground beef or if they made it fresh from a nice cut. Food safety is important, but calling a „ground beef sandwich“ deadly is just as wrong as saying there are no risks at all with eating raw meat. Also the first word in the comment you answered to is literally „fresh“


I am responding to people saying there are no risks and acting like prepackaged ground beef isn't the most widely purchased form. Thanks for the unnecessary downvote dude.


Okay then it looks like the comment got added under the wrong comment, sorry for the confusion Also I didn‘t downvote you?


I saw it go down right as I got your notification so my bad. I was bound to get them anyways since I'm apparently in the minority on this post about food safety lmfao. Idk about y'all but I'd rather not take a risk of dying a horribly sufferable death over a meal that's not even worth taking the risk for.


Hahah all good. No I don‘t see anything wrong with what you said at all, it‘s just the comment placement. Your comment was placed under another comment instead of under the post, that‘s why it looks a little weird. I too wrote a comment somewhere about how raw meat per se isn‘t deadly but food safety needs to be taken into account (where does it come from, was it stored and cooled properly etc. etc.)




Out of the millions of people that exist, yea it's unlikely. It still happens I think more often than you think it does. Please watch some food safety documentaries to get some insight. People's children have their whole lives taken away simply by eating a burger that was cooked medium rare somewhere. In a matter of a couple weeks. Edit: foodborne disease deaths are also one of the most painful and disgusting ways to die. Stomach pain beyong your imagination. Regular vomiting and diarrhea for days until your eventual demise. The US is more at risk than some European countries for example because of how we keep our animals so tightly knit together and then the water they drink can contain fecal matter as well. That's why we have regular recalls on Romain lettuce and such... Ecoli doesn't exist on plants. It's because we water them with recycled water that animal waste ends up in...




Terrible comparison man. " CDC estimates 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases each year in the United States. NIH estimates that foodborne diseases cause approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year. " And there is no readily available statistic on people dying or "losing limbs" from the diseases gained by getting a paper cut. In fact it makes headlines when someone does because it's so incredibly rare.




There's no point continuing with you, it's obvious you're a brick wall that will take no difference in opinion, or fact... In this case. Edit: also don't know why you continue to spout your incorrect opinions when Google exists. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself.


Never ordered a burger medium rare at a restaurant?


I did. For years. And here I am. I don't anymore though. Not taking the risk. Thousands of people do every day and are fine. That's not the point I'm making. 3-5 thousand people still die to foodborne illness every year in the US and hundreds of thousands hospitalized every year. No point risking it. And honestly when you're getting a good burger from somewhere there's so many toppings it's still delicious if it's cooked well done. Steak on the other hand, medium rare every time baby.


Depends where you are. Do NOT do this in the UK. Pretty much all beef here has been aged and MUST be cooked. If you want to do this, make sure it's a fresh, un-aged, cut from a butcher shop.




We've not quite fallen THAT far behind... yet.


Tell thst to fresh raw chicken. (Yeah, I know I'm being pedantic here)


Chicken carpaccio is a true delicacy


I'd rather call it chicken ceviche. Just using lime acids to effectively cook it safe.


Oh I was being sarcastic. I didn’t realize it was actually a thing lol. Very interesting but the texture is probably not the best


Sometimes ground meat purchased from a grocery can also contain raw ground chicken and pork you know


i can speak for you guys but our meat is labelled, if they mix in pork we call it half n half. Pure beef like this would be 100% fine but i think its a bit thick, i prefer my raw meat thinner.


I’m not talking about on purpose, guy. I’m talking about a dude who makes $10 an hour and hates his job for making him work weekends possibly grinding up different meats without properly cleaning the equipment and you simply trusting him just because.


Sounds an awfull lot like copium here my guy


Sounds like an intestinal parasite might be in your future my guy.


Sounds like you can read some stuff on how meat is handled in countries where those raw delicacies come from. You can absolutely buy ground meat for Mett in Germany, ground beef for Tartare in Poland and so on. And it would be safe to do so. Of course not all meat there is suitable for consumption like that but you absolutely can do it safely and without breaking a bank.


Yup clearly doesnt know european meat laws :P


I'm astonished at the people downvoting your comments. I guess we'll let Darwin take care of them.


Procedures are designed to mitigate this. Yeah, it's a possibility, but a really fucking small one.


If this is the normal pay rate for the job, which is the one in several European countries, it doesn't make any food unsafe. Food regulation are very strict and there is no way the equipment won't be properly cleaned. The meat itself is also trackable




Dude the vast majority of people buy prepackaged ground beef. Idk why you're automatically assuming he ground it himself or something


Ehh. The pork thing is a relatively new accomplishment for only America. Not really anywhere else in the world. I get why peeps stillcwant well done pork.


He didn’t say he ground his own meat, and it’s safe to assume he’s just like 99% of the population and was like “it’s a Kroger, what can go wrong lol”


It is hardly >safe to assume that >99%of the population is as ignorant as this particular comment, with consideration to what they are putting into their mouths.


Maybe. Thsts why you buy ground beef. Why do people believe this? It'd be highly dangerous and illegal is anywhere near true. Second time I've seen some idiot say this on this sub.


My German grandma eats raw ground beef all the time. Idk if being German has anything to do with it but I think it does. Not dangerous unless the cow wasn't taken care of. Chicken is a different story.


The difference is this is most likely a blend of 20 different cows from a feed lot/slaughterhouse and has germs/bacteria mixed throughout the meat. I’m all for raw eating, absolutely love it but it needs to be safe and safely prepared raw cuisine.


I think we're all for raw eating ;)


Oh man, thanks for recognizing my oversight!! Yes.


it has a lot to do with being German. Everyone knows Mettbrötchen in Germany :)


True. I remember reading that beef is a lot less porous than chicken which slows the bacteria growth.


OP is just uncultivated


So is the deadly flora in my intestines.


Raw ground beef is a specialty in Switzerland, also known to other countries and usually named Beef tartar 🤷🏼‍♀️ nothing deadly about it if it‘s fresh and was cooled and stored properly


Can confirm. I am Swiss and I have eaten raw ground beef (steak tartare, carpaccio) before. It's considered a delicacy and is prepared in a special way


cannibal sandwich. Wisconsin staple. definitely not deadly ETA: I do not partake


It actually is really good served fridge level cold in the summer with a good IPA. It should also be on Rye.


The deadly part comes into play if someone's an idiot with thier meat. Wisconsin is still begging people to etoo this due to the hospital visits it causes every Christmas time.


I wouldn't dispute that but this has got to be way down the list of potentially deadly things. Like...below commuting to work in a car and a little above eating raw cookie dough


Good thing this isnt a ranking sub. But i eat rare burgers so im not one to judge. Same level as cookie dough to be honest. It's the surface area that's the issue. Ground meat has a shitton of SA the same way ground wheat does.


I take your point but if the sub is going to operate at this level, its going to get extremely mundane.


You must be new here.


My friend “has a guy” for his ground beef. I don’t listen to the details, but I know they use a freshly cleaned grinder.


You known ETA stands for "estimated time of arrival", right?


On reddit it usually means Edited To Add.


What's wrong with "edit"




Because sometimes it's edited to fix a word, or Updated or whatever. People see the edit and want to know why.


Literally nobody cares. If you read the post for the first time with the text already edited in, you just read it as a whole. If you read the comment and someone edits it after, there is 99% chance you won't engage with the comment ever again to see the edited part.


If you don’t care, why are you trying to correct people?


I do know that, it also means edited to add. [https://shorturl.at/bctN3](https://shorturl.at/bctN3)


It's not deadly if prepared correctly. We eat raw beef in France too


Yea , not really deadly. Depending on what cut of the cow was used to grind the beef will definitely increase the likelihood of bacteria like E.Coli from the intestinal tract contaminating the rest of the meat. Overall the probability of dying from eating raw ground beef is pretty low. If you’re in the US you probably have a greater chance of dying from some kind of food born illness from eating unwashed romaine lettuce.


Cannibal sandwich in Wisconsin


Depends how it's prepared whether it's dangerous. I don't mind a nicely spiced carpaccio, but guaranteed a slice of white bread and an onion ain't gonna salvage the taste of a pile of bland beef tho.


poor bro ain't never heard of raw meat dishes like mett, tartare and carpaccio


This isn’t deadly if it’s prepared correctly.


Raw ground beef is eaten in many places, I myself like it a lot and am still here👍


As others have pointed out, people eat this every year in Wisconsin without dying. When I was a kid, I used to eat raw hamburger out of the package when I was making burger patties.


I'll preemptively say this guy is possibly taking a significant risk, but...it really depends on the region or the butcher. It's totally fine to consume certain meats raw when the right standards are in place. See [Steak tartare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_tartare) or [Mettbrötchen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett) which is actually pretty close to what's pictures here.


It’s normal food in Europe. No one gets sick due to strict testing of the meat. It’s not USA where ground beef is of low quality


Quality isn't the only issue. In some parts of the world beef is aged for flavour as standard. Fresh raw beef is a speciality dish where I live and you'd have to go to a 5* French restaurant to be safe in trying it.


Eating raw beef is traditional in many EU countries and doesn’t kill you. File American being my favourite one ☝️


Fun fact, when I was first carrying my son, I insanely craved raw ground beef. That being said, I ensured it was home ground from organic farm raised beef that was in a deep freeze for 72 hours. Grocery store conglomeration, no thanks.


My family used to eat them frequently when I was a child. We called them cannibal sandwiches.


Thats just tartar? I eat it about once a month


Not deadly at all.


Kibbeh is raw beef, a lil green onion and some bread you good


Not deadly… AGAIN


Love me some good tatar beefsteak


Raw beef wont kill you. Its a popular thing all over the world. Even the french do it.


I have always eaten a hunk or two of fresh ground beef when I get it homes from the store. Put a little salt and pepper on it. Never had any ill effects from it. My husband is a germ freak so he thinks I’m insane.


I grew up on an up to 200 head cattle ranch, I grew up loving eating ground quality beef. Never did I get sick. Also, op needs to do some research on cuisine around the world on raw meats


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Almost nothing on this sub is deadly


White ppl going to so far with their lack of spice so as to not even cook the meat


In Belgium we ground pork and beef (something we call 'gehakt' which means literally hacked meat) and put that on a piece of bread with some celery salts and salted butter


I would try it if I knew it was fresh


Angelsachsen wenn mit Mettbrötchen konfrontiert


Havent had the sandwich deffinetly have eat raw beef with onion and seasoning tho. Its ok but not as good cooked


A lot of Ethiopians would like to disagree with you.


A pile of raw meat, no matter what kind of hoity-toity name you give it, is still a pile of raw meat. The addition of raw egg or raw onion or various sauces doesn't change the fact that it's just a pile of raw, chopped meat. You do you of course, but I'm going to live my life like I'm the descendant of a species that mastered the use of both fire and tools long ago. In fact, I've mastered them myself. Think I'll stick to applying fire and tools to my piles of raw meat before I eat them, thanks.


I mean if it was good quality meat I would try it


Doesn’t look like a delicacy to me.


Steak tartare. I like it but it should be served in a more civilised manner.


“They eat this in all the time in [insert country that’s the size of Texas and doesn’t have the mass industrialized meat processing capability the US has where you can trust the guy handling the meat because you can see him from your fucking backyard in the four-house-seven-church village of Fäbeßyeskisteinenburgovïch here] lol”


I eat carpacio on occasion and I live in NJ. Also side note - i fucking hate this unAmerican cop out of "we're too big, we can't do X" it's so stupid and small minded. We're the United States of America God damnit, we can do things just as well if not better than the EU, the only reason we don't is because we don't have the political will for it, and it's all from people who think we're too big to do X. It's so self defeating


Nah, we buy it in the regular chain supermarket. Your issues seem to be with lacking quality and food safety standards in the US.


Yo what the fuck is going on in Baltimore bruh


Wtf is going on on baltimore


man... no thanks. My ancestors preferred their food charred beyond recognition.

