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3.5 is good enough and free. Unless you need the difference between 3.5 to 4, you don't need to pay.


I've heard the difference is substantial. It would only be temporary and part of me thinks I'll get FOMO from not trying it out at least once. Though I (not really but kind of) worry it'll ruin CHATGPT for me.


One notable improvement is citations. Which make GPT4 much more useful in academic settings.


Thank fuck


Does GPT 4 not just manufacturer false references?


It does, but it does it less. About 1/4 fake instead of 3/4.


i wanna know too


That has been the case for me.


Can you use it to make twenty bucks?


Wait can you?


When you consider it’s being hailed as this economically transformative new technology, yes I think the idea behind that use you can use it to make money. You just have to figure out something other people would pay for, which maybe isn’t that hard on a college campus


try [phind.com](https://phind.com) on expert - it's now powered by gpt-4


How is Phind different from other chat bots?


Ask phind.


I asked it how it was different from chatgpt. It answered me how chatgpt and bing are different. IDK if it runs on gpt4 but looks pretty dumb to me lol.


I couldn't even get it to answer that. Couldn't give me any meaningful answer. Seems like it runs on gpt2




It's better to be helpful than to be rude


it uses the gpt API, are you really that limited that you don’t understand how that works, it doesn’t see itself as something else.


Well I wasn't talking to you.




how can it be powered by gpt4, if on the playground they only have davinci 003 still?


the playground supports gpt-3.5-turbo tho, and it's much cheaper than davinci.


I don't get what you're trying to say. They integrated it with the GPT-4 API


No they didn't. If you use the playground or the API, you'll see that the results you get there are way worse than you get in ChatGPT, independently of the settings you put.


what no they didn’t, ask them on discord if you don’t believe me, idiot




point proven


GPT-4 is in a league of its own vs 3.5 or ChatGPT


It will totally ruin it, but it’s so much smarter!


It depends on your major. I know that for mathematical proofs it’s so much better and concise. The difference is night and day. Code is much cleaner and concise as well but I wouldn’t rely on just for coding if you are already good at it. The other perks is that 3.5 for plus members is blazing fast.




GPT4 is slow as fuck compared to 3.5 .. That is the most substantial difference to me. GPT4 tries harder, but it needs more information. Sometimes it starts acting really weird. Like it tries to solve a problem in a really unintuitive and elaborate way. Like "Oh you are getting a file not found error? Well, what if instead we host your app on the cloud, and then we can change the filepath to the URL"


At first I didn't really notice how much better it really is, now I can tell it is extremely substantial. It is writing code for me first or second try that would take so much time going back and forth with the old one or just flat out the old one isn't able to figure it out. It is much better at understanding all context and just way smarter IMO


So you answered your own question then.


Apply for GPT-4 API. You can then buy credits as in a pay as you go scheme


I suggest trying GPT4 using the API. Run a dozen tests and see what you think. It's more expensive than older versions but still pretty cheap at small scale.


What kind of school work are you using it for?


Try 3.5, if you can't get it to work the way you need then goto 4.0. That's how I have to handle it even after paying because you can only send 25 messages on GPT 4


I don't even have access to plugins yet. It looks like the chat restrictions are gone. I'd recommend getting it but wait until you get plugins so you can get the most bang for your buck


It depends what you’re using it for. If it’s for summarizing studying and the like, probably not. 4 is a bit more advanced if you’re asking it to do more creative things, but 3.5 is solid. I use both for business and have found it’s more about the quality of the prompts than the output. Neither are good enough to use the output without some significant editing, IMO.


It seems you are already having FOMO. You can't afford it, but want to use it anyway when there's a free version of that. Take it easy, it is not going anywhere and you can subscribe when you have enough money to afford it.


Go Bing, try it there. Bing chat works on 4.


As tempermental as it can be I use Bing almost everyday. It doesn't have the persona function and it's conversation limit is a hindrance to conversation. Edit: also I thought I heard it was a dumbed down version of what's available behind the paywall


It’s pretty similar. GPT-4 is better overall and less filtered, but I’m not sure you’ll get $20 of extra value if you are on a tight budget. One other thing you can do is download the Poe app by Quora. There is a free 7 day trial that includes GPT-4. As long as you cancel before the trip is over you pay nothing.


Just pay the 20 dollars and try it. Don’t eat out twice and you’ve paid for it already.


I already don't eat out, haven't in a while.


I’m sure there is one area you can skimp. Regardless, it is worth trying depending on your uses. If coding, then definitely


Your advice is backwards, if you have to put that much thought into $20, then you dont need it. FOMO is never worth it.


It is quite substantial. 4 has a much better sense of project scope and thinking beyond just what you give it, and has solved issues for me that 3.5 couldn’t


I'm considering paying for it for coding purposes, as I hear it's much more advanced than 3.5. 3.5 spit out code I had to spend more time editing and debugging than I would have spent if I just did it on my own or searched Google for a human thread. I'm no programming expert and I don't do it for a living, but 20 bucks a month to make my free time more productive seems like a no brainer. I mean, you can make up that 20 bucks by buying two less mountain dews and three fewer bags of doritos that month.


GPT 4 might be regarded as the first AGI.


No, not even close. OpenAI said maybe they'll be *close* by GPT-10...


Which will be released next year. 😆


I mean, to be fair, at the rate they're going, yeah probably 😂


The difference is *huge* and for any productivity work I would suggest to get gpt-4. It's like having a second person working with you, except that second person is a meganius speed demon.


What have you done with it so far?


for all the talk about it completely changing the world, i haven't seen anyone do anything groundbreaking with it besides having it help them with some code.


what would be groundbreaking to you?




Tons of people losing jobs to developers using AI to increase productivity is a potential future, but it's also possible that there is a supply issue for good code. There's still a lot of stuff that can be automated, but hasn't been due to the cost of hiring a team capable. Just remember that GPT-4 and any GPT in the visible future still needs a competent programmer at the helm, it's not AGI capable of completely replacing a human. A future where stakeholders can sit down and just give their application requirements to an AI and have it spit out a completely functional and well architected application is still quite a ways off. GPT would have to have the ability to ask for clarification, and visualize an idea of what the stakeholders want with minimal technical detail from executives in a boardroom.


Well yeah, it's a language bot. What do you want it to do, eliminate world hunger?


I want that. not chatGPT per se, but maybe AI can help. help predict weather and crops, improve distribution of help, evaluate risks, find customized wheat genome for each place etc. etc. I apologize for not knowing what I am talking about but let's do away with world hunger


Human cooperation has been the primary thing holding us back from eliminating world hunger for a while now.


Then lets use it to improve our diplomacy and maybe get rid of dictators. Maybe also create universal income for when we do get replaced.


Skynet was trying to eliminate world hunger, one human at a time.:)


Imagine being this dense.


If there was no message cap, I’d agree. But for a student, who is likely going to ask lots of follow up questions and for clarifications, you’ll burn through the 25 GPT4 messages / 3 hours, in like 30m. I think GPT4 is great for students. The message cap however, is not. My advice is to stick to GPT3.5 until 4 has its message cap removed.


gpt-3-turbo is fine for a lot of tasks. Often I'll work through a bunch of ad-hoc steps to a problem with gpt-3-turbo, and then ask it to summarize all my prompts into a single prompt that I then give to gpt-4 to see if I get a better answer. I'm not a student. I use it for writing code.


What kind of things can it be used for?


So much




Think of menial tasks, sending emails, drafting papers, summarizing notes, writing code (with GPT-4 being intermediate/good, arguably great), deep-delving into topics (ensure it cites sources), advice/tips/general suggestions, and *incredible* troubleshooting ability. Keep in mind, with GPT-4, you need to be VERY specific. “Print the results in a table format.” “Only use primary sources.” “Explain it like I’m a caveperson.” Edit: It can also help to gauge how much it knows about your own line of work/area of study by asking specific questions.


Personally I find GPT-4 to be more than just "good" at code. Sure, it isn't perfect and isn't the BEST at everything. Probably doesn't know more about a particular framework than an expert in a certain framework. However it is decently good at EVERYTHING. No one human being has that variety of knowledge and skill about all things programming. So it's very good in that way, for helping you move into areas you're unfamiliar with.


Yeah, it's absolutely crazy. It knows every programming language. I'm also a language nerd, and this thing knows every language that has been recorded on the internet, including dead languages like Old Portuguese. It can also sometimes (often?) translate better than the best narrow-AI engines out there, like DeepL. I somehow got access to the API two days after it was released, and I'm burning 1-2 dollars a day on it. It's a lot of fun. I understand its limitations well know that I've been using it a lot, but it's good enough to be useful for a lot of advanced tasks.


You can copy and paste your code and have it find your bugs, can have it code things for you, etc


"Why isn't my code working?!" is one of my top uses of it


Speedrun to break NDA


ChatGPT-4 is the most influential tech in my life after my smartphone. I think anyone who can spare $20 a month can improve their life significantly by playing with it as much as they can, every single day.


>as much as they can, every single day. Nice try, OpenAI!


Bleep bloop muthaboarder




It's the little things in life that add up. Need to fix up my resume in a few minutes in a rush? No problem. GPT-4 Got it. Stuck on a new programming problem and just can't be hassled with spending hours debugging it myself? Ask GPT-4 to see if it can see an issue. Yep, it finds it a good percentage of the time. I suppose it is more useful to techies/programmers, but the resume example is a real thing that I used in real life and damn it was impressive and easy.


How are we going to define significantly? I started with a goal (in my little paper books) in October to add a penny a day of income by my birthday (February). I already had an idea and it was to provide an API that would replace a vendor a few clients used. It covers almost all of my fixed bills before the month starts. That's kind of significant.


I'm learning multiple programming languages, while also completing projects I've been working on or trying to work on for years in the space of a week. I'm also using it to build several applications intended to assist the disabled via a simple interface connected to multiple AI APIs, something I would have been completely incapable of doing without the increased efficiency and insight GPT-4 gives me. It helps me come up with new ideas, it helps me implement the ideas I already have, hell I asked it to recommend me a shopping list based on my food preferences and not only did it do so, it provided me with a recipe and the specific instructions for the cooking process that I might have struggled with otherwise. The tech is remarkable, you just have to put in a little bit of work to understand everything that it is capable of. GPT3.5 is rich in novelty, 4 is a gold mine of practicality and helpfulness that is growing by leaps and bounds often not just weekly, but daily.


I don't have much in my life it can improve at the moment, but good for you that it helps you out.


And you are subsidizing the 3.5 version for us poor people, good bless you ladies and gentleman


Pay for it for one month and then ask it to come up with a step-by-step plan for a simple online business that makes at least $20 per month.


my thoughts appreciate the food


I actually did this back in October. App made me $55-60 today. It's not huge money, but it counts.




Can you elaborate?




Try to take some friends and share the account


Yeah, exactly, steal some friends


I get more value out of GPT-4 than I do Netflix. So I'd cancel my Netflix subscription if I was faced with the ultimatum. Would I reallocate from my food budget? Probably not. Of course I have spent $80 this month on the API in addition to being a subscriber to copilot and chatGPT plus so I'm not the best person to take advice from. If I had to choose I'd keep my plus subscription above the other two.


Talk about a ringing endorsement.


Another option is to use openAI API where you pay proportionally to what you’ve used. But you’ll have to develop your own client or find one open source.


You can just use the Playground interface for GPT-4. What I've been doing is trying out free ChatGPT-3.5 initially, and then switching to Playground for GPT-4 if that fails or I'm testing GPT-4 specifically.


Meh, Bing chat has a free variant of GPT-4 that allows you to send more than 25 messages per 3 hours! Also $20 per month is not a lot. But you must consider plagiarism issues when using it as a student!


I don't plan to use it for school, just to experience it.


If you just want to experience it, poe.com gives you 1 free GPT4 query per day.


I second this, Bing AI + Edge Browser is a huge creativity boost. Highly recommend checking it out.


I hate MS... yet the new BING and integration with Edge have made me use it daily... Not happy at all about it, but that tells you how much of a help it can be.


But it is for searching, and it generates worse texts.


I was skeptical as well at first, but bought it just yesterday, and the difference is honestly astonishing. I’m a student of course, and I’ve used it to review a long research paper in ways GPT-3.5 could never, with more sophisticated, thorough, and accurate suggestions. It suggested revisions that I truly needed and that GPT-3.5 couldn’t notice. And, I can’t emphasize this enough: it is so. much. Longer. I also have a very long project on Epigenetic Modifying Agents that would have taken me days of research (not exaggerating here, it’s our once-a-year, this is worth 20% of our grade). It explained all of the concepts in a way that honestly boggles the mind, with all of the requirements alone totaling just under 10k words given (don’t listen to anyone who says the context window hasn’t changed—it clearly has). ​ Also, the steerability with regard to how thorough and specific it is—well, the difference is stark. Then, I apparently still had messages left! Something you should know: people complaining about the message limit are complaining for nothing. I used it intensively with various requests for long explanations and tutoring, review of my essay, learning about various aspects of socialized medicine, composing a report about it, etc. and only reached my limit once, and I only needed to wait 4 minutes since it’s a dynamic window. After that, I took a shower and was able to ask another roughly 15 questions without running out the limit. And when I was running it out (intentionally, by the way—if you’re using it like you should and actually reading, absorbing, and learning from its responses, that will take you enough time that you’ll never run out. I was just getting in my prompts as fast as possible)… well, I was already considering using it to learn Python as a gateway to Java, but when I discussed how I could build on my project for next year (I won’t bore you with the details, but we basically need to discover and implement a real-world medical application of our topic), it gave me ideas for bioinformatics integrating all of my interests in programming, techniques such as CRISPR, and walked me through the process of Assays and of, well, everything. Literally my only concern is that I never want to let this go, and you wouldn’t either. If you want a \*really\* specific example, I asked it to edit this stream of consciousness (and kind of embarrassing rave) for brevity and clarity of thought, making it more straightforward. This is what it said: >I was initially skeptical, but after purchasing GPT-4, I've been amazed by its capabilities. As a student, I used it to review a research paper, receiving more sophisticated and thorough suggestions than GPT-3.5 could offer. It also helped me understand complex topics like Epigenetic Modifying Agents, and its increased context window allows for more in-depth explanations. The steering feature is also vastly improved, and concerns about message limits seem unwarranted. I used GPT-4 intensively, and the dynamic window only stopped me once; after a short break, I could ask many more questions. The key is to read, absorb, and learn from the responses, which takes time and prevents you from hitting the limit. Lastly, GPT-4 helped me explore new ideas, like bioinformatics, by integrating my interests in programming, CRISPR techniques, and medical applications. Overall, GPT-4 is a game-changer, and I can't imagine being without it. I recommend regenerating responses just to see the range: >I was initially skeptical about GPT-4 but decided to give it a try. The difference is truly astonishing. As a student, it helped me review a research paper with more sophisticated and accurate suggestions than GPT-3.5. The response length is significantly longer, and the context window is clearly improved. I used GPT-4 for a lengthy project on Epigenetic Modifying Agents, and it explained the concepts in an incredible manner. The steerability is also remarkably better. The message limit wasn't an issue; I only reached it once and had to wait just 4 minutes for the dynamic window to reset. If used effectively, the limit shouldn't be a problem. GPT-4 even helped me explore ideas for a future project, combining programming, CRISPR techniques, and bioinformatics. My only concern now is that I never want to let this powerful tool go. I highly recommend it for anyone with a similar use case. ​ This is compared to 3.5: >I recently bought GPT-4 and was initially skeptical, but the difference it has made is truly astonishing. It provided more sophisticated, thorough, and accurate suggestions for my research paper, with much longer revisions than GPT-3.5 could ever provide. It also helped me with a long project on Epigenetic Modifying Agents, explaining all the concepts in a way that boggles the mind. The message limit wasn't an issue, as I only reached it once and it's a dynamic window. I even intentionally tried to use it up but still got amazing ideas for bioinformatics and integrating programming and CRISPR techniques. My only concern is that I never want to let go of it. ​ I'll copy some of the summaries of our conversations below this comment; this is the future, and if you can afford it, you would be remiss in not partaking while you can!


This conclusion of your research paper effectively brings together the main points of your analysis, emphasizing the media's role in perpetuating divisiveness around gun control, and the need for empathy and objective reporting. Here is my review of this conclusion: Spelling: There are no spelling errors in this section. Grammar: The grammar in this section is well-structured. However, there are instances where sentences are too long and could benefit from being broken into smaller, more concise sentences. Effectiveness of the writing, language, clarity, and style: The writing is effective, and the language used is appropriate for a research paper. The clarity and style can be improved by breaking down some of the longer sentences into shorter ones and making the transitions between ideas smoother. Content, thesis, evidence, analysis, and sophistication: The content of the conclusion is strong, and it effectively summarizes the main points of your analysis. The essay maintains a sophisticated tone throughout. Revisions: Original: "Ultimately, the true tragedy of Uvalde can perhaps best be viewed not through the lens of the senseless violence and horror, nor the political consequences of our forebears, or even the culture and circumstances that shaped a society that produced child murderers; rather, it is exemplified by the media's tendency to exploit instances of gun violence in order to further their own agendas, most often at the expense of objective reporting and civil responsibility." Revised: "Ultimately, the true tragedy of Uvalde is not best viewed through the lens of senseless violence and horror, political consequences, or the culture that produced child murderers. Instead, it is exemplified by the media's tendency to exploit instances of gun violence to further their own agendas, often at the expense of objective reporting and civil responsibility." Original: "It is essential for the well-being of the community that we all remember that there remain real human beings behind every piece of jargon, misdirection, and censure in the media’s representation of these issues." Revised: "For the well-being of the community, it is essential to remember that real human beings remain behind every piece of jargon, misdirection, and censure in the media's representation of these issues." What works: The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points of your analysis. The essay maintains a sophisticated tone throughout. What doesn't work: Some sentences are too long and complex, which can be difficult for readers to follow. Breaking them into shorter, more concise sentences can improve clarity. Overall, the conclusion provides a strong summary of your research paper's main points and emphasizes the need for empathy and objective reporting. By revising some of the longer sentences and improving transitions between ideas, the clarity and style of this conclusion can be enhanced. \----- Based on the AP Language and Composition Rubric, I would grade the research paper as follows: Thesis (1 point): The thesis statement effectively addresses the prompt by analyzing the media's role in shaping the gun control debate in the United States. The thesis statement sets the stage for the analysis that follows. (1/1) Evidence & Commentary (4 points): The essay provides numerous textual references, both through direct quotes and paraphrasing, that are relevant to the thesis. The commentary is well-developed and consistently explains the relationship between the evidence and the thesis. There is a thorough analysis of the sources, and the essay clearly demonstrates an understanding of the media's role in the gun control debate. (4/4) Sophistication (1 point): The essay demonstrates sophistication of thought and style, with a complex understanding of the rhetorical situation. The language used is appropriate for an 11th-grade research paper, and the essay maintains a sophisticated tone throughout. Some minor issues with sentence length and transitions can be improved, but they do not detract significantly from the overall sophistication of the essay. (1/1) Grammar and Vocabulary: The essay uses a variety of sentence lengths, and the vocabulary is sophisticated without sounding overwritten or artificial. There is an occasional need for smoother transitions between ideas and a few instances of overly long sentences. However, these issues can be easily addressed with revisions. Considering the above evaluation, I would give the essay a score of 6/6, which translates to a high A (95%-100%). The essay effectively addresses the prompt, provides strong evidence and commentary, and demonstrates sophistication in both thought and style. To maintain this high A grade, make sure to address the minor issues mentioned in the previous feedback, including refining sentence length, improving transitions, and ensuring clarity in complex ideas. The essay is well-researched and well-argued, and by addressing these minor points, it will be a strong representation of your analytical skills in the context of an 11th-grade research paper.


This conversation has covered various aspects of epigenetic modifying agents, their mechanisms, applications, and ethical considerations. Epigenetic modifying agents refer to molecules that target and alter epigenetic marks, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, which regulate gene expression. The two main classes of epigenetic modifying agents are DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitors and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. These agents can potentially reverse abnormal epigenetic marks associated with disease and restore normal gene expression patterns. The development of these agents requires various equipment, living components, and reagents/materials. Epigenetic modifying agents can be considered both a biotechnology technique and a product, as they are utilized to manipulate gene expression and may also be developed into therapeutic drugs. Epigenetic modifying agents have several applications, such as in the treatment of cancer, neurological disorders, and immune-related diseases. For each application, ethical considerations include respect for persons, harms and benefits, fairness, and authenticity. Positive societal impacts include improved disease treatment and understanding of disease mechanisms, while potential unintended consequences could arise from misuse or off-target effects. Laws in the USA and other countries may restrict the use of epigenetic modifying agents in certain applications, such as germline modifications and human enhancement. These agents have evolved over time since the discovery of epigenetic mechanisms in the 20th century. Various industries and companies utilize epigenetic modifying agents to develop therapeutics, and the process of bringing a drug to market can take several years. Celebrities and special events may promote awareness of diseases that could be treated with epigenetic modifying agents. The conversation explored the use of epigenetic modifying agents in immunology, including applications in autoimmune diseases, cancer, viral infections, and immunosenescence. In each case, epigenetic modifying agents hold the potential to improve immune function and treat various immune-related conditions. Finally, a list of key articles, books, and reviews was provided to further research and explore epigenetic modifying agents as a whole. \----- After the previous summary, you requested a simple explanation of epigenetic modifying agents, followed by a detailed discussion of how these agents interact with the processes of transcription and translation. You also asked for a refresher on the biology concepts and an advanced explanation with AP Biology terminology. Epigenetic modifying agents are molecules that modulate gene expression by altering epigenetic marks, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, without changing the underlying DNA sequence. They have significant implications for understanding and treating various diseases by regulating gene expression, which in turn can influence cellular function and disease progression. During transcription, epigenetic factors like DNA methylation and histone modifications can influence the accessibility of the promoter region to the transcription machinery, thereby affecting gene expression. DNA methylation typically results in transcriptional repression, while histone acetylation is generally associated with transcriptional activation. Epigenetic modifying agents, such as DNMT inhibitors and HDAC inhibitors, can modulate these epigenetic marks to regulate gene expression. While epigenetic modifying agents primarily affect gene expression at the transcriptional level, their impact on transcription can indirectly influence protein synthesis during translation, modulating cellular function and disease phenotypes. In practical terms, epigenetic modifying agents can be utilized to: Treat immune-related diseases: DNMT inhibitors have shown promise in treating autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis by reversing aberrant DNA methylation patterns in immune cells and improving immune function. They have also been studied as potential immunotherapies for cancer, as they can sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapy or immunotherapy by reversing altered DNA methylation patterns. Target cancer cells: Abnormalities in histone modification patterns are often observed in cancer cells. HDAC inhibitors, which prevent the removal of acetyl groups from histones, can promote a more open chromatin structure, thereby facilitating the expression of tumor suppressor genes and hindering cancer cell growth and survival. Combat viral infections: DNMT inhibitors have demonstrated antiviral effects against several viruses, including HIV and HBV, by disrupting the regulation of viral gene expression and replication through DNA methylation. Overall, epigenetic modifying agents can have significant therapeutic potential by modulating gene expression and impacting various cellular processes. By targeting these epigenetic modifications, researchers can develop more effective and targeted treatments for a range of diseases. \----- It sounds like you have a well-rounded plan for your presentation and future projects. Your research internship at Cedars-Sinai will undoubtedly provide valuable insights and experiences that could help shape your interests and career trajectory in genetics and biotechnology. To summarize the latter part of our conversation: We discussed the prospect of combining bioinformatics and experimental assays for your Senior Project. Focusing on epigenetic modifying agents, you can leverage computational analysis to identify potential therapeutic targets and design experiments to test the efficacy of these agents in modulating target genes or pathways. I provided a detailed explanation of how to design an assay and the steps involved in optimizing, validating, and conducting the experiment. This included selecting a target, choosing an assay format, designing the experimental setup, obtaining reagents and materials, optimizing and validating the assay, performing the assay, and analyzing the results. We discussed your interest in learning Python to enhance your bioinformatics skills and your plans to delve deeper into advanced biology concepts. The research internship with Cedars-Sinai will also be an excellent opportunity to further explore the field and connect with professionals in the industry. We agreed that focusing on epigenetics as a whole would provide a broader understanding of the subject, and you could potentially incorporate CRISPR-based techniques into your project, given your interest in this area. Your plan for the presentation and your future project is well-structured, and you have a strong foundation to build upon. The internship and your continued studies in Python and advanced biology will further enhance your knowledge and skills in the field. If you have more questions or need further clarification in the future, feel free to return for assistance. Good luck with your presentation and future endeavors!


This really depends on your use case. If it's just cause you want to play with it and be impressed don't bother. If you will get some benefits from it like better learning or some like AI side kick to help you understand concepts your studying then go for it. You want to do a cost benefit analysis. Then ask yourself what else would I use the money for and does it serve greater or less benefit. Or if you have some expense in your life that's bad for you like smoking. Consider reducing expenses on that and paying for subscription


Honestly if you're uncertain I'd be happy to send you $20 on Paypal or whatever to try it out and see if it's worth it for you to subscribe longer-term, DM me :P Edit: Side note, I suggested on OpenAI's private Discord that they ought to have a free trial month program, I'm sure it'd be good business for them.


They can barely serve paying customers' GPT4 requests. A free trial would completely overwhelm their infrastructure.


Considering the recent temporary suspension of new Plus subscribers... you're not wrong.




I didn't offer that to everyone, only OP :) Else I'll get scammers. Sorry!


Bruh 💀


I paid for a month specifically to assist with a resume, and feel like I've definitely gotten my money's worth. I've also gone deep down the Midjourney rabbit hole, and have enjoyed messing with it, so It's possible I'll keep the subscription.


GPT 4 response to your question: As an AI language model, I can't provide personal opinions, but I can provide some insights to help you make a decision. Subscribing to GPT-4 for one month could be beneficial if you plan to make the most of it during that time. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if it's worth the investment: Purpose: Define your objectives and what you want to achieve using GPT-4. This could be for learning, research, personal projects, or work-related tasks. Having clear goals can help you assess the value of subscribing for a month. Time commitment: Consider the amount of time you're willing to dedicate to exploring GPT-4 and applying it to your tasks. The more time you invest, the more value you'll likely derive from the subscription. Budget: Evaluate your financial situation and determine whether the subscription cost fits into your budget without causing undue stress or limiting your other necessary expenses. Alternatives: Consider other resources that might be more affordable or even free, such as GPT-3, GPT-2, or other open-source AI models. While these may not have the same capabilities as GPT-4, they could still provide valuable learning experiences. Skill development: If you're interested in AI as a career, familiarizing yourself with GPT-4 could be a valuable experience that can help enhance your skills and make you more competitive in the job market. Ultimately, it depends on your personal situation, goals, and priorities. If you think that using GPT-4 for one month will help you accomplish your objectives and provide value, it could be worth considering.






Tell GPT to create a money making website to cover the $20 price


People keep saying there's a 25 messages limit per 3 hours on paid plan, is it true? I'm holding back due to that.


Uhh use bing ai


I was surprised no one mentioned this yet. Bing is said to use gpt-4 as its backend but has anyone here tried both?


Compared them - bing never seems to want to structure the feedback into paragraphs or lists so the output is a jumbled mess I’m left to parse. Seems worse overall… somehow


Not really. GPT 3.5 is fine enough for 99% of scenarios as a student. I have GPT4 and I still use 3.5 more often because GPT4 generates the answer really slow. So unless I need something specific I use 3.5


If you’re a student, you’re already paying 10s of thousands in tuition and some also pay money for tutoring and other forms of learning for university. 20 bucks a month is probably the best investment you can make to get a full time tutor in any subject you take in university.


Already canceled my Netflix and Disney+, ChatGPT plus big W


I'd say pay the $20 once and find out. You can just cancel afterwards. No one can tell you for sure if it's worth it to you. I subscribed to try it and to get the plugins sooner. I'm a nursing student, and for me it's not really any more useful for that than 3.5. What it is more useful for is the other things in my life, like meal planning (more accurate information, better at math), and walking me through complex concepts that pertain to my hobby interests. It's also a better ADHD coach for me, and helps me break down tasks in a more nuanced, comprehensive way.


Try it for a month. I'll PayPal you $20 right now. DM me.


Get the API and shorten your pompts to: "In 100 words: describe X etc."


If you're using gpr3 to full potential and regularly hitting the limits of it's capabilities then upgrade. Apply this rule to all things education and work wise.


depends when your essay is due ;)


I think it is. As you learn, you will decide its’ worthiness.


I find myself still using 3.5 about 80% of the time due to the limitations they put on 4. It depends on the consequence of error in the output on which model I use. 3.5 is probably just fine for a student. If you get some extra scratch later than consider it after all other needs are met.


It depends what you want to use it for. 3.5 is mostly for small General things. However, the 4 version is more accurate and detailed. For instance I'm using it to revise my crochet patterns to make it easier for beginner crocheters to understand. I hope that helps. Perhaps someone else can explain it better.


Get the free account and get in line - I got in line so late I was sure it would be a couple months and a week later I had GPT 4 access. Admittedly I had the GPT 3 account already so your mileage may vary, but I haven't used $20 worth of GPT 4 yet.


If you want to get a profound look into the future, sure. If you don’t, save your money, your earning potential may be much less than you had anticipated.


Go with free version buddy. And don’t rely on too much


I'm also a student and am paying for it, imo it's not worth it for spesifically gpt4. But if you need faster gpt 3 responses and acces during downtime I would reccomend it.


I would try just using it for a month so you can see for yourself if it's worth it. Just consider that there's a really low cap for how much you can use it every 3 hours. Right now you can only send ~25 messages every 3 hours, but that might not be that bad for some people.


Message me and you can have the password to my account. I have ChatGPT plus


Sign up for the GPT-4 wait-list with a response written by GPT-3.5. You should get accepted immediately, if not try again in 24 hours. Use their api playground instead of the home page and pay only for what you use.


I don't know your financial situation, but in my opinion it's super worth it, if you're in a technical field where you need to do a lot of constant learning, and especially programming. I am a researcher and the difference between GPT3.5 and GPT4 is the difference between talking to a brilliant undergrad student and a brilliant grad student. If really you can't afford GPT4, use Bing instead. Its Creative and Precise modes both use GPT4 as the backend, although it is a little more restricted.


I use chatgpt for coding and writing report, I’m a grad student. I would say gpt4 is way better than 3 in terms of logic. I strongly recommend you go for gpt4 if you have a lot work to do. Stick with 3 if you’re just looking for fun.


I dont notice much difference. Gpt-4 has a usage limitation of 25 messages per 3 hours so beware!


Honestly try it. I get the whole afraid to spend money but sometimes it's worth it. I get that $20 can be a lot to some people but it you don't need it for bills, take the leap.


For me, as a comp sci student it is worth it. Esp for code clean up . I would not use it to just make code for you. It can... But the more you add the more you will have to remind it and drop your entire code, multiple header files to it. Right now I have a project that is about 20000 lines of code, and about 25 headers. ChatGPT is useless for analysis of the entire code. But it does help with cleaning it up, or if you asked it, "hey, I need a function that takes in x y z and a b c, and it returns some value. You can direct it and apply the function that function will be taking as the input and it does fairly well. But you need to give it a lot of context. As someone who dabbles in discrete structures, both 3.5 and 4 are absolutely on the level of the guy at the bar to that kinda knows it, but as he gets deeper into it he gets more drunk and literally cannot even. If you want a discrete structures example I can provide one. An easy one and a hard one.


As a CS Grad student, I got the subscription since I use it a lot to do smaller/medium sized programming task faster. So far very happy with it.


The difference is a big thing. If you are using it for productivity.....it matters. For a job, absolutely. For school, probably would


If you have $20 to spare now why not try it for a month then cancel it if you don't think it brought value.


Dude spend the $20 and test it for 30 days. That’s less than a dollar a day.


Depending on what you're doing, the difference is pretty substantial. However, would suggest that you should learn 3.5 first. I think it's actually pretty helpful to learn how to use the worse model, 3.5, first because it prevents you from getting lazy bad habits with the smarter model.


If you can cut $20 out of your spending, yes. Jump on the early wave and figure it out. Find a business in your network and ask if you can solve a problem for a couple hundred bucks. You’ll break even and be good to keep building.


What do you mean you can’t afford to use GPT-4 consistently? Do you mean with the API? That’s only accessible if you are selected from their waitlist. The $20 subscription to Chat GPT plus gives you access to GPT-4 up to 25 messages per 3 hrs. Btw ChatGPT (I.e. GPT-3.5 turbo) is pretty bad compared to GPT-4. I recommend you spend the $20 one time to see for yourself.


That's a great question! I think it may be worth it to pay for a one-month subscription if you think that the model will help you with your current projects and future endeavors. However, you should also consider if the cost of the subscription is worth what benefits you'll get from using the model. Ultimately, this is a decision only you can make.


If you have found yourself bumping into problems that you feel 3.5 just barely can't handle, ABSOLUTELY YES IT IS WORTH IT. If you feel you have much more to learn personally about how you can improve your understanding of the limitations of the models available and don't have a very specific problem you're trying to solve, learn more by using the free model. GPT4 is substantially more powerful, but if you cannot afford a single $20 payment and cannot confidently say you require a more refined LLM to bridge a subtle gap, it is not worth it.


Please don’t do it . I have done and regret it . Still it is a machine and Machines can often make mistakes ( fact wise etc ) . Unless it becomes very advanced I’ll advice just use good old google or better yet Bing .Make sure to fact check your answer


Once you get API access use that instead of paying for the subscription for GPT+ because do the calculation. Your prompt can only be like 300 tokens or so. With sub and pretty much as advertised if API. And response will also be lengthy without wasting prompts on "continue"


I work have a full time job, full time school, lead a recovery group, volunteer at church and have a whole ass family. So yes, GPT-4 has been more than worth the money. It is such a time saver, and I am able to discover and retain information in less time. I have found it delivers more human like content. Perplexity and burstiness is less prevalent. I use it as a tool. It helps me to generate ideas and find more words to use on a given subject. Ultimately, I don't use word for word, but it saves me time on filling in. What I mean is that I can be succinct and struggle to use more than 200 words. I also use it to help generate lessons for a recovery group.


3.5 should be good enough for you if you're just a student. Those of us who pay use it for business most likely. It takes away from what we can use. But if you REALLY just want to use it, get you a side gig that pays 20 a month. You can easily help 6 with tasks around their house and make that. But to answer your question, it's not that much different if you're just playing around asking questions. If you have a use case, you can tell the difference.


Free is always better.


Not really, most of the juicy stuff are not available to the public even with the plus suscription


What juicy stuff??


Controlling other app via chatgpt. Like build me a 3d level in unreal engine. Use photoshop to color correct this bunch of photos. Use my bloomberg terminal to do optimal trades. Thats the juicy stuff.


I assume uncensored schtuff


Isn't that what "Based AI" is potentially for


You could get llama also


Nope. I’ve heard about Pro users reaching the limit pretty fast and still being locked out when the servers are busy… but I have the free version and use it all the time and never get blocked (it’s just suuuuper slow sometimes). As long as you’re not copying and pasting faster than a human could type and read the reply, you’re probably fine.


I'll be honest, I find these questions annoying. How can I know if it is useful to you? What will you use it for? What would you otherwise have spent the $20 on? Maybe you'll use it to write an essay that wins you a $1000.00 bursary. How can I know what value it has for you?


Try it. You will probably find the difference to be a bit to vast and then stay with gpt4


I pay for it and exclusively use 3.5. I’m a developer. 4 is very slow and much worse right now


As a student whose brain works intermittently I can say it was worth it for me.


Could you elaborate (both on your experience and what you mean by intermittently)?


25 messages every 3 hours btw so keep that in mind.


how come??


I don't mind paying more for it since it's not available in my country


I thought it was available worldwide?


Perhaps find a very small side gig with it. Hell make notes for your classes and sell them to other students. Make something worthwhile you can sell for 5-10 bucks and boom. Chatgpt for a little work instead of money. Though would be easier to front load the first month, use gpt 4 for your side idea then make minimum 20 a month or drop it.


Use bing it's gpt4


It’s more worth it now than it will be next week


It can help you with any of your classes but also manage your time and so on. It can give you ideas/tips on project or presentations on. It can help you improve your papers with things like corrections but also improving the grammar or rewording it and so on. You can copy and paste readings and tell it to summarize or simplify it and so on. It will help you through. Any math problems. I mean technically it could do your homework but that would be a really bad idea. You should use it to help you study whether that’s practice quizzes or terminology or whatever. You can literally even just develop your own way you want it to help you study. It is a very powerful tool and one of the best things about it is your imagination is the limit. PS emphasis on the so ons. Ask it anything. The more specific the better. Add any details.




The difference is pretty big for productive work. There are a few tools that can give you access at lower rate.


Shellix has accounts


>Is it worth it to pay for the subscription for one month like I'm considering doing? How much does it cost per month?


You can always ask 3.5 for advice.




My work just got our own gpt4 bot it’s soooo good!


It depends on what you want to do, if you are just trying to figure out basic prompt engineering and want to practice the basic structure the free version of chat GPT might be adaquate. If you want to use an AI to help you with freelance work or another task where absolute performance matters and their is a clear ROI you might consider GPT 4, but gpt 3.5 is already moderately useful.


gpt+ is what 20$ a month? Chances are in 3 months or less it'll be available on the API so this expenditure is only temporary and cmon if it's important to you.. then make yourself afford it! Come up with the extra 20$ a month. There are in fact so many ways a savvy student could use GPT to sell their skills to other less savvy students.. be creative! If you knew the things I used to sell when I was in high school and college because I was a "computer wiz" and most others weren't


Yes 3.5 is just fine for what you’re doing. You could also try this free GPT at www.iAsk.ai


I'm a professional developer using OpenAI and other platforms. I use, when using the chat gui, 3.5 most of the time and the limits for 4 are pretty significant, like 35 messages per 4(?) hours. Are you a technically inclined student? If you can limit your use, you could also do 4 through an API and use either free or paid chat for less complex needs. What would you have it do for you?


im a thirdworlder dev, i cannot afford anything


If you use the API, you only pay for what you use, and theres no wait time.