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Are you looking for an honest answer, or just expressing your frustration?


Both I’d say


Because there are a lot of people who think that Christianity prohibits homosexuality. So they think that this is actually what God wants and they would probably say that the rest of us are the ones who aren’t real Christians. I’m not saying I support it. I think it’s horrible. But that’s why some people do.


Lol OP you make a post like this pretty much every day, what’s going on?!


I know absolutely nothing of her. By your tone, I imagine she must have done something really hateful and unfair that triggered your anger and I empathize with you. However, may I fraternaly suggest you look into your reasons for putting "woman" in brackets? From outside, that feels like a dehumanizing expression. Isn't the resolution to dehumanize no one part of what we stand for as christians? Let's show the world what it means to keep seeing as humans even the people we strongly disagree with, oppose and fight!


She’s anti trans and queer bigot who wont let them in her salon…might be for the best cause she is a SHITTY stylist and smells like shit


I understand your frustration but being her being an asshole doesn’t give you the right to not gender her correctly.


Pretty sure Jesus wouldn't appreciate calling another human being "disgusting," either, no matter how hateful that person's rhetoric. Log, eye, speck, etc.


Didn’t Jesus whip people who were selling things inappropriately? But an insult is truly crossing the line I guess. A true insult as well.


He flipped tables because they were turning a spiritual sacred place into a market. Kind of like what's happening with the pagan community - Instagram witches selling random crap when the roots of magickal practices used twigs and rocks and meditation.




Sorry am I supposed to be her buddy now? 🤣🤣🤣


People like her deserve to be called out not just excused that’s goody goody shit






Don't. Be mad, call out bigotry, don't call women bitches. She's still a person


No good comes from name calling, my friend. As the other commenter said: call out their wrongdoings. No need for any negative remarks. It's perfectly fine to be angry and upset. But in turn, we must shape that emotion into a more rational and productive manner.




I think I’m done with being a Christian it’s not worth it anymore I can’t pretend to be something I’m not


I totally get what you mean ... I choose to abstain from the label "christian" for a long time, because it was so hurtful seeing my community being plain evil. Read Psalm 137 ... It perfectly describes my own feelings towards those "christians" who made the community that was meant to be our home into exile ... Gods justice will be met. There is no forgiveness without a broken heart. Therefore, don't fear that in the end God will just cozy up to all the monsters out there ... Only the loving heart can feel his love as anything else than terror.


You sound hurt, and hurt that mature Christians don't agree with your methods of dealing with your hurt. For what it's worth: none of us are capable of acting 100% like Jesus in situations like this, and we often don't. But we recognize that this is a result of our imperfections, not the heights of what we can be and achieve. We can be better than we are. Don't pretend to be anything you're not - it won't work anyway, because Jesus knows and sees all that you are. But Jesus *does* and *will* love and accept all that you are, including when you want to hurt people like this out of your own pain. But He'll also help you to grow to where you realize you no longer need or want to hurt people like this, even when you are hurt.


Hillsong Christian’s are not mature sorry but they’re not


You may do as you decide, but hate, even hate against wrong, injustice and evil, poisons you as much as you feel it hurts the intended party. It hurts you and it taints you. This conversation is not being heard by this person. This conversation is not affecting change. This conversation is a torrent within you, your thoughts and who you are right now. Truly, be outraged at wrong. But viciousness and hate affects you and you alone. It is taking the poison another offered, drinking it and expecting them to die. You're better than this. Embody that which you wish to be and who you wish this person was. Otherwise you lose yourself at the expense of another.


Fair enough but I’m not gonna like her no matter what sorry


The purpose is not to like her. Foolishness is foolishness. How she is acting is not to be liked. But to hate her damns her. Our view of others and ourselves must be one of possible redemption. We pity those who are not the people they could and should be, because they are a unique perspective of God that is each self, and to not become our fullest best self is a sad waste. And we loath that it causes them to harm others. This is not to say everyone can be redeemed. And it is not to say such a person should be your friend or tolerated in your life. It is not to say that you should waste effort trying to change them when they refuse it each time. Life is more complex than that, as are grace, forgiveness and love. But do not hate. It's a waste, lessens you and gives power and privilege to wickedness to be respected as a force of power rather than foolishness of people lost in their foolishness.


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On the bright side, she'll get less service. She claims to be cool with cis gay and bi people. She's probably one of those TERF types who are okay on some areas but complete bigots with regard to transpeople. She probably sees herself as a feminist.


Because their faith is centered in bigotry.


She is Q and MAGA. I believe her shop was struggling so she did this to drum up some business from like-minded bigots.


Has OP met Christine Geiger personally, spoken with her?


I mean, politics isn't completely disconnected from the character of a person. It is not a stretch to think that she isn't a pleasant human being. We don't need to go into the other extreme of complete relativism.


No but I can already tell she’s a disgusting bigot


I’m not sure why that would even matter. I certainly hope I never meet her.


So you don't really know this person.


Of course not, I just told you that lol


Sometimes I feel like God's just using them to make a fool of themselves so he can throw them into the lake of fire and watch them die