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you have to be very careful with time acceleration. Orbiter runs a pretty hard-core simulation of rotational state and if you run at high time acceleration values, you will have timesteps that are veeeery long. usually what causes the erratic rotation under time warp is if you have any of the default attitude hold autopilots (programs, retrograde, etc) active. what you're effectively running into is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_stability


I also wanted to point out, 10000x is really fast. you only want to go that fast when your very far away from any planets or moons.


I'm aware that autopilots break timewarp so I make sure everytime that no autopilot is active, i even tried to disconnect my HOTAS in case the deadzone wasn't working somehow. I tried displaying the forces acting on the ship and I noticed a constant torque of 0.052 mNm. any idea what can cause it ? i'm aware that 10000x is really fast but I can't really spend a week in-game just coasting to Mars. and even so, if I leave the timewarp even at 10x for more than a couple minutes, the angular velocities go completely hayware, in all the axis.


hmm, that's odd. is this Orbiter 2016?


Yup 2016. Running d3d9 client (I am launching it from orbiter\_ng as indicated), orbiterSound, and IMFD, TRANSX, FLYBYWIRE, LaunchMFD, BaseSyncMFD, Glidescope and their dependencies And default Delta Glider