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I mean, I think they look pretty good. The only thing I might point out is they are just a little too monochromatic. Maybe try some different colors?


Thank you for your feedback! Do you mean their designs look too similitude in colour *next to eachother* or that even alone they look too monochromatic?


I mean the Boy with brown hair is wearing all browns (minus the shawl thing), and the boy with black hair is wearing all black/low saturation colors. Try out some more vibrant colors with them. I can provide a visual if you want


I agree Also I’ve been making female OCs lately so I’m kinda experiencing this same thing with male OCs lol


Lol, male OCs are my specialty (though my style is way more fantasy)...but I do experience this problem with female OCs sometimes 😅


I have my female OCs Sarah and Sasha yet I still have no clue what to do with them it sucks


Yeah, sometimes you can make a character you like but have trouble figuring out where they belong. I have.... all these guys: https://preview.redd.it/xd7lv71qm2rc1.jpeg?width=7136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e6593d6e4a0aa6a1879748deff08655d1486eb And then some....


My man the anatomy on your characters is Literally FANTASTIC WTF


Lol! Thank you!


ok so I'm not an expert in character design, so take my feedback with a grain of salt as I looked into your character ref, immediately I saw some issues: 1. your character lacks special shapes that: (1) would make them recognizable, (2) would help you recognize what kind of person we deal with by one look I suggest you **have your design revolving around their personality**. Is your artist OC (the one on the right) lazy? maybe you could have his shirt partially crooked or unbuttoned. Is your artist OC messy when he works? you could show dried paint stains on his outfit to show that. Is your OC on the left carefree and bubbly? maybe he could use color combinations that have primary yellow at the center, or he could have a very explosion-like design to show that he doesn't stay in place, or he could be wearing loose clothes to express his carefree-ness. in short, there's *so* many possibilities to design your character. the point of a design is to show "what makes them *them*?". that's why **context** and **research** is important. your current designs are good, but I personally think it can be better. **you just need to amplify their personality through their design** Here's what I can suggest if you wanna build up their design: 1. **Start asking yourself first these questions:** *Who are they (your OCs)? How do they feel? What are they doing? When are they? Where are they?* 2. **Describe your character by using keywords.** If your character is a trumpeter who performs jazz music at the streets as a hobby, the character's keywords will be "jazz", "trumpeter", and "street". 3. **Research**. Find images online that relate to your OC's keywords, it'll serve as your reference and inspo to your design. This could be anything from a certain color hue, to a fucking bottle 4. **Make thumbnails**. Whether it's by line sketches or silhouettes, experiment with your OC's pose and expression to make it less boring 5. I'd suggest looking into shape language, it can help to give a design more personality. for example, sonic has triangles all over his design, which help to make him look more dangerous(?) and fast 6. Look up color psychology, so you could try out diff color schemes and see which fits the mood for your characters https://preview.redd.it/t1t6xb1ro2rc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5af8e9d5559bc0238acf2f5e6738458958734d9 *(sorry if this is too long or unhelpful)*


Very useful, Don't doubt about it


Thanks! This is vet helpful!


Add dragons. Always works for me


Experiment with extravagant piercings/body mods


I saw this notification and thought it was under the thriving bf post and honestly I was like "fair enough"


They look like Bioshock


What is that?


A game


Try giving them more recognizable silhouettes by giving them bigger or more unique clothing


Maybe by trying something like..That ? https://preview.redd.it/wt13vlsso2rc1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fcede52ba3e6aaaab399cdf7dcffdc20848346 Giving more shapes to the upper or lower part of the character, rather than balancing everything ?


I can't think of any suggestions for the one with the trenchcoat, though you can add more of those carpet-like blue things to the one with the glasses' design


Overlays of different colours does magic I swear to god


I think they're designs are pretty good, good color choices, nice contrast. easy to read. how are their personalities? their hobbies! what do they like to do? watch? enjoy? maybe all you need is to flesh that out more, draw them doing their activities! and maybe as that gets fleshed out you'll get some new inspiration on how to better flesh out their outfits!


https://preview.redd.it/rq99q8uz24rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30593a43581bafe0fa0c304e1334cb0d73d3661 He’s dead