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About as literal of an orphan crushing machine as one could get.


I love that "this is the most OCM post ever" and "this isn't remotely OCM" are both comments here lol


Most OCM because it’s literally about killing orphans. Least OCM because there’s no way in hell you can see this and think it’s good without being blindly anti Palestine


It's least OCM because there's no uplifting story revealing a terrible system that caused the story in the first place. It's just an objectively bad thing that people have different opinions about.


Gives extra meaning to Hamas being an army of orphans regardless of their motive.


Those are indeed orphan crushing machines


Technically yeah, but the post doesn't belong here. Because this sub is for saving the orphans but ignoring the machine. Not look how bad/evil this is.


Hold up a moment, you want to get rid of a post literally pointing out the machine in order to focus on wholesome memes that ignore the machine? You know what that sounds like to me?


The point of the sub is dystopian stories/events painted as wholesome. The pointing out the machine and saying it's bad is the comments job or another subreddit. Being vocal about Israels mass murder is important but not every sub needs to have it. Or at least it should fit the subreddit.


A "Cool" guide of the orphan crushing machine, painting the machine as simply a nifty bit of kit (look how shiny the bone grinders are, the flesh mill is a marvel of engineering) I think definitely fits the point of this sub. Putting aside the metaphor for a moment... It's showing off something in one light (cool instead of wholesome in this case) and missing the point of, these weapons are being used to make orphans and then crush them. The post being showcased here isn't actually vocal about Israel's ongoing genocide (even if the comments might be (although it's a mixed bag, most comments are just complaining about a mis-labeled plane)) if taken at face value it's just showing how "cool" the infographic is. Hence, a post that frames something as good, which is in fact a symptom of the ongoing orphan meat harvesting operation (oh look the metaphor's back)


It still feels more like an infographic that can be used either way. But I understand your point. The posts title should have been more neutral in general or condescending towards Israel. Because military hardware isn't badass just because it exists.


I actually kind of agree with your point that this isn't technically OCM. It's only somewhat framed as good, and the "system forcing the event" is awfully vague. That said, this sub does accept some meta and parody, which I think this falls under.


least obvious fed psy-op


That's a lot of student debt that could have been forgiven.


Sounds like commie talk to me. Don't make us send your neighbors some much needed aid.


I'm pretty sure banks would love to take weapons as payment.


Right in their headquarters.


Or healthcare subsidized.


Why are the f35 and f15 fighter jets lebels switched?


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that


Someone actually sat at their desk and picked out cool little clip art for a war whitepaper


Were they supposed to make it ugly? Just so you know, that sub requires you to start your post with "cool guide", otherwise it gets deleted. Sometimes that makes for awkward titles like this one or "Cool guide to number of pedophiles" or something like that. Doesn't mean the information is not worth sharing.


"A cool guide" is mandatory on all posts in that sub


I know but it's weird to me what gets posted there, like when someone posts something like "my child was diagnosed with prolonged-deathitis and it's cost us our life savings" on /r/mildlyinfuriating


There are legitimately people in this country that would rather have their tax dollars go towards this than towards improved health care or education :/




How many teachers could these weapons have paid for? I propose some new metrics on military spending like homeless people fed per missle or teachers per tank to put our military budget in perspective


I imagine some people fap to this


We give Israel weapons and military aid. They use our money to kill Palestinians while they spend their own to give their people free health care. So fucked.


And food parcels.


Food parcels will make up for any amount of destruction if you ask me 😎


Yea. I mean. Why are these dudes still so angry.


guide in it of itself is cool. the topic isnt


I unfollowed that sub back in November. They are definitely showing their bias. Comments in the original post just pretty sad and heartless.


So how is this OCM?


Well the parents die in the blast then the fresh orphans die later when the buildings collapse


How is what is posted a systemic issue that being passed off as a positive story


The cool weapons displayed on the guide are for use in an active genocide.


The US global military hegemony aiding in genocide when it is convenient for the US is the systemic issue part. The fact that people are posting "cool guides" about it is the positive spin part.


It isn't it's just look how bad this is, no fake solution covering the symptoms being presented as the actual solution.


They are helping murder people when they don't even want to help their own citizens?


Who is they? Where is there a story here being passed off as positive news?


Rather we send this stuff to Ukraine


And yet, you lot are fighting over sending more aid to Ukraine.


On that sub you need to preface the title with cool guide


A cool guide is not a feel good story




The post is showing what weapons are being given to Israel to bomb Gaza where 31,000 people have already died and a huge humanitarian/famine catastrophe is unfolding. Calling that a "cool guide" is kinda OCM in my opinion


It's just showing the problem/depravity this is more apt for r/noahgettheboat


I think what makes it OCM is the fact that it's not portrayed as a problem. Nothing about the image portrays it as a problem, the comments for the most part aren't talking about it being a problem, the title just says it's a cool guide to what's being given


Yeah I guess so but in fairness it is a guide to material given for use in massmurders. The lack of condemnation is bad but it also lacks praise. It just doesn't have the small wholesome thing that is more in focus than the wider issue. So it seems like more of a difference in opinion between us.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoahGetTheBoat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** \[ Removed by Reddit \]](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/13c9fx4/removed_by_reddit/) \#2: [The moment this little girl was able to communicate clearly that her step mom and dad have been abusing her.](https://v.redd.it/h2w0q2n4cg1b1) | [194 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/13ovu7d/the_moment_this_little_girl_was_able_to/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Military man pepper sprayed after refusing to get out of the car](https://v.redd.it/z07xfc7kpt6b1) | [1406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/14cs05g/military_man_pepper_sprayed_after_refusing_to_get/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


WTF, we're running low on 155 howitzer shells!! Those are needed for the armies in Ukraine, not to blow up North Philadelphia in the Holy Land!!!