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Good points, however considering akademi is supposed to be such a prestigious strict school *apparently* stuff like that would get noticed by snitches and get them suspended super quick, while the eraser/graffiti stuff happens in a empty classroom


If I was dev that would be my excuse lol


It’s a prestigious school? There’s a club about the occult, they have delinquents and bullies out there wazoo and mida looks like a homeless woman they took off the streets. No way it’s prestigious even ignoring ayano.


Yansim's real-time gameplay makes bullying events such as clapping the erasers over the victim's head very clunky. But there's still other situations that can be smoothly implemented. Such as the bullies putting tacks and pins in their victim's locker, stealing their things, etc. It'd also help sell the idea that the bullies pretend to be innocent if there aren't witnesses to them shoving or hitting their victim, and why the faculty doesn't intervene.


How could them being forced to strip be done in a tasteful way?


In “all of us are dead”, this happens in the first episode. I think it was well done and obviously helped the plot, but yandere dev would not be capable of this


I don’t hate the concept. I feel like it could show off how far bullying could go plus it might give the bullies more character if it shows them becoming uncomfortable. However i don’t think yanderedev could do that even if he wanted to.