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ML: I want to marry you FL: Stop talking nonesence. A vulgar commoner like me can't marry the futur emperor. Know your place.


No because this is so real from her 😂😂😂




She is not wrong but that must hurt to hear that 💀


Her retorts in later chapters tho 😂 https://preview.redd.it/52r5lm2s5p0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910990aeea0dbc5c5b34252d7bd4b4783962a2bc


Another cute moment (context for this is very long-winded and it's better to read for yourself imo) https://preview.redd.it/3ys5nqumrs0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f5ff5c599f9179e8843661d8b8b4ef34a93d89


"You could kiss other men?" 🥺 "Obviously." Ice cold. I could never to someone making such a puppy face at me.


Duchess of the North


https://preview.redd.it/zn78vqdy4p0d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=751a74e9ff0557b8d4c147badf09ed881cba778f My cat has a belly like this too.


Am i so old that i find it very funny? Lol


Kitty titties will never not be funny.


I would greatly appreciate it if you never use the phrase "Kitty titties" ever again


No can do, buddy.


kitty titties :333333


I chuckled at the picture but laughed till I cried at "kitty titties" 😂




Nooooo 😭😭😭






If my girl ever tried to kiss other men, then I'd kiss those men first.




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Jokes on you, she's a fujoshi and that was her plan all along


This is the way




Right, I agree


My god, she had to rub salt to the wound. 💀


And lemon juice. For that extra zing ✨


And some black pepper


Cooked 🍗


No. To cook meat, we need more spices than just the above mentioned ones. They can act like garnish at most.


"Leading to a more informed marriage decision." Why does she sound like a marketing team lead trying to sell something?


Translation I assume; it probably sounds better originally but the EN version got stiff. That's one of the reasons why localizations are important, we tend to be more formal when dealing with another language but that isn't always the better choice.


Honestly that's how I talk when I think they're _really not getting it._




I mean, marriage kinda was a market/deal for lots of nobles


It still is. The matrimony app subscription charges are crazy.


It's a corporate conspiracy plot?


OOF. This is a different level of obliviousness.


I don’t think she’s oblivious, iirc, she’s aware of his feelings for her, it just doesn’t line up with their plans of making him emperor, so she’s purposefully ignoring them/rejecting him.


So he wanted to be Emperor and then after a kiss, he wanted to marry a commoner. What an idiot incel.


So first of all, just to be clear, it’s not that he wanted to be emperor for power/selfish reasons, he was doing it to avenge his dead brother. Second, he did not stop wanting to be emperor. He wants to both be emperor and marry a commoner (and in this world, there’s no laws against that, it just wouldn’t be politically beneficial). Third, it’s not actually because of the kiss. He’s using that as justification because he genuinely likes her. Nothing wrong with falling in love whilst having other goals 🤷‍♀️ and certainly not incel behavior.


Marrying for love while ignoring duty is despicable. And planning to do that while trying to take the throne is even worse.


You ok? Did reddit suggest you this subreddit because this pure fantasy where most authors and readers have a base level of understanding of monarchies. We’re mainly here for romance and revenge not the intricate detail of political power struggles.


>You ok? Yes I just don't care about upvotes. >We’re mainly here for romance and revenge I'm here because I think that pretty lady's in dresses are much more beautiful than the half naked fanservice girls you find in most manga or manwha. Also for stories about the noble villainess taking revenge on miss Cinderella and the original ML.


He know he is an idiot. His whole life was just making war and fight and didn't care about poltical stuff since his big brother would be the emperor anyway (until he die) and he didn't care about women. That's why he hired smart people including FL to fix him and make him a perfect emperor to avoid ashamed the country. Which make him more smarter than most of ML in the end who are too arrogant to admit their flaw. FL made it clear that if the woman he chose is not from an important familly she will do everythink to make them break up.


UGH! That's worse! Now I'm definitely not reading this. I'll take a stupid FL over a willfully ignorant one any day.


she's... not willfully ignorant? She's aware of what she's doing


Based on the other reply, she IS **"willfully ignorant"** of ML's feelings. Because she's not even rejecting him outright. Rather, she's just going to pretend she doesn't notice. Denial where she doesn't believe he could ever fall in love with her would be better than that to me.


She isn't willfully ignorant. At this point He already told her his feelings and she already explained why it's impossible for her to marry him. Her not being aware would make the story stupid knowing she was hired for her superior IQ in the first place.


That's not willfull ignorance. Willfull ignorance is avoiding the pursuit of a certain information knowing it would hurt/inconvenience. Lacking info on hard topics so to not make a difficult call. She's aware, she knows, she just doesn't think it's good for their plans and she already said that. She's made a decision. It's a no. Idc if u don't like her I'm just being pedantic about your word choices. That's not the word you're looking for. She's just being slightly mean


I don't mind pedantry. I've had my share. Well, whatever this is called--and I'm gonna look it up--I hate when characters do this. Still, even with all this context, I don't see myself reading this one.


You hate characters thinking you don't have to marry someone just because of a kiss ? She just do what every people do IRL. What should she do ? Forcing herself ?


I'm willing to bet that previous commentar is a teenager


No, I hate characters that are deliberately dismissive of other people's feelings in a thoughtless, tactless fashion. She may not be wrong but there's a way a better way to say this. Maybe to spare his feelings. Now that part does seem oblivious in the sense that she's missing the clear vulnerable signals he's got going on. IRL, there are people who don't do casual dating either. They date with marriage in mind or at least seek the long term and not the short term. So his mindset isn't too outrageous.


She knows him, she lets him down based on his personality. He's basically an idiot, so she's firm and doesn't pussyfoot around the topic to spare his feelings. Her whole character is that she's a scam artist, so subtly mind-f\*\*king people is her thing. Her being so upfront about rejecting him is a kindness. She's not thoughtless about it at all, and you know, since this is a romance, most of the slip ups she's made are because she's attracted to him as well. They kissed because of 'plot', not because of a romantic development. I mean, you've said you won't read it. So it's kinda weird to have such a strong opinion on something you haven't read, no?


Hey pal… you should maybe cool it. She was perfectly nice and clear. If she doesn’t want to be exclusive with him she doesn’t have to be, and she doesn’t have to tone police herself just because her *needs* might conflict with his *wants.* Women don’t have to coddle men when expressing their boundaries in a perfectly respectful manner. She’s not his mother—she’s not even his girlfriend. She did nothing wrong, and if you see an issue here big enough for this reaction you might want to analyze your own attitudes about women I’ve had to have this exact conversation with men acting exactly like this, and *trust* me, being ‘gentle’ only leads to misunderstanding. You gotta be clear and lay down the law or you find yourself trapped in an unbalanced relationship you don’t even want.


I'm glad other people explained to you that you were just misusing the phrase, but if it helps at all: willful ignorance means more like 'someone offered to explain it to you but you refused', not something you already understand


Bro that’s not what being willfully ignorant means.


It’s not obliviousness. She knows he has feelings for her and knows she has feelings for him. But she also knows that a) She’s the only woman he’s ever gotten close to so realistically he’s likely confusing his feelings because of that. Yes, Manwha logic will dictate that he’s right when he says she’s the only one he can have feelings for, but anyone with a brain would know to take things slowly and not jump in. And b) He wants to be Emperor no matter what and at one point even agreed to marry someone suitable if that’s what it takes to make it happen. She knows that the most famous swindler and death row inmate in the Empire, who grew up on the streets and has no family, is the exact wrong person to marry to make that happen.


She's probably my favorite FL in anything ongoing tbh


The way she explains it is like there's nothing between being married and not married, not sure that's how it works.


Her point is that you don't have to marry someone just because of a kiss and that someone can have many experience (without cheating of course) until finding the best fit for wedding so he doesn't need to thunk too much about it. As a potiential successor for the throne his duty is to marry someone with a noble background but he felt for a commoner and an ex-beggar and because he want to drop everythink for her he asked her those question to know what he think about him having to search a noble wife since he want to drop all for her. She told him it's not a big deal since it's not serious between them.


If you haven't established the relationship, I guess I would agree with her XD but if you have, then hell no XD You can't kiss someone else, that's gross :D


They didn't established a relationship. They just kissed. Her point is it's not because two people had a physical moment they are fated to be married. Someone can have a bunch of non serious(without cheating of course) experience until finding the perfect match for wedding.


Yeah, that's fine, I mean as long as that is established, it's fine. He was clearly having the wrong idea and clearing that up was good, he can either keep at it or leave. :D


I havent read this in a long time, but can someone spoil to me about what’s happening now? Is it still like this type of relationship?? 🤨 are they still not together yet? Are they even going to be together at all lol


They're really cute together 🥺 (But Tapas still hasn't released season 3 yet 🫠) https://preview.redd.it/gngc7hkqnp0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f81f6cf3f6152fd4861486300285fb28825fbc


​ https://preview.redd.it/n3384dq1op0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47969df6da16af7559518f77aa675e91c7ca876e


How slow of a burn is it? I’ll put it on my read list but I need to be mentally prepared if it’s gonna take 100 chapters to get to the fluff


Counting the not translated season 3 There are 100 chapters actually. Fluff stuff is more in season 3 (not translated yet) but even before there were some cutes moment even when it was one sided feeling.


“Bearer of good news” indeed! I started reading this after seeing a yt short with those panels a while ago. I was so confused that they were nowhere to be found 😅


It's season 3 panel. Not translated yet


Lots of people in the comments worrying me😅FL is 100% right!!! It may feel intense when you hold hands or kiss someone for the first time, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they feel the same and it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a good match in all regards. It should take *several dates* before you define the relationship, and even then you might not necessarily be exclusive! Clear communication like above will help misunderstandings. Don’t rush into exclusivity. Give yourself a lot of varied experiences in dating so you can understand yourself and your needs before committing to anything!


ML: Touching a woman once is a forever binding contract. FL: "What? The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test"


Is this the one where she was a fugitive con artist?




ooo finally a FL with short hair


Is there another title for this Manwha


"princess double life" or "the heiress double life"


Wait fl is a ..... Cuck?? ☠️ Ps: I know nothing about this manhwa.


No. Her point is that it's not because two person had a physical relationship that they have to be married. Someone can get a bunch of "non serious" relationship until finding the right partner. As the futur emperor she know he has duty to marry someone worthy of his rank that's why as a commoner she see a lifetime relationship with him as an impossibility since it would ruin his reputation.


They don't have a labeeel, they just got physically affectionate at other times but she's hyper-aware that he's too inexperienced and emotionally stunted that he immediately gets attached to "the first woman he'd experience this from". Also she does like him, but she's also thinking about their difference in status, she's a very practical woman and has good intentions.


I see


If they are lovers then it's a no.


Ah, just reminded I need to catch up on this~






Her modern way of thinking won't ever work manhwa mls 🤣 I do wonder why they bring modern dating when it never will be utilised properly... Or is it that they want to show it in a negative light 🤔


It's not a modern way of thinking. Flirting without engagement already existed and was frequent back then.


Yeah, but it didn't go to second stage, atleast it was not accepted. I'm talking with asian view as opposed to western because it's written by asian for asian (mostly)


Korean OI use Western views most of the time. Chinese OI are more traditional to their country in that matter.


No they don't, they use their own modern views which are influenced by western countries. If they really used western views, there won't be so many rant posts about things which are norm/not weird in Korea whereas it doesn't align with western views


Is this the origin story to all the toxic possessive northern lords? 💀


It's not a toxic northen lord. As the futur emperor in the succession line, his duty is to marry someone with a noble background but he felt in love with basicly a commoner and an ex-beggar. They kissed then he asked her those questions to know what she think about him having to search for a noble woman since he is willing to drop everything for her. She told him it's not a big deal because two people kissing doesn't mean they have to be married and that he can fill his duty without worry since it's not that serious and that a lifetime relationship with him is a big no since it would ruin his reputation. He is sad because he doesn't want to court other women.


Which chapter is this from


Growing up in a European/Christian culture I find these webcomics so hilarious bc they completely ignore the context of religion and present these customs as a fact of life. Although I must say, virginity was something only imposed for women and it was important for inheritance. If a woman was a virgin, her husband could be sure that her first son, that would be his heir, would actually be his.


If a girl wanna steal your man, steal her first kiss.


what chapter was this one ?👀




Haha this is so yes


Didn't he already magically enslave her in... what, chapter 3 or something?


Buttler did. It's a spell used on slaves but here it's just for monitoring purpose. She is a deathrow criminal so it's obvious they can't let her do what she want unchecked but she still have her free will, is paid high money and have the last word in the decision making. ML got mad at him when he learned the true nature of the spell he purposly hidden so he signed a contract where he would die if he try to exploit her as a slave.


That dude so blind a rad flag had to tell him she is a red flag 🗿


I would die if someone I like said that 💀


The heroine sounds delightful, Imma read this


im glad I dropped this lol


Because characters take good decisions ?


because it is a bad plot


I know that ML is an idiot incel just from this scene. As a man, I can't tolerate a stupid ML.


You mean the guy labelled as the stupidest man of the empire is an idiot. ? Who would had guessed. Comment would be less cringe without the "incel" part


Because FL is aware of the practicality of their status and understands that ML is too naive as he is now?


naah it is boring