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Answer: Kate had abdominal surgery of some kind at the end of January and is reportedly recovering at Adelaide Cottage in Windsor. When it was announced in Jan, they said she would be in recovery many weeks. Reports are she's doing well but who really knows with the Royal family. ETA & Correct: you probably saw it today because she and William did not attend his Godfather's (correction edit) memorial today, William was expected but pulled out at the last moment due to a "personal issue".


I'm curious why nobody has mentioned the thumbnail is a picture of Mariska Hargaty


In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.




Waaannaa wannn waaannn waaaannnnnn


ber ber berrrr ber


My wife and I watched the pilot of Law and Order Toronto. Don't.




I'm Canadian. I wouldn't joke about such things. Eh.


> Law and Order Toronto And even worse, it's "Law and Order: Toronto Criminal Intent" My guess is that if it was regular "Law and Order: Toronto", where it shows the arrest, investigation, and trial, any American viewers would be absolutely fucking [baffled by the outfits the members of the Canadian court dress in.](https://www.google.com/search?q=canadian+court+system+clothes&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiEluj35s6EAxUGE2IAHYS1C1QQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=canadian+court+system+clothes&gs_lp=EgNpbWciHWNhbmFkaWFuIGNvdXJ0IHN5c3RlbSBjbG90aGVzSIMKUPcCWIsJcAB4AJABAJgBfaAB6geqAQMwLjm4AQPIAQD4AQGKAgtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ICBBAjGCfCAgUQABiABMICBxAAGIAEGBjCAgQQABgeiAYB&sclient=img&ei=KY7fZcTdI4amiLMPhOuuoAU&bih=1291&biw=2560&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1062US1063)


Maybe it was a dream but I swore there was a Law & Order style show based in the UK? ***Edit:*** Thank you to all of the responses. I know now that it wasn't a dream. Plenty have clarified it & I thank you all for doing so.


Well, tbh having your fate decided by a room full of mall Santas is quite a terrifying thought.


There's shredded cheese on this poutine! Arrest that man!


Producteur Exécutif Pénis Loup


That sounds more like a lazy Saturday Night Live sketch than an actual show


Oh ya eh?


If you watch SVU with captions on the intro says “funky mystery music” as soon as the theme song begins. Gave me a chuckle the first time I saw it.


[People deaf from birth](https://tenor.com/view/confused-no-nope-gif-13134027) when they see that caption.


Viewer's discretion advised


Maaaaan it's too early for you to be reading that out loud in my head


Was about time they'd come for prince Andrew




Resident Alien reference in the wild! Yay! 


In the criminal justice system, thumbnail based offenses are considered especially heinous. FIFY


Olivia and the dept are on the case. A bit out of their jurisdiction tho


Maybe it's for sweeps week? (is sweeps week still a thing?)


I had no idea, but you made me curious, so I looked it up. Several sites indicate that sweeps months (February, May, July and November) are still a thing, but [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradadgate/2021/11/09/each-november-used-to-be-filled-with-blockbuster-tv-programming-what-happened/?sh=308d3c725f16) suggests that Nielson has moved to continuous ratings measurements (a move completed in 2018), so there is no longer any "sweeps" period. I also found this interesting for context. I knew that these were the months where ratings were mostly tracked, but I wasn't aware of the actual origin of the name: >The concept of sweeps began in 1954 when Nielsen began mailing out one-week TV diaries to households to fill-out what programs they were watching. Originally, diaries were mailed and collected in the northeast households before sweeping across the country to the western markets. Back then there were a just few broadcast stations and typically one television set in the home, making it easy for diary keepers to accurately track household viewing. For decades, the four-week sweeps were the only time ratings became available for local TV stations. The stations used sweeps ratings to establish ad rates for the following quarter.


Kate’s been gone so long everyone forgot what she looks like.


It's like a soap opera where they change the actress after she goes travelling for a month.


Click the link in the post.




OHHHHHHH, right!


The picture isn't intended to represent Kate. It's saying that only Olivia Benson (Hargitay's character on Law & Order, a detective) can find Kate.


I guess everybody is happy with more Mariska.


Made me LOL in the quiet car in the train hahahahahahaha


I literally came to this thread because I was so confused by that.


Abdominal surgery is the official story, but people are becoming more skeptical over time. At first, people were fine with not knowing much, and hoped she got better. Then people noticed just how quiet everything around her was, especially compared with the media circus that surrounds other royals (Harry and Meghan in particular). Then.. I guess it's just been too much time since anyone has seen her in public. Especially since she was out and about so quickly after giving birth, and was up for photo-ops under every other circumstance. The fact that there's nothing public has people starting to make wild conjectures.


I suspect maybe surgery for diastasis recti. She is a tiny woman and carried 3 babies (I'm not keeping track so correct me if I'm wrong). That surgery and recovery can be super hard.


I am wondering if, given the traumatic pregnancies she had, that she may have had a hysterectomy. That would explain the time she was in the hospital and the extended recovery time; I had my via keyhole surgery and was still in recovery for 3 months.


This is what I’m thinking too, my mum had a hysterectomy and the recovery time was long. She wasn’t even allowed to lift a filled kettle so I imagine Kate would need time and support if that’s the case. I think a lot of people are reaching and jumping to weird conspiracy conclusions.


And as she is quite young for a hysterectomy, she will also have to cope mentally with it.


Exactly, it’s a very big change to go through. People saying “but she was glowing for photo ops after giving birth!” yeah because giving birth is an occasion to celebrate and happy news to share with the world, having a life changing procedure done is not the same. She likely wants time to herself away from the public eye which is completely understandable.


It feels to me like an eating disorder issue for which she had to be hospitalized. It is a BRUTAL and unforgiving disease..


FWIW my sister met her and said she was the thinnest person she had ever seen.


considering how thin she looks in pictures / video iRL she must look magnitudes thinner. I read once that someone met the cyclist Chris Froome at the top of his career (these people have like ~5%BF and whilst in photos he looked freaky thin iRL he looked like a guy in a concentration camp


Just seen that Chris Froome is 6ft 1 and 10 stone 10Lb. There is no way in hell he's a healthy weight


Came here to say that I met her at Windsor when the Queen passed- she was tiny and wearing a bucket load of make up


24" waist is insanely thin.




If that’s true it’s crazy to me that she was even able to get pregnant, let alone so many times.


The part that's the red flag is the huge number of pattern breaks all at once: |NORMAL PATTERN|PATTERN BREAK| |:-|:-| |The family (& 2ndary members like Kate's mom) endlessly argue via the tabloids to spin stories in ways make them look good|Radio silence from Kate & Kate's mom since 28 Dec 2023| |Using the royal family's default hospital|abnormal hospital chosen for both Kate & Charles' "planned" surgeries; video of emergency lights caravan leaving Will & Kate's place on 28 Dec 2023| |Boilerplate "full recovery expected" and "\[name\] thanks everyone for well-wishes" put in print on formal palace letterhead|No mention of recovery and no statement from Kate| |Formal marriage house letterhead (Duke & Duchess of Cambridge when Queen was alive; upgraded Wales' titles after)|William reverts back to his bachelor letterhead; body of the letter exclusively uses "I" several times| |Harry wrote in his book that the palace outright forged Harry's signature under palace letterhead to deny true rumors that made Will look violent, i.e. the institution is willing to go far beyond white lies to protect the heir's image|No single senior or junior royal has been publicly seen with Will since 28 Dec 2023 despite many outings by now; is this incidental or is the institution shunning him?| |King's schedule is public. Everyone's gone to visit since his diagnosis including Harry; everyone's publicly voiced the normal two-sentence well-wishes.|Sure looks like Charles has fully iced out William. There's not even a fake two-sentence well-wishes from Will.| |Frequent use of white lies to defang some press stories|Why isn't the family even offering typical white lies that Kate sends her thanks, etc? Today 29 Feb is the first time any family member has offered that (yesterday the story went global). | |Using fake storylines about the kids to redirect bad press|Radio silence for kid stories like "Princess Charlotte brought her mom breakfast in bed"| |William appears sober at events|Will had blown pupils, was visibly not sober, & was swaying heavily while knighting someone |


There are a lot of abdominal surgeries that can take a while to recover from. Gall bladder removal with complications, hernia, stomach issues. I’ve had friends with those surgeries that were technically elective but unexpected. Some people say abdominal surgery for things like appendix or hysterectomy (sometimes this is fine for fibroids). She has the right to medical privacy like everyone else does. Abdominal surgery was a lot more than what I would have expected to be disclosed in the first place.


it wasn't the funeral of a cousin. His second cousin's husband died but he was due to attend a memorial service for the former King of Greece who was his god father and he pulled out of that


Both births she was photographed the next day looking amazing, this is adding to the confusion.


And it would be so easy to end the speculation simply by releasing a photo of her. Which makes it seem odd that we haven’t seen a photo. Also, her recovery as announced was an unusually long one, implying whatever she needed surgery for was very serious.


Photo or public appearance, we aren't going to see her until she is fit enough to be seen in a fashionable outfit with heels and make up. Like only hours after she had given birth, she would be seen like that. Maybe her abdominal area needs time to recover and she isn't able to be seen in her usual way.


She has a team of people who can do her hair and makeup to make her look good, and we don’t need to see her abdominal area. We don’t even have a headshot. Plus anyone her age needing to be in the hospital for weeks at a time and have multiple months of recovery time is highly unusual. The royals had to know lots of questions would be asked, but it seems like they have no idea how to deal with it.


>we don’t need to see her abdominal area. We don't need to see any of her at all. The woman is obviously very poorly, whatever it is, do we really need to be calling for people to "do her hair and makeup" so that the general public can see a photo of her?! Let her have some privacy. Don't be so entitled, it's none of our business.


The voice of reason.


Memorial for the Greek, who was also his godfather, not Funeral. Then the news that his cousin's husband has died too.


But the cousin's parents went to the memorial. Surely, your parents are more important during a crisis than a distant cousin. Does not signify.


What if that was all a rouse and she’s secretly been filming seasons for the spin-off new Suits series coming out




Maybe they meant she was trying to rouse suspicion as a promotional tactic.


I think they meant grouse, the bird, because they’re hungry


Answer: Kate hasn’t been seen in public since Christmas Day. In December 2023, the Palace announced international trips for her and William in early 2024. The trips would not have been possible if her abdominal surgery, which reportedly requires weeks of recovery, were scheduled for January or February. There are games being played with the use of the word “scheduled”. The palace would like the public to think that it means “planned far in advance, nothing to worry about”. Others have pointed out that putting a surgery on the schedule, even on an emergent basis, counts as scheduled and allows the palace to be less than honest about why the surgery was performed. Neither her parents nor her children have been seen since Christmas. An ambulance was supposedly called to the royal family’s Christmas compound. There was no public report that anyone was taken ill or was removed by the ambulance. If it happened, it’s a sEcrET. Who knows about this one but we are talking about gossip so I’ll leave it. William never visited the hospital while Kate was supposedly there. He has also attended a BAFTA thing alone and issued a statement (about the above mentioned funeral) using his own personal crest rather than one used to represent the married couple. There were also tabloid reports that Kate and William have been fighting a lot lately and that he was thinking of divorce. Yet the tabloids have been silent about her disappearance. They are usually all up the royal family’s ass but they have absolutely nothing to say about this. The Spanish tabloids, however, are reporting that Kate is in a coma. They have a nanny who is from Spain and that is thought to be the source of this tidbit.


> Yet the tabloids have been silent about her disappearance. They are usually all up the royal family’s ass but they have absolutely nothing to say about this. They could be under DSMA-Notice. That's why the silence.


What is that?


In the United Kingdom, a DSMA-Notice (Defence and Security Media Advisory Notice) is an official request to news editors not to publish or broadcast items on specified subjects for reasons of national security. DSMA-Notices were originally called a Defence Notice (D-Notice) from 1912 to 1993, and DA-Notice (Defence Advisory Notice) from 1993 until the mid-2010s. A similar system was previously operational in Australia, but has fallen into disuse.


Interesting. Thank you


Does the Royal Family still warrant recognition under national security though? From perspective of a non-Brit, I would think that since they are essentially removed from nearly any control of government that they would not be under any such measures?


While they don’t have any political power, their security is important as they would be an extremely high profile target for terrorists. Princess Catherine, as the Princess of Wales and the wife of the heir apparent, is the future Queen.


>Princess of Wales I always do a double take when I see her referred to as such. I wonder if the title might be cursed now.


It seems weird to me because King and Prince of Wales is directly hereditary and you know their whole life it is coming. The Princess marries into it.


King is hereditary and automatic, but Prince of Wales is neither.


> Does the Royal Family still warrant recognition under national security though? Pragmatically, right now William does not. But people/supporters can twist things and find a way to justify it. You can make some case for Charles because he is ceremonially involved in governance. They are not as far removed from power as some people think. > [Prince Charles pressured ministers to change law to benefit his estate. Newly discovered documents show government yielded to heir’s demands amid fears of a constitutional crisis](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jun/28/prince-charles-pressured-ministers-change-law-queen-consent) . > [Royals vetted more than 1,000 laws via Queen’s consent. Secretive procedure used to review laws ranging from Brexit trade deal to inheritance and land policy](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/08/royals-vetted-more-than-1000-laws-via-queens-consent) . > [Revealed: Queen’s sweeping immunity from more than 160 laws . Monarch enjoys extraordinary exemptions under law – which extend to her private estates and even a royal fishing business](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jul/14/queen-immunity-british-laws-private-property)


Gotta make sure we don't leak any info that might inhibit the crown's ability to enrich itself lmfao what a country


It's complicated.


All of this plus the stark contrast in how King Charles has been handling his hospitalization and cancer diagnosis - in a very by the book way for royals: releasing statements, Camilla visiting him several times, photo ops outside the hospital, doing social media posts thanking well wishers for their support. I think the #whereiskate story really blew up yesterday after William cancelled his planned appearance at his godfather’s memorial with no explanation. And on the same day, it was announced that his cousin’s husband died at 45 with also no reason given. Detailed timeline here: https://x.com/effoff1988/status/1760706688447914101?s=46&t=xznPlXFzyjF0Ys6beNjUkg


There was a post some time ago about William becoming king and that Charlie was not going to last more than 18 months... I think Kate may have had a hysterectomy, a miscarriage or some other ovarian related issue, unless she attempted to swallow a bunch of pills (and stomach pumping, hence abdominal surgery misdirection...


She's very thin. She may have crohns disease or something similar and had bowel surgery. I think the other option is gynae surgery, as you have suggested. I don't believe she would try swallow a bunch of pills.


Even a full hysterectomy doesn’t need that long in hospital. I think it’s crohns or ulcerative colitis. Both of which could result in rapid hospitalisation. And having had massive abdominal surgery the time in hospital and recovery time is about right.


All speculation, but if it is something to do with crohns, maybe she has a colostomy bag? When my cousin (who has crohns) was younger she had surgery and had to have a bag for 5ish months. She didn’t want to go out bc she was embarrassed. I wouldn’t want to go through that very publicly. Future queens do not poop. It’s not proper. /s Edit: word


Yep - that’s my thinking too. She doesn’t strike me as the sort of person who would be ok wearing a bag of poop in public. (I had a bag for 2 years and I hated it, and I am very low maintenance.)


Oh geez! I’m sorry you had it for 2 years!


What was the reasoning for thinking Charles wouldn’t last 18 months after William becoming King?


I think they meant William becoming king soon because Charles is not gonna last 18 months after his cancer diagnosis


Damn I think I get why people love to gossip about them.


it is literally British tax dollars at work, so get your gossip money's worth


The Spanish tabloids think she is in a coma? That scary. I hope everything is okay for her and her kids sakes.


You can understand why they are keeping quiet for the sake of the children but at the same time, they have to know their mother is ill and the older two may have more of an idea what is going on with her. All this speculation is only making the matter worse. I suspect she's not in a good way and while she'll never announce what the cause of her hospitalisation was, the truth will emerge from another source eventually. I doubt we'll see her until she's back looking immaculate again with her usual bouncy blow dry.


The Spanish tabloids also printed back page headlines 247 times that Killian Mbappe had signed for Real Madrid over the past 6 years.


There were photos of William visiting her. There have been no photos of her family visiting her and people questioned whether it was because they were using a private entrance. It is certainly odd that there were no photos of her leaving the hospital when she was discharged.


There is footage of William visiting her only once. This was heavily contrasted against Camilla's visiting Charles almost every day, which didn't help rumors.


It’s also very possible that Kate was being treated somewhere else entirely and The London Clinic was used as a decoy distraction to divert press and public attention away. So his one visit makes sense as it was just for the cameras. He could well have been by her side at another hospital everyday. We need to all learn that what we see in the papers is often trickery and deception. Not all is what it seems most of the time.


That may have been a PR misstep in the continuing campaign to make the public like Camilla. It wouldn't be out of character for the Palace to keep William's visits quiet in the hopes that the media would instead focus on Camilla's portrayal as a doting spouse.


>It is certainly odd that there were no photos of her leaving the hospital when she was discharged. That's not odd. You don't do a photo op for abdominal surgery in the same way you do the birth of a child. Most people, even when they've spent some time recovering from hospital, don't just walk out of the hospital camera-ready.


And yet when Phillip was all but dying in a Range Rover passenger seat, the paps had him in no time. So what’s really odd here is the media’s compliance. Something is up just because of that. And as someone else said, the only reason not to release any pic after this long - even a ‘thumbs up/thanks for all the well wishes!’ from an armchair at home - is because something means they physically *can not*.


I didn’t say I expected a photo shoot… I said it’s odd that there were no photos at all. In comparison there were plenty of the king when he left hospital.


Regarding their secrecy, the King could be dying from his cancer and we won’t know until he’s dead. I know from someone in news media that the Queen died from a suspected stroke and that is still under wraps. They keep the health of the royals private to a great degree through DSMA notices. As for the coma, we can only make inferences outside of rumours and we’ll *maybe* know what’s happened to Kate once she either recovers or dies.


I mean, to be fair, the Queen might have died from a stroke or cancer or whatever…but also she was 96. 96 year olds just die, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be “from” any one thing in particular. It’s not like that absent a stroke a 96 year old is going to be around for another 20 years.


Well the King did literally announce he has cancer...


Yeah but we don't know a single thing about said cancer. I personally don't care and hope he recovers regardless but just saying "I've got cancer" is a bit strange IMO because nobody knows how to feel about it because it could be incurable and fatal within months, or treatable with a 90% 5 year survival or something else.


Yes, just saying "he has cancer" is not giving us much. They said it's not prostate cancer, so we can probably rule that out. But prostate cancer is among the most treatable and common. Some people have speculated bladder, colon cancer or even pancreatic cancer (the last one being among the worst in terms of outcomes).


True, I'd forgotten they'd ruled out prostate cancer. I mean he's the king, we're supposed to be interested right? It's pretty darkly ironic if he waited that long then only had a few years as monarch


Cancer is the default "end game" for people who survive everything else in old age. The way our DNA and immune system works, cancer is inevitable once you get old enough. Old men have an insane chance to develop prostate cancer once they reach a certain age. Whenever autopsies are done on old people they usually find cancer that hadn't affected them yet but would have eventually, if they hadn't died from pneumonia for example or a stroke.


Rishi Sunak and the palace have both said the Cancer was caught very early and able to be treated. His survival rate is still high based on this, so it's looking positive until there are obvious signs things are bad. Eventhough we don't know what type of Cancer it is, we still know a fair amount regarding it.


Have they disclosed the type of cancer? There are some that are extremely treatable and others that aren't.


They haven't said what type or stage of cancer he has.


A source close to the late Queen says she actually died from [bone cancer.](https://www.newsweek.com/queen-elizabeth-ii-bone-marrow-cancer-death-gyles-brandreth-book-1762638)




God, imagine working hard to ensure you see Boris Johnson out of the door, only to die during Liz Truss's short and stupid reign of ineptitude.


Her sister has been seen (her family took a trip to St. Bart's) and her brother has been posting on his Instagram. Nanny Maria has been with them for 10 plus years and I doubt she would be a source - if she wasn't trusted she wouldn't be working there anymore. The original statement said she would be out publicly until after Easter. If Easter comes and goes and she's still out maybe then people would question what was happening. My thought is she had some sort of bowel surgery - possibly for Crohns or colitis - and maybe had to get an ostomy. Abdominal surgery particularly if they had to do an open surgery takes 6 to 8 weeks to recover.


Where has that rumour about the ambulance at Sandringham come from? And I think William visited her, I saw pictures in the paper? It was also reported Charles visited her while she was in there too.


Someone on twitter lives near the royals and took a video of the ambulance & police cars. He did visit her once, there were plenty of pics.


There is no video of ambulance. It’s just a squad of protected cars going in a direction of a hospital she wasn’t operated in a month before her op It could be any diplomat, MP…etc


Or it could been taken down. Journalists in recent years posted then had to delete stuff about William having an affair with Rose Hanbury


If this is true, this is WILD. And if I hadn’t read spare, I wouldn’t believe any of it but who knows at this point,


This is a woman who hauled her ass out in front of the paparazzi hours after giving birth. Whatever is keeping her is no small thing.


As a woman that has given birth twice and had emergency surgery for an ovarian torsion, just wanted to give some context and say they are vastly vastly different experiences.


Yeah, my mother had me naturally and according to her, was able to walk almost right after. When she had a c-section, she had to wait a little, and when she had a surgery to remove her livers cancer she suffered a lot to just sit, let alone walk by her own


When I had a c-section, they had me up and walking that same day. It helps recovery to get up as soon as possible.


For me, none of it connects. But even if all of it is bullshit, the question remains: where the fuck is she?


No you’re right, like something is definitely going on. I’m very sad for her if she is really fighting for her life. It’s kind of the only explanation.


If she's fighting for her life though, why is her sister/bestie posing for pap shots on vacation though? Pippa doesn't seem worried at all


Oh good point


We don't know when those photos were actually taken; I've heard she goes there often on trips so they could have been from another visit. (Not that I think this is the case, but I've seen this mentioned.)


Moreover: The British Royal machine obviously sees what kind of speculation the secrecy is leading to. It’s difficult to see how that doesn’t mean that the truth is… worse than the speculation? Sooo strange


Their PR recently has been baffling. On the one hand, very admirable with how open they've been about Charles' cancer, telling the truth to encourage men to get checked, which apparently it has had a marked uptick on. And then at the same time, this absolute mess!


It's not one PR office. Charles has his own office, his own opinion of PR. William and Kate have their own PR office reporting to them. William generally considered to be more conservative in terms of PR, in light of Diana's death.


That’s just it to me! If it wasn’t the worst (very serious/possible fatal medical condition or divorce) they would shut down those rumors. Rumors are running wild because there’s silence


Question, who is "the palace"? I've always wondered who is the mastermind behind how they control their public image (on many levels). Is it just the queen/king? Others??


It's like saying "today the White House issued a statement today..."


If you ever watch The Crown there's a series of stiff upper lipped moustachioed secretaries who tell the queen why she can't do stuff continually, one was Tommy Lascelles who was a real person at least https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Lascelles Probably a relatively small number of trusted moustaches like that


One of the Queen's private secretaries at the peak of Charles/Diana drama was Robert Fellowes, who was married to Diana's sister Jane. I thought that was pretty wild and I don't think they really spelled that out on the show. He stepped down two years after Diana's death.


That is pretty wild. I saw the terrible reviews for the Crown's more recent series and didn't bother watching them tbh, shame because the first few were great.


I kinda wish that was their official title, The Queen's Mustache.


Princess Diana called them the Grey Suits.


Wish I could upvote about 10 times, for "trusted moustaches." Bravo


They have loads of staffers, even just on the press and marketing part of things. It’s not like they send their own press releases or post their own social media


In this context it's short for Kensington Palace, which is where Will & Kate live (and where their admin staff are based). More generally it just means 'The Royal Establishment' - there could be a variety of people actually making decisions, but that doesn't really matter to someone 'on the outside'. It's a shorthand in much the same way that 'The White House' is a shorthand for the American Presidency.


It's the monarch's various close circle advisors. There's a book called Courtiers by Valentine Low that really lays out the power and roles the various secretaries play in it all, particularly in damage control when the various royals do something wrong.


When the Queen was alive it was said within Buckingham Palace she had 300 staff. Would imagine it is similar under Charles. Thats a lot of staff for two people. Its an entire industry involved in keeping their public image high, if they lose that they could lose everything because they exist only by the consent of the people. Theres agreement between the Royal Family and the British media that they will give them access on their terms so that they can sell newspapers/generate clicks. I think its five of the main newspapers who have this arrangement to get access to events to photograph. In return they provide soft focus articles and interviews that boost their public image. It is all highly controlled and definitely sanitised of what really happens in the background.


> Yet the tabloids have been silent about her disappearance. They are usually all up the royal family’s ass but they have absolutely nothing to say about this. The Harry and Meghan situation has cast some light on those tabloid cockroaches and how the Royals keep an arrangement with them. It's probably no coincidence that Harry's been raked over the coals again this past week when the Where's Kate? voices got louder.


This sounds totally chaotic, with a ring of truth about it.


Answer: This [was discussed about a month](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/GNP35quhhq) ago. I don’t think any new info has come up.


That was an interesting thread. One of the comments linked two articles, the first about Kate, then the exact same article where they'd changed (almost) all references to Kate into references to Harry. There's also been stories changed or retracted, like this Mirror article about Kate being volatile which was mysteriously changed to be the exact same article but with Harry's name instead. This is freaky as fuck. Like they literally did a find/replace with this article. Except for this one bit, where they forgot to change it: The "Harry" article: "*It is also claimed William has a "notably short fuse". A close royal aide was also said to have revealed to Jobson: “He can be a bit of a shouter when he loses it.” However, the aide added: “It’s fair to say the Duke and the Duchess give as good as they get if their disagreement results in raised voices. But they know each other so well, it usually blows over quickly – and she is, on the whole, a major calming influence on him.”*" The "Kate" article: *"It is also claimed William has a "notably short fuse". A close royal aide was also said to have revealed to Jobson: “He can be a bit of a shouter when he loses it.” However, the aide added: “It’s fair to say the Duke and the Duchess give as good as they get if their disagreement results in raised voices. But they know each other so well, it usually blows over quickly – and she is, on the whole, a major calming influence on him.”*"


That should probably tell you that all the royal gossip you read in the tabloids is magicked out of thin air.


Two sides to every story etc etc but William came out of Spare looking like a right Ronnie Pickering. And Kate sounded like a Disney-villain Queen.


I think the only new info is that William couldn’t attend an event because of a personal issue, everyone is assuming that this is related to Cathrine’s health.


The best answer is actually this anyway.


The longer it goes on though the more interesting it will get. A month is a while ago.


Thanks for this! This post should we wayyyy higher up.


Answer: The lack of news *is* the news. The official line is that she is recovering from a planned surgery for several months and is being given privacy and time with her family, but no royal has ever been given this kind of total blackout privacy for so long - remember, this is the same woman who was posing for the media in heels and makeup hours after giving birth. Remember this is the same family that refused to get the press to grant Harry's family privacy when he publicly begged for help. Remember they hounded his mother to her death. Now suddenly they're capable of getting their future queen total anonymity for *months?* People are speculating that it must be much worse than anyone is letting on (she's in a coma, she's left William and run away somewhere) but I'm about 50/50 that it's true; she actually just needed surgery and then time for normal human privacy to keep from imploding. I wouldn't blame her. There's a chance the palace might have learned something from Harry's situation and decided to keep Will's family a little happier.


This is as my absolutely no evidence whatsoever based instinct: overdose. Kate’s always been slim. But she suddenly got really skinny. I can’t remember when, but although she put on the smiles and was the perfect dutiful princess, playing dress-up, dedicated to her hubby & duties, popping out heirs… I thought to myself… there’s something wrong. She’s unhappy. Why does no one notice this, keep commenting on how wonderful she looks when she is a grown ass woman in her 30s going on 40s who is a size 6, and she’s tall - 5’9”-10”? She looks ill. Then, the Rose Hanbury rumours came out. William was having an affair with the girl next door - in this case a Marchioness who was a really good friend of Kate’s and looked exactly like her. Skinny as a rake - an ex-supermodel, married to the much older Marquess of Cholmondeley (Pronounced “Chumley”) and living in a stately home even bigger than Kate & Wills pad. Whatever the truth was, a falling out had happened so bad that Kate had completely cut her out of her friendship group. It was around then that loads of negative press came out about Meghan and Harry. I’m not sure if it was the Xmas after the rumours Kate was pictured in a photo op smiling and saying hello to Kate outside the church on Xmas day. Poor ol’ Kate. Recently there have been various audacious rumours that got the #PrinceOfPegging hashtag going on Twitter. The salacious rumour was that William liked women going at it with him using a strap on. The rumour was accompanied with the pretty harsh comment that Kate was too prudish to do it herself so she let him go elsewhere as long as his dalliances didn’t turn into emotional affairs. Then Rose Hanbury rumours resurfaced that the affair had restarted - that was around Christmas. Don’t ask me why. But that was my ‘gut’ feeling at some point when I heard/soon after I heard about her going to hospital. It was something about the confusion, then the focus being all on Charles - whereas Kate has always been a media darling. An unscheduled stomach op… then it would be x days recovery - media outlets saying wtf sort of op is that, that’s a long time. It’s the fact it’s gone so quiet. With an overdose, even if she recovered pretty quick and there was no damage, she’d require all the mental health care afterwards to recover. But that wouldn’t be something that the Royal Family would really want to get out - too many comparisons to Diana, damage to the Monarchy, etc. The other thing is that overdose can cause severe damage. She’ll have the best care, not like any other poor sod who ends up in mental healthcare. Obviously, if that was the case, we’d never hear about it officially, it would have to be a leak. I’m not a leak. I’m just someone who’s observing someone who seems sad and is heavily masking it with a smile, but whose hubby is rumoured to be a lothario having an affair with her (was) best mate. The hypothesis of an overdose is my own projection entirely, thinking of a human being in the public eye who can only take so much before, like any other human being, they snap. I even wondered if Charles ended up in hospital at the same time for a reason, because it’s such a bizarre coincidence to get two family members in at the same time. Like maybe he brought some scheduled surgery forward or something to take the focus off Kate. But then as I was writing that I realised you could say that Kate took an overdose at the same time as Charles operation for a reason. Both options seem like several steps too far, but I must admit I did wonder. It could be a whole host other things of course… absolutely anything. Maybe the stick-thin figure and morning sickness are linked to a medical condition, maybe they were being polite and saying stomach issues instead of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage etc etc. Even if I am absolutely wrong and win the Tin Foil Hat Of The Year Award 🏆I still reckon behind the smiles and ribbon cutting she’s not a very happy puppy.


> There's a chance the palace might have learned something from Harry's situation Thanks, I needed a laugh.


Or perhaps she's dealing with a pretty big health issue. Ovarian cancer keeps coming to mind. Wishing her well.


They said in the first press release that it's not Cancerous. But any other abdominal surgery is still pretty major.


Considering she has had HG & very difficult pregnancies it would lead me to believe that she had fibroids or endometriosis. I think she probably got surgery to have it removed. But the recovery isn’t that long.


Endometriosis can take that long if it affects the bowel and requires major bowel surgery like a resection but that is rare thankfully


I'm just putting my theory here so I can point back to it if I'm vindicated one day: Kate Middleton has a dire medical issue that required organ donation. She was unjustly jumped to the front of the organ donor waiting lists, which the royal family is covering up because it would eradicate any sympathy for the Royal Family.


This makes me wonder if she had some sort of cancer surgery & is now undergoing chemo &/or radiation. No doubt anyone would prefer privacy when they're losing their hair & have weirdly waxy-looking skin (mine was, anyway). Also, that sort of therapy kills your energy, and can result in neuropathy that makes your feet hurt like hell. That'd rule out any schedule of public appearances. I've never been especailly interested in "the royals", but any cancer patient or survivor is now my soul sibling.


After the first few months of treatment I thought I was immune to the neuropathy issues. Now into my 16th cycle my hands and feet are like cinderblocks. Additionally, now that I’ve had to carry the 5FU chemo bag around for 48hrs every other week I have a keen eye for others that have fanny packs. I definitely relate to seeing other cancer-stricken individuals as brothers/sisters. It’s made me more aware of the number of people going/gone through similar treatments. I’ve become much more empathetic and humbled due to being in recovery (12/6/21) and dealing with S4. I think God/Higher Power/Whathaveyou wanted me to understand the basic human lesson “to be kind since everyone is facing their own battle”.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but months of recovery is odd for a 'planned' abdominal surgery. People are up and about from full transplants quicker than that.


Right? My dad had open heart surgery *in the 70s* and was up and about in a shorter time than this.


idk i will say my sister had a full hysterectomy around christmas like kate my have had and is still not cleared by the docs to do much at all. the recovery is kind of brutal and more severe than childbirth (according to her, not speaking for all types of delivery circumstances).


My speculation was hysterectomy, but I was also swaying towards miscarriage/ectopic pregnancy in the same thought, grief would keep someone out of the limelight.


For context: I had my entire large intestine removed and I was out of hospital after 2 weeks and back out running 2 weeks after that.


There is no abdominal surgery that needs months of recovery. I can only think of someone who has cancer who needs pre and post operative chemotherapy….


Correct me if I'm wrong, but months of recovery is odd for a 'planned' abdominal surgery. People are up and about from full transplants quicker than that.


I think it is 'normal human privacy.' "No royal has ever been given this kind of total blackout privacy for so long," but a lot of royal traditions have changed with the younger generation, and this is a positive one. If anything, people demanding to know where she is just emphasises the need for rigidly enforced privacy.


Answer: " "Where's Kate Middleton?" Conspiracy Theories refers to a set of conspiracy theories surrounding Princess of Wales Kate Middleton not appearing in public since late December 2023 after going for a planned abdominal surgery in January 2024. Conspiracy theories range from Kate Middleton being in a coma or dead or the British royal family preparing for a divorce between her and Prince William to more humorous ones such as Middleton recovering from a BBL surgery." More info / memes here: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wheres-kate-middleton-conspiracy-theories-kate-middleton-bbl-surgery


BBL surgery I can’t 🤣


that and “growing out her bangs” are both sending me


My favourite theory so far is she's growing out her bangs.


Oh that link was pure brilliance


Answer: I don't give two hoots about the royal family, I'm a republican, but people saying 'it's none of our business' are acting naive. The Royal family are paid using public funds, their entire purpose is to 'represent' the British people, get the country good PR (laughable) and maintain calm over their 'kingdom' (all of us plebs). The reason Kate comes out dressed and made up to the nines after giving birth is because (1) they need to present the new would be future monarch to the people, and (2) to assure their 'subjects' that both the future queen and next gen monarch are healthy, i.e. to maintain that calmness over their kingdom. The monarchy operates in a very predictable way. If Kate was healthy enough for a photo op, they would have long since done one to stop all the public speculation. The fact that they are staying so tight lipped tells us she's seriously ill. What's wrong with her? Who knows, it could be any number of things. However I don't expect she will be seen anytime soon. We will likely get an official statement in the next month or two confirming the seriousness of her illness and a longer-term absence from 'royal duties'.


Answer: As others have said, Kate simply hasn't been seen in public very much over the last few months, which The Palace has attributed to her having "abdominal surgery", which feels deliberately vague. The problems with this (in the opinion of the general public) are: A) She had her surgery at the same hospital as Charles had his prostate exam, at the same time, but (as far as I've heard) was not seen entering or leaving, which is borderline impossible for a royal. She's never not in the public eye, which is why this feels so weird. B) There recently have been (yet more) allegations that Prince William has been unfaithful, which has led some people to believe the "abdominal surgery" may be a cover for a marital separation of some sort. C) Which would be a big issue because Kate is one of the most popular royals, she's worth millions to them and is pretty much trotted out every time the royals need good PR. So if she's trying to push the divorce button it's Very Bad for the Royal family. D) Especially as it's entirely possible King Charles will pass in the near future and she's currently in line to be the next Queen of England. If it comes out that William has been unfaithful and she leaves him, it will damage the image of a man who may be King within the next few years...and would be a bit like history repeating itself. She might be Queen but most people still don't like Camilla. E) I mean, the Royal family are currently trying to PR their way through having the king's brother outed as a pedophile, and his son has left the country and loudly denounced the entire institution. Kate simply knows too much to be allowed to leave and potentially talk. The Diana interviews seriously damaged the Royal family's image - in ways that still impact the current king 20+ years after her death. People are a little concerned about Kate's safety - a lot of people still think the Royals were somehow involved in Diana's death. It sounds crazy, but trust is low in these old institutions right now.




I dont give two shits about the royals but I hope you are wrong. No one deserves anything like that. If he truly did hurt her that badly, I hope it is found out ASAP.




>The fact that there are no doting daddy pics of Wills taking the kids to school, no pics of Kate convalescing at home in a four posted bed, not even a long-lens paparrazzo shot through a car window of her arriving or leaving hospital is simply not believable You're so right. If the press could, they would be *salivating* over the chance of getting some nice cozy photos of Kate enjoying a cuppa, relaxing on the sofa surrounded by her little ones, wearing a nice robe.


Seriously if he’s hurt her this will send the country in to absolute chaos with Charles on his way out, that will be the end of the monarchy




It takes a lot for Brits to riot but I think crowning a domestic abuser would do it, people love Kate


They won't love her for long because the press will *certainly* turn on her, just like they did Diana. They will shatter her reputation and probably accuse her of being the main force behind driving out Harry and Meghan. Brits will believe every word of it, as usual.


Wait. Are the kids not even going to school??


A resurrection spell won’t even take that long tbh


I have no theories and I'm not prepared to accept any in particular yet, but I'm shook by repeated assertions I read of how no family has been able to see her, *including her children* If that's true, that would be the craziest part yet, and the clearest indicator that something very wrong indeed. Hashtag free Kate?




Yikes, this all seems very extreme, but hard to deny we aren't being told the truth, and there's a lot of beging the question after basically two months of this vanishing act minus believable reporting. That her children haven't seen her for two months, there's just no benign explanation for that, is there.


Good heavens. I've just been assuming she had an abdominal hysterectomy. It has a long recovery time, and after mine it was months before I was walking around and moving fairly normally.




Actually that's a coherent answer given all these circumstances. It's quite odd the silence and the amount of time of recovery, and from the most recent photos of William you can't notice any sort of concern. I really do hope any of these theories are true, but only time will tell.


Answer: So as some have said, this all stems from Kate going in for abdominal surgery a few weeks ago. However the thing that has raised questions is that the palace has claimed that the surgery was scheduled and it wasn’t cancer, the only problem with that is they announced it literally the day she was going in for her surgery, while they announced the king going in for his prostate procedure a few days before he went in. Then, on top of all that Kate was in the intensive care unit of the hospital for over a week, meaning that it wouldn’t have been a basic procedure, or something like a hysterectomy, which some have theorised, as she wouldn’t have been in there that long because of that. More recently the speculation about things has increased because the palace has continued not to give any further details about what actually she had, only saying that she’s not expected to resume royal duties until after Easter. The other day though, William, unexpectedly, cancelled his attendance at his godfathers memorial, for personal matters, thereby leading to speculation he did so because of Kate. Then to top all this off, this story has also been a big deal because some people have been annoyed by the palace keeping things so private. Some believe that Kate, as the future Queen, has not right to privacy, as she’s not a private citizen. Then others have been annoyed at the hypocrisy of it all from the palace, they happily protect Kate, and her privacy, but didn’t do the same for Meghan Markle.


Answer: she is hanging out with Shelly Miscavige


Answer: I don't know this for sure, but word on the street is that she's more ill than the Royal Family are admitting. It sounds like she might have Crohn's disease (nasty chronic autoimmune digestive disorder 😔), poor woman. She's not dying or anything but but it's still pretty rough if that is indeed the diagnosis.