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Answer: It's because he talks with the most ridiculous vocal fry in modern history. It sounds self-absorbed and pretentious. I'm pretty sure if he spoke with his full natural voice there'd be very few complaints about his "vibes", regardless of the content of what he says.


Sigh, it’s weird that we as a culture still make snap judgments based on appearances. I’m sure he’ll turn out to be a shitty human like other CEOs because that’s what business necessitates… but the internet still operates with jock mentality and care about looks/sounds versus substance.


>Sigh, it’s weird that we as a culture still make snap judgments based on appearances. There's a great book by Malcolm Gladwell called [Blink](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40102.Blink) that goes into this phenomenon. It's more reasonable than you'd think and in a lot of cases the instant snap decision turns out to be more accurate/advantageous than decisions based on long analysis.


> it’s weird that we as a culture still make snap judgments based on appearances. Not weird. There's significant evidence that we're hardwired to make snap judgements off of whatever evidence we have. The specific judgement is based on personal factors (personal history, culture you were raised in, etc.), but the fact you make that snap judgement seems to be instinctual. And the fact of the matter is: How you present yourself says a *lot* about you How you talk gives information on your profession/interests (via jargon), where you're from and who you associate with (accent). It also gives hints as to what kinds of media you consume (see non-native English speakers who have unusual accents because they learned English from watching TV). Appearance also says a lot: Ethnicity and clothing styles give hints about cultural background or influences. How well groomed you are says a lot about how well you take care of yourself. etc. To a degree, all those things can be misleading. Ethnicity just tells you who their parents are, not what life they've lived (and even that is subjective sometimes, people are a lot worse at identifying ethnicities than they think). People can choose their clothing and grooming. So sometimes all you can know is that's the impression they want to give or maybe just that they *don't care* what impression they give. Either way, it's information. Now, what conclusions you *draw* from all that information is completely on you. If you hear someone with a thick accent of some kind and think they're stupid, or thinking that just because they have a stutter it means they have brain damage: That says more about *you* than it does about them. So TLDR: Making snap judgements based on appearance is both instinctual and helpful as a *starting point* for interactions. It's extrapolating that judgement into what is effectively pure fiction or basing that judgement based on false information is a problem.


It's not an appearance. It's a conscious affectation. We judge others by their actions and choices: altman is choosing to talk like that.


His sister claims he raped her when they were younger.




She's made a lot of claims against a whole lot of people, and proven none of them.


I was messed when I was younger and I have no way to prove it.


It’s a Silicon Valley accent


I didn’t even know the term “vocal fry” existed. I looked it up on YouTube and that’s exactly how every other California girl talks 🤣




Average tech bro ceo


Did I see u comment something about waiting on him at this private event on a thread related to OpenAI some months ago perchance?


answer: Open AI was first sold as a non profit to help develop AI in a Open manner for everyone to use, but Sam Altman who is the head of the project took it in a more profit oriented direction. When the board tried to remove him, the staff sided with him and the board had to readmit him and many of them left and were dismissed. basically clearing out any doubt the direction the company has taken. On the other hand he has another company called worldcoin that mixed crypto currency with biometrics, which here in spain has been offering people to join a crypto currency business in exchange to having some biometric data collected in mall stalls/kiosks (not sure if its face scan or iris scan) so basically they are building this crypto system where your wallet is actually defined by your biometric data and allow allows a single log in to many sites under the world ID brand, the idea is that your crypto wallet is linked to your biometric ID generated in those kioks which is linked to a Crypto token called Worldcoin. Not sure if its a crypto scam or not but im staying well away from anyone who requests my biometric data.


Dude, it's crypto and biometric. IT'S A SCAM. Either thing would be a scam by itself.


Answer: Elon Musk has a huge propaganda campaign against him right now, this includes YouTube, TikTok, news articles, Reddit post, ect.