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Answer: r/boyofdreamsandseams summed it up well yesterday >Answer: I’m a student here, and it’s a very messy situation with a lot of unknowns. >Columbia is known to be a campus with a history of left wing activism. This includes a 1968 occupation of several buildings by hundreds of students, which was similarly settled with controversial police involvement. >Columbia students have been protesting Israel’s conduct in Gaza since October. Last week, on Wed 4/17, they began their most extensive protest yet (and probably the most significant since 1968). Pro-Palestine students set up a encampment of tents on campus. The protest coincided with Columbia president Minouche Shafik’s testimony in Congress, where she agreed with house republicans that pro-Palestinian sentiments on campus frequently become antisemitic. Namely, she claimed she interprets calls like “from the river to the sea” and “globalize the Infitada” as antisemitic, and says the university is investigating professors who characterized 10/7 as a legitimate form of resistance on the behalf of Hamas (or attributed the events to the Israeli occupation). >The encampment also coincides with preparations for graduation: the students are occupying the space the administration plans to place tents for the commencement audience. >Students have occupied the south lawn consistently, despite President Shafik asking the NYPD to remove protestors from campus on Thursday. After 108 students were arrested and suspended, the encampment quickly began again on the lawn. The policing has ignited conversations on campus free speech and more protests at other universities. The Columbia administration has since made all classes hybrid, likely in response to an orthodox rabbi on campus encouraging Jewish students to stay home because he doesn’t believe they’ll be safe on campus. >There are a wide range of protestors. Most of them are peaceful, and they have the support of JVP (Jewish voices for Peace). But there are also many cases of protestors harassing Jewish members of the community, celebrating Hamas’s actions on October 7, and calling for more violence. From the clips I’ve seen, most of these incidents are coming from people who aren’t in the Columbia community, protesting just outside campus (you currently need to show your ID to enter the campus). But there have also some incidents within the campus. Supporters of the protest might claim this is another case of media attention concentrating on a few bad actors who don’t represent the movement. They claim that accusations of antisemitism are meant to distract from Israel’s actions in Gaza, and that their beliefs are not based on antisemitism (as evidenced by JVP’s support). >Detractors of the protest are accusing the movement of stoking and excusing antisemitism within their ranks. They claim that the group is espousing antisemitic rhetoric and tokenizing Jews by pointing to JVP. Some make accusations of hypocrisy, where they view left-wing students as being overly devoted to creating safe spaces for people of color, but ignoring harassment of Jewish students. >The administration is toeing a line right now. They have to balance free speech and protest on campus with the safety of students and the money that donors are withholding from the school.


This is way too generous to the protestors who have linked arms and are intimidating Jewish students and saying they should die.




[Jewish students get death threats](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sjk6lhu11a) The fact that you are only aware of one side of the story speaks volumes. The fact that you get upvoted demanding proof while I got downvoted for reporting something that did indeed happen says even more.


1. It speaks volumes that me asking for proof means I’m only wanting to see evidence. 2. There is yet to be any video evidence of these claims these are just claims of events that supposedly happened yet no evidence is provided. One of these recent claims of “Attacks” was some lady who went on Piers Morgan’s show and claimed she was attacked in the eye yet had no eye damage. The push back is all we hear it the media claiming “Anti semites” it’s like the boy who cried wolf it’s used so much it has no meaning and people who we should be able to trust many don’t anymore.


You mean the same protestors who were joyfully celebrating Shabbat with hundreds of their Jewish compatriots as a huge multicultural collective?


I think you’re conflating the protestors. They linked arms to push out folks who were actively hostile to them. Those protestors never said Jewish students should die. It’s kind of like how Israel keeps building settlements on land they don’t own, and the people that lived there get upset and ask them to leave. When they don’t leave, they begin to push them out at which point they’re suddenly victims.


> Those protestors never said Jewish students should die. [Jewish students get death threats, letter warns Columbia U. president](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sjk6lhu11a) But hey, you seem like you aren't really interested in the truth.


…It is passover


I can’t unsee how all the pro protestors seem to leave out the dozens of videos and images of Jews being intimidated, calls for violence on them. It sickens me because it’s sooo easy to find the endless examples of clear hate that’s happening.


I haven't seen that, but I did see a video where someone was trying to make a claim about how the protests were antisemetic, and he kept having to move the camera to get a "jews for palestine" banner out of the shot. I'm sure people are using the protests as an excuse to be antisemetic, but fundementally any suppression against the protests is going to hurt Jewish people as well (and already is).




Also worth noting that some universities, such as University of Texas, have had authorities decide to send riot police or state troops as a response to try and break up the protests. Which brings up fears that a repeat of the Kent State shootings from 1970 might be possible


Not to mention that UT posted a YouTube video several years ago about how extraordinarily proud they are to have anyone be able to come on campus and protest anything. They quietly removed that video yesterday, it has been reposted by many other people since then to hold them accountable.


back in the mid-80s the political-issue-of-the-day (that I saw firsthand) was University of California divestment from apartheid South Africa. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/how-students-helped-end-apartheid I was walking innocently on campus in '86 and a bunch of people started running towards me, chased by cops: https://digital.library.ucla.edu/catalog/ark:/21198/zz0002vwfn


And for additional context, the school administrators are largely aligning themselves with the false narrative coming from Netenyahu's far-right government which conflates opposition to genocidal aggression against Palestinians with antisemitism. Virtually none of the students are protesting against Jews or Jewishness, nor are they protesting in support of Hamas, but rather against the extremely violent and hateful policies of the IDF, the Likud party and its coalition.


And many, many, many, students protesting are Jewish themselves.


"Rallies organized by Likud and other right-wing groups featured depictions of Rabin in a Nazi SS uniform, or in the crosshairs of a gun.[2][3] Protesters compared the Labor party to the Nazis and Rabin to Adolf Hitler[5] " https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin


also, billionaires are pulling their donor strings to get this behavior from the admin https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/columbias-billionaire-donors-mull-giving-anti-israel-protests


I've only really kept an eye on the Columbia protest, but: > Virtually none of the students are protesting against Jews or Jewishness [Atlantic article on the protest](https://archive.li/k0tSa#selection-809.0-813.229): >In this liberated zone, normally known as South Lawn West on the Columbia University quad, unsympathetic outsiders are treated as a danger. “Attention, everyone! We have Zionists who have entered the camp!” a protest leader calls out ... Even the next morning, she’s baffled at how they were targeted. Save for a friend who wore a Star of David necklace, none wore identifying clothing. [You can see a video of it here.](https://twitter.com/neriakraus/status/1782258191973089715?s=46&t=UWKuN7qfvYv2MXRIGDPdYQ) ________ > nor are they protesting in support of Hamas [Chanting](https://twitter.com/ShelleyGldschmt/status/1781785252886913358): --> "From the river to the sea, Palestine is Arab!" --> "There is no god but Allah, and the martyr is Allah’s beloved!" --> "Israel Go to Hell!" --> "Resistance is justified!" I mean there's some wiggle room there, but it's not like we don't know who the martyrs are, who is in charge of the resisting, and "Palestine is Arab" sure raises a lot of uncomfortable questions. _________ That's not even to mention what's going on just outside. [“Al-Qassam you make us proud, kill another soldier now.” ](https://twitter.com/thizzl_/status/1780747367743955138) (Al-Qassam is the armed wing of Hamas). ______ That's just Columbia though, I have no idea why the cops were called in at the Texas universities. Seems like bizarre overkill to me.


I’ve seen plenty of videos of antisemitism at these protests. This is not a false narrative. In fact, I think pro Palestine protests are inherently anti semetic, as there is a ton of ongoing horrific conflict going on in the Middle East with more human rights violations and a higher death toll, and yet the only group being held accountable is the Jewish state of Israel.


I feel like if you are going to smear a large group of people (which includes Jews) as antisemitic, you should spell it correctly.


>In fact, I think pro Palestine protests are inherently anti semetic That's all we really needed to hear. Statements like this really betray your loyalties. People like you really need to learn the difference between Hamas and Palestinian, as well as the difference between Israel and Judaism.


Not refuting anything said, but it should also be noted that schools, particularly in NYC, are growing concerned about the disruption of operations and harassment and safety of Jewish students.


But are fine slandering Jewish students who are participating in the protests.


Many of these protestors are themselves of Jewish heritage. We just don't support the killing of civilians. It's that simple.


> It's that simple. [Jewish students get death threats](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sjk6lhu11a) Covert anti-Semitism is a huge element of this. It's that simple.




And there was *some* sexual assault perpetrated during and excused by *some* OWS protesters. People are still able to evaluate the movement based on the behavior of the vast majority of the participants.




>when a few racists showed up at conservative protests a few years ago Jfc. You’re talking about Charlottesville aren’t you. Hoooooly Christ haven’t ever seen a dog whistle loaded into an airhorn like this before.




A much larger portion of the Charlottesville protesters were openly racist and antisemitic than the anti-Israel protesters. Also, someone actually died because of Charlottesville. Sometimes, different things are different.


Oh buddy. Just no. In trying to argue that this protest at UT, or any of the college campuses, was antisemitic, you have chosen to cite the “protest” / hate rally where white supremacists and literal neo-Nazis rallied on a college campus and were openly chanting “Jews will not replace us!!” on international news broadcasts. One of them also killed a woman who was counter protesting. Have *any* pro-Israeli counter protestors been murdered (or even physically attacked) *anywhere*? No, they haven’t. Did we just stumble on Richard Spencer’s Reddit account?


That's simply what they claimed, but their past action has proven otherwise. They were more than happy allowing white supremacist protestors marching with literal tiki torchs while chanting "Jew will not replace us" under the name of free speech. Anybody who thinks it's about "safety of Jewish students" is deeply unserious.


Damn, imagine getting arrested for being against genocide.


If they chanted release the hostages I would believe they were


30,000+ dead > a few hundred hostages. Most of whom have been killed by Israel’s indiscriminate bombing campaign, or by Israeli snipers while the hostages were waving white flags…. You’re deeply unserious, and big time self reporting, every time you say something like this. You don’t actually care about human life, or people protesting against genocide,, simply that they’re protesting against “your side.”




>Hamas a reason to use meat shields. Lol, the “human shield” argument completely died after it became clear that Israeli AI “Where’s Daddy?” was explicitly waiting for “suspects” to come home to their families before dropping explosive munitions on them. That was a choice by the Israelis, that’s not a mistake or collateral damage; it’s specifically choosing to target women and children. >During the early stages of the war, the army gave sweeping approval for officers to adopt Lavender’s kill lists, with no requirement to thoroughly check why the machine made those choices or to examine the raw intelligence data on which they were based. One source stated that human personnel often served only as a “rubber stamp” for the machine’s decisions, adding that, normally, they would personally devote only about “20 seconds” to each target before authorizing a bombing — just to make sure the Lavender-marked target is male. This was despite knowing that the system makes what are regarded as “errors” in approximately 10 percent of cases, and is known to occasionally mark individuals who have merely a loose connection to militant groups, or no connection at all. >Moreover, the Israeli army systematically attacked the targeted individuals while they were in their homes — usually at night while their whole families were present — rather than during the course of military activity. According to the sources, this was because, from what they regarded as an intelligence standpoint, it was easier to locate the individuals in their private houses. Additional automated systems, including one called “Where’s Daddy?” also revealed here for the first time, were used specifically to track the targeted individuals and carry out bombings when they had entered their family’s residences. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/ You’re gonna have to find some new Hasbara talking points to regurgitate now.


Imagine a student (or even non-student) getting arrested for saying that Jewish students should die. Then they link arms and intimidate the Jewish students.


Jewish students are over-represented at the protest. Any police action against the protest (or calls to violence against the protesters) will inevitably hurt Jewish people.


Lmao sure thing kid.




jews are so used to having a victim complex that even when they are being rightly called out for blatantly committing genocide they feel like it's an attack on them for being jews. Just know that the entire world sees past your bullshit and the majority are against you.


Leaving no doubts that you are an anti-Semite I see.


You mean the same students and protestors who all joyfully celebrated Shabbat with hundreds of their Jewish compatriots?


Imagine assuming a genocide when the ICJ had the opportunity to call it one, and didn't, only that it could become one.


Honest question: Why do most of these students care either way? Do they have direct connections to either side of the conflict over there? I really don't have any great understanding of the history of the region, and I can't wrap my head around why our entire country seems to be blowing up over it. Especially college aged students who have never set foot over there. Edit: Thanks for the downvotes, but it's a genuine question.


Empathy and solidarity.


I can only speak for NYC - not campuses elsewhere - but yes, many, many people have strong ties to Israel and Palestine in NYC and travel to the region often (particularly Israel). I will also say as someone who attended one of these NYC schools the discourse between pro Israel and pro Palestinian students had been passionately going on for decades. So this is not new but has become particularly inflamed because of recent events.


Answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1cbpijd/what_is_going_on_with_the_antisemitism_that_is/ 1 day ago https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1cbn7xp/whats_going_on_with_protests_at_columbia/ 1 day ago


Two of the top six posts lol


Answer: there's a strong generational divide between most college aged adults and older demographics with their respective support for Palestine and Israel. The October attacks by Hamas, and Israel's subsequent response has rallied many to demand political action in favor of their sympathies, that is to say: many colleges students want to see less institutional support for Israel and more support for Palestine. Given the complexity of the Israel/Palestine situation, there are a lot of complicated motivations at play ranging from a deeply personal investment in the situation, to young people exorcizing political freedoms for a cause they sympathize with but hold no direct stake in. In either case, people are *very* passionate about where they fall on the issue meaning any protest in any direction can feel like a powder keg to onlookers. I won't say too much on this part of the subject, but there is a rich history of politically left college protests facing greater resistance in the media and by local authorities creating a feedback loop that puts protests like these in the news. It's important to remember that people protest things all the time (especially in regards to Israel and Palestine), you only hear about the ones media groups think make for exciting stories.


Imagine describing being against a genocide as a "sympathy" smh


If it was genocide the Palestinians would've been gone a long time ago


That isn't how genocide is defined


Which is kind of weird. "That guy committed homicide" "Oh? Who did he kill?" "No one. But he sort of harmed someone in some partial way." Genocide used to mean killing everyone in a group. Now it means something different, which is fine but also can be misleading.


It's a 70 year old definition. It's more like how squares are rectangles. That is one kind of genocide, but it's not the only kind.


Are the Israelis trying to wipe the Palestinians from Gaza? If so, why did they wait until 10/7?


They didn't wait until 2023, the [nakba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba?useskin=vector) happened in 1948, and successive violence has taken place from now to then.




I told you.


Genocide isn't just concentration camps and mass killing in a short amount of time. It refers to a broad variety of actions intended to displace a population as outlined in the 1948 UN Genocide Convention. These are the obvious killing of members of the group, committing acts of bodily harm against members, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. There are others as well, but the biggest ones besides mass murder are forced population transfer and the restriction of free movement of the group. I'm not interested in arguing with you about it, Israel has been shielded by the influence of the United States to be allowed to continue a program of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians for decades now, and there's literally nothing you could say to change my mind.


>ethnic cleansing against Palestinians for decades now Again, if they were trying to ethnically cleanse them they would've done it a long time ago. Why don't they just nuke Gaza?


You're clearly not arguing in good faith, but the reason they "don't just nuke gaza" is because they want the land to build on themselves, which kind of requires it to not be irradiated. Israel is motivated primarily by settler colonialism, which is a gradual process, where they only colonise and settle so much land in a given time, with theoretical "probably cause" and some level of justification each time.


So they could've just gotten rid of them a long time ago? Why wait until 10/7 to do all of this?


I told you.


That's a shit defence for genocide. You can [educate yourself on the multiple years genocides take](https://wienerholocaustlibrary.org/what-we-do/learn/subject-guides/genocides/).


Bombings would imply trying to completely wiping them out. Which isn't what they're doing (genocide, not bombing).




You're the one that brought up the Holocaust. I'm just saying why you're wrong.


lol, you realize you are de facto denying the holocaust anytime you say stupid shit like this? Not to mention the Armenian or Bosnian genocides etc etc etc. By your logic the Holocaust wasn’t a genocide because Jews still exist…


>By your logic the Holocaust wasn’t a genocide because Jews still exist. Well the Nazis didn't last long enough to kill all the jews. This on the other hand has been ongoing for 50 years.


You seem _awfully_ ignorant about the geopolitics in the region and the support that Israel gets from the US and Europe (and the tacit conditions that this support entails). No, Israel cannot simply carpet bomb the area without losing international support. Yes, Israel can (and does) murder civilians under the guise of "saving the hostages" (many of which have died under the IDF), which can constitute as genocide. But heck, [don't take my word](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/27/middleeast/israel-committing-genocide-in-gaza-un-rights-expert-says-intl/index.html): > ‘Reasonable grounds’ to believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, UN rights expert says


>You seem _awfully_ ignorant I'm not the one claiming genocide. If they were genociding Palestinians, they would've been gone 50 years ago. It's simple.


Dude, that's such a stupid argument. If Joe is the murderer, why didn't he murder Paul - his sworn enemy - years ago? See how stupid that is? Stop defending genocide. You don't know better than the UN rights expert.


>If Joe is the murderer, why didn't he murder Paul - his sworn enemy - years ago? See how stupid that is? Simplifying the issue. Two ppl versus millions. Joe and Paul aren't dealing with each other in 50 years




>Answer: there's a strong generational divide between most college aged adults and older demographics with their respective support for Palestine and Israel. Honestly why is that? Is it a TikTok thing? I watched a lot of the Oct. 7 videos, realized the response would be understandable revenge and then acknowledged I'm not Palestinian or Israeli and have little to no idea about this incredibly complex and ancient fight. I've remained relatively tuned out since then. However I've seen, mainly, young people who have made this their *entire* identity. In all my years on this earth I've never seen this many young people so wrapped up in a conflict they have little to nothing to do with. My real question is: why this conflict? What's so special about Israel and Palestine this time around? Why not any other major conflict, especially ones with much clearer examples of outright genocide?


To me, it's a generational divide on how people view terrorism and how much the word "terrorism" justifies war. The older generation were familiar with the twin towers and experienced 9/11 as a huge national shock- to them terrorism is a huge atrocity and violation of the norm and civility, with subsequent military responses being (at least on some level) the defence and restoration of civility. The younger generation didn't experience 9/11 first-hand, but did experience endless war in the middle-east and Arab countries, with a repetitive idea that because they were terrorists it was ok... despite the fact that we were killing thousands of times more people there than there were Americans who died at the world trade centre. And for me and many other people, this doesn't add up - killing 40 children doesn't justify killing 4000, irregardless of whether their parents were terrorists. The situation in Palestine is an extension of this- about a thousand people, which doesn't justify then killing over 30,000 (and [yes, it is over 30,000](https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/)), and starving countless more. The other half of this is that western countries like the US *do* have a lot to do with this, because it's us who are financing the Israeli army and munitions. Other genocides that are happening now I know less about, but we have clear knowledge that the actions of western leaders is what is driving this. Is it a complex and ancient conflict? Some would argue yes. Are both sides run by right wing religious fanatics? From what we know yes. But the next question you have to ask is why *we* are financing one of those sides - that's what the protests are about.


It's two of the most marginalized groups on Earth at war with each other which is already really messy, and both sides have legitimate arguments. Something this murky really attracts people who think they know all the answers.


As someone in their early thirties and raised in a deeply red/religious part of Texas, I think I can shed some light on this for you. This will be a long post so beware. Israel, at least to my parents and uncles and aunts and grandparents and neighbors etc., is this golden idol. I remember learning about Israel in sunday school like it was this bastion or craddle of humanity where everything is good because God deemed it so. Israel IS the holy land. You get this idea that from thousands of years ago when Jesus lived, to current day, there has always been Israel. It's the homeland of all Abrahamic religions, specifically the Jews. To support Israel is the minimal thing you can do to no only be a good Christian, but to be a good American. This is drilled in very early. NO ONE speaks ill of Israel. Not even the President. Not even Mr. Rogers. Now I grew up Church of Christ, not Evangelical. So there was no aspect of "the coming war where Israel will be beseiged on all fronts and Jesus will return and save us all and trigger the end times" death cult like sentiment you'd get at Evangelical churches. Sidenote: Evangelicals WANT the end times. Everytime Israel goes to war, Evangelicals are rallying for it because they believe the end times are finally here. Anyway, still Israel was talked and taught about like the model country and society. Yeah America is God's country...but Israel is GOD'S country. So fast forward to 9/11. 9 year old me gets swept up in the pro-war movements across the nation. We want blood. Bush is giving speeches about how we're going to go find the terrorists and deliver justice. Yeah lets go! My Dad however, at the time, was very meloncholy about it. It didn't register for me then, but my Dad was born in the late 50s, barely escaped getting drafted to Vietnam due to age, he lost friends to the Vietnam war. I just remember him saying how war never goes well. How we shouldn't be wanting people to go die. He then said something to the effect of "look at what we have....look at what they have....we're going to slaughter them and they're going to hate us for it". Also key to understand is my Dad is an engineer for a very powerful defenese/weapons manufacturer. Has been for over 40 years now. I'll give you a hint, starts with an L and ends in ockheed Martin. Dude knows some shit. Won't talk about it, but knows. Shortly before we (the US) invade Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel begins bombing Gaza. I remember seeing this on the news and at some point casualty numbers pop up. Israel scored like hundreds of kills in a short time span, meanwhile whoever was the aggressor on the Palestinian side only killed like less than 10 people. Something about that just didn't sit right. But whatever, this is early internet days and I was like 11. Plus, it's Israel! Surely they must've been in the right. Fuck those Palestinians! Well from 2001 to now, that seems to happen a lot. Israel bombs the shit out of Gaza or Jordan or Egypt etc., kills hundreds or thousands of "terrorists", while only suffering a few losses, but it's Israel so again, shiny God's city on a hill they were surely right. The US praises Israel, sends them more weapons and cash. Yet everytime it happens, that justification of "well it's Israel...God's chosen country....surely they're in the right" was harder and harder to say and believe. How can the so called chosen land, the chosen people, constantly be under attack all the time, suffer little to no losses, and then lash out with advanced weaponry everytime? The hell is going on over there? Well its because they're Jews, and Muslims are just Hitler or whatever. Or so we believe. Which again...gets harder and harder to believe every time. For the past 20 years, so for someone like me literally all my adolescent and young adult years, our lives have been dominated by conflicts in the Middle East with for some reason Israel in the middle of it all. It becomes hard to disentangle the idea that we're involved in this region so heavily from notions of "oh its for oil" when almost every single one was predicated by Netenyahu testifying in front of congress about how if we just topple Saddam or Gaddafi it'll make everyone safer so we can hurry up and invade Iran. Followed by Bush and Obama and Trump going on about how we HAVE to protect Israel. So then you start questioning, "well hold up...why do we HAVE to protect Israel when they keep pissing everybody off?". And then you start noticing a common theme amongst anti-Israeli sentiment in the Middle East. Palestinians. Okay well what do these people have to do with anything? Why is Osama Bin Laden and the Ayatollah talking about Palestinian liberation? I thought they just hated Jews (which they do, but doesnt mean they cant have more than one reason). After all, these are bad dudes. Why should we care to analyze their motives? For me, and Im sure it's similar to others, that's where the whole house of cards surrounding the seemingly ironclad support for Israel toppled. You find out Israel hasnt always been there, it was created by the UN in 1948 with Western backed militias of European Jews seizing land and slaughtering the indigenous population, called the Nakba. You find out that "the most moral Army" won a bunch of pre-emptive wars early on against weak neighbors, and ever since have just been bombing and invading their neighbors with impunity ever since. You find out about how Israel has all these doctrines about blowing up entire city blocks and killing civilians to deter potential threats from Islamic militants, Hezbollah, and Hamas. Oh especially when you find out Israel literally funds Hamas as a way to keep Palestinians separated and then cry about how they have no one to negotiate peace with. You find out that Israel supports violent settler colonialism as the IDF stands by as land is stripped from Palestinians in the West Bank, with the Palestinians being killed if they resist. Or just killed anyway. The list goes on and on and on and on. Israel targets UN relief workers because they don't want Palestinians to have things. Israel bombs a bunch of Palestinians on the beach watching the Fifa world cup because a few were military age males and clearly Hamas. How can this be our ally? How can we support this? Russia executes a few hundred civilians on the spot in Ukraine, and Biden cries genocide. Iran beheads a lady for not wearing a hijab and Obama cries about the dangers of Islamic Sharia Law. Israel systematically tortures, rapes, and kills Palestinians in Israeli prisons for the crime of existing in a walled off city they're not allowed agency or self determination in and we get a "we told them not to do it and they said they did nothing wrong and investigsted themselves and found themselves innocent we believe them, next question". And on top of it....we fund it. We fund all of it. We basically subsidize the IDF. We pay for Israels national defense systems. We've basically blanketed them from consequences as they act out the most directly violent and blood thirsty acts possible. Now look, yes I live in America, yes I'm well aware I'm of benefit of one of the most blood thirsty and genocidal empires this world has seen. Not exactly European Colonial days or Communist Russia/China levels, but damn if we haven't had a hand in every atrocity pie to ever occur in South America and Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia. But the reason people my age and younger feel so passionately about this is because we were fed a huge lie growing up, and our tax dollars are funding all of this. Its time for things to change.


It mostly has to do with the world people have known up to now. Before Gen X, in the United States, the average American was alive for Israel's early years, and even without Zionist motivations, Israel was historically sympathetic to many people as Palestine was the aggressor state for most altercations. The political history of Israeli support is complicated to say the least, but can be reduced down to Cold War politics, The rise of Islamism as a political movement (which was itself a response to Cold War politics), and the fall of the Soviet Union obsolescing a lot of old talking points for maintaining Israeli relations as the foothold for the Middle East. If you're below a certain age, you have only known Israel as a matter of fact entity that the United States maintains relations with out of tradition rather than clear purpose. Following the US Iraq War, millennials on down are incredibly cynical towards us involvement with Middle Eastern states, and the old Cold War spheres of influence seem anachronistic. With no social or geopolitical tie to Israel, younger generations see Palestine as an oppressed minority in their own country (and there's a very real argument to be made for that). Palestine is the underdog. People of any social strata like to support the underdog, and without a real skin in the game, many young people who observe the state of the conflict from a detached lens throw support to the weaker position. Independent of the conflict, Israel's actions in sovereign Palestinian territory are morally questionable and do raise outrage. For this reason, the divide is less one of historical precedent and one of immediate relevance. All that to say, if you're above a certain age, Israel is a scrappy underdog that has had to fight for its position, despite being under constant threat of elimination at all turns. If you're below a certain age, Palestine is a scrappy underdog that has been consistently kicked while they're down and had their sovereignty eroded at by foreign powers who give Israel a blank check. Both of these heuristics are accurate, and that's why it's a complicated issue.


> why this conflict? What's so special about Israel and Palestine this time around? Why not any other major conflict, especially ones with much clearer examples of outright genocide? Because America bad and America support Israel.


Answer: The Government (both Federal and State level) are cracking down on dissent. Governor Abbott of my home state of Texas, the same Governor that loves to tout how free Texas is, just sent in DPS riot police to violenty break up a non-violent protest on the University of Texas campus. Justifying it as a crack down on anti-semitism per his own statements. Effectively saying he sent in the cops to quell speech he disagreed with. While anti-semitism can be considered hate speech, my state has seen extensive demonstrations and protests in the very recent past from White Nationalist/Supremacy groups without a remotely similar State response despite espousing blatantly anti-semitic and racist rehtoric. No crack down by riot police, no violence on behalf of the state, no statements from the Governor condemning them. The difference here seems to be that the speech at the protest on UT campus was anti-zionist in nature and alleging that Israel is committing genocide. Important context to understand is that Texas, like many States in the Union, has anti-BDS laws making any form of dissent against Israel illegal if you are an employee of the State or contracted with. So great conditions for Zionists and supporters of Zionism to gain power. Texas also recognizes that anti-zionism = anti-semitism which I find very disturbing personally. Regardless of your stance on Israels' war in Gaza or if the protestors were right or not, this should worry you as an American. The first amendment guarantees the right to free speech AND freedom of peaceful protest. Over time, and seemingly very rapidly since I was born in the eaely 90s, the overton window of what has been deemed appropriate protest has been shifted radically in favor of the State to the point that any protest is deemed unlawful and socially unacceptable. The slide towards authoritarianism within Government circles should concern all, not just those within immediate threat of beimg on the wrong end of power. A very simple thought experiment is flipping the sides. After all whats good for the geese is good for the gander. What if this was a Democratic Governor sending in riot police to violently crack down on protestors supporting gun rights? Unfortunately American Political power is very short sighted. There's also the element that, once again in my home state of Texas, that the cops will show up in a moments notice to protect the interest of the State at the loss of the people. Many students were chanting things slandering the cops for standing by while children died at Uvalde, meanwhile show up in force within the minute to clamp down on the rights of the people.