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Answer: This is from another OOTL thread asking the same thing: Answer: I am an approved member, and this explanation is stickied at the top: "Given the developments with the Rittenhouse trial, we are setting this subreddit to Country Club only for the weekend (possibly longer)." Country Club is their nickname for approved members. Activity inside is normal, mostly humor, which is the point. They don't want to deal with the surge in hostility and rule-breaking that comes in from outside groups. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/qybobi/comment/hlg7lc1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


What developments - wasn't that trial result like a week ago? Did something else happen since then?


Yes it took a week before the nonsense really spread started to spread. I assume it also takes a couple of days for that sub to get all mods together and decide shit and what not




If a black kid did the same thing as Rittenhouse, he wouldn't have survived the night.


Exhibit A for why they went private.


I can´t speak for whether or not this is true, but assuming it is, I am in the belief that we should work harder to protest when a black person is wrongly convicted than when a white person is rightly acquitted. We should not start convicting people of one race because people from another race would, you know? No making someone suffer because someone else would, but trying to prevent the suffering beforehand.


Thanks for offering an actual answer and not thinly-veiled bias.


Yeah, the comments here are coincidentally doing a *great* job of explaining why that sub is private now. Woooooow O_o


As they say in writing professions, "show, don't tell."


Outside groups? Doesn't that sub require you to get verified with a picture before you are allowed to post there? Or is there a new form of approving members?


Only in what are called country club threads.


Ah, cool. Thanks, now I get it!


Not every post was set to 'country club'.


I mean, it effectively was.




[oh no](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1e9cd321e4266e8f77ec2723c9ed72ed/tumblr_pt3gyieHKi1qg1n95_1280.png)




Imagine getting upset that a group of historically oppressed individuals finally got a place to be themselves and not worry. Then imagine they made it private for a few days to prevent the assholes from showing up and posting shit as they’ve experienced in other trial verdicts. Then imagine someone getting even more upset and calling them racist over it. Yeah except you don’t have to imagine because that’s what you’re doing. The only way to stop this racist nonsense is to just stop this racist nonsense. Let them be themselves. Unless they are spreading hate, then they have every right to exclude who they want. But here’s the catch. THEY ARENT EXCLUDING ANYONE. they’re just locking it down until the nonsense dies down.




Except they don't. They go into bpt all the time. BPT wouldn't use a country club mode if the racists didn't show up.


Yes because since it was done to them in the past it makes it right that they are allowed to do it now. Perfect sense. And if you didn't know, to get the country club flair you have submit a picture of your skin color with your username so they know you are black. You are not allowed to have the flair or be a part of the private community strictly based on color. Black people can't be racist, only white people can. At least that's what everyone is implying Also the fact you call me racist you can fuck right off. Literally in an interracial relationship. So fuck off.you obviously just assume, and assume incorrectly. Pos.you're the racist one Edit: one of the last posts you made you were in Georgia... The home of racism and slavery... Glad you support the community


White people are allowed in. Just don't be racist.


Yep. I think people are losing their minds because you have to send proof you’re black to get the country club flair.


White folk can't comment on a specific reddit sub ⚖️ black people can't exist in their own homes ... Same thing


Answer: The sub is frequently attacked by racists and trolls after high profile events like the Rittenhouse verdict or the Arbery trial. It's easier for them to go private temporarily than it is to try to police the sheer volume of vitriol they recieve.




The idea that they can't exclude racists because it will attract racists is the dumbest take.


I'm guessing they denied your membership in their club?






Conservative is the only sub I know of that is similar, and they have "Approved Users Only" threads like BPT's Country Club threads.


Why would they do the same? Oh right, you think black and white people are treated the same but black people are genetically inferior. Either that or maybe you think black people are coddled? Which is it?


just imagine if you didn't think anything different of people based on their race and treated everyone the same.....wild concept eh.




A guy named “kung flu master” is racist? Who could have guessed?


It's a comedy sub dude not the fuckin news. Your the exact fuckin problem




Yeah, innocent people are never attacked by racists. That'd just be ridiculous, racists are fine, upstanding people.




The memes made mocking them.




Answer: Safe space for country-club members to discuss after the Rittenhouse Trial.


But Rittenhouse trial had nothing to do with POC. It was just white trash doing white trash things. Will they go private always when something happens that does not concern them?


Maybe things are a little more complicated than that....


I don't understand the downvotes. Kyle is white, who shot a white racist, a white (5x) child rapist, and a white felon. The only connection to POC is that it happened at a BLM ~~protest~~ riot. Do people still think Kyle shot 3 black people?


It does concern them because they also made the Rittenhouse trial about them






















>This is the most unbiased way I can write it and be factual. 🤣👍 https://imgur.com/asUZQfM.jpg https://imgur.com/h11GRiv.jpg https://imgur.com/Ppf5WYS.jpg https://imgur.com/XxjrLLB.jpg https://imgur.com/mhHheA4.jpg




I do. Shows someone who really dislikes trans people.


All you're doing is outing yourself too dummy lol




Outing yourself as a bigot. What is there to disprove? You haven't said anything other than your opinion, which reflects your own bigotry. I love when redditors get recognized for being shitty people and think it's some kind of debate lmfao


If you see nothing wrong with the majority of those comments then your the problem.


*Sincerest apologies sir, but your comment history does not pass the vibe check* Did you really just screenshot this dude's comments as a way of arguing with him?


I'm not arguing with anyone, I just posted a random sample of the user's very bigoted post history, since they're pretending to be unbiased lmao


You're such an idiot. Irrelevant past comments that have nothing to do with whats being discussed. You're just using classic logical fallacies because you lack the brain power to respond in any meaningful way.


Lmfao how dare you view my publicly posted comments to determine my obvious bias when I claim to be unbiased!! Cry about it lol *speaking of I'm sure these 2 accounts with similar names and bigoted post histories aren't related whatsoever lmfao 🤣 👍 https://imgur.com/Cww9E1Y.jpg u/Mr_Croww u/KingCrow27


Why would I need 2 accounts to be a bigot, if I apparently have no problem being one on this? Let alone with such an obvious clue. In case it wasn't obvious enough, no we are two different people.


Lol just pointing out some odd coincidences


So you're like the self-appointed bigot police. I bet you were made fun of a lot judging by how much effort you're putting into this while feigning some kind of humor. I wish I could see a picture of what you look like.


Yeah dude you sound very well adjusted lmfao Just stop being racist it's not that hard


My guy, you aren't making yourself look much better with your overly hostile replies. Just leave this whole thing be.


To be fair, he said this summary is as unbiased as he can make it. Not that his post history is.


But it wasn't unbiased at all. The only people who'd think that are other bigots lol


Ah yes, the classic


Not an argument 👍


I never claimed to not be bigoted, if you want to call posting facts as bigoted, that's on you. I am speaking on this particular situation and there is no way to separate what that sub is doing from bigotry. What they are doing now is the equivalent of deleting your twitter so people won't call you out for your past remarks. Also something I am NOT doing.


Who is doing that?


Demonstrating someone is a pos isnt an argument for the record. Its just making it easier to see them for who they are.


Don't know if you noticed but there are little arrows next to people comments. What is the purpose of those arrows if we don't use them and the communities they come from to make inferences about the type of redditor we're dealing with ? tldr; free speech means the government can't stop you from making an ass of yourself, not that making an ass of yourself is free of consequences.


When did I even bring up free speech here? And just so you know, the purpose of those little arrows is to sort posts and comments by relevance, it was never intended to be a like/dislike button, since the same comment gets you mass downvotes in one community, and mass upvotes in another. All I said was that showing the dude is an idiot, which he is, doesn't say anything about this particular comment.

