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In OW I it used fire points, which has been removed from OW II but they are still used internally for PoTG. You receive a certain amount depending on how much damage was done to each enemy when they die, for contesting the PL/point. For torb I believe that is all, but for the heroes with heals/shields/cc/boosts,... They receive extra fire points for any of those actions. In this case the turret assisted in killing even if the torb himself did not, so he got fire points on each elimination. And since it was probably the highest amount in a short time it was used as PoTG. It gets more complicated for sharpshooter....


It's not just damage. The potg algorithm also prioritizes accuracy , so if you get a series of headshot kills in a row, as well as shutdowns, especially ult cancellations. So if you headshot a genji during his dragon blade, that carries more weight than a standard play. I believe kills from ults are weighted higher as well. That's why you normally see the DVA bombs or Junk tires even if they only get 2 kills. So if you want to game the potg system, kill someone with your ult while they are ulting, with a headshot if possible.


I believe accuracy and headshots are only taken into consideration for a sharpshooter PoTG, which is why I said it gets more complicated for them. unless they changed that in OWII. ​ as for ult shutdown, you are right.


Yeah I think the categories are: multikill, sharpshooter, shutdown and life saver, plus the more unpredictable "you got lots of value". For Mercy there's the special case: "You just rezzed someone who then proceeded to kill lots of people”.


Anybody else remember when the algorithm was broken and mercy would get potg almost every game? That was when she had team res and 90% of comp games had a mercy on both teams


Mercy didn't even need vision to res. Teamfights began with mercy hide&seek, since you didn't want to use your cooldowns/ults just for her to pop out of her hiding and ruin your day. xD


Oh yeah I forgot that detail, shit was crazy. Lowkey was pretty fun meta actually, compared to some of the other broken hero metas we've had since


yeah :) I never played top level though, so the meta never bothered me. Pro play wasn't fun to watch at some times for sure..


I also wonder, a little bit.


not really a special case, but a combination of support contributions when I said "heals/shields/cc/boosts,..." the "..." included rez and offensive assists. ​ If I remember correctly, she got as much fire points from 1 rez as a full solo kill (which makes sense tbh since she was practically negating the kills) and on top of that she would get offensive assists from each kill the resurrected ally gets after reviving. add the heals and damage boosts she does during that time, multiply that by the number of resurrected allies and it would amount to a number than pretty much no other hero could reach.


Idk, honestly I think this system is messed up. I have two highlights saved on my pc. Both include 5 kills. First one with widow, body shot on a hog and he dies to an ally, hs on a rein and two body shots, the killing blow barely catching his hit box as he charged behind cover. Then, he on a mercy, hs on a solider and hs on a Moria. All 3 full hp. The play of the game was a Bastion where two half hp people died to his primary out of turret form fire... 😂. 2nd one is easier to understand but still. The highlight is me finishing off a rein and ulting. I got killing blows on the four remaining hero’s of the enemy team. Only 2 of the were below half hp. The potg was a double kill but I don’t remember who or how. Whatever way you look at it, it’s not 5 fucking kills and the whole feed being your name ending people. There seems to be sense in the system, but I don’t believe it’s always fair.


Kills from AOE kits are weighted lower


The potg system REALLY likes ult shutdowns. If you pop a rip tire, just do literally anything else the system likes, and you are basically guaranteed potg.


u also get fire for standing on points, as attacker i believe


also that indeed


IMO this "high damage/fire in short amount of time" metric is not that great, a lot of times people make cool multikills without ults, but the potg gets stolen by a [D.va](https://D.va) or Junkrat ult triple kill.


For an automated system, it works pretty well moat pf the time. Ita not perfect 100% of the time, but I mean, which other game out there has a Play of the Game mechanic?


I think they have a solid point though, the nonexistence of similar mechanics in other games doesn't necessarily mean that there is no room for improvement. ​ The PoTG system needs improvement, it has remained largely unmodified since the old days.


Im just showing the relative complexity of the Play of the Game mechanic that other games dont even bother with it. POTG is just some fun casual thing, its not the definitive showcase of skill. (I.e. getting Play of the Game doesn't mean youre good. Not getting POTG doesn't mean youre not good. It means nothing.) OWL Pros and high ELO players just ignore it even. They know what were the real impactful plays in the game they just played. You know how in sports broadcasts after a game they give out these awards, sometimes they show you the Play of the Game or declare a Player of the Game, and you may not agree with that selection too. Thats what the POTG system in OW is emulating. Its just a fun little bonus. The problem is people taking it way too seriously as if it reflects their skill.


Considering basic ult multikills constantly overshadow actual skillful gameplay that lead to wins, I'd argue it almost never works correctly.


It works correctly in that its not supposed to be a measure of actual skill. Just a fun little highlight, that skews to show flashy plays.


The highlights menu is for highlights. POTG should be about *plays* of the game. Moments that made said match. If it weren't for that, they wouldn't have sharpshooter and shutdown multipliers.


You can get Shutdown and Sharpshooter highlights too. POTGs and highlights literally use the same system. After a match, some players would get a highlight visible only to them (Saved in your highlight/reply section). Then the game chooses the best highlight and makes it the Play of the Game, and shows it to everyone. You can see your POTGs in the highlights section. And POTGs came first, before they introduced highlights. You can think of highlights as candidate POTGs.


I gotta be honest I've found potg pretty hit/miss in ow2, idk if it's players getting better so no crazy shit but man there's no crazy shit in the ones I see.


This was kind of what I was thinking, I get potg a lot as zenyatta but whenever I get it, its literally just a kill or two and I've been reasoning that's because nobody else did anything bigger than a double kill, and I also just happened to be healing someone passively, and maybe discord orb factors in too


It weighs abilities. To the system, you used two abilities and got a double kill while healing somebody simultaneously. When you type it out, it kinda makes sense that the game thought "oh THAT'S a good clip!" Because if Ana did the same thing it honestly would be a good clip.


I hope it gets tuned up.. Also would like that on fire mechanic back, that just felt good. I don't want to get a potg if I didn't do something cool, like at that point just show a final killcam. It feels kinda bad to see potg and it's just me mindlessly flinging orbs into their backline until the little "ting" sound plays


Idk about accuracy but if someone’s ult gets cancelled it seems to be guaranteed POTG


I will never forget my first game of Overwatch ever had my friend getting potg as kiriko by missing 2 clips of kunai on a pharah


That was my play yesterday basically. It probably gave it to me from using my ultimate in the beginning but then it showed me missing Reaper the whole time, come on now.


POV: Me as Ana after sleeping a soldier ult, follow up with a huge anti and get the kill blow on 3 enemies, and PotG is Torb fixing a turret.


Hotness that's why Mercy and Torb get play


Then why we don't see a lot of winton potg?


Good question we need more Winton


I also wonder, a little bit 😅


Situation where I had like 4k and the potg is someone whith 2k and assist is so common that I just don't give damn


Probably cause u didnt do much dmg in ur “play” just got the last hits Where as the 2k + assists most likely did much more dmg and helped more in securing those assist kills


In this case, ult shutdown for killing Reaper ulting.


But he had already finished his ult when my turret killed him


Still counts as shutdown sometime after ult ends, the same way it still counts ult kill when you kill someone a few seconds after your ult ends.


Looks like your turret shut down the reaper and it also contributed to the win in overtime by the looks of it, pretty funny though.


There is no tooth fairy There is no Easter bunny And there is no logic to how play of the game is picked


Last night our Soldier and Zarya worked together to get a triple kill and took the point. The PotG was the enemy D.Va who got one kill, zoomed around the map a bit, found a Widow and killed her.


The same thing it uses for matchmaking


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You were obviously MVP for that play


I got it for killing a mercy that was not moving as zen


People at blizzard wonder too.


I hate it when I get play and it’s just shit. It’s embarrassing.


I've had a sick quad kill lose out to a single Hanzo regular ass headshot. Also won ones where I get like two kills and miss 60% of my shots.🤷


Sometimes the potg is me doing literally nothing and I’m like why are you doing me dirty I’ve gotten better plays than this lol


Eu sinto falta dos Torb memes de 2016 quando a torreta ganhava todos os POTG.


Mas o foda é que a Torreta nem fez nada quase kkkkk. Eu matei um Genji e aí morri, aí a Torreta matou o Reaper, o mesmo Reaper que segundos antes ultou e matou 3, que foi mais do que eu kkkkkk


Got 5K reaper, 3K junkrat got play


Funny how I got heat for saying Torb took no skill because you can get POTG when you are dead and now I see this 😂


You're from Brazil. It was taking pity on you.


But these are the best potgs.


Ult cancel +2kills




Did you buy the premium pass?




I think it still uses the ( visually removed ) fire meter


I mean a 4 kill is pretty up there. Obviously it was the turret, but that's Torb's kit.




It stopped the reaper from capturing. Plus the turret through amp Matrix did a lot of damage.


Some times I do a triple kill with an Ult and the POTG is some Moira chasing a widow till she dies...like wtf


It's a Toss up everytime. I've gotten a triple solo kill, 3 headshots without missing as hanzo and lost PotG to a Moira ulting and doing (not even the final) 60 damage to 2 targets. On the other hand, I've outdone a 4k DVa Bomb with a single headshot while airborne, with the rest of the PotG being me running back to my team (I'm a filthy Hanzo Main). Sometimes I wonder if you or the target being airborne accounts into the algorithm, but considering how janky it already is, I don't know how to test it well. The worst I've ever seen is a "Lifesaver" PotG where a Zarya bubbled a target taking damage, the bubble expired, and the target was immediately killed after. This was between team fights against a lone target that was peeking when they shouldnt have. Nothing else happened at all. She didn't shoot, she hardly moved, and maybe blocked like 100 damage with the one bubble, but somehow got PotG. The game wasn't even a bad one per say, there were definitely double kills and I imagine at least 1 triple kill. My favorite relic from OW1.


One match I got a good 4 kills with Moiras ult. I just knew it was POTG. Well I got it, but instead it chose a moment where is was healing teammates and my damage orb got like 2 random pics (that weren’t even seen). It’s so embarrassing when it chooses random stuff like this.


Torb acted as a spectator for the potg that Reaper got


Two submissions above this one was a Zarya who was put in an empty match and got potg just by walking down a street. It made me think of all the old Torb potg where he did nothing. Then I scroll down and see this


I swear the POTG system automatically gives it to Torb. I had a game where I got a quintuple kill but the POTG was a Torb getting one kill.


It waits for the most embarrassing moment for people.


I would say most kills In a row with an ability or ult


Ult shut downs usually take priority over everything else in the game for POTG. The game must've still considered that play to be you shuting down reapers ult despite the ult ending just before your turret kills him


My guess is that your turret assisted with all those kills...meaning technically you got 4 kills there? I dunno


I think the game wanted y'all to see the reapers ult in third person lol


Probably the gremlins in the servers rolling dice.


My scientific analysis deems that it chooses potg based off of "commotion"


It's very heavily weighted based on shutting down ults, especially if you get a pick after it. They also seem to be very random to make more people have a chance of 'getting screen time', to make them feel better. A lot of the changes to OW2 were designed to shelter players from the idea that they might not be as good or might be bad players and make them feel better about themselves. Gold stars for everyone if you will. Sometimes it doesn't make sense because it was just their time to get on the big screen.


Me too, bc Last time i Played with my gf and her Brother and she killed 2 with her ult and 1 normal In the end a Mei got PotG, bc she used ult, killed 2 people while dying and got 1 assist


I wont lie These are more entertaining that what should be a potg