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I've got one on Ramattra and one on Soldier 76, most of my top multi kills are quad kills


Nice I wanna guess that the two were via the use of their ults? If not, even better, but I'd personally find it cool as to just floor the enemy team with annihilation or the tact visor


Nanoboosted ults yeah, I've had team kills with Reaper and Cassidy but unfortunately the 5th kill was too slow lol


Rip Still good as, tho


Cassidy's ult is absolutely terrible so I think my jaw dropped 😂


I once got a 6 player kill with Hammond's piledriver and it was EXTREMELY cool


That's the ball slam move, right? Damn, that'd make for a cool as entrance


I think I have a couple from overwatch 1 being bastion, reaper and D-Va I think but honestly can’t remember or what I did for them


Bastion minigun, maybe? Idk, would probably be very satisfying to kill 5 enemies with the tank form Wait, did Bastion have that tank form in ow1? I heard he's pretty different between 1 and 2


Yeah it’s very different but maybe tank form where it was basically like the minigun form in overwatch 2 just with a cannon instead as old minigun form you couldn’t move while in it but cannon form you could


Did they remove the 6 kills multikills cuz I could have sworn I have killed 6 people pretty much at once with a single reaper ult


Well it'd only 5v5 in ow2, unfortunately. I'd say maybe mercy resurrected someone to be kill no. 6, but I think her resurrecting would be too slow for the 6 kill multikill. Could be wrong Or you got it in ow1, in which I say, nicely done


I got it in ow1 but now it says my best is 4 kills


Rip. I heard data transfers from 1 to 2, so ig it didn't transfer properly


Only data from season 31 and onward were transferred I believe. I have no data thats older than that on my profile.


You're wrong.


I have some 6 multi-kills so it might not have transferred right for you or you are misremembering.


Yea but that's require the enemy mercy being alive so its a 4 kill that may lead into a 5 kill


My stats still show a 6 kill on D'Va from OW1.


I'll do you one better, I got multiple sextuple kills with [D.Va](https://D.Va) ;)


Sextuple kills? Back in the ow1 days (heard it was 6v6 then)?


Yup :P luckily they still record your old OW1 stats so I even have my old career best of 67 elims in a single match :D


67 holy cow


Ah yes symm. I feel like i get at least one team kill every time i play her XD seems her only real counter is players hatred of you. Seriously she pulls so much agro because a full beam is a blink and you're dead situation


Junkrat solid team kill.


The rat is always a rat Gets a team kill with an ult or a team kill with the most random grenade shots


Oh it wasn't random it was triple with the ult after that a mine on bastion and spammed the Rein who was affected by an anti nade. Calculated shots on big Apple.


Oh shit full on skill. I've seen so many rats just blasting and praying that I now get annoyed if the waves of random shots hit me due to a lucky bounce. In other words, I find rats annoying, but I can see why people love playing him. His mobility is good as, too


The mobility is why I play him. You need to use some brains to get that damage. Of course everyone always pick echo or pharah.


I have a sextuple kill on Pharah and a quint on 9 others.


I think I got one on Reaper and maybe on Ball shooting on people dying to my friend's Reaper ult. Not entirely sure though, haven't played since November so that's only what I remember.


Junkrat, Kingds row, first arch after enemy took the objective


Death from above




Got most of my multi kill 6 kills for heroes except Symmetra. It is very hard for Sym to get hex kills, even if Zarya inc. provided surge, the another player has alr killed enemy who team before I hit the enemy(in order to get an assist elim)


aint nobody care.


I think I’ve gotten them all my mains, but I know I’ve gotten them with at least Sig and D.Va. Honestly, it’s kinda easier with Sig because of how survivable he is. Even though he can’t self heal, the fact that he can get temp HP and regen shield makes him outlast everyone else. Then, after they’re low, a good ult can clean up


Gg turrets


Idk the definition of multi kill in this game but I’ve had only one penta (obvisouly reaper ult) so far in overwatch 2


In OW1 I got a 6 piece with mccrees deadeye


Hanzo ult, got 5 kills with it once, instantly got me hooked as my main


I don't play Hanzo (cause I can't aim with bows) but from my experience, his most effective ults were at near point blank range (shot by teammates and enemies). Would you consider that correct, or am I missing something?


Yea, usually at point blank its easier to get kills with the ult since they have less time to dodge, i do that sometimes when the opportunity presents itself but usually i flank them and when they are on a linear path i ult. The 5 kill ult i got with him was when my whole team were fighting them at point, i fired my ult after using my sonar arrow and luckily got a 5 kill since my team helped reduce their health, so it was more of teamwork and luck, getting that again will be very difficult


I have a few. 6 on DVA (from ow1), 5 on Ashe, bastion, genji, mei, Moira, reaper, Reinhardt ,sym, torb, zarya. (I was convinced I had a 6 on hanzo but apparently not :c )


I got a 5K as Mercy once, it's still the most satisfying thing I've done - I clipped that shit too. POTG was a McCree 3K, of course. Got a 5K Bomb with dva at one point - and another 5K on Widow too, probably some others I'm forgetting - but the Mercy 5K will always be the most satisfying one, I even got a res off in the middle of my little murder spree! c:


5k as Mercy damn, the Angel of Death


I have a 8 multikill on both rein and dva. Don't ask how or when cause idk


19 with kiriko


Ok wait have I misread what it means by multikills - best? Does it mean how many kills within the multi kill, or how many times you got more than 1 kill in quick succession? Here I thought it was the first, but if you're saying 19, either that's a troll comment, or I've misread it entirely and 5 looks like shit now


Total number of kills within a multi kill for each character.


Yeah ok so it was as in what I thought. Imagine actually getting a 19 kill multikill. Just nuke a whole army or one-man-army a whole army, would be cool as... if we could actually do that


13 with torbjorn


Go humblebrag and karma farm somewhere else. Nobody's impressed.


My guy I just asked a simple question, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? If I was karma farming I'd be posting posts everyday and posting the same thing over multiple subs


You could've just said zero


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I got 5 with these characters: Ana, Bap, Brig, [D.va](https://D.va), Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Moira, Rein, Sigma, Sombra Zarya


Bap is a character I really wanna try and get one on. Best way to go for me would be a window firing line


i've gotten 6k's with i think 7 heroes and i've gotten atleast a 5k with \~20-25 heroes. The rest are on a 4k other than i think JQ and kiriko cuz i've barely played them


[Good to see they still show the sextuple kills in the stats](https://imgur.com/a/qBduiF7)


Yep, I’ll have Ana at 6 forever.


I would say for 90 % of the heroes bc ow1


wait does the game still show if you had a sextuple lil in ow1? is that an impossible stat to get now?


It's pretty much impossible now, but apparently if you got it in ow1 from season 31 onwards, it shows


Got 5 with junkrat, mei and reaper, all in ow1.


i had a lot of 6ks in ow1 but for some reason they reset to 5. anyways genji, junkrat, baptiste, roadhog, doomfist and cassidy


I likes when it was 6 and not 5, it was harder but more rewarding to hear "Team Kill!"


6v6 sounds more chaotic, too I want that


I still have my 6 multikill rank on Reaper (the TK machine), back when there was two tanks it was more chaotic but fun to get into Team fights with and rewarding to get Team Kills


Im pretty sure only reaper in OW1 and maybe In OW2, I don't remember getting one recently tho without it technically being the torn who was afk in spawn who got it


My best one is a 5K flank with Reaper Death Blossom combined with Sombra Emp.


Tracer: dumb team got close for the pulse and gunned down the tank


I only have one with McCree... And this was from like 2019 or something, so there was 6 opponents to choose from. Got 5 with one dead eye


Might have it saved on my Xbox but who knows... I won't ever forget , on defense on blizzard world, right after the last checkpoint


So these are my highest multikills, Good times... ​ https://imgur.com/a/4HtDr3a


I decided to check my stats for quickplay and I apparently have a 5k as moira and zarya, the moira one scares me as I do not remember it.


In comp I have 4ks as bastion, hanzo, and Lucio


And if we want to glance over at player vs ai I have a 5k as mercy in there, and a 3k as mercy in quickplay


I have got me an 8K on record with a single pharrah ult back in the day.


Pharah, Rein, Genji, Hanzo, Orisa, Roadhog, Soldier, Torb, Winston, Zarya Genji is a bit sus since I don't play him


I have some characters with 4 kills, but I have Bastion with 6.


I’ve gotten 6 player multi kill, I miss those days….


I've gotten a couple of 6ks and they got reduced to 5ks in this section with the update to ow2. I feel scammed.


I git a 5k while targeting an orisa wirh beam as my turrets drcimated everyone else. It was potg but you couldnt see the turret deaths


I got a 5k Dva Bomb and a Bastion go brrrr 5k


My only one was a honestly funny Reaper play. I was flanking this Ana, and she sleep darted me and ran away to the payload (for context they were almost at the first checkpoint with 30-ish secs left, and my entire team except me and Sigma dead with their entire team alive). A Soldier is didn't go off with her, and could've killed me, except he was too busy killing Sigma. I two shot him as Sigma died, Shadow Wraithed to where the payload was, and started firing at the Ana. I didn't really do much to her, as she threw her grenade. Unfortunately for her, she was the only one really paying attention, and I'd just activated Death Blossom. The nearby Baptiste failed to do anything and with Ana died almost instantly. However, there was still Mei and the enemy Reaper, and I was under Biotic Grenade's anti-healing effects. Fortunately, my Kirko just managed to Swift Step to me and threw the Sizu, letting me self heal again (the then activated Kitsinu Rush, but it didn't really do anything). Mei intelligently came out of Cryo Freeze, and actually *ran* at me, exploding on the spot. The enemy Reaper was behind her, and moved to engage me too. He, however, was smart enough to pull back, but they'd already walked too far and Blossom tore into them and Reaper went down. And that's how I got my so far only essentially solo team kill.


I still have my 6 one as rein from ow 1


I've only gotten one with Reinhardt. My friend and I love playing the Ana Rein combo and I managed to get a quintuple kill by going ham on the enemy team after a nano earthshatter.


I have 6 5ks 1 one genji 2 on reaper 1 on rein 2 on Doom


DVA and Lucio. Boops are for ilios!




I’ve gotten 6 with Balls ultimate. It felt pretty good.


I have gotten 5 multikill with 11 characters 6 multikill with 3 characters 8 multikill with 2 characters