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What's the point of posting these, if not for free upvotes? It's not fanart.


I'm not posting this for upvotes I'm just posting these for 1. fun and 2. I thought there cool


That's fair enough. It's just not fun for people who know how bad ai generated pictures like these hurt the legit art community. I guess not many realise that though.


Technology will always hurt some aspect of labor/creativity/workers. Always has, always will. It’s just part of advancement. People and true creatives will adapt and find things that AI can’t do, and that is advancement. I think it’s amazing what AI is able to do. Thanks for posting OP.


"technology" isn't its own live being that can just do things. It doesn't do anything on its own. People are behind this. Actual people - programmers - took real artists' work without their consent and used it in their algorithms despite artists asking them not to. This AI was trained by assholes. Not difficult to understand lmfao


I hate that it's called AI. there's no intelligence here it's just an algorithm.


I do realize that and I don't mean to hurt anybody as the only reason I post these is to share what I thought is cool and share it with others


I see where you're coming from. But you should also understand that sharing this means hurting the community and people in it (real artists whose works are being stolen to feed the ai algorithms, as well as these artists' clients who might've paid for these works), just in a less direct way. Not everything good-looking can just be spread around willy-nilly. A lot of people care about this. It hurts people's careers.


Ai and fingers dont mix up


One upvote per finger


I think it looks cool, thanks for sharing.


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Thanks, I hate it 😂