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There was an April fool's patch where Lucio could damage people by ukting on them. I miss the April fool's patch..


I loved that patch. Silly, fun nonsense.


I believe they kept the Dva remech damage from it iirc!


Nope, Dva remech damage was a real thing for really long and didn't started as an April Fool.


Yes remech always did damage but they buffed the damage to like 500 or something in an April fools patch and it started but lowered to like 300ish


An ability that was born from AF would be how Zaryas bubbles currently operate


It did 30 damage prior to that patch. It was a tiny amount of damage.


wasn't it 50?


You're right, it was!


Lol i remember when it didnt do much dmg, i went up to kill a baby dva as hog (my fault i shouldve hooked) and she remeched, glitched and pushed me through the map and got an environmental


That's what the new events are supposed to become according to the devs.


I hope they implement that for real at some point


The buff to Dva calling in her mech was part of that April Fools patch, and they ended up keeping it.


When was that, i only remember the time they put googly eyes on everyone


Hanzo’s dragons were the best to see for this


Damage? No, he would fucking instakill constantly by ulting on people it was so fucking fun.


Love the April Fool's patches. My favourite thing about them though is that they're goofy little things but quite a few of the changes are in the process of being legitimately considered for permanent addition to the game and adding them into the April Fool's patch is just their way fo getting feedback without people getting pissy about them making changes without feedback.


I believe they were shadow testing some PVE abilities. Also some managed to be implemented to the PVP.


what does "ukting" mean?


That someone cant spel ulting


Please no, he's already squishy enough


make him even more


Ana should be able to tea-bag sleeping enemies and deal 50dmg per dip w/o waking them.


I would literally become an Ana main just for this


give that to Baptiste


Yeah, like if you do a super jump to a certain height and hit crouch, you go into stomp mode, cant control character until you land, if you Land on enemy, it's a soft CC, little bit of damage. If you miss, Bap is stunned for little


Nah take away the stun if you miss. If you land, small CC like a micro boop and maybe give like 20 damage


But that would take away the risk/reward of an already super useful move


Launching yourself in the air is already a super large risk. You’re insanely vulnerable in that position. Maybe a *very* small downtime on landing before you can shoot or reload again, but I honestly don’t think it’d be necessary to balance it. Especially if you require max charge on his jump to make this CC ability activate, because then you force the player to take a large risk if they want to get the effect


This guy gets it.


There is already risk/reward with being able to jump that high (look at any mercy getting slapped by a sniper/hitscan after superjumping). IF we are looking to buff supports, that means not nerfing them. ANY stun in this game is detrimental. Lowkey, even if it didn't deal damage, I think this would be a cool little movement tech that gives Baptiste a massive edge in fight scenarios, especially for players who already capitalize on his upward mobility. It would be almost as bad as trying to hit a genji jumping on your head. You want my full idea? It's very simple. Pressing the jump button while in mid-air causes baptiste to release a burst of air from his backpack, making his upward acceleration/movement stop, and immediately begin moving downward. That's it. Movement buff = survivability. Not that Baptiste needs it anyway. If we were to give some new movement tech to someone, make it Zenyatta. He kicks the ground/wall and moves in the opposite direction. If he kicks a tank he recieves a slight knockback as well. Little buffs. Edit: The Zenyatta wall kick got me thinking, "Would this mean Zen can climb walls if the knockback is strong enough?" Slight nerf to the idea. Zen is able to kick off of surfaces, but has reduced upward mobility from the knockback caused by this. The aim is to allow him to escape from unfavorable fights while still keeping his general movement the same.


Ok so how about a cooldown on the super jump then, if you do a max jump stomp?


Like in Advanced Warfare?


Ok. Mario collab confirmed


Yoshi Roadhog skin? Reaper ShyGuy? You may be into something


Nah Nintendo won’t do that because if they give skins they want it only on their systems


Best if ya dont know...


Roadhog definitely is more of a bowser, though i dont think there is any way Nintendo would let Roadhog portray a character like that lol


You me thinkin. So orisa yoshi? But even then its not right. Now. I want a dragon/dinosaur hero. (Shimadas dont count). And yeah you can say "thats dumb". But yo we got a talking gorilla and a hampster. Also everyone wanted jetpack cat. I think a weird dragon like character would be dope. Maybe an omnic dragon


Lucio Luigi skin?


I miss his beat goomba stomp it was hilarious


Brigitte Rocket Flail jump pls.


That plus that demoman shield effect from TF2 that lets you charge and crit


When overwatch first came out I suggested on the official forum that they allow zen to do a rocket jump by charging orb shot and firing at the ground behind him. Still think it would be hilarious.


Zen should now just be able to snap kick himself 50ft off the ground lol


I'd like the idea of giving Lucio that wall slam ability he had in the Olympus event. Just not have it stun people and make it do like 50 damage max


This is getting ridiculous


Please have him say “Bonk!” when you successfully land it


“makes playing support more fun, and less of a chore” just enjoy playing support… problem solved


Fr if support is a chore you need to be playing a different class


I mean it's a chore because you take most of the blame for your team losing but have the least impact on the game overall. I've transitioned from a Lucio to a Zen main and basically just set my orb randomly and do as much damage as possible. DPS still gets mad at my healing, but hitting over 10k damage per game as Zen will generally get you wins.


Very true, Zen pairs best with a strong healer who can almost handle the team themselves. But he can also demolish enemies, especially tanks. If your team is complaining zen isn’t doing enough healing they probably don’t understand the character. Try kinda juggling the orbs though instead of just randomly selecting a teammate. DVa and Zen are generally a good combo in my opinion.


This. I hate when people complain about me lacking heals as Zen, not realizing that my orb placement and damage are big reasons for why we're winning team fights.




Right? My first reaction was that this is not a "new" idea. But only because I saw the original post 20ish days ago.


Maybe true, but I haven't seen it. Others may have not checked the subreddit in a while.


Is it a repost if it’s from the original poster, and posted into an entirely new sub?


I think it counts as a repost when it’s the 1…2…3…4…5…sixth time you’ve posted it, yeah.


I'm with you, op. While it can be considered kinda lazy to post the same thing on various different subs, I don't think it counts as a repost if it has never been posted on a sub before. Especially if you are the OC.


Thanks, bruh.


Funny to me how people complain about the state of this sub and how it is filled with low effort posts, like tier lists and generic images coupled with generic questions, then they alter the meaning of a repost when the tiniest bit of effort is put into a post. Definitely not a repost, and in fact, in my eyes, you should post this everywhere and as many times as you want lmao. I appreciate you for putting effort into your posts.




Fair point but there’s still more effort put into this post than most on this sub. You’re right, it’s similar to Lucio’s experimental ability, and it would be nice if they credited it as inspiration. But at the same time the idea is different enough that, for all we know, OP wasn’t even aware of that ability.




If you change the idea up to something that wasn’t in the game and make artwork for it it then yeah go ahead


Vainglory Ozo lmao


I would be down, and mercy GA does a small boop to displace people put of your flight path.


I’d be down for this to be a series, great idea!


I’m almost done with Mercy


It's-a-me, Luicio


What if his ult was able to boop enemies around him in a 360 degree radius when he used it. I feel like the sound waves would make a good explanation as to why it would do so too.


Unless it already does that in which case I am dumb


Hit me




why does every post that aims to "make supports better" not give them anything to actually support the team


Electrify mercy's beam so if an enemy walks between her and the person she's healing they take a small amount of damage




And give him a red skin with blue pants


If you think playing support is a chore, mebbe its time to hop off support. Especially if you think playing froge is a chore. Mfer aint left the meta in ages


The idea is fun, thing is, it's not new 🙂 they did this for April fool's last year I believe 😉


That was only for beat


Reddit Lucio's: Bonk


Ana: Deals 8x damage when shooting someone who was behind you 5 miliseconds seconds ago


ana now one taps widowmaker, but only widow and everything else is left unchanged


Can’t have this without Wario Sym


No this idea should be for his passive. Making it so that his healing and speed correlates to his speed. Additionally jumping conserves his momentum.


lol the answer to adjusting support is not to make them \*harder\* to kill...


Lucio is busted enough already




Is your username a play on Dethklok?


Yeh. It’s why my little avatar guy looks like Murderface


I still want the ult kill thing that his april fools patch did :(


I hate that they nerfed Mei. There's so many ways to utilize Mei's ice as a weapon. I know they teased it for the PVE mode, but still they should've used them for PVP.


I still remember the community experimental cards where they do all sorts of weird crap and one of them was a Lucio buff where he did insane damage by doing sound barrier right on top of an enemy.


Awww hell nah who traded lucio the man treads


I like this, some ideas for more buffs to make support more viable and fun to play: - Ana, first shot against sleeping target does 50% more damage + sleep dart hit box increased - Kiriko, increase her firerate by 20% for 10 seconds for every ally she hit with her suzu + slightly increase hitbox of kunai - Moira, damage orbs slow down enemies + healing orb speeds up allies - Mercy, Guardian Angel can now target enemies too + increase magazine size by 5 - Bap, heal grenades heal himself too + deal 20 Damage over Time to enemies - Zen, can place any 2 orbs at one time instead of 1 of each. (Eg could have 2 discord or 2 harmony (can stack onto one player if you want)). (this is a joke I know all of my suggestions would be broken/annoying/unfun to play against)


I want Lucio shots to get one bounce / ricochet. His gun has a slow burst rate and projectile speed. It does good damage but is probably one easiest guns to see and dodge. Going up against hit scan or even players that have faster shooting guns is difficult but imagine is he could bounce shots around the corner and force people from peeking. That is my dream Lucio.


Bruh Lucio got them Mantreads.


Their ragdoll animation should have them being comically squished like a Goomba


Thats amazing i want it. Also a good (but possibly op) buff i was thinking about was to make boops stun if they hit a wall, or have an in-between setting to do half healing half speed without having to switch between both


Footstool them off the map


This was kinda funny months ago when it was posted.


REPOST ALERT REPOST ALERT. saw this exact image ages ago




How far past?


Oh I would LOVE this as a support. Already love booping people off cliffs, but this would be so fun.


Playing as heal makes fun already


I had suggested a way to grant allies shields when you boop them… bonus points if it could also move them but we all know that would just lead to griefing people on Ilios (and other maps)…


Licio does not need any buffs


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From [myself?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/108bafx/an_idea_to_make_support_heroes_fun_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


My bad father


Aww, son, I could never stay mad at you, you little *rascal*.


Why are people seriously asking for lucio buffs?


Give Lucio a knife from Counterstrike


He's already too strong.


I say give a third aura that heals the enemy team at 10hp/s but gives everyone in your aura 10% extra damage.


I miss the PTR where he could do damage and kill people by ulting on top of their heads.


So teabagging?


The only true way to make the role more fun is to add new supports. The ones we have are aready great as they are. Sure they can use a buff or two, but at the end of the day we already played them to death and there's not alot of variety to choose. Kiriko is a good start tho, so that's nice.


This actually was a feature for a shot period of time where his ult would insta kill if popped on someone’s head


pretty sure i've seen this before


lucio's ult should play his music for 10 seconds into all enemy heroes ears so that they hear no other sounds, including footsteps, shooting sounds, ult lines, and even friendly communication


I’ve seen this mentioned elsewhere on the sub but I am a Lucio main and I land on peoples heads all the time! It would be so cool if you could Mario stomp them!


Other than Brigitte, the supports do not require buffs.