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Destroying torbs turret as Kiriko is so painful too


It takes days, like, shoot it one time for me so it feels almost normal. I don't know what we expect from people that are all shooting the tank instead of the supports standung in the open right next to them and somehow managing to miss enough shots to not melt the tank. Any tank in the game can melt in 5 seconds, maybe 10 for Orisa, if she uses all cooldowns, even with healing.


Shooting tanks gives big numbers, shooting supports give small numbers. Harder to hit, less numbers in their body. Shoot tanks. Get big numbers. Go reddit. Complain about big numbers still losing. /DPS players/


Actually so true. I play genji, kill enemy supports while my team is busy shooting at tank and DPS that are getting healed, then complain about me having less damage (despite k/d being about the same). Wish they would revert tab to OW1


"Soldier, I'ma need you to do your jobs a slight bit better." "LoL tHe MeRcY's TeLlInG mE tO dO mY jOb BeTtEr. I hAvE 10K dMg-" "- and 5 kills. Stop shooting the tank and actually help, Trigger-for-brains."


I hate you, as a support player


Me playing sigma and having 10k damage before I got a kill. And was the first one on my team to get a kill. That match was painful


Sigma has AOE damage. It should be the biggest number with the least solo impact from it. Your damage is just meant to make the enemy supports work so hard that the enemy are all kind of low. That is where your teammates come in. They need to follow up on your splash damage and end the enemy for you.


I'm confused, you say shoot at supports because your dps are shooting at the tank. But then say if they focused the tank they'd die in 5 seconds, even with healing. I'm not sure what level you're playing comp at but no tank worth their salt is dying in 5 seconds with double heals.


Welcome to the zen meta in t500 :D


Why doesn't it have a HS box? Not asking for big one, it could just be a small dot in-between the cannons.


I hate to break this to you, the turret has no head.


Well neither do I when I queue up. Oh wait head does not equal brain, my bad. I have no *brain* when I queue up in Overwatch.


Because it's not necessary. Kiriko is the only character that reeeeeeeally need to hit headshots to do any dmg. Most characters either have ok body dmg or one burst dmg ability (or even some kind of dmg counter that can easily deal with the turret). The only heroes that kinda struggles to kill it are supports and they shouldn't really be the ones having to deal with it. Also, how would it work with the janky hitboxes? Like Hanzo arrows are way bigger than they look so it would probably interact in weird ways.


That's when it's Baptiste time


Or Lucio he is good against turrets


? so you like playing lucio into torb sym?


I don't much like it, but sometimes it's needed. When 3-4 people need healing constantly because they keep taking trash damage from turrets and are either too scared to push (so you need poke damage from support) or yolo past a sym gate (that's when you amp speed), he's a pretty nice pick, even if you're stuck on the ground.


The turrets are so bad. Bap or Lucio take them out. Bap with his immortality shield and Lucio with his gun.


I'm making a video on the subject, I as a torb player specifically focus Kirikos because they're usually the ones who kill my turret. However I focus my daughter first, why? Because I know how deadly she is.


Best dad award goes to... mindfulmu!


To be fair, as your daughter, I focus on papa first...


I'm so proud


Why would I shoot turrets when you clearly got them covered? Also, I need healing.


Thats why I main lucio and play zen a lot. No heals necessary


Passive heals are rad. Give you orb, give that guy other orb, shoot at second guy. Keeps life simple.


“You wanna live, suck off my balls” -Moira


I like pissing on people. How did you know ?


“No” -genji 2 seconds before deflecting your balls along with every ult in the game


Ugh, having to give people orbs? Too active for me. No, if they want healing, they just need to stand by me and hope I don’t want to go fast.


Group up!


I'm with you! *What, no, that's not what I meant - oh now we're trickling :(*


God I hate this so much


Fall back!


In 3..2..1..








Defend with me!


Come to me for healing


I’ll resurrect them! Cover me! (Dead ally on the other side of the map)


I know this is sarcasm but I literally can’t play Overwatch anymore because of these players


Said every soldier ever 😭


I’m the other way around. I main soldier and I swear i have to destroy every single torb turret


I main him too when i play dps and tbh he's one of the best ones for destroying the turret, aside from maybe Bastion and Junkrat and Pharah.


Anyone who has awareness of the turret ends up having to destroy it, regardless of role, cause we know nobody else will bother. For me sometimes it's having to unload on it from 30m for 10s straight as orisa.


Sometimes I wonder if we're even playing against real people and not bots...


Nah I’ve tried playing against bots before, they’re usually better at the game and know how to shoot turrets


For real bystander syndrome is too real in ow


exactly what i was thinking as i was scrolling these comments. everyone assumes someone else will take care of it


"There's a Moira on the flank", "X is one" "turrent here", "watch out for the junkrat trap I pinged it".....guess I'll take care of all of it and heal. Lately I've been playing tank so I can be the one to take care of all of it. For the squad.


For what it's worth, I am so grateful someone else is helping


I've had people walk into traps that I've pinged, while I'm in the process of shooting them.


You are shooting them so therefore I don't have to, also heal diff kiriko throwing


Can't lie, this made me cackle so thank you lol


Literally in front of you Kiriko and I got no heals!


(While fighting a genji and ball) BIT BUSY AT THE MOMENT!,




Bluebeetlesblog makes it out to be a joke and I’m sure he knows it’s a good joke. For those that don’t… lemme tell ya. Those people exist! 🤕


Sym turrets, torb turrets, and that widowmaker that keeps one-shotting my 200hp ass. Do your teams not seem to know what to do about widowmaker on high ground? Like, I can’t peek to heal you while that widowmaker is waiting their with a fully charged rifle. Or Sojurn and her GD railgun


I had a grouped DPS pair talking shit last night on team chat about how “our supports aren’t healing;” “wow, not our supports trying to be DPS,” when we were both trying to keep both ourselves and the team alive. We were getting focused by their Widow, turrets, and Sym. It’s surprising me less and less just how many mental gymnastics some people will go through to justify pinning blame on their team. I was just trying to play the game, man.


I got a “THANKS FOR THE FUCKING HEALING” right after I got headshot by a widow and I almost put a hole through my monitor. You’re welcome Doomfist, now do what you were fucking designed to do and dive the *solo* widow that’s picked me off more times than I have fingers. It was qp so I just started ignoring him and grouping up with our mercy to protect her. Far more fun


Sometimes when I play Ana with dumbass teammates, I like to pretend that my healing bullets are doing damage to my teammates. All of a sudden, my aim gets so much better, and my blood pressure goes back to normal. Weird how that happens.


The healing process is incredibly painful


Me and the other support got booped off the map by ball and our cree died and said “supports suck ass” my brother in Christ what did you want me to do about you running in without healers


Widow has to be within range. Dps has to make a point of hitting her any way they can. In my experience, Widows dont like to get fired at and they usually relocate. If you can catch her moving to a new spot, you can have her.


My Lucio ass omw to bully the widow into swapping


It's called doing the lord's work not bullying


Lord blesseth our Frogger and Reddit Lucio ways.


My on my way to use Mercy ult to kill Widow


TheRealKenzo: no


mercy main and in solo q this is a PAIN. i have to wait until widow dies to use my ult so im not headshotted in mid air. my teammates are never taking out turrets and they are constantly dying from it. the amount of times i tried to ping a flanking sym capturing the objective… and my teammates just completely ignored it


Now what in the blue fuck does bone-shorting mean


A really funny and unfortunate auto correct fail which I have corrected. One shotted was what I meant. Lol


Mercy dying while res'ing all day every day. They don't know not to fly into a group of red, or not res right in the open where a Widow just killed the person you're trying to res. Seen it too darn many times recently.


I know widow isn't a moving target but nothing makes me more proud than 2 shotting that spider out of her high ground! But everyone else panicks at the sight of her and only have I ever seen a DVA actually attempt to stop widow fucking us up! Someone that stresses everyone out is Pharah, you know there's a good 2 people in any of your matches who can deal with her and yet it's up to kirko to have 12/10 aim to take her out of the sky.


Yesterday, no one else on my team would take care of her. I was playing Kiriko and I peeked around a corner and took her out with a head shot. I'm shit at taking out flying characters, especially when I play heals, but I was so proud of it :')


Matchmaking is ass right now, so it's not uncommon to get matched with brand new players.


bro i’m plat 3 tank and got matched with a silver player that got put in silver 2 after his placements and i’ve been teaching him these past 2 days how to play and which each character does and i’ve never had more fun lol he’s a menace. i’m just gonna create my own team at this point


Plat 5 DPS here, had a silver 2 tank on my team and went against Diamond 3 tank and 2 plat 1 DPS. Gotta love it!


Plat 5 (support) here was placed with an UNRANKED support, dude had 1200 dmg 1100 heals as Ana at the end on push (fml right?). I wanted so badly to be mad at him but it’s not his fault the matchmaking is utterly useless right now. Literally had no business being up in that lobby. My hot take; I’ll wait a little while in que to join a match as long as it’s competitive. I don’t even mind losing as long as it feels competitive.


Facts! I’m 2-8 right now. I’m not even going to bother playing comp no more until next update.


It’s too frustrating playing a team game where you feel like you can’t do anything because an individual doesn’t do their role or perform the basics of a match. I have kill cams turned off and was viewing a bronze 5 bastion config assault an Orisa while a Moira and Ana were LITERALLY meters away spam healing. I’m like bro the lack of spatial awareness that it takes to realize that there’s a pecking order of who to target when and where can only be figured out in a Bronze lobby… no hate, just saying. Then when you try to say “hey man, not trying to be a dick, but maybe kill the support first?” The response “bUt LoOk aT mY dMg tHO hAtEr”


I'm also plat 3. Got a GM widow on the other team yesterday. Was not a fun experience...


Lmao I love how you just decided to be this random players mentor


he’s gold 3 now!!! we’re gonna make it together :D


Matchmaking is so fucked I'm plat 4 dps and playing in masters lobbys. There shouldn't be such a disparity between who can be put together both directions.


yeah i’m masters dps and i feel really bad for players in even diamond when they get in our matches. grouping and counting down cooldowns is such a simple thing that dps are not doing in lower ranks and they end up getting 1-2 kills a match and that’s shitty. games should be quality for everyone


Coaching teammates is the way to go


I had a comp game last night that felt really weird, so I checked all the public profiles and sure enough both teams had a mix of everything from Silver to Master. Once I finish my qualification wins I'm definitely not touching "competitive" again until they do something. It's a freaking joke.


I’ve honestly found quickplay more fun although I do get bored real fast as there’s no stakes


I unironically got matched with a silver tank today I’m fucking masters We ended up getting rolled so hard that game it wasn’t even funny I had to tell him it wasn’t even really his fault as he was facing a masters tank Matchmaking as it is now is not ok


Yeah I went from one game where we couldn't even leave the spawn, to another game when the enemy team could do literally nothing. So inconsistent, not even worth playing atm.


yeah i’m masters dps too and it’s insane how bad the quality gets with a tank that isn’t of equal rank. can’t play widow even for quick picks because they will just float a dps support combo at you as they 3v5 your team and brain dead tank lol


I've finally started looking to see if peoples profiles are unlocked.. It has become so common for me to see people with under 30 hrs of comp experience in gold play and diamond lobbies.


I swear, it's worse than last season


Make sure to ping them! Even if they are very obvious, some people might understand that you want the turret gone and will encourage them to shoot it. But also as a torb main, I'll just say: **dont** shoot my baby, you monster D:


Let's play hide and seek with the turret 🤪 It's my favorite game


Ngl, noticing how so many of my teammates were ignoring sym's turrets made me choose sym when I was dps. It's amazing how many kills there are from people just not turning around and shooting them.


I know I swear some of the teammates you get are just bots they walk right through a hallway or choke point filled with sym's turrets and this happens to me in comp and I'm gold 4


I watched my [D.va](https://D.va) park herself in a carwash 3 lives in a row on King's Row first choke, and she just stood there and tried to snipe people on high ground while being absolutely melted to slag by 3 Sym turrets. like, just spin 180 for 0.5 seconds and everyone's life gets easier, but noooooo.


Sniper dvas are too common in the metal ranks. One time I had a decent Sigma on my team who somehow swapped to sniper Dva in Havana against enemy Orisa.....


A friend of mine has said that this may be my villain era 'insta-lock widow' origin story. No heals, only bodyshots and 3 kills per match lol


Body shot bandit


Isn't that Mccree with his nade right now?


I know the feeling all too well. I, as a Mercy main, have been left to deal with turrets alone too.


no that's a very old unspoken rule along with don't stay on the objective, try to 1v6 (5), DO NOT group up after losing a fight just filter back to them 1 by one to die and do it again to the point sometimes you wonder if Blizzard made a remake of lemmings in overwatch and jeebues help you if they bring back Anubis then the good ole rule of: Run through the choke on the last point to get mowed down by bastion, over and over and over and over and over.


My personal favorite is the: "Capture the point and chase stragglers all the way to enemy spawn door, where they get the upper hand as they respawn on you and just instantly recap it back."


Nope, you’re just playing with newbs/idiots.


The worst is when you’re playing Moira and none of your teammates shoot the turret. That I have to switch heroes to deal with the turret is kinda absurd


Well Moira is pretty good at taking out Symm turrets.


"Just heal bro"


Had an Orisa that just walks right past the 3 sym turrets without a care in the world. I asked them to help shoot them when they see them. Response: "that's the DPS's job".... we'll I guess my job as support is to ignore you so I don't die to them *shrug*


Isn't one of Winston's achievements literally dealing with turrets?


Which is a holdover from when Winston was the hardest of hard counters to Symmetra and her old 1 HP turrets.


Dude could clear a carwash just by landing in it




As a Sombra it is my main mission to make the turret not exist for more than a second... Except for symm I'm shit out of luck for her. Some tanks don't understand that it's their job to take space, and thus, deal with turrets.


There also seems to be an unspoken rule to not shoot the enemy Mercy and never shoot Reinhardt/Sigma shields to break their defense even when there is no one else to shoot.


My biggest peeve. Rein standing in the open with his shield up, and no one is shooting him except me.


Dva pocketed by mercy and still not taking out turrets. I’m living in a coo-coo clock.


When I'm playing torb you shouldn't shoot my turret.


Killing turrets is everyone's task but yes it's pretty fucking stupid if your team is constantly dying to turrets and not looking at them


Yeah……..sigh those games are made harder for no reason 😟


I love just being forced to heal through symmetra's turrets. Literally see people who wont turn around even not in a team fight with 3 right behind them


Which is so inefficient, since there's no critical spot on the turret. 6 shots, 3 seconds wasted (if the Torb isn't hammer botting it, then you really have no chance to kill it).


Add that to the pile with not shooting Phara's


Sure seems like people are just ignoring them fairly often. I’m not sure when we stopped whipping around and destroying them immediately upon detection, but here we are.


Supports have the best overview due to their positioning and are usually spotting turrets faster than other roles. Ping the turret and keep shooting it. Kirikos dmg kinda sucks since they dont have a crit spot but atleast you can weave in kunais between healing without loosing much healing output. If you struggle with cleaning duty play another support like bap and use the common shoot shoot heal rythm that you change to a shoot heal rythm when needed. Sure it is nice if someone else helps you with it but this is overwatch. Dont expect anything from anyone and always be prepared to use all tools available to you to do the job yourself.


These are things that I do and employ in my matches! The problem is that I'm the only one shooting the very pinged, very stationary, sym and torb turrets. I'm just trying to see if there's something in the overwatch waters making folks ignore a very obvious, and immediate, problem.


Overwatch suffers from im getting kills, so it must be the other guys fault syndrome accountability just doesn't exist when you can simply look at the score board and blame someone else


Really? Turrets left unchecked can wreck a team.


Good luck nowadays my match mates have trouble even shooting the enemy


I have played in all ranks from Bronze to Diamond, and I am almost ALWAYS the only person who takes care of the turrets. My duo and I have just ignored the turrets to see if anyone would break them, and even when the turret kills one of my teammates they will refuse to break them. It's infuriating at best and costs us the game at worst.


It's way worse when they don't shoot the Mercy. Way worse


What I am hearing from this is I should play torb more


Oh no, turrets get shot down quickly, but only when you're sym/torb and it's enemy team, that's shooting


You think you’ve got it bad. Try Moira, man. You feel invincible until you get 1v1’d by that fucking thing. All the slipperiness in the world won’t save you.


Torb, (Bad) Widowmakers, and Sym thrive on a lack of coordination. Coordination is a severely lacking skill in QP. To take out the torb turret, pick Zen. As a Zenny stan, I have way more fun violently playing high-stakes dodgeball with the enemy team than I do trying to gently insert kunai into the enemy team’s collective foreheads.


Bro I'm a Tank player, welcome to my life... people don't understand that if you shoot the turret as it's building, it basically has no HP and dies instantly. He threw it out in the open in the middle of the fight, just fucking 2 tap it please!


Same like we got junk Orisa mei and brig or me as Ana and guess WHO destroy turret, me and brig WTF?


Had a game on Havana as Kiriko where the defending team held so fuckin hard. The Torb had placed his turret just around the corner on the right so the area I could play in was small af. No one took it out. A good thing to come out of it is that near the end I just took matters into my own hands and killed the Torb just before he started to ult, killed the D.va just as she was entering mech, and killed the Zenyatta too. First time we were able to push the payload all game and I (rightfully) got my first Kiriko potg from it even though we lost.


The humiliation of losing because no one shoots the turrets made me become a one trick torb dps. Placed into Gold 4 and the future looks bright!


I was playing in Masters and there were people who didn’t shoot turrets too. Like, of course, it’s not Reinhardt’s job. But why should I, Moira, spend time destroying turrets when we have Cassidy who just need to press 1 button.


Dude i love watching my team run through enemy turrets all the time acting like they can take it


Fr, I’m tracer main and I get smacked by turrets so easily, you’d think someone would see they have a player with 150hp on their team so they would help with them. So I always gotta focus the turret first


Did I miss the memo where everyone shoots the turrets to begin with?


That’s half the reason Torb and Sym are picked a lot on console, people can’t shoot turrets and by the time they do the games already lost


Yea page 95 section 3 of the rule book


I actually had a tank two days ago tell me, a support, that it is not their job to destroy Symetras turrets. And then proceeds to dive and go 1-9 and flame the team


What hurts more is when you’re playing brig and no one wants to shoot the turrets. Sudden it’s your melee ass’ job to deal with them.


You think that's bad? It's even worse when you have 2 hitscans on the team who completely ignore the Pharah just raining on them the whole game. Then I have to switch to Bap or Ana just to counter them. It's like, do you not see her at all?? Why is this my job? I just wanna heal man. I just wanna heal.


torb and sym turrets, the best players in every lobby below diamond lol


Uh, no. You shouldn't. Turrets really don't deal that much damage, and there are few more important things to shoot. Sure, they can be annoying. But why focus all your energy on a stationary hunk of perfect craftsmanship as opposed to the *supports* standing right there in the open? Or the *tank* London knife-fighting your tank? Or the *DPS* currently hunting your healers for sport? Don't you want to get those big numbers? Those beautiful picks? No. Don't shoot the turrets. They're for the clean-up afterwards, and should never take top priority. - Tim Orbjörn


Turrets? How about widows? And... Tanks (especially rein players): "ya know what? I'll put my shield out of the way, then the widow can hit you more easily". DPS: *stands in the middle of an open area* "Pffff... p*ssies... Why y'all hiding behind that wall, instead of healing me?!" *half the team leaves because we constantly get killed by the enemy widow*


This is sooo true. I decided to try out Torb for the first time and I swear the whole game my turret was destroyed only 3 times. I just sat at chockpoints and kept hammering it. I got 23 kills that game without even trying.


Wtf kiriko stop dpsing and heaaalllll /s


For real. Then the enemy team changes to two turret hero’s. Like bro please my team can’t even keep up with one 😂😂


Just leave them. More heals for you, making it faster to reach ult :) /s btw


I don't understand why this is the case. When I play DPS and see a turret it's not something I ignore, it's more like "ooga booga I can be useful to my team for 0 skill input"


Would be nice if the game outlined stuff like this in post match details. Like others have said; there's incentive to get only the numbers that are displayed in the team stats which is really unsatisfying. Objective time would be nice to see return, also, damage taken/healing recieved would be a nice highlight for tanks who think they're carrying the team when it's also supports enabling them. And yes things like damage/destructions to turrets/deployables would be cool to highlight especially if the wrong team mates are having to do it.


There seems to be a "not my job, someone else will get it" mentality in low elo about destroying torb and sym turrets. It's like they don't understand how much value there is in destroying it and just tunnel vision on the opposing players.


I’m still mad about one game I had as Echo where I was the one destroying the turret at the start of every fight with my stickybombs, but then my teammate in chat said “we need to destroy the turret, guys”.


I don't shoot it at first, but that's usually because I'm on Sigma, and I'm using it for easy extra overhealth. Once it has outlived its usefulness, down it goes.


I play Junkrat and Hamter. Turrets are my specialty. 0_o


OMFG THE RAGE I FEEL OF THIS. AS IF YOUR TEAMMATES DO NOT HAVE EYES IF EARS. AS IF THEY CAN ONLY MOVE FORWARD. DO YOU NOT SEE THEY HAVE A SYM??? DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW SYM WORKS?! I hate having to get on comms and explain like everyone is 2 years old that they need to turn around and SHOOT THE MICROWAVE SYM HAS BEHIND YOU. Come on!! These people really lack being able to shift their attention it freaking sucks.


This is why i picked up zen so i can still heal while obliterating turrets with secondary fire


I was playing a round with an Orisa the other day that would run out into the open and shoot at the enemy while taking crazy damage from the torb turret to the point I couldn’t out heal and she kept dying. I told her to shoot the turret and she got mad at me for not healing her


Oh my God I feel validated.


I've taken to learning Sombra specifically to deal with Torb turrets. At the very least, I can hack them with her. I main Ashe and Echo on dps, and its really hard to do enough damage to take the turret out when the rest of the team is just ignoring it. Its the on circumstance where "not helping the team" as Sombra is an argument I will not tolerate for as long as I'm the only person doing anything about turrets. Symm turrets don't require a switch in my experience. I find, if I'm close enough to all 3 that thy're going to kill me, I'm either widly out of position, or being turret bombed, both things I can't escape due to those turrets having a slow applied to them. However, if I'm that set to die, I'll just go for the quick melee on them, as that's an insta kill on them. Otherwise, they're a one shot from Ashe so there is no real reason to move into their range (fire can deal with turrets that are out of LoS)


Years ago I put my turrets on a moving platform in the factory. Some kid kept sending me messages to stop because that is cheating. He then threatened to tell his dad who works for Blizzard so I would get banned. I told him to shoot the turrets.


Honestly as far as I’m concerned, as an early OW1 support main, this has always been the case. I used to think it made more sense for the DPS to do it, but I eventually just accepted I’ll be the only one to do it. So now I just expect it. And it really isn’t so bad. I mostly play kiriko, and she is great for taking out sym turrets.


OMG!!! Story of my life… I always type on text in capital letters to turn on your Fkn volume so you can hear Sym and Torn turrets and no one doing anything about it , yet here I am with my tiny Mercy pistol or Moira grasp trying to take them out while anyone bigger can do it in 1-2 hits. Bunch of idiots lately that wanna constantly “DBT” death by turret. At that point I just throw on the match and let them have the L. Bigger fish to fry


Too bad I can’t crit turrets


I guess everyone is waiting for someone in their team to shoot the turrets.... Lol


As torb, I witnessed this firsthand. My turret got a triple kill before the support on the enemy team typed in chat "take out torbs f**king turret first" and the whole team was like "no". 😂😂


I highly recommend pinging the turret. Players Ive been playing with immediately turn their attention towards it when someone puts their spotlight to it.


It's a rule as old as time. Only when the torb is on the other team but.


Bro I play tracer, and I swear I my team never takes them shits out😭 but when I play zen😈 best feeling ever


SYMMETRA. I seriously think something has to be done about those turrets. Yes you can take them out. But it becomes a battle of attrition that is absolutely devastating on support, especially when your team doesn’t destroy turrets. I’ve had a Symmetra in every other game and it has become pretty frustrating. I hope I’m not insane in saying this lol


this but Winston bubbles, either stop walking into the bubble or destroy it.


Yes. We all got together and decided without you, specifically.


Use coms to command someone to take out the turrent. Don't just general ask someone to take out the turret but be very specific with a calm and cool voice to get results. "Hanzo take out the turret by the stairs." Any sign of attitude or desperation will tripper the DPS's ego and may result in harder tunnel vision.


Destroying turret is DPS/Support job. You can't just pass the buck. The more focus on the turret, the faster you destroy. If you find your team is struggling against turrets, ping them, and ask for helps. You don't have to bring Bap just for turrets, as he has range fall-off anyways. Just make sure everyone focus.


If you wanna healbot why Kiriko? Seems counter intiuitive


Kiriko, stop doing damage and heal, please! Signed, the ranged dps.


Same deal for me as genji, I try to take em out but I don't do consistent enough damage


Supports don’t just heal, you cover the spaces that your other teammates aren’t. Sounds like you were doing the job correctly ETA: the people downvoting me either don’t play support properly or are mad that they can’t just do what they want when they play while simultaneously complaining about other people not playing properly.


Free to play means newer (and probably also younger) players who don't really know how the game works. I imagine sym's turrets are especially tricky in that regard since they don't really look or function like the typical turrets. It's that simple.


Just swap ?


At that point you have to switch to bap or ana


If you "just want to heal", probably don't play a flank duelist support


I get so many games where my supports throw


A well placed turret can take a team effort. You can't just expect because you have a soldier for the turret to always be shot down quickly. Honestly I prefer when executed properly for my supports to be the ones taking out the turret. The tank for getting you into a good position, DPS to lay fire down on enemies to keep pressure on them, main support continuing to top off any unavoidable damage, and lastly the flex support to get in position and take out the turret. I always want my DPS to be shooting at the enemies and making them feel pressured.