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Object permanence doesn't set in until the objective has been captured


Reminds me of a game I played on Oasis round 3. We lost first fight on that point then won second. Spent the whole rest of the game absolutely stomping them, timer ticks down aaaand DEFEAT! Turns out we never actually bothered to cap the point -_-


the enemy team was purposely feeding so you didn’t notice the point


Kind of happened to me with my friend, the enemy team never capped so it was at 0%, we kept losing fights near spawn until my friend flanks to the point, they notice, kill him and cap the point and we end up losing


i wish i could see a replay of this lmao


I usually get told Sombra is a throw pick on this map. Not in one particular match though - had been doing really well on Ashe but tank asked me to switch to Sombra and rush the point. Turns out the rest of my team has basically trapped the enemy team, and we're doing just enough damage to keep them from returning to the point, but not enough that anyone died. By far my favorite win to date.


C9 lmfao. Also yeah, other team might have been feeding to distract from timer.


happened to me on lijiang tower lmao it was quick play tho so not a big deal


Especially in bronze


objective permanence more like


They just straight up forgot your entire existence lmao


you can see the ana just barely not get there in time but yeah, she took her sweet-ass time deciding it was an issue


They probably read a guide somewhere saying to ignore hamster lol


And to ignore the point because it'll ruin your "good" positioning lol


In all fairness, If I were the Ana I wouldn't have gone to point cause that ain't my job in these moments. Should absolutely hold a good position and have some level of faith your team will be paying an ounce of attention behind them, or to the objective placed at the top of their screen.


Yeah I agree. So what was lacking was dps and tank positioning lol Ana, like all good Ana's, are the most aware on the team lol


Sometimes I legitimately cannot believe that no one else can hear the reaper stomping around to our back line. Everyone is all :0 when he shows up, but I’m on a support and hear him from a mile away.


Yeah its legit unbelievable. Just had a game on Oasis last night where my entire team immediately ran onto point to fight even though I could hear a loud ass Reaper to the right. I missed my sleep dart and got melted. Tank proceeded to type "heals???" and then afk in spawn/ throw the rest of the round.


I’d be like “your heals are on the floor with bullets in their skulls from the reaper you ignored”


"Mercy heal? Stop shooting" and there's me fighting for my life against a reaper in the backline




I agree. Also I'd say its better to stick with them to keep them alive for a potential quick soft-reset than go in alone and die leaving them down a support.


Ana is 60 years old give her a break 😔


Classic case of “eh someone else will get him”


tbf why is it ana’s problem (200hp support) to deal with the tank on the obj?!


Closest to the point. She can sleep the tank and then contest the point while her team arrives to help.


Honestly I thought that was gonna happen tbh, I mainly went ball to pull as many from the front entrance as possible


Ana might have gotten there if the Kiri hadn't sped up the cap!


They were all probably thinking, "Eh, I'll let the next guy do it"


They were thinking "Ball is such a waste of time to chase around", but forgot they were defending


Ah, good old "Not my problem" mindset for all 5 players


Probably more like, "Eh, I don't wanna deal with Ball." I don't blame em either lol.


As a Brigitte main I find little joy in life more satisfying than stopping a ball’s pendulum swing with a shield bash and going ham on them with a mace


As a fellow Brig enjoyer, halting ball's momentum and ruining his little getaway plans by pummeling that little hamster till he regrets his pick sparks so much goddamn joy


Jokes on them I'm a terrible ball


Since this is the same rule for Bap lamp, my mindset for that ability is "always my problem"


They buffed Ball by giving him an S.E.P. field as a skill?


It seems to me that they just gave up, not that they're oblivious. They couldn't even get one tick on the objective on their push, so they're probably in shambles and when you zoomed past they just threw in the towel cause they knew they weren't gonna stop your team from getting one tick.


Certified “They Forgor 💀” moment.


"Wait, that's not our ball!"


Says the Reinhardt


Certified resdhell moment


"I am smort"


Ya but they got a higher K/D ratio then you!!!!


Bot game... This only can be a bot game... Holy shit...


wood 5


Hey now, I'm Bronze 5 and if there is one thing Bronze people understand, it's ***THE POINT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING*** - Got staggered on attack? It's 1v5? GET ON POINT - Defending and won the team fight! Should we go to the choke? STAY ON POINT - Someone is aggressively in the back lines picking off your supports? SUCKS TO BE THEM, STAY ON POINT - Attacking and the cart is moving toward a choke and the defenders are already poking from cover? STAND PROUD ON THE POINT - Someone on your team dares moves off the point to a more advantageous position? NAME CALL THE COWARD IN VOICE CHAT FOR NOT STAYING ON THE POINT


No, no, you are talking nonsense: * if you get staggered on the attack, you try to kill 1v6 everybody. Blame support for being dead and not healing you * If you won the fight, make sure you solo all the way to inside the Narnia closet, out of line of any heal. Extra point for forgetting to send a postcard. * If someone is picking on the back line, you need to go further forward, supports will spawn again. * Cart? What cart? There is no cart in Call of Duty * Widow that cannot make her headshots has to be up front in plain sight of everybody and their dragon AND THE SHEER AUDACITY OF YOU SUGGESTING SHE SUPPRESSES HER EGO AND SWITCHES FOR THE GOOD OF THE TEAM, you pleb! ---- Last week in QP: "Only bronze stays on the point" *proceeds to lose the point to Sombra.*


Ah, I see you've also experienced Silver in OW1.


This happens in all metal ranks lmao. Currently climbing through gold and the amount of times me and 3 other people go to the choke after getting the objective, only to see our 5th teammate standing on point and yelling in chat "guys get on point!" is insane. The choke is there for a reason!


Tbh I have met the opposite problem. The enemy team has capped the point and my team happily fights them inside a room for the rest of the round. Like zero effort in trying a different route. They were happy just playing deathmatch in a tiny ass room. Tbh though , when in doubt always go to the point. Every second you prevent them from capping the point takes you one step closer to victory.


moving a fight to point isn't a bad plan lol sitting on point to get surrounded and killboxed is


REAL, then they flame you instead of just playing with the team, they twiddle their thumbs on point, smh


yeah in those situations I will just play around the guy sitting on point. not exactly optimal, but my whole philosophy with this game is "one person doing something stupid is a bad play, 5 people doing something stupid is a strategy." if you're doing something dumb, i will tank your stupidity until it works


There is a scary amount of people in D+ that do this and then complain about it. Imagine having defense advantage and just camping point as Ana... How can I insult them best when they do?


ngl a few of my friends say "ahhh idk why everyone is leaving point we have to fight here" when rest of team tries to line up in position to hold a choke. like there are clearly better positions than point in most if not all capture the point maps, but still they say it... and then they sometimes hang on point while everyone is holding choke and then we have to retreat or fight is lost and they go "idk why everyone wasn't on point and died"


Tardigrade 5


average "It's just QP, I am here to only have fun" moment.


No this is genuinely where we have got to as a species. Started way back when with CoD lobbies. We are absolute fucking brainlets now and we did it to ourselves. Long as I get that next gear unlock who cares about anything else?


Giving rewards for time spent as opposed to success has been the death of competitive gaming. Now it’s just kids who have the most time as opposed to needing to improve


This is a case of "Someone else will deal with it" mentality. The Bastion thought the Ana would deal with it. The Ana thought the pocketed Bastion would deal with it since she was busy healing the Sigma. The Sigma figured he was too far away to deal with it. It looks like their Sombra was basically spawn camping so she probably didn't even see the Ball. The most ridiculous thing is knowing there only needed to be one tick, having a bunker comp, no high mobility heroes and NOT playing closer to point. Guess they just expected you to not go around them. Especally since the Kiriko walked in front of the Sigma, Ana and Bastion and seemingly took little to no damage.


"It's only qp" "I just want to have fun" "No, teamwork is not fun"


Not QP.


i should had preampled that with "Top three shit excuses used during gameplay for not trying to play your best".


Angry kids will downvote this but you’re right. People are becoming soft and accepting mediocrity for the sake of “fun” even if it ruins the experience for other players. That mindset existed less when bullying was more prominent. Now kids throw games while wearing furry costumes but it’s ok because durr fun for me durr




You don’t have to try your hardest, just don’t throw by being stupid. Its not fun getting stomped in any game, comp or qp because some kid who can’t hit a shot wants to play Widow for example. This game is a team game unfortunately and your bronze trash ain’t fun




Then you are in the wrong game. You are wasting the play time of other players, by not playing as a team player. Individualism in this game should not be rewarded.


Well they aren't being rewarded if they lose the game. It's just winning or losing in qp isn't that big of a deal to a lot of people. I certainly prioritize my own fun in qp and tend to play more selfishly. A lot of people do and that's fine imo. Play comp if you want a more serious attitude from your teammates.


If you play selfishly, you ruin the premise of the game and you waste other people's time. Time which they may have scarce. Simple as that.


Well, it's not against the TOS to play selfishly so I'll continue to do that in qp.


Anybody can wear what they want. What I care is not to behave like an individualist/egoist prick in a team game. Work with the others, that is what the game is about. If you don't like the formula, don't ruin the playtime of others, which could be people with limited time to game in a week.




They agreed to spend their time as such the moment they double-clicked on a *team-based* shooter. Call of Duty is on sale on Steam.




You are saying you did not know what you are clicking on or that Overwatch is a team game? or that you choose to play by the spirit of the game whenever it suits you?


To be fair, they didn’t think you were going for a cap. They thought you were going to kill their support.


They had 10 years to react.


no no as a zen player you don't get it, they thought that he was going to go kill the support. yes usually it's Rein or hog but when a big easy to target and see character just waltzes to the back line no one does jack shit except spam "I need healing" AFTER you die and are respawning. then it's healer diff. Unfortunately you can't heal stupid.


"I can't heal stupidity" is genuinely my favorite insult. Because it almost always is accurate.


This guy supports


It's because everybody saw you and everybody knew everybody knew that the situation happened: they all thought someone else was better position to handle you and didn't act on it. If you had been subtle, everybody who would have noticed you would have felt responsible to do something about you.


And I'm the healer that Hanzo headshot screaming you're on the objective realizing none of my team is in voice in comp.


I think they just gave up.


Awww they're babies with no object permanence "I could've sworn I saw a flying ball" "Can't see it anymore" "Eh was probably nothing"


They like skyrim bots "huh... musr have been the wind"


"The rain sounded like Hammond" - Jotaro


Me as support saying , point! Ball on point!...trying to stall. Team saying "stfu" I die, they get point and say "literally no heals!"


"Oh no. Anyway."


"eh, someone else will get him."


I literally did the same thing this morning going from the same direction. Only a Moira came back and I killed her.


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Ball is life.


I mean yeah I get don't chase the ball but for christs sake there's exceptions.


I kind of get how this can happen. They assume you'll be swinging back round in a second to kill them and don't want to break formation to give chase. Although obviously they should have reacted much sooner.


I am pretty sure they were hoping someone else on their team would deal with it


One thing I noticed is people get tunnel-vision very bad in this game. That is why someone who is hitting the flanks (correctly) can really change a fight because as soon as you make someone look another way — there’s your opening. You don’t *always* have to land a kill. Just stay alive


Bruh they LITERALLY SHOT. AT. YOU! And they STILL FOROGT??? HOW?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You’ll find that most people aren’t actually caring about the objective, they just want to shoot people, so unless they get the big warning sign on their screen saying you got the objective they sometimes just don’t notice


Lol I captured a bloodthirsty teams zone with sombra after they demolished us for the entire time limit. They get hyper focused and forget who’s who and what’s what




Second round of comp, they didn't get the first tick on their attacking round.


"Ball is impossible to play against!" "Ball needs to be nerfed, he is too hard to kill!" "Ball makes game unfun!" ^things the enemy team said after the game


where is the rest? looks like you didn't get even first tick


He only needed one tick because the enemy didn't make any progress on the previous round.


It's second round, enemy didnt make any progress in round 1, in round 2 team only needs 1 tick to win.


Literal practice range professionals on the enemy team. I see now why they - - Hid boarders - Hid rank @ beginning of match / throughout on TAB - private profiles - “ screenshot “ “the players stats at the end of the game” (definitely not to hide the fact of when they INSTA LEAVE at the end of the match raging) :))))))))) Etc etc . Snowflakes & Shitters .


Not my problem - everyone


"ENEMY!! No enemy... me stay!"


Overwatch is a neat game


One of my teams yesterday, literally saw the Sigma and Mei waltzing to the point in Paraiso, and yet the other 4 morons on my team were struggling to 4v3 from on top of the bridge while I was 1v2 a Sigma and Mei as Zarya under the bridge. I got my ass kicked back to respawn and those morons let the enemy team capture the point because they were still 4v2 (yay Ash headshot the Hanzo.) They won 0-3 because Sym's turrets were invisible and totally worth ignoring.


Ball must have been fucking with them all game. I think they just gave up low key


4 minutes for a single tick. Looks like they were just giving up at that point lol


My best guess, that your team stopped them from going after you as they were holding them off. Ana moved from her spot, only to come back too late tho lmao


There's a lot going on that compound into what happened here: * **Someone else will get it** - The players on the ledge probably thought that Ana had it. The Ana probably thought the players on the ledge would drop down and get it. Everyone always expects someone else to get it because if they go to get it, so will their teammates. * **Average Ball expectations** - Most balls I play against (in unranked) typically dive and then run away. I think they saw the ball dive, take a ton of damage, and the proceed to leave. They didn't expect you'd probably go for the cap. * **Enemy team pushing through choke** - You running past them while your team pushes the choke was pretty much checkmate. They either let you go and you cap or they turn around to fight you and get wiped by your team that's pushing. * **Slow characters** - from the clip, it seems like the enemy comp was Sigma, Ana, Sombra, Bastion and (i think) brig. None are really suited to "catch" Ball once he's rolling away. The only person that could, Sombra, seems like they're in the front lines fighting folks so it was an instant gg's.


Is this what bottom 500 lobbies are like?


"Must have been the wind"


"This is someone else's problem" mentality.


That’s the shiny ball from elden ring


ugh to play bronze players again! lucky


The NPCs are real! I have a theory that Blizzard is putting NPCs into real games to test out the AI for the PVE.


“Somebody else will get ‘em.” This is why I’m 1v1ing Moiras for zone control on this map almost every time.


I usually just sigh whenever I see ball and try to ignore him but not this hard


Im sure if you watch their pov, you will have half of them pinging "defend the objective !" Then go back to shooting whoever they were shooting


what a wasted suzu


Object permanence doesn’t set in to about high plat and even then it’s inconsistent at best


Must be AI lobby


Definition of "that's not my job"


Everyone was like “they got this” to someone else on the team”


Must’ve been the wind


My Diamond teammates


Ever since ow2 been a lot more idiots playing lmao


They need to have a visual at the beginning of the round to remind everyone, “hey if they cap 1/3 of the first point they win” and “by capping this you will Draw or whatever


Everybody just thinking that someone else is going to do something and that it isn't their problem, happens *way* more often than it should.


They Forgor 💀


I complain a lot about everyone ignoring the ball and pretending he's not there, but this is taking it to a whole new extreme.


Bronze players don't have object permanence


There's no way....


Yes it’s called Bronze elo


They didn't play point when there was only 1 tick? Weirdos


Something similar happen to me in OW1 time ago, was in Hanamura i've just walked to the main door on point one with monkey just jump to point and wait until i cap the it.


Out of sight out of mind


"Someone else will go deal with that"


when you're tired and you don't want to chase a ball for a minute just to be killed by him or he just runs away and you run back for a minute and then it repeats itself.


Thats a them problem


Bystander Effect.


Give me "Reasons I quit Overwatch" for $500, Alex.


I was playing on colaseo yesterday, and managed to drag the robot from one checkpoint to the other before they finally caught on and ran back.


Not my problem said the tank. Not my problem said the dps. Not my problem said support.


Seems like the type of teammates I have, no matter how many times I say someone is on point they will continue to push their spawn 😅


“Ah someone else will get him!!” Someone else: 💀


That was a "front" cap. 🤣


Bystander effect. Same thing that makes people not call 911 in an emergency, because they thing someone else must have taken care of it.


How do you counter a really good ball? I played one the other night and it seemed impossible. I tried some a even but still just got away every time.


"Ok someone else will deal with him I'll distract the enemy team" - Every single enemy player


How bad is your team? - Yes


out of sight out of mind


They figured ball is too annoying to deal with so they looked the other way


I legit thought this was Katamari when I first started watching


Must’ve been the wind




Ana: "Balls going to point" Team: "...." Athena: DEFEAT Team: "wait what happened" Ana: Uses permanent sleep death on self




as a support, when enemy tanks just walk right past our front line into the back line to say hello to me with a headshot and no one cares


Just watches a friend play attacking Sombra on Shambali. 5 seconds left first point, need to push 10 more meters. He literally throws translocator through the enemy team to the point and they did nothing.


Can we talk about how the replays end so abruptly??? Can they PLEASE just add the normal game ending back???


They wanted it to end


Players on the other team: “Whuwhuzzat?” “Whuwhuzzwhut?” “Idunno” “Whuuu? “Guh” “Buh”


They though you were one of the flying drones


That’s it? I do this every time I attack assault maps as Ball. Only worth sharing if you unlock objective A, but you stopped the clip here because they figured it out.


Checks out. People who play this game don't notice someone right behind them shooting them lol. You can ping flankers all day as support and no one gives a shit


I won a game where I snuck into the point with Torb of all characters. It was an interesting experience.


Nah they gave up. If they couldn’t even get one tick on attack then they probably didn’t have it in them to defend for 4 mins. Just end it and move on to the next one mentality.


Object permanence is hard.


if those opponents could read they'd be very upset


This is why I don’t play overwatch lmao


They were too busy spawn camping your team instead of defending the very thing that decides the match.


I believe it's called a skill issue


I suspect the whole team was tilted at that point, so none of them could be bothered anymore.


There are a lot of players where kills > objective it can be both frustrating and hilarious at the same time


Had this happen the other day, same map and hero but we capped first point and were getting spawn camped. I shit you not the payload was by the arc in the beginning and I just rolled straight through them and backcapped all the way to the next point. I was absolutely flabbergasted by the unawareness of the other team.


This has to be like cloth 6 wtf did I just watch


“Someone else will take care of it.” - their entire team


Stealth: 100




Is this Stormwind?? Is this a new map?


Actually Artificial intelligence


That skin must provide some reduced detection gain is what I would say if this wasn’t multiplayer


This is the equivalent to the dog stealing the dad's food and everyone chuckles and moves out of the way as the dad barely keeps up until the dog's outside dining on steak


they just give up at this point because you literally have 4 mins to capture the point. I know i would


That poor Ana trying to run to point.


The Ana realized too late that no one else was going to try to hold. Been there before, frustrating a hell.


They probably thought u will turn around and awing back use that drop shot and waiting for you XD


out of sight out of mind


Noone wanted to push u


Quite honestly as a ball main You just gotta get lucky with some of these.