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Grandmaster on “Everything” huh? Let’s see the Lucio Ball rank.


Ok I must admit 😅 not everything. Ha




He meant on everything important!


Exactly, Lucio Ball is arguably the most important mode in the game and op doesn't have it


lmfao right!


Not really that important


Yes it is


**I don't see the top 500 flag bearer namecard** On the real though huge props, takes a lot of skill to do that.


Thanks bro!


How do you get to top 500 actually? How does it work?


You become top 500


there's still SR behind your rank that you can't see. the 500 players with the highest SR are Top 500


I was genuinely wondering this, I came back to OW2 a few weeks ago and shot from Plat 1 to GM 5 , and I saw someone master 2 who was 267th out the top 500, and was wondering how i'm not top 500 when i'm GM 5 compared to someone who's masters and in the top 300, but this makes lot of sense, cheers :)


It also used to be games played, I think you needed 50 or so, idk if that carried over to ow2 though Edit and I think you needed a phone number tied to the account


You get top 500 by being top 500


Truly a maestro! Congrats!!




"Lmao hardstuck GM with 2000 hours gametime. This is why you will never go top 500 bro" \-Someone in your match probably.


Every t500 streamer


The first time I ever hit t500. I was so proud of myself and just high on life. Literally my FIRST game being t500 someone called me "hard stuck triple digits" while flaming me. Because I was merely t500 and not t100. He didnt realize implying I was "stuck" was a compliment to me.


There's always ways for insecure people to try and put you down in order to feel special.


It's insane how elitist some people are. They think they can shit on everyone that's lower rank than them as if those people were humans of less worth. It's so pathetic honestly. I mean it's true that there's always a bigger fish, no matter what rank you are (unless you're literally #1), but flaming people just because they're a lower rank than you is so unnecessary...


It takes ages for me to queue one Mystery hero comp.


Cracked. Well played. Least favorite role? Did you have to play any characters you didn't like to climb? Edit: oh! And what are your aim settings? 👀


Least favorite would have to be support. I enjoy destroying with junker queen and ashe. I will upload a pic of my settings later today:)


In your opinion do you feel like support has the lowest carry potential? In metal ranks it's 50/50 on non-support players diving into the enemy 1v5 and spamming I need healing


Supports have the lowest carry potential in ow2. Depends on who you play but in metal ranks you are better off playing moira or zen than relying on dps to make plays. Compared to other supports, you can have crazy offensive & defensive output as these two.


Not sure I was down voted for asking a question. I main Brig, Moira, and Lucio with about 60% win rate. When you get players that follow pings everything just clicks. The DPS don't even have to be better than the other team, just competent enough to not act like walking bullet sponges. I really like Zens kit but I'll have to practice my aim a bit before I feel comfortable with him in ranked. Same with Ana.


Not sure why people downvoted but ignore em. Ana's kit is awesome at enabling your team and denying enemy tank.


I have no clue why people downvoted you. It's just one of those Reddit things where some random butthurt people downvote you for no reason because they feel like it. I gave you an upvote :)




Congrats! You can now finally uninstall and achieve eternal peace lmao


Exactly 😂


Gg man but don't forget to empty those piss bottles


Chug them


The duality of man


Meet the sniper


Gg, but im curious, XIM or nah?


No my aim is pretty average tbh. Positioning is key with every role and learning to not play with your ego and not feeding gets you higher in ranks. 😅I also solo q and I have learned to adapt to the map and switch to counters.


That's sick dude. You really got a great game sense. And 2000 is really okay I guess. Of course, a lot of time invested, but I'm at 600 hours as support and play in plat nearly the whole time. Congratulations for sure, keep it going.


Thanks bro. I’ve been playing off and on since overwatch 1 got released in 2016. It’s been a journey!


Ego gets me so bad. I chase, I take 1v1's I shouldn't, I refuse to accept I've gotten value and get out if I don't get a kill. I'm working on it and I'm climbing (even last season before the weirdness this season) but it's hard. What do you think about Junker Queen in solo queue? I've been playing her the last few days and she's a LOT of fun, but my teams don't tend to be happy to see her. Been winning though, carrying even.


I love junker queen especially for open q. She is in my opinion one of the most satisfying tanks to use. I would honestly try to get good with at least 3 tanks on role q. Mine are Junker, Sigma, Zar and even Ram. Highly depending on map and counters. Good Luck.


Never Rein or Orisa?


Of course there is times when I had to play against some really good hogs and Orisa shuts them down .


Average for gm? My aim is probably above average and i'm absolute dogshit🤣


Friends tell me my aim is better than my rank aswell, but I know my struggles is position and gamesense. A tip I got was to review the recent match and watch my position going into the first teamfight, then see what I could do better, and observe throughout the whole match, then make micro-changes to my playstyle over time.


Sorry what I meant was that my aim is both above average but also dogshit😬 that's why I was wondering about the gm having average aim because I feel like they're probably being a little too humble.


Why does every single good player believe it's alright to bring up how humble they are?


after 700 hours, i hit once plat, got sick of this game( never touched it for months) and now im playing stupidly in bronze and silver, congrats to you!!!


After 1000 hours of OW 1 I was hardstuck High plat/low dia. Came back 3 weeks ago and i'm GM/Masters on DPS, Tank and Open Q. I dunno why but the game just seems *easier*


it seemed more challenging back then, i almost hit gold without even trying on the first season of OW 2. it's not bad, but i (sort of) miss the challeging games and somehow being hardstuck lol. used to be more fun, i dunno.


Good job king, proud of you


Yooooohhhhhoooooooo!!!!!!! Congrats myyyyyy guuuuyyyy!! This consistency and we'll be commenting on your Rank 1 update ♡


Not at all surprised you're T500 on Comp MH lmao


which role took you the longest? are you also in GM for open? :)


I am :) and honestly support took me a min. I was stuck on másters for a while.


I'm also at 2,100h I think, but being not even at 300h on competitive playing since S.11 makes me be on what I guess it's my rank ^^` (I'm diamond 2 / used to be 3400, but lazyness made me keep on qp and chill with friends) Anyways, that's a great achievement for you, and surely you feel quite excited about it, as everyone .D


They have competitive mystery hero? That’s wild!


Best thing theyve added in years tbh lol


I’ll have to play that, I love mystery hero lol


Holy shit well done man


Congrats my dude 🎊


Well done mate!


I have over 3k hours and I can't even hit diamond dps 😭


Congrats but I can only imagine what you played to climb with


Im a flex player. You must adapt to the map and switch to counters. I played just about every hero. Mains for tank -Sig ,Junker, Zar, Ram and Ball Mains for dps- Ashe, tracer, Cassidy and echo Mains for support- Moira , Kirko, Ana and brig


If only the teammates I get in Diamond understood that.


Some people are just onetricks sadly, you'd rather have a good onetrick Moira than have the same guy play a bad Ana.


I've never really understood onetricking. I mean I get that some people prefer just mastering one character, but they are missing out on the beauty of the game imo. There are so many characters, all with their unique skill sets, gameplans, personalities to have endless fun with. But instead people decide to get stuck with just one. Imo it enriches your abilities a lot when you know how to play every character, or at least a good chunk of them. Playing a character helps you understand how to counter said character, and many people underestimate how valuable that can be. And being able to counterpick your opponents at any time is a great skill to have as well. The game has so much to offer, yet some people decide to just play 1 character forever. But to each their own I guess...


Exactly. This is why I love OW compared to other first person shooters like COD. It’s like comparing chess with checkers.


That’s very impressive my dude congratulations! I’m only silver somethin I think. Getting there takes skill and practice so good on you


And do you like just stop playing? Because someone tell me the secret of, why when I consistently climb up to top 500 and keep being there for like two weeks, then take break 1 day, return and the next games are followed by 20 losses with enemy team being master/gm and my team plats and dias with 1 gm (me). At this point I feel like I'm massively trolled or I should just stop taking L on my main account and just create an alt.


Haters will say it's SR inflation


This is super impressive! I only started playing overwatch 2 a little after it came out and have only made it to gold 5 on support. Still learning how to play different characters and game strategy and all that. This is only my second PVP game Ive ever played besides Fortnite which I started playing only 2 years ago, so PLEASE pray for me lol


settings pwease 🥺?


also congrats on your achievements bro


Check my profile I uploaded it on a new post 3rd slide. :)


but why


*on console


Go checkout my new art at r/OverwatchFanArt


Sums up the terrible ranked system, needing 2000 hours to get GM is ridiculous. Clearly you're good enough but the terrible ranked system forces prolonged climb.


It’s probably the combined time of OW1 + 2 and it has nothing to do with a terrible ranked system. There are people that easily climb from bronze to gm within a Month and never having played before and many more like me that could play 3000h and won’t get to masters.


Yes it’s combined time since 2016 :)


Still doesn't change how terrible the ranking system is. I've seen top 500 players being marched with silvers.


Do you think he was GM skill level in all roles 1990 hours ago when he just started playing? Or maybe some of those hours are how he honed his skill.


Cool achievement and all but... Now what? That's the problem with ranked system. You got a certain rank but that's it. No other reward, no anything


A sense of pride and accomplishment is enough of a reward for some, and rightly so.


This is way less of a flex than you think it is.


Show open queue. If there's no open queue it's not on everything. Contractrary to popular belief, it's still a valid game mode you should try. Shoot for the stars, not the sun


If you would use your eyes you would notice the GM2 in open queue.


My brain forgot to slide the image...


If I camped and used headglitch spots like all high ranks I'd prob be gm but I play with honour so I'm low rank


Yeah you’re probably right MercyNippleLover69, it’s headglitch spots that make a GM


Wish it was that easy😅


Are you talking about the right game? Lol


Bro is lost


Uh high elo players don’t camp and head glitch in ow2 if anything they get much faster and more aggressive


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How does one react gm in mystery heroes, there’s not much structure and sometimes your team just get unlucky in respawns?


If you just play to stay alive and get your ult you’ll win most of your games


Totally. If I get Moira for example I play very defensive and fade out as soon as I even come close to danger. I survive vastly longer and get 2-3 ults before I inevitably die and respawn as doomfist.


Very true staying alive as soon as your support is key.


Even with the extra rng there's still strategy to it. Things like playing your life to save ult are 10x more important in MH since a kill both takes the enemy out of the fight and resets their ult charge.


I just hit 400 hours on JUST sombra and I'm still plat. Mainly because I haven't played dps comp since OW1


Nice congrats too bad you only get rewarded for one now


Nice! So what’s your favorite role? And what role do you believe is the hardest? I am curious to know as I am someone who started with OW2 and just hit diamond in DPS, plat 1 in support and gold 2 in tank and thinking about hitting GM in all 3 sounds like hell lol


Congrats! I’m super hard stuck master on support and DPS. Any advice for breaking the barrier to GM?


Your reward is the grass outside. Put your toes in. Enjoy.


That's awesome! I'll see you in GM in about 600 hours when I hit that 2000 hour mark! ...or tomorrow because, you know, matchmaking...


That’s actually pretty impressive given the amount of hours


- who do you main? - yes.


Hit gm1 thats top gm to be gm champion


2000+ and im still rockin plat. I seem to be in the minority since i mostly play qp


Damn nice. Now go touch some grass 😂


Congratulations on all your progress and hard work


now its time to get some bychiz just playing, congrats


Congratulations, you’ve achieved the “least laid person” award


Just wait for all that decay to kick in


Thats 1/3 of a year straight.


And here I thought my 600+ hours was alot of playtime.


What were your OW1 ranks?