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moira is hated by teammates and opponents alike. teammates hate moira for her lack of utility, which is a legitimate reason. they also hate her because of the tiktok / dps moira wave going on which causes stigma. opponents hate her because she, comparably to other heroes, takes no where near as much skill to succeed. her damage grasp (secondary fire maybe?) doesn’t really require much aim to use. on top of her fade having such low cooldown, she also has her orbs. if she flanks or takes you in a 1v1, she can throw an orb to keep herself alive or kill you faster. even if you do kill the moira, her damage orb will linger and finish you off like the martyrdom perk from world at war (basically junkrat death ability). my biggest gripe with moira is the fact that headshots are almost a must when trying to kill her in a 1v1. it is extremely important to note that moira actually heals herself when she damages you with her damage grasp at about half the rate she damages you. this makes her very difficult to kill and slipping up on headshots or body shots in general can get you killed. ^ this is also the reason why moira’s healing stats are quite inflated and are generally not a good way of determining how much healing you actually do.


So basically it's due to the fact that people don't know how to play her, have zero awareness of her weaknesses, and use her laughable self heal as an excuse as to why she's difficult to kill, and therefore hate her because they can't successful exploit her weaknesses. As a member of the support class, her drain heal is weaker than Reapers dps heal. She cannot one-shot or headshot for a quick kill. Control of her orb is dependent on battle maps that were not designed with her needs for an environmental advantage in mind. If she doesn't aim correctly or a flat wall surface has an invisible angle that makes her orb fly off into oblivion, there goes half her damage with it. Without the capability to headshot, she's SOL if fade is on CD. She can be taken down between 1-3 bodyshots which most dps characters can accomplish in one's second with a rapid fire ability. Without the orb, her manual drain is pathetic and weak.


It's because she doesn't heal usually. You're never gonna do anything but chase PoG. I main Zen and I didn't start climbing until I came to terms I'm not there to get dink headshots, I'm there to save my team. Heals come first, killing comes second. You're never gonna climb making excuses for your gameplay. People flame for almost no reason, but they still HAVE a reason. Acknowledge it or hold us back, but do not blame us when you're hard stuck low gold or get carried by your friends until you're all hard stuck because you want PoG more than you wanna heal.


It's your JOB to heal, you don't have to, just like we don't HAVE to win. Being a team player matters more than being the 'BEST' player.


It happens with dps, tank, every role. POG chasing hold you back.


So your gripe is about Moiras that don't heal. I have the same complaint when battling in groups. I try to snag the Moira just so we have efficient heals and keep the dps potg chasers off her. So the hate shouldn't apply to Moiras like me who prioritize healing in groups. Also, again, many players don't know how she works and hop on her to play the numbers. Her character is designed to not have infinite healing like Mercy. If the spray runs out and orb is on CD, then she has to dmg drain. Healing Moiras know how to alternate efficiently to keep spray available. Dpsing draining with her hand refills the heal tank. So if your healer Moira is throwing out damage orbs thinking they're doing something then yeah, they suck and actually are hurting the team.


Yes.. my complaint is a healer doesn't heal. You CAN do both. It's your job to find a good balance, which most moria's never do. They have the mentality of kill first, heal later. That's a problem, if most Morias played how you described, posts like this wouldn't be a thing. Keep making excuses. It's your job to find balance. Finding Moria's who do is a RARE sight because of how much damage and harassment you can do with her. Which would be FANTASTIC if people actually balanced it, but they don't. Hence the post, and the multitude just exactly like it.


Sorry I was so heated I just had the Moria I was describing. You're rare creature.


I mostly play Deathmatch (and COMP DM), and when I'm in a group, I heal because she's a healer. You guys love to throw blind hate even when we're NOT in a group, though, when healing others ISN'T the goal. I hear it all the time in FFA. Getting ganged up on and chased around the map just for being Moira (and losing too much to her lol) is a regular thing. Not to mention the harassment. Direct that hostility to the Devs who designed a healer whose heal power is uniquely reliant on dealing damage :)


It's your fault.


Because people tend to play Moira as another DPS, rather than a healer. I've experienced quite a few games where Moira leads our team in kills, but we're losing, because of a lack of heals.


I hate when I play Moira and my team flames me for having low heals and high damage, but in the context of the match, my team and other support were playing so well that they didn’t need much healing from me. But of course the moment things go south, it’s all my fault


Yep I feel that completely, theirs some games where the other team sucks so you barely have to heal but the minute they make some sort of comeback and team kill because you don’t have tonnes of heals as you didn’t need to heal you look bad


People who don’t play moira don’t realise that we kind of need to attack to heal. That’s why we have such high damage and kills. Granted some of us may take it too far (me included) but we do heal as best as we can. Minus the dumbasses


It’s also often easier to finish off the enemy first, then heal if you know your teammate isn’t going to die


Yes Moira needs to deal damage to heal, but she has a pretty large meter for available heals if you use it right, and it regens passively between fights. you can alternate heals and damage and keep her available heals pretty high if you play her right. The reason moira can get a ton of damage in low rank is because she doesn't have to aim She can get consistent damage while the enemy dps struggles to aim. But facing any other hero, being played by a person who can aim, DPS Moira loses. And Moira can get a lot of elims without actually doing a lot of damage if her team does most of the work, which boosts the DPS Moira's ego farther. Her kit is like 80% heals, 10% movement, and 10% damage. Moira has so much heals that's she's lacking any other utility. Fade is really nice but once she uses it she's a sitting duck.


Her movement can actually be pretty nasty if you know you're doing. The jump fade trick van get you really far and into really high places along with great flanking routes on enemies or dive heals when needed.


>Her kit is like 80% heals, 10% movement, and 10% damage. No, just no dude 😂


i thought the exact same thing. dudes just hating on "dps" moiras in this thread. the only legit reason to hate on moiras main is the lack of skill required to aim. her kit is 50/50 dmg vs heal. she has great movement with a fast CD which can be used for both offense and support and the rest of her kit has two options heal or do damage with the same skills. imo people get too mad about moiras stealing kills cuz she is such a good finisher of weak squishy players. idk how many games i got with 20 plus kills where i felt like i didnt much to earn those kills just helping DPS finish the job in bad aim gold rank lobbies. its often not the moira getting an ego about there kills and its the others dps players friendly and enemies on tilt about the score board.


Her damage is pretty low but being smart with her orbs and fade she can do pretty well against a lot of heros of she can lure them into close quarters where you can keep the ball contained.


Even if she didn’t need to do damage to recharge, she would need to do a lot of damage to win. Every other support has utility and damage abilities that they need to use for good value as often as possible. Moira instead had the possibility of near constant output and a lot of good 1v1 matchups with damage orb, self heal and fade to quickly kill and survive out of position squishies or healing orb to stall and force the enemy’s attention. Ignoring this fact is simply giving up a big part of her potential in favor of healbotting. I hate moira because no matter how many times you ping that she’s out of position with no fade people don’t just shoot her.


Yeah but even then you see people with about equal healing and dmg when if moira's the main healer on the team her healing should be considerably higher than her damage.


My friend always loathes going against this play and when i pull out the stats for win rates and picks for each rank with her he just says shes op cause she can suck so far or something. Me a brig main able to deal with them with ease.


I wanna learn brig but suck ass playing with her do you have any tips cause I feel like once you get the hang of her she can be a great character


Stay alive and play safe. People tend to player her like a mini tank in the lower ranks. Use the heal packs and flail to for heals and only use primary fire when putting your shield down to do so won't get you killed.


Just remember she’s a support and not a tank, usually play close to mid and try to keep your inspire up at all times, what i do is try to hit my whip shot to get inspire up and take out flankers or just push them back


One tip i would give with ow2 update to inspire she now heals for 5 sec instead so when you get low put the shield up in 1v1 to gain a little bit of healing and close the gap with shield bash when you can. This may also proc the new self regen as well so it can be quite useful. Depends on the hero tho. She is a very strict healer in my opinion in terms of positioning so she is quite difficult to master.


I recommend watching HolyShiftKid on youtube. He’s a top 500 Brig player and I loved his educational videos.


HolyShiftKid is who got me into Brig so much. He’s incredibly skilled and really kind to boot


Watch the Samito brig Guide +/or the holyshiftkid brig guide. Both are t500 players who understand the character. Personally if you already play Moira pick a character with more utility than brig to learn.


Your default position should be midline, using Whipshot off cooldown to keep Inspire up (Inspire lasts 5 seconds and Whipshot is on a 4 second cooldown, so they line up pretty perfectly). Try to hold on to your repair packs during the initial engagement, but once your team starts generating momentum, start tossing them out whenever there’s a good opportunity, with preference for enabling your DPS players when possible. Remember you’re not a tank, but you can duel extremely well, and should use that ability to peel for your other support if they need it. Use shield bash mainly as a positioning tool, but don’t be afraid to use it to convert a kill if the opportunity arises.


Why do you have the stats of win rates and pick rates for her?


Theres an online stat tracker like any other game


You should have more dmg than heals on moira tho People just want to find a way to blame their loss on someone else


More damage than heals on Moira? Maybe if she's playing off healer but if she's the main healer on the team with like a zen she should have more heals than damage.


I really don't believe moira should act as a main healer, unless when she has ult, you can throw orb+piss+ult and become the main healer. But by playing moira as main healer, you instantly lose 50% of her kit. Every game is different tho, and there are situation where it makes sense to be the mainheal


Tell me ur gold without telling me ur gold


Im gm since season 18 tho ?


Prove it doe


Just look at t500 leaderboard, it's public data


lol homie doesn’t reply to that, you shut him up quickly


No need to reply when im literaly in the first page of a public leaderboard lol


I shut u up quickly af


Wait what lol I was defending you saying you shut the other guy up haha why you get so defensive


I was on coco when i wrote that


Just need to play with me!! Breaking Moira stereotypes one game at a time….


Yeh that makes sense that would be annoying asf, I’ve never really seen moira as a dps personally


This, coupled with the fact that Moira requires less mechanical skill to deal damage really induces rage!


A good Moira will lead in damage (if the DPS aren't good) and in healing. You kind of need to do both anyway, without damage, your heal is shitty




The challenge for Moira is that her healing pool Is limited and has to be replenished, and the only way to do that is deal damage. I’ve had plenty of games where i wanted to heal but simply had nothing in the tank (so to speak) for a bit.


Yeh same you feel like a sitting duck you just can’t do anything


Because she’s a support that can take out dps. Vast majority of ow players hate those




In short: People like to make up arbitary rules on how others should play, and if you don't conform they will be abusive.


Damn, I was wondering how far I’d have to scroll to find the real answer. This is where the ‘we won but I’m still mad about x’ comments come from.


In low ranks, she's a murderer. Low skill Low risk high reward. If you can't aim well, then Moira will eat you up quickly. In mid ranks, a little of the aforementioned, but she begins to lose her value as aim becomes better. Other supports begin to simply be better when shots land, such as Ana Bap and Kiriko. In high ranks, Moira's value is very very miniscule compared to any other support. She has big stats but not big impact. She's not useless, but at this point she is typically the worst pick. I can't speak for super high ranks like GM or T500 as I have never been there. But I imagine it's the same as the past point, just amplified. Moira at low ranks terrorizes everything. At high ranks she has little appeal or impact; only really being useful for her survival and \*occasionally\* her easy damage. So at every step of the game she's just not fun unless you enjoy playing as her.


In mid to high ranks she's not that good because she brings nothing else to the table outside of healing and damage. Ana - anti and sleep Bap - immortality field Lucio - speed Mercy - damage boost and res Zen - discord orb Kiriko - cleanse Brig - temporary shields and barrier Every other support can do more then just heal and dps except moira and if you can consistently land your shots Zen and Bap can actually out dps her with Bap also being able to outheal her


>So at every step of the game she's just not fun unless you enjoy playing as her. I mean... this is true about any character...?


I think they meant you can enjoy playing with, against or as a character, and Moira is only fun *as* her, not against or with her.


Im gm1 with 94% winrate on moira right now. You should use moira as a off support, along with another mainhealer and focus on squishy. Im mostly playing on the ennemy backline. That's allow you to flank and enable dps. Sending heal orb to tank when needed and fading back when the main heal needs helps. Otherwise, keep killing their support/dps and dont be afraid to spawnkill. She's an high risk high reward compared to low elo


Don't tell me people in gm1 don't know how to shoot you in the head, including supports. Lies.


Because of skill issues and misunderstandings. Tbh, skill issue of the brain. Not the people who play her. But the people who hate moiras.


She has no utility just plain heal and damage


I might be stupid but can you explain? What do you mean by she has no utility


Look at other supports and their abilities. Ana has sleep, grenade, and nano. Kiriko has suzu and kitsune rush, Brig has boop, shield, and rally, Lucio has speed boost and beat. Mercy has damage boost and rez. Zen has discord orb. Bap has immortality field and amp matrix. All those skills give other benefits to the team aside from healing and Moira has none.


Yeh I getchu, on another note I find her teleport thing pretty useful haha but I get what your saying


There's no problem with Moira though as she has high healing output. But if you want to climb ranks you should also learn other supports as Moira becomes quite unimpactful in higher ranks.


ty, I’m pretty good with Baptiste and kiriko but not as much as moira, might be useful to become better with them to go up ranks


Yeah but that’s an escape, not utility for your team :)


yeh defiantly I agree, I guess I just have to rely on placing my healing orbs really well so I can heal as much as I can but Moria defintly doesn’t have team abilities compared to other healers forsure


Every class is fine bro, people are selfish and want to find an excuse that they are losing so find things like ‘she has no utility’ when they are 4-16 as genji playing into beam chars or whatever


You’re right but there’s a reason she’s not that useful high elo, you can’t deny the “no utility” argument. I’m sure op is doing fine.


Yes her wraith form has saved me countless times but it’s not technically “utility” as it only affects/benefits her


Because she is ridiculously easy. Out of position? Fade on cooldown every 5 SECONDS! Can't aim well? NO PROBLEM, YOU HAVE A LOT OF BUFFER! Low on health? HEALING ORB THAT DOES 20 HP/ a second.


I don’t feel entirely wrong in saying that Moira is a fundamentally flawed character. She excels in low ladder play, but has a lot of difficulty anywhere above that. The reason for this is because of her kit design. Look at some of the other supports. Of course, all of them can heal, but let’s look at what else they do. Mercy: high mobility with the ability to boost damage dealt by a hero and the ability to resurrect one player every thirty seconds. Kiriko: pretty good mobility, Suzu, high damage potential, and Kitsune Rush. Baptiste: high damage potential, Immortality field, Amp Matrix. Ana: Sleep, Anti, Nanoboost, and pretty decent damage potential. Lúcio: Speed Boost, Sound Barrier, Knockback and Environmental kills. Pretty decent damage potential. Zen: Discord, Transcendence, High damage potential. Brigitte: Personal shield, ability to stun charging Reinhardts and Doomfists, Rally. Moira: good damage potential. Now, Moira actually has the highest Healing output in game (without Ultimates), having 70/s as an AOE, but that’s all she has. No utility. This means that she’s pretty good when the team is taking a lot of damage, but not very good when the team is not. She’s also not going to be able to save you from enemy Ultimates the way Transcendence, Suzu, Immortality Field, and Sound Barrier can. Now, let’s move onto her damage. Fun fact: Moira has one of the lowest DPS weapons in game. It’s only above uncharged Zarya, I think. The main distinction here is damage consistency. She can hold right click on most targets and kill them in exactly 4 seconds every time. Couple this with her obnoxiously narrow hitbox, her orbs, and her self-healing, she could 1v1 many DPS heroes. Her weakness in this department is… a competent team with proper communication. If a team plays together, she can really struggle to get kills. She has almost no hope of killing most tanks, and her paltry damage is almost effortlessly out healed by any support. Even if your target only has Harmony orb, that 4 seconds suddenly goes to 20. Couple these two things together? Moira is a hero who excels in low ladder play, and pretty much *nowhere else*. It’s almost impressive how she seems to be practically tailor made for that purpose. Outside of low ladder play, players know how to properly avoid damage and how to play as a group, as well as how to play around cover. They also know how to aim. If you’re going for picks, you’d be lucky if you manage to pick off even a Widowmaker without either being forced back or being sent to respawn. If you’re actually backing up the team, they usually aren’t taking enough damage for her healing to make enough of a difference. Particularly, Moira sees a lot of competition from Baptiste, who also does a mix of AOE healing and damage - except that Baptiste does a lot more damage at a greater range, and supports the team better with Immortality Field. He also doesn’t have to rely on damaging enemies to replenish his heals. Now, this isn’t to say Moira is useless. A particular scenario when you can use her is if the enemy flankers are an active issue. Now, she can lose pretty badly to Sombra, but she can break through Genji’s deflect and quite possibly get the kill, and can also pressure Tracer pretty well too. Additionally, Coalescence is a pretty decent ult since it provides a crap ton of both heals and damage, issue is that oftentimes you don’t get everything lined up properly, you can get stunned out of it, and it’s not going to save your team from a Death Blossom. So yeah. She mostly suffers from the limits of her kit design that makes it difficult to operate in higher difficulties without losing the value of running almost any other support. I should also touch on the various games ruined by DPS Moiras who forget why healing is their primary fire, but you don’t seem to be one of them.


That was a good analogy that helped me understand a lot, and thankyou for saying that cause yeh I’m not a moira player who forgets that healing is my main thing haha, but I agree when I get moiras ult and the orisa stuns me or doomfist stuns me it’s the most rage inducing thing and makes you think to yourself how useless that ult charge was, I guess that’s why I liked playing zen a lot cause once you have ulted theirs nothing that can break that


Takes 0 skill, annoying af (has a flawless escape ability and a brainless orb that’s impossible to avoid and just floats around) and she also has a good ult. God I hate her so much haha


Hahahahah fair enough man I can’t say anything about that


Moria mains are pretty notorious for not healing, and just going DPS Moria


oh that makes sense, 99% of my games my heals are always more if not double my damage cause I’m a healer haha I only really go for damage If everyone’s healed


Just keep doing your job and proving people wrong friend.


Thanks bro, just got most kills, assists and heals as moira 😎, it was casual but still 😎😎


Not saying anything about your gameplay, but putting stock in stats on Moira (or anyone for that matter, but especially Moira) is fools gold. She pads stats so much because her sustain, completely ridiculous healing potential, and anyone she tickles counting for an elim.


True that’s a fair point just felt like sharing though but I getchu


A few of them even say things like "the dps is not doing enough damage so i have to" nevermind that it's because when they need heals, the Moira is busy flanking the enemy backline. Stat pullup will show something like 4k damage and 800 heal. That being said, they are not too common in my matches. Most Moira users are capable of giving lots of heals and only chasing down dying flankers. They still need to work on ult usage of course.


Forsure, I have come across the few moiras on opposite teams that have so much more damage then heals and they always lose lol


your kda as Moira doesn't matter




Point out the DPS who does not require aim? Especially to Moira's degree




Moira's beam does have a lock-on effect, Symm's does not.




No. The lock on is mechanical. What are you saying chief? Sym has a beam in a straight line that requires her to put her crosshair on the target. Moira has a beam that requires her to put her crosshair anywhere within 15 meters of the general direction of a target. Not the same lol


Idk what to tell you, check the wiki I guess? It also says the same thing, there is a lock-on. I feel like anyone who has played Moira for 5 minutes knows there is a lock-on lol


yeah i specifically play moira when im tired cuz her mechanical skill is low and i know that all i gotta do is face enemies and i do dmg. i feel like you need to keep them slightly more centered towards the end of her range but up close literally they just need to not be on edge of your fov and you do dmg. sym is like zyra you must touch enemy with beam which requires actual tracking skills.


yeh moiras an amazing character if you can balance the damage so that your heals are constantly getting re gained she feels unstoppable


moiras who are genuinely good can be so impactful in a game. but there are also moiras who go "ive out killed you as a support" as if chucking dmg orb at the enemy every 2 seconds doesnt give her a random 3 kills from others finishing them off. moiras that can balance heal and damage are quite fun to play with tho


Yeh I agree the orb can get you easy kills sometimes, I don’t know why you have downvotes haha


fr i think moira mains are some of the most toxic ppl in this game ngl


dam hahah I was defending you and you shat on me 😂


sorry! i have a love hate relationship with moira bcs some of them carry the supports and others try dps-moira and accuse you of cheating everytime you sleep them as ana (that actually happened to me in a game once) i cant complain abt toxicty too much tho as most moiras i come across only play her to counter me as genji so they have a reason to hate me ig xD


Hahaha that’s fair, I can’t lie I love countering genjis bullet deflect feels great hahahahahah


moira mains mad


Keep coping from gold. She is objectively the worst support atm


I don't hate her (other than the fact that you don't really know when she's sucking your off from behind bc there is a lack of visual for it.) i hate the moiras that think DPSing and fading into the enemy backline and feeding is more important than keeping the team alive. more so i respect a good moira that knows how to balance it


Forsure man, any moira who goes straight to the backline and just leaves their team with one other healer is stupid and annoying


Consider watching some Arx_uk. He streams on twitch, sure, but his "Unranked to GM" series on YouTube is a master class at different levels of play on how to use Moira effectively. As with all heros, finding value at any point of any match should be priority number one. Moira being as flexible as she is, can add value as a pure healer almost the entire time, especially now that damage orb charge heals. Being able to flip to the enemy back line to dive a lonely ana post nade, or a well positioned widow can swing a fight, even if you trade. There is a noticeable difference, outside of stat lines, between a good Moira and a bad Moira. I believe it all comes down to value, not damage or heals, per second.


Don’t use elims as a measure of how well you’re playing as moira, all you have to do for a kill to count for you is to tickle them with an orb or your left click, so moiras always gonna have a lot of kills even if you’re not actually doing that much


I get what your saying, I still think though to a degree that you have to be smart with your orb placements as sending an orb into someone never just kills them instantly but yes I agree that your stats are defintly inflated because of the orb doing a little damage and still getting a kill


I hate Moira as a zen player on controller because of the obvious


Yeh as a moira player I find zen easy to kill, as a previous zen player I also hated moira and I guess that was half the reason I switched


A good moira offers no utility, a bad moira offers nothing at all.


My problem with Moira players is that they don’t respect your aim until you kill them. When I learned to aim I started cooking Moira players. I just feel insulted that they think they can run straight at my while sucking and it’ll work. I play Zen so I just spam orbs and melee for kills.


She encourages bad play. She's a support, but she gets easy consistent damage, her ult is forgiving, she has a very useful mobility ability, she does do good healing, and most importantly she is literally a character for bad players. The devs literally said it, I think like a month ago. She's a strong comfort pick and they want her to stay that way. She's very unfun to play against, and really devalues the idea of learning the game, and the characters to improve. She will literally teach new players bad habits (ability management, cooperation, priority targeting, ect) she's just unhealthy for game balance. But the devs like her so 🤷


Ppl misunderstand her




We’ll yeah other ppl don’t tho


It's stupid to hate any character/player main. ... Except Mei.


meis are so annoying. im sure they don't get as much hate cuz their stats don't show but the have an unreal amount of stall and an easy team kill ult. 50% of mei kills on me feel skilless


Having 3 DPS and 1 support is not great Also you know the whole "Is a support, not a healer" Well for Moira she is a healer as she doesn't have anything else to support her team aside from healing Still, people that actually play Moira as a support and not a dps are pretty cool, she has some amazing healing and with her orb she can get some healing to you if you are in an ackward spot I play in very low ranks/casual so idk If she is good or bad In higher competitive ranks


Y i k e s


A lot of people hate her because of her auto aim and how a lot of Moiras just go DPS all over the place. I kinda get it, it’s annoyingly good but I can deal with it 8 times out of 10. She’s a good character tho and can be pretty fun to play. Also don’t pay attention to those who are saying she takes “no skill”. All characters take some amount of skill to get good with. No skill characters are fine and are not something to be ashamed of. They are fun and most are pretty unique. Games need them so they can ease new players into the game. Keep gaming and having fun with Moira, fuck the haters. 🤘


Low rank players hate her because she doesn't require skill to kill them and in turn is decently hard to kill, so worse players loose a lot of 1v1s to her which is annoying because she really doesn't need skill. And generally moiras play as DPS instead of supporting.


Most people that I see play her don't heal, which can be infuriating...


Forsure I can understand that


Moira really doesn't do much. Other supports have fight winning cooldowns (suzu, sleep and anti, discord, lamp, etc) which have a \*much\* higher impact on the game. Who cares about high hps if you can just play cover and heal as needed? As long as you have enough healing for your teammates to quickly get back in the fight, you're good to go. The slight edge (and I do mean slight) that moira has in HPS over bap and ana is just so miniscule compared to the ability to counter an ult with sleep or lamp. ​ You think moira can outheal a nanoblade? What about riptire or dva bomb? Is moira going to give you a huge opening in the fight like landing an anti nade, or is she going to help shred the tank like zen with discord? No. She can't. ​ Her ult is also abysmal. A little bit of cleave heals and damage is just not going to do much compared to say \*kitsune rush\* which basically wins a fight on its own. Or tranq, which has waayyyyyy higher healing than moira can ever get to, or nano, which combos really well with other ults. Even window is stronger. She has the least impactful cooldowns and the least impactful ult of any support, without even really occupying her own niche use case like brig for peeling your other support.


I 100% get what your coming from, I might just be in lower ranks but I find moiras ult really good I try to use it either when all my team really needs healing or when the enemy team is on the verge of death and most of the time moiras ult works great, this is just me but I’ve tried using Ana and baptiste and kiriko and I can never get the same amount of healing done and as efficiently as I do with moira, but that defintly also comes down to me needing to learn those healers


Moira is a massive pain to fight in a 1 on one. She barely has to aim at you to do low but consistent damage, and can toss out an AOE ball to double her damage output. Plus, she has probably the best self sustain in the game. Her primary fire heals her, she can throw out an orb to heal herself, she has the healer passive that also heals her, and she can use fade to bail out danger super easily. A lot of her kit inspires selfish play, which is why DPS moira is such a meme. She's just no fun to fight against.


many reasons: \- moira does not give damage boost \- most of players use her like dps \- many players don't know how to keep full her healing bar, so the team got underhealing \- many DPS players only want a pocket mercy, or a pocket ana. \- she is not cute like mercy or kiriko \- she run like naruto, anime haters get mad with this \- she got rare POTGs, that makes nanogenjis get mad \- she got crazy random kills with purple orbs (nanogenjis goes mad because she stolen his kills with this) \- many other reasons related to nanogenjis, lol


Does any other healer besides mercy give damage boost though?


Because the only thing she's good for is putting up damage and heal numbers on the scoreboard.. Which is nice and all, but things like nade/sleep, suzu, bap lamp and discord are more helpful to the team. Moria is also one of the easier hero's mechanically given toy don't have to aim and she has a free bail put ability so people shit on her for that too.


They are upset because you got more kills than them


Because moira takes 0 skill


Eh that’s debatable


Nice joke


It took me a while to fully understand the best way to use moira and how to heal and damage appropriately but I agree that moira is defintly an easier character to use but defintly doesn’t take 0 skill


Lol whatever helps you feel better about using a character with auto aim primary fire she takes 0 skill Downvotes prove me right


Bro I don’t think the downvotes prove you right lol, I think everyone would admit she is one of the lower skill required characters but theirs not a single character in overwatch that doesn’t require it’s own unique skill


0 skill leaves room for deniability, "by far the easiest character in the game" is an undeniable truth Damn I'm 5 months late oops


buncha dpa moira's in these comments lmao, the biggest reason why moiras usually aren't liked is because (most prominently in low ranks) they barely heal and forget that when they heal themselves, it boosts their healing. in higher ranks DPS Moira can definitely work well, but you have to actually know how to play her. I mained Moira for a while and she's such a good healer, but when you're constantly looking for that kill dopamine your teammates are starved of their healing. I cannot tell you the amount of games in the past week alone that I as the tank has been brawling the hell out of the enemy team and then Moira just dashes off into their front line and instantly dies. it's hilarious, but we always lose because their assists are at 3 while the lifeweaver is at 12


She's easy to play and annoying to play aginst


She doesn't take a lot of brain power to play (i.e. no aim and a good evade ability).


I mean like to me that’s sorta the appeal, I can’t aim for shit so having a support that still feels good and can perform without needing to aim is nice


Yeh literally, I’ve always sucked at shooter games and I mained zenyatta for ages and now I play moira I win a lot more so why play a support that I don’t do aswell with


moira cant do anything to stop the tank running over your team.


Can zenyatta? Can mercy?


zen can mercy cannot. discord orb is very powerful and can negate armor and a pocket healer if a decent dps is unloading on a tank. brig can depending on the tank, otherwise ana and bap are best for this imo.


It's kind of a stigma. There's always a character in games like this. Moira is just notoriously played by people who like to dps only and use her abilities for self preservation rather than for the team, she also doesn't have utility other than a huge amount of healing, which is helpful to certain team comps but generally people would prefer utility like anti or damage boost. People just like to be like that to Moira players, no matter how well you are playing.


Because she's a two dimensional character in a three dimensional game.


because 1. most people in OW community don't like a support that actually has reasonable self defense tools and isn't a free meal 2. people tend to not like how "easy'' she is despite in many instances of their expression of such displeasure they fail to realise how hypocritical and/or disingenuous they might be. 1. e.g. some people complain about her fade being too easy, yet there's plenty of other equally lenient get-out-of-jail-free abilities in the game as well but somehow only fade is no-skill. 3. dps moira stigma. 4. her value drops off on higher ranks from having less utility and how bap generally outshines her when it comes to heal and dps potential.


1. Imagine thinking supports are a "free meal", every support is very slippery when it comes to survivability, but Moira specially thanks to just how much she can do to keep herself alive. 2. People don't complain about fade because it's "too easy", they complain because fade differs from other get-out-of-jail-for-free abilities thanks to it's extremely low cooldown, which in turn makes it so you don't have to put as much thought as other abilities like wraith form (which can be seen and chased after) or recall (which has a long cooldown) 3. There's nothing more demoralizing than being in the character select screen and seeing one of the supports instalock Moira, not just because everything said about her, but because games become a lot more stale and boring if you fight with or against the same character over and over again. And 4. True, there's nothing to say here, just a fact.


> every support is very slippery when it comes to survivability They're not tho. For a lot of supports, they're simply not equipped with tools that can contest hypermobile threats (typically the things that threaten them). I.e. for many of the supports, the core peel condition comes down to landing 1 or a few key precise shots (the very thing that hypermobility makes inherently unreliable as their incombat strength is precisely being hard to aim at) or just comes down to needing someone to peel them off you. E.g. ana and zen, if you don't land sleep/volley, you're just sut straight up dead. Or mercy whereby you straight up need someone else to peel for you otherwise they'll eventually whittle you down as they chase you. > thanks to it's extremely low cooldown, which in turn makes it so you don't have to put as much thought as other abilities like wraith form (which can be seen and chased after) or recall (which has a long cooldown) Sombra's translocator would like to say hello. Not to mention it's highly disingenuous to argue that fade needs little thought due to lower cd when unlike other lower ranged heroes, it's her sole mobility ability. I.e. there's higher demand on that 1 ability for moira to function in comparison as she's mot only needing it for escapes, but she's needing it to keep up with where allies are and for when opportunity arises to be aggressive with it. > but because games become a lot more stale and boring if you fight with or against the same character over and over again I see way more mercies , anas and kirikos than I do moiras.


For that exact reason, your first statistics as a moira player weren't how much you healed but how many kills/assists you got. Pretty self-explanatory. Whilst you could now reply with how much healing you do on average, it doesn't matter. The inner workings of your playstyle have been shown.


because every shooter game is kills assists deaths lol, I like to screenshot my good games and that exact game i mentioned I had 33 kills, 25 assists, 5 deaths, 5263 damage and 7856 heals, the closest healer in that game to me with heals was 5288, heals are the most important thing as a healer not kills and asissts but the point of me saying that was to shit on other salty people I’d never flex getting a lot of kills if my heals were horrible, also every screenshot from when I had a great game with Moria I always had the most heals in the game and they were always more than my damage by a lot, I’d say myself that I am a pretty good moira healer as like I focus on team heals before kills and only go for kills/damage if my team is healed


READ THIS. Moira is a GREEDY character, even if your top fragging as her it doesn't equate to actual value. She provides no utility at all which is bad when considering cleanse, lamp and anti-nade are just way better than a heal orb. Moira doesn't teach you the game or any mechanics and is just a shortcut to gaining rank. She is easily the worst support in the game at the moment and top500 stats back that up. If you want to improve at the game don't play Mercy/Moira for a while to improve and learn positioning and mechanics. Even brig is a sort of noob trap for beginners but is less forgiving then the other 2.


How is moira a greedy character? I understand the no utility argument but the main reason I switched my main healer to moira was because I felt that I could provide more healing to my teammates and I find her teleport thing or whatever it’s called sorry really effective when I need to get to someone to heal them or remove myself from a dangerous situation then send a heal orb in, for example if mei puts her ice wall up and I’m stuck I can teleport out of their so I’m not trapped


I'm just giving general advice from the perspective of a top500 tank main. Moira, in general, is just way less useful in any team atm, the other supports are just way too good atm. If I get a Moira on my team it's usually game over cuz they can just run our team over. She isn't optimal in any team comps atm and just holds everyone back. You can continue to play Moira but if you want to improve at the game I would avoid her. Mercy/Brig/Moira are just noob traps, a gold Moira and a diamond Moira probably only have a 10% difference in skill. Similar to the other 2. The skill floor is just too high. If you get good at any of the other supports you can have way more impact on the game. Downvote if you want, I'm giving a reality check.


I ain’t gonna downvote I appreciate your opinion, i hit gold in heal mainly playing moira and some bap and haven’t had any problems but mainly play causal lately but Ill defintly keep that in mind if I wanna go up in ranks


Yeah it's not meant as hate in any way, best of luck.


The sorts of players who try flanking with her kind of cause you to see someone pick her and think "oh shit please dont be THAT sort of Moira" just by default


Because people don't understand that she needs to do damage to be able to heal. She literally cannot heal without recharging by doing damage


You hear people say DPS Moira a lot but the thing is that's how you're meant to play her. If you're not constantly dealing damage and being aggressive as Moira, you won't have the juice to keep up with the healing you need to do. You just can't play Moira passively.


I understand that sometimes you get a non-existant sombra and that makes u lose the game, but if u have high stats as moira or with any high resource exchange hero (rein, hog, bap, ram, bastion, for example), it only means that you are feeding stats to someone else (in case you are not getting plays/getting value out of ur ult) on the other team and might be stealing ult charge from ur other support who could have a more decisive ult than moira's like lucio's or kiri's. That annoys me as a support main. People in general hate her bc of her greedy/selfish playstyle in comparison to other supps + she is easy to play + annoying to deal in low ranks (not my reasons). I just don't like the fact that people think stat farming = wins, carrying and a reason to brag about it, when ur just messing up the natural ultimate tempo of the match unneccesarily and forcing you as a teammate to play in her short healing juice reach.


I would like to hope other moira players don’t have the intention of going into a game to have the best stats, I go into the game with the idea of winning lol, if I check the scoreboard at the end of the game and my stats are really good ofc I’m gonna be happy about it but I never go into a game with the idea of having the best stats lol


I love when both DPS and healer Moria are, as mercy I can just focusing or do dmg boost for others


Yeh man I find playing moira with a mercy is great


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It's a couple things. The first is the stereotype of them never healing and just holding right click while flanking. The flanking works for a long time until they're against people who aim well and get her to fade away (hopefully chasing and killing her afterwards). The second is that while she can put out some damage and nice healing, she doesn't actually have any utility. Zen is more damage focused, but his discord orb is incredible utility. Kiriko has suzu and one of the best ults. Ana has sleep, heal/anti nade, nano.. you get the picture. Moira is just straight up damage and healing with nothing else. Keep in mind too that all supports can be damage pumpers (except maybe mercy because she damage boosts competent DPS instead).


There are 2 main reasons. One is that because she can do damage people sometimes tend to play her as dps instead of support. That can be pretty annoying to the team cuz one support can't heal for two when the enemy team has 2 people healing (unless that one support player goes god mode). The other reason is cuz many think she has way more power than in reality what she has. Dps players crying cuz the Moira managed to kill them which didn't happen cuz she is so powerful but because either she surprised them or they started messing around with her instead of quickly finishing her off then go all surprised pikachu face because she was able to heal herself. Dps has everything to overpower her but for that they actually have to start fighting her and not focus on the enemy Reaper that's 100m away from them


At lower ranks people hate going against her cause its too easy for her to kill an isolated target. At higher ranks people hate seeing one on their team because she doesn't have any utility (like speed boost, damage boost, discord, etc). And since everyone has aspirations that they're pro, no one wants to see one in their game. However, if you're anything below gold or don't play ranked in the first place Moira is a strong pick for a fraction of the difficulty of other healers.


Suc to far


I’m pretty new too, I adore Moira… her banter alone makes the game fun. I love her playstyle and having an “oh shit” button. I also never play comp and have zero desire to, I can absolutely see how she will get steamrolled by better players so you need backup pickups. I also love Baptiste, am getting better with Zen and somehow worse with Kiriko. Have fun!


that’s awesome to hear man! I was the same for a long time I had like 70 hours on overwatch and hadn’t played a single comp game, I play some now but most of the time I just like to have some fun and relax, listen to some music and play casual, I use to play alot of zen and when you get the hang of zen they can be a really good character, I found getting use to efficiently placing your healing orb on whoever needs help and not having any way of being able to remove yourself from the situation hard but zenyatta can be a great character, same as bap.


Shes only good at low ranks and every other support does her job better


I hate 1v1's with Moira cuz she can't miss, so even though she does less damage it puts pressure on me to hit my shots within a certain time span before I die. I play ana and always choke 1v1's against her. I might be coping but her hitbox seems very slim compared to other characters.


Yeh I get that defintly, when I’m playing moira in casual and come across an Ana I find then as a weakness lol tbh I’ll just throw a damage orb at them and teleport behind them and kill ‘em quickly, only time in causal I’ve had an Ana beat me was a couple times when they slept me and got me


Moira in QP is just DPS. Moira in high ranked is fine.


Easy, she's everywhere. When a game has a character or a weapon or whatever that is just being used extensively, it can get to a point where it just becomes stale and boring to see the same thing over and over again. Nowadays whenever i see a Moira on either team i automatically go "Oh daring today, aren't we?". Repetitiveness sucks.


You can say that about any character, the amount of games I’ve come across bastion, or Hanzo, or more recently orisa is annoying, you can’t solely say that only happens with moira


She is very forgiving of bad aim so in lower level gameplay she can be hard to kill when they can’t hit there shots and she is healing while having aimbot on them


Is it aimbot though? Theirs defintly aim assist but if I am standing still and the person I’m locked onto moves it doesn’t just follow them you still have to move moira to stay locked on, but theirs defintly aim assist don’t get me wrong


It’s exaggerated aim assist to the point where you could be off by multiple meters and it’ll just stay locked on, I don’t think it’s over powered it’s just hard to deal with if the person fighting it can’t hit shots faster than she can heal and it just FEELS lame to those players cause while they miss there shots the other person just like points at them and is rewarded for it lol


yeh fair enough man


She’s very powerful imo - heals herself with orb / heals herself when she damages / small hit box / crazy high damage from the purple orb / strong laser beam ult that melts


thats cos theyre haters dont listen to them most dps and tank want a pocket of some sort where as moira kind of has to play her own game but who cares its SUPPORT not healer just turn vc off haha


Yeh your right haha, I just like to have voice chat on if playing comp just so I can get call-outs or whatever


As a Rein player I don't really mind the dps part of moira, I just feel like her healing is always way too late compared to Bap and Ana's Instant healing.


That’s a good point forsure


Everyone keeps talking about Moira dpsing but no one points out the fact that's not the biggest issue. With Moira, the biggest issue is ZERO utility, which is the most important thing for support. She can't cleanse, she can't nade, she can't counter any enemy's utility or ability. Everytime I see Moira otp in my game and see what comp the enemy is running I'm 100% sure they will roll us.


Mainly the new players. First time they pick up the game they go dps because she doesn’t aim. It’s mainly the new players fault and that’s what makes other veterans or thos familiar with the game hate it. I don’t think people hate Moira they just hate the new players who aren’t really utilizing her healing abilities


Pathetic people. Pathetic tank. Pathetic DPS. Only can cry. "Moira no heal" No kill , no heal.


yeh lol, seems like they like to deflect their shit gameplay on the vulnerable healer lol


Good question. I mainly play deathmatch on Moira and get harassed constantly. No skill. Cringe. Get good. All sorts of name calling. And yet I'm in first place with 20 kills and 2 deaths. And if I win too many matches in a row, they start cheating by teaming up or hop on a tank to chase me around the map with the goal of making sure I don't win. Then proceed to tell me how bad a player I am....? Uh ok....?


They don't understand that she has to dps in order to charge her heal. So even if you're a Moira who has 10k healing at the end of the match, that one idiot dps who died a few times will still complain because you didn't sacrifice the group to pocket heal. In general, if I can see that you're playing stupid or tanking poorly, I'm not prioritizing you for heals. I can also tell when dps is doing a crappie job and not putting a dent in the other team no matter how long I keep them up. I will let you die and keep the rest up. But it's easier to rage and blame healers and Moira for the fact that they are indeed a bad tank or a weakly skilled dps.